Archive, Spring 2012
New Video Posted
MHFM: This is a new video.
is not the Co-Redeemer [video]
Necessity of Baptism
Subject: Interesting Infant Baptism
Thank you for defending the true
Catholic faith. I have been reading a book about Jeanne D'Arc's trial, called Jeanne D'Arc Maid of Orleans Deliverer of France, edited T. Douglas
Murray. I thought you might find this interesting. Below is the excerpt from the
book where Jeanne was questioned about praying for an infant who returned to
life after three days, was immediately baptized and then buried.
From page 52:
"How old was the child you
visited at Lagny?"
"The child was three days old.
It was brought before the image of Our Lady. They told me that the young girls
of the village were before this image, and that I might wish to go also and
pray God and Our Lady to give life to this infant. I went and prayed with them.
At last, life returned to the child, who yawned three times, and was then
baptized; soon after, it died, and was buried in consecrated ground. It was
three days, they said, since life had departed from the child; it was as black
as my coat; when it yawned, the colour began to return to it. I was with the other young girls,
praying and kneeling before our Lady."
"Did they not say in the
village that it was done through you, and at your prayer?"
"I did not inquire about
Amy Heppner
MHFM: We thought this was a very interesting and short interview
(approximately five minutes) about the new Health Care law, and the impact it
will have if it is not struck down by the Supreme Court. The
most important part begins at the 2:52 mark. We realize that the person speaking is a
warmonger, but she makes some good points in this interview.
Perhaps the key point is 1) if essentially no one, including the
people who “passed” it, even read the new Health Care bill (a fact); and 2) the
bill is not only 2500 pages, but will require tens of thousands of more pages
of regulations to be implemented (pages
and regulations which no one, including those implementing the new rules, will
read). As a result, what will undoubtedly
happen is this: the people who are implementing the new rules will simply make up the rules as they go
along, since the bill and its accompanying regulations will not be read and
cannot be understood, let alone implemented precisely. Moreover, the citizens and businesses will
never know if they are in compliance with the new law and its regulations
(which bind under serious penalties), since
no one knows what the new law is, having not read it combined with the fact
that it’s written in incomprehensible gobbledygook. Thus, the end result will undoubtedly be that
the person in authority will arbitrarily decide who is in violation of the
gargantuan law and who is not.
More Confirmation
MHFM: This is a quote from an
article about testimony from the Jerry Sandusky trial. One of the victims of the sicko Sandusky
testified that, “he [the victim] never told Sandusky to stop.” He also said that he “never told his
grandmother.” The victim also could have
alerted others about Sandusky and extricated himself from the situation.
This provides more confirmation of
what we pointed out in the video below; namely, that in almost every case the victims of sexual abuse are also guilty of
mortal sin, even if the possessed monsters instigating the abuse are more
Concerning victims of Sexual Abuse [video]
Dear MHFM,
Thank you for making the video that charitably corrects that unfortunate
heretic, for misappropriating a title to Mother Mary…
Our Lady is the greatest creature every created by God
{Immaculate}, yet just a created being, where God is UnCreated, he is the
Creator and Redeemer… As the other emailers have stated, the greatest title
that Our Lady was given is, "The Mother of God" all Her glory and
privileges, given by God, emanates from that title. Add up all the glory and
privileges given to everyone in Heaven and it would not even compare to Our
Lady's privileges!
There are many members of the One Body of Christ, but only One Body,
One Redeemer, the many members have their office in life, so to speak, they
have their role in life to fulfill. Our Lady was created to be the Vessel of
Salvation, the Vessel of Grace, the Mother of Mercy. {our life, our sweetest,
our hope}
Romans 12:4 For as in one body we have many members, but all
the members have not the same office:
It’s to bad that people can't see the specious demonic
presentation of Our Lady as co-redeemer, the devil wraps this heresy in a
seemingly attractive title. Yes, Our Lady's cooperation was incredibly
painful, as the Mother of God, to see Her Son die on the Holy Cross, but she is
not co-redeemer. As steve pointed it out, to say co- is to say equal.
Isaias 54:5 For he that made thee shall rule over thee,
the Lord of hosts is his name: and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel,
shall be called the God of all the earth.
Email from foul-mouthed heretic
Dear Brothers:
Sounds like this guy is definitely a member of the Vatican II Counterfeit
Church. Notice his position which is the keynote of their false religion: "Don't
judge". What these liars really mean is: Don't judge evil to
be evil; judge evil to be good. That way the devil would get a twofer:
Joseph and you! Truth to every proud heretic -- especially when it comes
in the form of a rebuke or a correction -- is always looked upon as an insult,
rather than a lifesaver. It's astounding how people will essentially sell their
souls for a few earthly moments of false harmony and fellowship with one
another. This false Masonic "peace" was what Our Lord spoke of when
He said: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as
the world giveth, do I give unto you." (John 14:27) Joseph
and his supporter apparently prefer the peace which the world giveth.
Lee Ann
Dear Brothers,
The swine not worthy of the pearls of truth displays the Antichrist respect for
man that is characteristic of our day. They manifest the heresy of antipope
John Paul II, that any offense against man is an offense against God. Yet they
fail to see that God is insulted by their lies and unfaithfulness - their
infidelity and disloyalty to the Truth…
God Bless,
Chris White
Subject: Co-Redeemer
Hi Brothers,
The issue can be pinpointed by
focusing on the prefix. "Co-" means equal in all uses I've seen of
it. Co-captains, co-workers, etc. all have equal standing on the same level.
So, Co-Redeemer(or trix) means equal part share in the Redemption. So Our Lord
would also, by definition, be Co-Redeemer. When pressed, all Co-Redemptrix
adherents admit they don't believe this, so why bother with it? Our Lady has
plenty of honorary titles already; she doesn't need any more. And she probably
doesn't want any more, in her humility as well as her devotion to her Son. When explained to mean something other than
what the title logically implies, it turns out they mean more like
"Sub-Redeemer" which sounds like an insult anyway. But St. Joseph
would need a title, because of his cooperative involvement leading to the
Redemption. So would his parents, as well as Our Lady's parents . . . and King
David, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob . . . even Adam!
So to all of you Co-Redemptrix
adherents out there - drop the issue. You won't insult Our Lady. She gets
plenty of honor and titles she deserves. But leave the title of Redeemer to the
ONLY ONE Redeemer - Our Lord Jesus Christ. This kind of distraction is
Thank you,
MHFM: The notion of equality is the
final impression created by the false title.
However, many of those who promote the Co-Redemptrix title would say
“co” means “with,” as in Mary redeemed the world with Christ, but that her role
was not equal. But that doesn’t matter. Regardless of how they describe it, the title
is false and must be rejected, as it contradicts Catholic dogma.
Subject: Mary is not the Co-Redeemer
Thank you for this valuable insight
which is LONG overdue! Many Catholics believe this Heresy even though it stands
contrary to Church teaching and the Scriptures.
Thank you for a job well done!
I really enjoy listening to all your talks. Keep them coming!
GOD Bless you all.
Swine has oinked
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
What sacrilege?!!! A certain swine has oinked like I've never heard it before.
What an indecent mouth?!! But then again it is fitting that such words emanate
from swine, for after all, do they not eat and feast on the dirtiness of the
earth? These swine would do well to clean up their hearts by living the Faith -
and therefore, their mouths would in turn, be wholesome in speech.
V-2 Decline
Subject: The Sadness of Vatican II
Dear MHFM,
Hey… MHFM. I think you guys may already know
these facts, but I thought others may find these statistics shocking. You can see
the clear sadness after Vatican II...
Keep fighting the good fight MHFM! Love all your
new recent videos…
Jon Riordan
Subject: Mary Co-Redemptor
The one doing the interview and
calling the other a liar, and should go "to confession" and all the
other demeaning put downs and accusations, you need to get off your high horse,
you are a disgrace to the catholic church, to any church… no excuse for the
treatment of someone who is merely debating or discussing an issue. Calling
them a liar over and over, you arrogant son of a [word removed]. If I ever
spoke to you, whether on the phone or on the air I sure as Mary is the Mother
of Jesus, would tell you right where you need to stick that mouth of yours. You
are the one who is in need of rehabilitating, you need to learn how to
communicate without JUDGEMENT…
MHFM: People who lie should be called liars. You are saying that people should not be
admonished for sins, and that's sinful.
You also use crude language, while saying that it's inappropriate to
call liars what they are: liars. You are
amazingly hypocritical. You hate the
denunciation of heretics, and lash out in response, because you are of Satan
and under his control. If we ever spoke
to you, we’d definitely tell you what you are: a disgrace and a liar headed for
Hell. The pearls of truth are not for
swine like you.
what are we as true catholics to
think of the "rapture"? thanks
MHFM: It’s a false Protestant idea
and it’s not biblical.
Dear Brothers,
Re: Mary being a Co-Redeemer
Your video is excellent and so easy
to grasp the heresy of Mary being a Co-Redeemer. When I was still in the Novus Ordo church I
heard priests and laymen discussing this theme but for some reason I never paid
much attention to it and whenever that word “Co-Redeemer” came up the only
thing that crossed my mind was Our Lady being intercessor… in our salvation but
never ever being in any way a type of redeemer… Apart from the teachings of the
true Church the Holy Bible is very clear in revealing that the Redeemer to come
is Christ alone the begotten Son of God and would be born of a Virgin and Jesus
being God and man simultaneously our Lady is without doubt the Mother of God
whom we love and respect. I would even
ask these confused souls, when we pray the Rosary, to whom is Our Lady pointing
our attention to, her son, her son and God´s only begotten Son, yes when we
pray Our Lady´s beautiful Rosary all the mysteries are without doubt pointing
to Christ THE Redeemer, Lord of Lords Host of Hosts true God and true Man. It is not at all surprising to see the poor
souls embracing these man invented teachings bad fruits of this Apostate New
This week while waiting at the
dentist there was also a lady in her sixties and a Novus Ordo “nun”, we began
to comment some sad news which appeared on TV, the talk led us to the fact that
so much suffering was the result of lack of obedience to God’s Laws, and then
the Novus Ordo “nun” also in her sixties said very openly that in the “Catholic
Church” there was also much evil and unbelievers, well what about that, I
intended to make a few questions but she was called in for her
consultation. I and the other lady
continued discussing church matters such as Hell and do you know what she said that
her priest who was a very devoted “Catholic Priest” was often seen praying
before the Holy Sacrament explained one day to the parishioners that there was
no Heaven and no Hell, that is, no real heaven or real Hell with physical fire,
he teaches that what happens is that when we die we only suffer in our thoughts
for not having pleased God, something to that effect, I refuted this and then
she agreed and remembered that when she was young the Church did not teach
this. The Devil is truly succeeding in manipulating
lukewarm souls. Thank you for your hard
MHFM: That’s an interesting story
about the priest. We’re glad you
contradicted the lady. Perhaps you also
mentioned it, but one also needs to recommend the information to such a person
(e.g., the website) and tell her that she must not attend the New Mass.
Subject: Dishonest
What a simple thing to commit Heresy
over. Jesus Redeemed the world by himself. The worst part is he will eventually
be confronted with his lie. Either he will overcome it or it will drag him to
Mystery of Iniquity
It's not surprising that Joseph reverted to his heresy, since he showed so much
pride and obstinacy in the debate. It is another example of the mystery of
iniquity (bad will), how no matter what evidence or patience a person is shown,
they refuse to accept the truth. I think his voice sounded unnatural and
demonic, especially after Bro. Peter called him a heretic. His fiery rage, like
the gates of hell, flared up like Satan. Thank you for the posting it, as well
as the video on the SSPV. It shows that the Vatican II apostasy has a much
bigger negative influence than most people are willing to recognize.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 - "[The Antichrist] Whose coming is according to
the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all
seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of
the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the
operation of error, to believe lying: That all may be judged who have not
believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity."
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear MHFM,
The heretics of the 16 century
Revolt tradition and their offshoots enjoy making false allegations against
Christianity. The truth is simple. The Bible is a Catholic Book, and when
protestants put their own spin on what this is –chapter and verse – they are
distorting and doing violence to the word of God both the written word and the
Living Word as in the Blessed Lord Himself. Christianity must offset erroneous
protestant claims about scripture. The Bible is a Catholic work from first to
last. It was given to the Church, for the Church and only the Church is its
proper interpreter… The Church has the right to suppress… counterfeits of its
works. It also has the right to denounce such works, since the Bible is the
intellectual and spiritual property of the Church. Some heretics today complain
how Christianity denounced protestant “bibles” and protestant so called
“biblical” societies. They also decry how Christians were told not to seek
“truth” from protestant works under pain of mortal sin…
Subject: Mary is not the Co-Redeemer
Dear Brother Peter,
Mary is not the Co-Redeemer.
The mystery of iniquity is truly at work in that man. How sad to see someone so
willfully blinding himself and hardening his heart against God's truth.
Sincerely in Christ,
Heresy of co-redeemer
Dear Brothers:
I'm glad you posted this discussion with Joseph. It reminds us
that to the heretical mind, there is nothing actually true, and nothing
actually false. There is no "yes" or "no" -- just "sorta's".
Joseph seemed to be yearning for you to agree with him, because misery
loves company more than it realizes. This discussion illustrates the manner in
which people receive not the love of the truth: it just bounces off them.
But the discussion also reminded me of something else that I would like to
Many years ago, when I was still in the Vatican 2 sect, I had
purchased a Rosary tape recorded by a "priest" whose name I believe
was Perez. It was put out by an organization that claimed to be
"conservative", but I can't remember the name. Before each of the
decades, the "priest" would state a petition for that decade, but the
petitions he used were not those recommended by St. Louis de Montfort. One of
his petitions (which might have been for the 5th Sorrowful Mystery) was a
request to the effect that we might be able to participate in the
Redemption of men. This troubled me so much at the time, that I
began to feel uncomfortable using the tape and I think I did discontinue its use.
I could not understand how a supposed priest could make such a mistake.
Now that I think about it in the context of what I have learned
from MHFM, the whole false subject of co-Redeeming smacks of the
teaching of the Antichrist. If every man is Christ then I guess it makes sense
that every man is also the Redeemer. Little wonder the heretic Joseph attempts
to diminish Our Lady by claiming that if we do not call her the Co-Redemptrix, we
will be dishonoring her. According to Joseph, then, it is not a sufficient
honor for Our Lady to be the Mother of God. How Satanic can you get? Just like
the Antichrist, Joseph is attempting to put man in the place of God, and
even Our Lady cannot be put in the place of God. Thanks for helping us to
understand that, as the true popes have certainly always understood, there
is no such thing as a harmless heresy.
Lee Ann
MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.
Since numerous people over the years have mentioned it, we should probably
point out that we don’t think people should pray the Rosary while listening to
a recording of people praying the Rosary.
Rather, they should pray it themselves.
I found brother peter dimond’s debate with the man on mary as co-
redemptrix interesting. I thank you very much for your patience and charity in
dealing with people like this. Very bizarre man he is. There is some spiritual blockage there… thank
you and god bless your apostolate.
from mark v
By the way
MHFM: Those who see (or have seen)
the video above will notice that the man we spoke with about the “Co-Redeemer”
issue claimed, at the end of the conversation, to agree on the issue and to
reject his previous position. That was
after he contradicted himself and Catholic truth many times in the
conversation. As the video shows, when
he claimed to be convinced we told him that despite his assertion we were not
convinced that he was convinced. Well,
that turned out to be right; for just a few minutes before we posted the video
above, he wrote to us. He indicated that
he, once again, adheres to and promotes the false position he previously
held. So, he is still a dishonest
person, an obstinate rejecter of Catholic truth, and a person of bad will, as
the video shows.
Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hi, I am a teenager from Europe,
Romania, I know this is kinda strange but I really need to type this e-mail.
(Sorry for my english, not perfect). In
Romania the majority of people's confession is orthodox, and my friends too. My
family is greek-catholic, and my best friends are orthodox. For just a year,
one of them told me about the end of the world, that the catholicism is bad,
that only orthodoxy keeps the true teachings, I ignored them. But some day,
they invited me to view a video from your website, The Third Secret of Fatima,
False sister Lucia and the End of the World. I was really shocked about that.
JPII was which I admired him, but after this video my vision changed. One of my
friends, was keeping his idea that catholicism is wrong, I ignored him, and
started to study more and more.
When I came to a greek-catholic high
school, I found catholic latin mass not at school, ( I am from a small town and
the high school is in another town "Cluj") (novus ordo), for me It
was something new and very awesome. I was very atracted to latin catholic
church, I don't like byzantine tradion to much, I wanted to be more "
catholic ". After some time, I was interesed in the reform of the liturgy
by Paul VI, I saw an video from your website and I was really shocked…
I go often to mass 4-5 per week, and
one of time I did go to a roman-catholic church at a latin mass, Now I don't go
there anymore, but some weird things I saw there at the Holy Mass were shocking
me. One of them are: When the giving
Christ's body moment came, 2 lines appear. At the first line the priest is
giving the euharist and a deacon keeps in hand some salver, BUT at the second
line a WOMEN was giving the eucharist and the priest was keeping the salver. Is
SALVATION. Sorry if I this was weird,
but I kinda felt it to write this.
Glory be to the Father, to the Sun,
to the Holy Spirit Amen.
MHFM: It’s great to hear
that you found the information. The New Mass is invalid, and must not be
attended. That means that you must not
go to the “Mass” you are currently attending.
Also, there are problems with Latin Masses offered by “priests” ordained
in the New Rite of Ordination. That
information is covered on the website.
Also, please look at the information on our site which shows why
Benedict XVI is not the true pope and the section disproving Eastern
"Orthodoxy." The “Orthodox”
are unfortunately heretical and schismatic.
You should not commune with them in religious matters, and you need to
call for them to convert to the true Catholic faith.
New Video Posted
MHFM: This is a new video.
The SSPV and Fr. William Jenkins [video]
… I agree with Lee ann and the first sentence of her email hits
the nail on the head, "Heretical lies fill the void left in a man's
mind when he abandons the doctrines which were revealed by God and preserved
and taught by real popes."
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate
the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon.
Its automatic, leave God and the devil moves in immediately.
Exodus 15:26 Saying: If thou wilt hear the voice of the Lord thy
God, and do what is right before him, and obey his commandments, and keep
all his precepts, none of the evils that I laid upon Egypt, will I
bring upon thee: for I am the Lord thy healer.
Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896:“The practice
of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching
of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien
to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of
doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium.”
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
The world fails to appreciate the
inexhaustible perennial sacrifices made for it by the Church, innumerable have
given up their flesh and blood for The Lord Jesus Christ (in the 20th century
"the century of massacres") in what is called the ‘Conspiracy of
Silence.’ This is minimally acknowledged by secular history today. It is a term
used by the Catholic Church to describe the absolute silence and lack of
reaction from western democracies (the united states and Europe) and especially
their secular media, to the persecutions and slaughters of Catholics by the
National Socialists in Germany and by the ‘Terrible Triangle’ (the simultaneous
persecutions and bloody massacres of Catholics in these 3 particular countries
under Communism: the Soviet union, Mexico , and Spain). The 20th century (WWI
& II) was a Catholic affair, for it was the diabolical persecution and
attempted eradication of Catholics by the diabolically united enemies of God.
It brought out the regicide of the Catholic monarchs. The Mexican revolution
against Catholics was financed by Masons in the US government. They provided
light armoured cars, tractor-drawn artillery, combat aircraft and even assisted
by providing US soldiers to fly the crafts and fight etc; all this financed by
US tax dollars paid by Catholics, who never knew their money went to persecute
their fellow Catholics. Concerning these bloody massacres, John Lind, one of
Woodrow Wilson's advisors, rejoiced over the news: "Great news! The more
priests they kill in Mexico, the happier I shall be!" An American pastor,
indignant about the outraging of the nuns in Vera Cruz, received this reply
from Wilson's personal representative: "After prostitution, the worst
thing in Mexico is the Catholic Church. Both must disappear!"
President Woodrow Wilson, who
fathered the first international League of Nations, summed up its apostolate
thus: "America has a spiritual energy in her which no other nation can
contribute to [in] the liberation of mankind. Democracy is a religion.
Americans are now missionaries to the world, its President a priest!"…
Pro-"gay" champion boxer's loss
Dear MHFM,
I believe it was the reader 'Chris' who wrote in some time back, mentioning
that a certain boxer would lose since he came out as supporting the sodomites. I
agreed with him. Well, that same boxer, named Manny Pacquiao, went on CNN a few
hours before his boxing match, apologizing for his statements against the
sodomites (euphemistically called "gay" people). His interviewer on
CNN, who by the way is himself an open sodomite (Don Lemon), was smiling
throughout when Manny made his apologies. Manny Pacquiao, who was so confident,
lost his match against Timothy Bradley in a big upset. The man was undefeated
for 7 straight years and he was stunned by the loss when the decision went in
favor of his opponent. He lost his championship belt. The pro-sodomite
mainstream media were upset with the decision, and they were fully supporting
Manny Pacquiao. I knew he would lose because of his apologizing for statements
seemingly made against the sodomite collective. Of course, since boxing is an
evil "sport" I in no way support it or even watch it. But I still
wanted Pacquiao to lose, because of his lack of courage against the sodomites,
and he did. By the way, it is interesting to point out that boxing matches were
officially banned and illegal in many countries and in some parts of the united
states in the early 1800s to the 1900s; which, although unlawful, were still
sanctioned by regional boxing commissions; when police were bribed, they let
the boxing bouts go through. When the 20th century really rolled through,
boxing became legal in almost every part of the world.
Subject: Heretics and their
Dear Brothers:
Heretical lies fill the void left in a man's mind when he abandons
the doctrines which were revealed by God and preserved and taught by real
popes. And the rise of ersatz "churches" and other replacement
societies are Satan's way of preventing people from recognizing that they have
lost their God-ordained membership in the Body of Christ.
It seems that when Catholic men became lukewarm about their faith
(and had already desired to embrace birth control methods that the demon Paul 6
would later assure the sheep that they could take advantage of) men calling
themselves "Catholic" really began to believe the lie that
Protestantism was Bible-based. They came to believe that
Protestants, and not Catholics, were the ones who really knew the Bible. Added
to this was the assault on the Bible by the modernist traitors within the
Church (fought by St. Pius X) and, of course, the outright denial of Sacred
Scripture by the Anti-popes themselves. Net result in these last days: most
Novus Ordo Catholics have no real belief in the Bible and they remain unmoved
by its truths which should delight (and light up) their minds. In addition,
they have completely forgotten that the prophecies about the end-times are to
be found largely in Scripture, and like all prophecies, would not be not fully
comprehended until the time of their fulfillment.
And speaking of end-times, it seems that the end-time cults
like the Jehovah's Witness and the Adventists did much more than just deceive
their duped members into imagining there is no hell. Their bizarre end-time
scenarios (which is the real center or substance of these "religions"
and the cause of their blasphemous doctrines on God, Jesus Christ, etc.) are
absolutely revolting. So revolting, in fact, that they have had the effect of
making the very topic of the end-times something to be dismissed out of
hand. Little wonder Satan saved this next generation Protestantism for
the late 19th Century, when the Apostasy started moving into full swing. As a
result of these false sects, many Vatican II sect members (as well as
some other protestants) dismiss as fanaticism any mention of the
end times! They almost feel a revulsion for the subject. And why not? Didn't
their Anti-pope John 23rd specifically tell them to reject gloom and doom? Every
generation of Catholics knew about the end-times, including the first
generation which questioned St. Paul about it. Every generation, that is,
except the generation that would live through it, and this perhaps explains why
Jesus told us His coming would be like a thief in the night.
Thank you for exposing the power and workings of heresy both
individually and collectively, and the tremendous evil of groups like the SSPV,
the SSPX and others who pose as faithful Catholics when all the while they are
spokesmen for Satan.
Lee Ann
Dear Brothers
… Manny Pacquiao vs Timothy Bradley didn't go to well… I didn't
watch the fight, but looked at the result; didn't go well for Pacquiao. Bradley
won a contested split decision over Pacquiao, ending the Filipino fighter's
remarkable run and handing him his first defeat in seven years. It didn't come easy
and it wasn't without controversy, with the pro-Pacquiao crowd booing loudly
when the decision was announced. Atheism is flourishing in this godless world,
please pray for my family and I, we will in turn continue to pray for you…
God Bless
Dear MHFM,
The heretical groups of the so called SSPV and SSPX remind me of that heretic
Laisney individual, whom you decimated in the book called Outside the Catholic Church
There is Absolutely No Salvation. He made outrageous mortally sinful lies… This
actually startled me, that a man who claims to be a priest would lie abominably
like this. This makes sense because heretics are liars at heart and so they
will do what naturally comes to them. It is analogous to how the
self-proclaimed SSPX will distort and misrepresent Sedevacantism in their so
called seminaries. These people and many others, believe in a "natural
Church." Consequently, they and their adherents will only be satisfied
with the outside things and not the substance of the Faith. They will be
satisfied with the outward appearance of things because they are carnal people.
It is ridiculous how these heretics think they know it all, but know nothing….
I communicated with a Novus Ordo heretic who in the past had converted to the
Sedevacantist position because his fiance (now wife) was a Sedevacantist. They
then converted back into the Novus Ordo and received the "bishop's"
blessing. Anyhow… I argued with him. He is so clueless about Church teaching
that he believes a priest ceases to be a priest when they embrace heresy, and
would need re-ordination. His pathetic arguments were all about just piling up
(scholarly sounding) copy-and-pasted Novus Ordo gobbledygook publications, and
he wasn't interested at all in the truth, and would evade addressing my valid
points. Thank you for your new video, heretics are abominations and I can see
why nothing infuriates Lord God Jesus Christ more than heresy. Lying is usual
their language; and they blaspheme the inner Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
There shalt be weeping and gnashing of the teeth, in the not too distant future
- mark my words.
V-2 “Jesuits”
Subject: “Jesuit” pedophile
Dear Brothers,
The Vatican II "Jesuits" don't know what to do with the most
dangerous "priest" in America: "Defrocked Jesuit priest and
twice-convicted serial pedophile, Donald J. McGuire, was declared, “the Most
Dangerous Priest in America” by the Chicago Sun-Times on November 2, 2007.
McGuire was sent to the St. Luke’s Treatment Institute and evaluated by Stephen
J. Rossetti, who is currently a professor at Catholic University in Washington
D.C. Yet when the Dallas Blog emailed
Rossetti to ask him about his opinion of America’s most dangerous priest, he
responded, I “don’t know” McGuire, in an email dated, March 23."
It shows the incompetent disgrace
that the Vatican II sect is. They desecrate the name of Jesus Christ. What an outrage!
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear brethren,
I first want to let you know how deeply I have been moved and touched by all
the documents on your website (articles, videos and audio files as well): I must
thank Our Lord and His Blessed Mother for having guided me to that particular
source of information. I am French-Canadian…
Dear Brothers,
Thank you very much for your excellent new video on the heresy of "Baptism
of Desire".
It clearly shows the bad will of the SSPV and many others of their type. I have
had several discussions myself with so-called traditional priests and so-called
"Catholics" about BOD and it is astounding how bad-willed most of
them are. And many of them can indeed be classified "morons" also, as
you so fittingly explain. Bad-willed heretics are so blind, stupid and cannot
help contradicting themselves with their illogical garbage.
It is so important that you continue to expose those heretics and liars for
what they are.
Many thanks again,
Dear MHFM,
… after hearing the new video against SSPV. I especially liked the end part as it
covered the primary problem of these bad will heretics ; they are like Brother Peter
said : 'They are filled with PRIDE' . They don’t want to repent and just use
their tongues against God, speaking with fury and undiscipline.
That's what Saint Bernard of Clairvaux used to say :
- Saint Bernard "You do not convince them by reasoning (they do not
understand) or by the authorities (they do not receive them), or by persuasion
(as they are of bad faith [BAD WILL] )…”
…Sincerely in Christ
Subject: Day of Judaism, etc.
Dear Reverend Brothers,
You do a great service to Catholics by pointing out how the VatII
Church really works: greeting leaders of false religions on the approach of
their yearly diabolic festivals. It has been doing this for nigh 50 years now;
yet it never ceases to amaze or to scandalize! It shows how contrary to the
apostolic path the Newchurch steadfastly and brazenly adheres. As I read your
latest postings on this continuing scandal, I thought: there is no way the
Vatican can ever climb down from these expressions of solidarity and praise for
false religions. I have concluded that the Vatican is a lost cause, and
personally expect that magnificent edifice of Catholic patrimony, Saint Peter's
in Rome, will be destroyed before long, as the civilizational conflict worsens
and the apostasy deepens. The "reigning pope of the Antichurch" will
become the victim of his own folly in not only not converting the enemy (and to
what would he possibly convert him? Certainly not to authentic Catholicism!)
but also in not even seeing him approach, dagger/nuclear weapon in hand. It's
all over but the funeral and the fotos! But please don't slacken in your
Emperor worship
MHFM: This is a very interesting
quote because it shows how a non-Catholic biblical scholar (who would not share
our opinion on the fulfillment of the Apocalypse) acknowledges that the
language of Apocalypse 13 (and the worship of the beast described) alludes to
emperor worship – and the worship of the emperor’s image.
“The worship of the beast clearly seems to refer to the emperor cult, and
the crucial verse on this is Rev. 13:15, where those who refuse to worship the
image of the beast are to be killed.” (Ben Witherington, New
Testament History, p. 397)
This coincides with our opinion on
the fulfillment of Apocalypse 13: that it concerns a new version of the pagan
Roman Empire, and two Roman emperor figures.
One of those emperors figures (Antipope John Paul II) claimed to be “dominus et deus” (Lord and God) just
like the pagan Roman emperors (e.g., Domitian) did. The other emperor figure (Antipope Benedict
XVI), the second beast/false prophet, causes people to worship the image of the
previous emperor, just as the pagan Roman emperors caused people to worship
deceased Roman emperors. We covered this
in detail in our video on the Apocalypse, especially in parts 4-7. However, viewing the entire program is
necessary to understand the points and how we think they fit together.
Is the World about to End? [video]
B16 Heresies
Subject: B16 heresies
in books
Could you send me a
list of heretical quotes from B16's books so that I can give them to my
grandfather who is a devout novus ordo and reads his books. Thank you very much
for standing for the truth.
have a section on his heresies: Benedict XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section]. That section contains the following files:
the file on his heresies that’s featured in our book (The Heresies of Benedict XVI )[PDF file]; the file on his most
recent heresies (Some other recent
heresies from Benedict XVI); and
the file on his heresies arranged by book title (Benedict
XVI's heresies by book).
What are you doing?
Subject: What are you doing?
I've never heard someone claim to be
catholic that lambasts the church the way you do. If you don't follow the papal
authority you are not catholic. You my friend are a schismatic and have
excommunicated yourself. You have a very closed mind.
Anthony Abbate's iPad
MHFM: What are you doing?! We’re promoting the truth. You are just a clueless heretic. According to Catholic and papal teaching
(which you reject), Benedict XVI is a schismatic and an antipope. He teaches dozens of heresies. If you would wake up you might realize that
Benedict XVI teaches that schismatics don’t need to be converted. You have excommunicated yourself. You have no concept of fidelity to the
Papacy. Look at the facts. Here’s just one example of heresy from
Benedict XVI, out of a hundred that could be given: (The Heresies of Benedict XVI )
During his 2006 trip to Turkey,
Benedict XVI went into two schismatic cathedrals and met with three schismatic
patriarchs, including the leader of the world’s schismatics: Eastern Orthodox
Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I. Benedict XVI not only committed a
forbidden act of communication in sacred things with the schismatic, but he
committed one of his worst heresies in his joint declaration with him.
Benedict XVI, Joint Declaration with Schismatic Patriarch Bartholomew, Nov. 30,
2006: “This fraternal encounter which brings us together, Pope Benedict XVI of
Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, is God's work, and in a certain
sense his gift. We give thanks to the Author of all that is good, who allows us
once again, in prayer and in dialogue, to express the joy we feel as brothers
and to renew our commitment to move towards full communion. This commitment
comes from the Lord's will and from
our responsibility as Pastors in the Church of Christ… As far as
relations between the Church of Rome and the Church of Constantinople are
concerned, we cannot fail to recall the solemn ecclesial act effacing the
memory of the ancient anathemas which for centuries had a negative effect on
our Churches.”
Did you
get that? He says: “… our responsibility
as pastors IN THE CHURCH OF CHRIST”! What could be more heretical than: declaring in a joint declaration with the leader of
the world’s schismatics that the schismatic leader, who rejects the Papacy and
Papal Infallibility, is “in the Church of Christ”?
Benedict XVI made this formally
heretical declaration in a schismatic cathedral
as part of a joint declaration during
a divine liturgy with a notorious schismatic! Thus, it’s official: Benedict
XVI has declared in a public joint declaration that one can reject the Papacy,
Papal Infallibility, Vatican I, etc. and be in the Church of Christ. He is without any doubt a public heretic.
Anyone who denies this, in light of these facts, is also a heretic. Even the
most dishonest and hardened defender of Antipope Benedict XVI will find it
impossible to explain this one away.
Pope Leo
XIII, Satis Cognitum (#15), June 29,
1896 – Bishops Separated from Peter and
his Successors Lose All Jurisdiction: “From this it must be clearly
understood that Bishops are deprived of
the right and power of ruling, if they deliberately secede from Peter and his
successors; because, by this secession, they are separated from the
foundation on which the whole edifice must rest. They are therefore outside the edifice itself; and for this very reason they are separated
from the fold, whose leader is the Chief Pastor; they are exiled from that
Kingdom, the keys of which were given by Christ to Peter alone… No one, therefore, unless in communion with
Peter can share in his authority, since it is absurd to imagine that he who is
outside can command in the Church.”
All of
this heresy from Benedict XVI is also a total mockery of the saints and
martyrs who suffered because they refused to become Eastern “Orthodox,” as
covered in the section entitled: Catholics
who were tortured and martyred because they refused to become Eastern
Subject: Cristeros Movie
I saw this movie last night, and
while it is certainly a refreshingly "good" movie by today's
standards, I think it has a few problems.
The big doctrinal problem I think is that the movie's Cristeros say they
are fighting for their freedom and for religious liberty. In fact in one scene,
the leader of the the Cristeros, Andy Garcia's character, in negotiation with
the Mexican President, says that he is fighting for "absolute freedom".
No qualifier, just total freedom. While contextually, it is better to have
religious liberty, as the lesser evil against total Catholic suppression,
religious liberty is still on balance an evil, and not a good. And the movie
has the Cristeros essentially fighting for freedom, and not for God.
Historically I think the movie
creates the impression that the rebellion was an unqualified success in
restoring liberty to the Church. In reality, the truce agreed to was a far from
ideal compromise, and even then, the government reneged and murdered many
thousands of Cristero soldiers and sympathizers after the truce. In many
localities, severe persecution of the Church continued for decades in Mexico.
I think the movie soft-pedals the
role of the US a little too. It does show the US ambassador negotiating with
the Mexican President to provide machine guns and airplanes in return for oil
rights (Mexico had recently nationalized US run oil fields). It doesn't show
the audience how this negotiation wrapped up (the US did in fact provide not
only machine guns and planes, but American pilots to fly them) or the
devastating effect of these weapons in the field. I doubt that many US
Catholics at the time, and certainly fewer since, realized that their tax
dollars were being used to murder their fellow Catholics on their own border,
and this movie only gently tiptoes around this fact.
In going back and reading some of
the statements in Mexico's anti-clerical laws from the early 20th Century, I
find it interesting how much they sound like today's pop-culture Atheist like
Dawkins. Religion is derided as superstitious, ignorant, and anti-progress.
These men who fought to wipe out the Church saw it as their duty to the
advancement of humanity. These murderers would fit right in on any modern
college faculty.
All of that said, the movie does
paint Catholics in general and the warrior priests in particular in a very
favorable light. Neither does it shrink from portraying the violence the
government perpetrated against them. It conveys the brutality without any
gratuitous gore. I think people should see it, but then try to read more about
this whole history.
Bill Mulligan
Subject: Lutheran
Dear Brothers,
The Lutheran wedding affair is horrible. It shows how since Vatican II, in most
"Catholics" minds, there is no such thing as heresy or heretics… It
is more of the same Nestorian worship of man, and the confusion of creatures
with the Creator, like a Kabbalistic Eutyches.
God Bless,
Chris White
I have been visiting your web site and i'm very impressed with the detail
there. The topics are most important…
God bless,
FSSP, SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, among others, are groups you don't approve
of ... is there any group out there that you wholeheartedly approve of, or are
the true Catholics such a minority that it's almost impossible for them to join
together…? As someone who wants to be
faithful to the Catholic Faith, I find this frustrating.… Our Lady of Salette
prophesied that "Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the
Antichrist ... the Catholic Church would be in eclipse." How right she was
... :(
Patrick Palmer
MHFM: The groups you mention are
unfortunately heretical, and no Catholic should join them. That can be demonstrated. We approve of Most Holy Family Monastery. A person’s focus should be to embrace the
truth and fulfill God’s will.
There are some options for receiving
sacraments in the case that a person is fully convinced on the core
issues. Before receiving
sacraments, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the
New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without
exception (no “baptism of desire”), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical
priests, etc. That’s explained in this
file: Where to go to Mass or confession
today?. People should also make the traditional
profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the
aforementioned file. Once a person is
convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that person with possible
locations for receiving sacraments. We
also recommend people to pray the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.
“Jesuit,” Wedding
A while ago I told you how me and my
brother not going to my cousins wedding caused a rift in my family. Some
interesting things resulted from this. My V2 brother decided he felt weird
about going to a lutheran wedding so he went and talked to a V2
"jesuit" theologian. Surprisingly the "jesuit" said that
since my cousin was raised V2 he is still under "canon law" and needs
to get permission from a "bishop" to marry a lutheran in a lutheran
"church"… So my brother sent my cousin a letter saying he needed to
go get permission from a "Bishop" in order for my brother to attend.
This caused a new wave of disturbance through my family. My cousin had a little
spat, saying something like how dare he judge me or something. This caused my
militant atheist brother to FREAK OUT. Calling people saying they are terrible,
family is important, you’re hurting people. So now my Mom is in the middle of
this new rift. Her atheist son demanding she convince her three sons to go (two
Catholic one V2). My Mom then is forced to side with us saying she cannot be
mad that they are following their conscience (she is still going to go to the
wedding though). Then my Mom’s twin sister calls (my cousin’s mother). My Mom’s
twin sister is upset, asking, "Since when can we not attend non Catholic
weddings?". My Mom says, "well we never used to be able to".
Then after the conversation my Mom is upset, that her sister is upset about her
sons following their conscience. So upset that she tells the story to me and a
few others. So I thought that was an interesting turn of events.
MHFM: That’s interesting, and the
“Jesuit” is still not correct according to traditional Catholic teaching. When mixed marriages were permitted (and that
was rare), there had to be a dispensation, an agreement to raise the children
Catholic, and the marriage certainly could not be contracted in a non-Catholic
church. Thus, his statement that
permission from a heretical “bishop” allows marriage in a Lutheran church is
contrary to Catholic teaching; and obviously a Catholic should never attend a
non-Catholic marriage ceremony, even one between two baptized Protestants that
happens to be valid.
Mel Gibson's Dad Files For Divorce |
And this guy (and probably his son
Mel, as well) had the audacity to attack the Most Holy Family Monastery and the
true Catholic faith. Now, he's divorcing his second wife and wants her to
support him. Mel doesn't have enough money? That whole family is a joke. Shows
what happens to "Catholics" when they persist in heresy -- despising
and rejecting any and all correction.
Lee Ann
I am interested in learning more
about the Catholic Church. While in Hospice Center with my father who recently
passed… It was as though God was trying to get my attention. I was on Youtube
recently and watched some of your posted videos. I only came upon your videos
by chance. It was nothing I was searching for at the time. What caught my
attention was the honesty in the videos. I was raised Protestant and the
Catholic Church was frowned upon. I have always felt as though as long as a
group of believers obey Gods word and worship in truth that the church was
accepted by God whether Catholic or another denomination. I can understand the confusion that comes
from fragmentation as a lot of the Protestant denominations would denounce each
other for differences in doctrine. I know the Catholic Church desires to
reunite all believers. Can you give me some info. on why all Christians should
be under the Catholic Church? Also if the churchs' Popes and other high
officials are not of the church at present, then how much of the Church follows
God and how do you know which Churches to attend? My questions are not meant to
provoke or offend. This is just some questions that I wanted to ask and I feel
as though I would get an honest answer from your organization. Thank you for
your time.
MHFM: We’re glad you came across the
information. The Catholic Church alone
is truly Christian and biblical. That’s
proven in our book, The Bible Proves the
Teachings of the Catholic Church, and in the material on our website that
refutes Protestantism. Hence, the other
denominations are false and belong to Satan, as they reject and pervert core
truths of Christ. They do not lead to
Pope Leo
XII (1824): “It is impossible for the most true God, who is Truth itself, the
best, the wisest Provider, and the Rewarder of good men, to approve all
sects who profess false teachings which are often inconsistent with one
another and contradictory, and to confer eternal rewards on their members…
by divine faith we hold one Lord, one faith, one baptism… This is why we
profess that there is no salvation outside the Church.” (Ubi Primum #14)
You seem
to have retained a somewhat modern “ecumenical” attitude, one that accepts
differences in belief. It’s important
that you put that away, as it’s incompatible with a true faith in the one
revealed truth of Christ. Also, the
Church does not need to reunite with “believers,” for it contains all the true
believers. The Church’s “oneness” or
unity is one of its marks. The people
outside the Church (i.e., the members of non-Catholic religions) are not believers,
but unbelievers that need to be converted.
You ask if Benedict XVI, etc. are not of the Church, then how much of
the Church is of God. Benedict XVI is an
antipope. The structure over which he
presides is not the Catholic Church.
That’s explained in the material.
As a result, their false teachings do not represent the true teachings
of the Church. As you look at the videos
and articles – and we hope you will – we think you will see that point. You should pray the Rosary each day.
The movie ‘The Greater Glory’ which
I saw last night is in theaters now which shows the true account of Mexico
during the years of 1926-29, where the Mexican president declared war and
persecution on the Catholics in that country. It’s getting lots of good
reviews, shows us just how evil people are and how there’s a hatred of Christ
and His Church. Also shows how the Catholics said ‘enough is enough’ and armed
themselves and started a war against the Government. Shows the rounding up and
killing of priests and faithful, troops storming into Latin Mass and shooting
everyone and the hangings of Catholic children. Powerful and moving movie shows
what an armed resistance can do against an evil government…
Dear MHFM,
Just thought I'd bring this to your listeners attention. The movie
"For Greater Glory"...the Cristeros War in Mexico 1926-1929, is
finally being released (after a 2 year delay)… Formally titled
"Cristiada". It took 2 years to finally be permitted to be distributed
to viewers in theaters. This film of the devotion and heroism of the Cristeros
is something that Satan and his… agents… do not want people to view! The story
is told through a secular Mexican military officer, played by Andy Garcia, who
sees his nation being devastated by these godless forces and turns to the Truth
and the ONLY Real Source of hope and strength...He turns to Christ and the
Rights of Christ as King and Savior of the World!! This is a film for our time as Christ and His
Blessed Mother are now our only recourse in fighting these Satanic forces. May
this be our devout battle cry as well...
Dear MHFM,
The msnbc media outfit is just one of many left winger tv networks enmeshed
with the globalist panopticon propaganda control grid system. It's pretty much
standard operation for leftist press to be arrogant, dismissive, and derisive
in regards to the truth and any dissenting points against Establishment
control. They are following the battle plan of the communists and radicals laid
out by Saul Alinsky (in his book called "Rules for radicals" which he
dedicated to Lucifer in his preface) which states that nothing is more
effective than ridicule, it is almost impossible to counteract and that it
infuriates the opposition. The leftist media is following the tactics laid out
by Alinsky, point by point, and they are staffed by communists, socialists and
other radicals. I also wanted to add that Anti-Clerical mythology is crucial in
the arsenal of the globalist panoptical controls. The globalist know they can't
move forward without fighting the Church, so they utilize straw men (the
Vatican II sect) and misconceptions in an attempt to discredit Christianity. For
deep down in the hearts of the pagan (all non-Catholics) they realize that a
Priest stands as a conviction against their sinful lives, and that there is
death and judgment for our sins. This releases tremendous outbursts of
Anti-Catholicism (masked under Anti-Clericalism) within the hearts of the
pagan. The world hates Christianity for it testifies that their works are evil…
Rome Reports
Subject: Rome Reports
In a current video, this news agency is suggesting that the
Vatican is being blackmailed in regard to two letters signed by B16's youngish secretary
named Georg Gaenswein. The report says that the "moles" who stole
documents are not releasing the contents of those 2 letters (just the
dates of the letters with Georg's signature), out of consideration for B16. But
supposedly they will release the contents of those letters unless
certain individuals who have mismanaged things are ousted from the Vatican. So,
this is all about a concern for good government, eh?
In another one of their videos (Who Has Access to the Papal
Apartments?), Rome Reports names all the characters who freely come and go
there, and could have stolen and passed along documents. Included in this group
of characters are 4 so-called "consecrated women" who are
members of the "Communion and Liberation Movement", if
I heard that right. (Sounds like they carry rifles instead of Rosaries.)
Perhaps the butler didn't do it, after all. Perhaps the Hag Brigade
stole the documents in retaliation for B16's pretended concern for
"tradition", and the Vatican's pretended rebuke of these so-called
"nuns". It is hard to say who
is more sickening: the False Prophet, or those who recognize him as Pope.
Lee Ann
Outrageous double-standard in
NYC....protection of the convicted guilty but not those presumed innocent.....
"But Mr. Hynes has taken the
highly unusual step of declining to publicize the names of defendants
prosecuted under the program — even those convicted. At the same time, he
continues to publicize allegations of child sexual abuse against defendants who are not ultra-Orthodox Jews."
Thank you so much for the help, and yes after watching your video
on nfp i now understand how it IS in fact birth control and is against true
christian teachings… I had another question brother… i was wanting to know
where you, and your brother stand on Charismatic worship, and more
specifically, speaking in tongues, falling down paralyzed in what people claim
an embrace of love that cannot be described, and visions or dreams. A lot of
this took place at the retreat after we are guided to ask God to grant whatever
spiritual gifts he has for us, as it is mentioned through paul's epistles, and
Acts. This im curious to ask because i have witnessed my parents receive these
gifts, and me knowing my parents since childhood i dont believe them to be
actors, or crazy…
MHFM: The charismatic movement is evil. That's covered in this file.
EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [link to section]
It's a false spirit from the Devil. The retreat you describe is obviously
something a true Catholic must avoid and reject.
Subject: you tube vid. that will enrage you
Dear MHFM,
There's this disgustingly revealing you tube video that was tied to the
infowars video about the pastor sentenced to jail. Its called "MSNBC
Lawrence O'donnell too lazy to research Bilderberg". This exorbitantly
overpaid piece of trash will outrage you. He even uses the f-word at one point
and uses Our Lord's name irreverently to express discouragement as if there's
an excuse to blaspheme the Lamb of God. But this rich know nothing lap dog
basically totally obfuscates the existence of secret societies and denies the
existence of Bilderberg especially. He then says at the end of the interview
when the young reporter asks him will you research the Bilderberg group after
this and he says no I'm much too lazy for something like that. What an
outrage!!! This guy gets paid unbelievable amounts to betray us and the whole
God Bless,
Nathan Barton
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
Out of curiosity, what is your viewpoint
on the FSSP? As far as I can see, it's the only Traditional Latin Mass
available in my diocese ...
Thank you.
Patrick Palmer
MHFM: They are heretical, as they
accept Vatican II, salvation outside the Church, and Antipope Benedict
XVI. Since almost all their “priests”
were ordained by bishops made bishops in the New Rite of Ordination, those
“priests” are not an option for sacraments.
We’ve had a number of conversations with their heretical “priests” as well,
including this revealing one. It shows
the inconsistency and dishonesty entailed in an acceptance of their heretical
positions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFmkKxwWNSg&feature=plcp
Cleveland “Catholic” Schools
Subject: …
Cleveland Diocese going 'traditional'? No way!
This was on the Cleveland Plain Dealer front page this morning.
Unbelievable!! They say they are going 'traditional' but no way! At the end of
the article this Lyons woman says, and I quote "We don't try to make them
become Catholic, Our goal is that they relate to Jesus Christ, that they relate
to God". Do you believe this!!?????
Then why bother sending the children to CATHOLIC schools if they do NOT want
them to become CATHOLIC!!!????? AND it took 'bishop'? Lennon 6 YEARS to figure
this out! And then he didn't do a very good job!!...
MHFM: We do believe they said that;
for it’s perfectly consistent with the teaching of the Vatican II
antipopes. It’s another interesting
example of heresy. From the article,
"We don't try to make them become Catholic," said Lyons. "Our
goal is that they relate to Jesus Christ, that they relate to God." It’s so evil and empty.
Subject: universities and education
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
The world fails to appreciate the mighty work of the Church in systematizing
education into branches of knowledge and of building the first universities. As
teaching and educating humanity is the duty of the Church, it comes as no
surprise that the Church should build the first universities; and it is indeed
proper that Education originated and came from the Church. For the depth of the
knowledge of the Church is manifold and penetrating. The Church did not only
preserve the Sacred Scriptures, but they also collected, preserved, and
multiplied the manuscripts precious to the world. To the Church the world is
indebted for much of its ancient literature.
The Church also built the first schools, not just universities; for its monks
were learned in all areas and systems of knowledge and more than ready to carry
out the Church's mandate of educating all mankind unto Truth. The Benedictines
were instrumental in this regard and they set the model of education from which
the schools of youth, and the universities, flourished. To these belong the
right of the work of Education and the cultivation of literature, and the
competent portion of mankind has always readily admitted such, as the
circumstances required. It is also fitting the Church discovered and invented
the scientific method.
When the Protestant outbreak occurred, governments of continental Europe made
the schools and universities of their own territories state institutions,
paying the professors as government employees, sometimes prescribing textbooks,
methods of teaching, and even doctrines. The governments then retained the
monopoly of establishing universities and of appointing the professors. As a
result of taking education out of the hands of the Church, anti-Christian and
atheistic tendencies have become standard, in all branches of
"knowledge." As a result, private endowments of schools that maintain
the truth of Revelation can be said to be extinct…
In reading your e-exchanges today it calls to mind that when I
"randomly" came across a document online maybe 7-, 8 years ago… The
thing that jumped out the very most at me out of the whole document was the
"plan" to infiltrate the catholic church and to "gnaw/chew"
at it FROM WITHIN LIKE RATS in order to bring it down...And now we have B16 the
RAT, supposedly finishing the job in the final days of the counter church.
Maybe the enemies of Holy Mother Church were not counting on or perhaps
foolishly underestimating the power of the intercession of Mary Queen of Heaven
and Earth since she can so obviously, so easily crush ANY "rat"!
Human or otherwise. Maybe not too many people are aware of the fact that she
has already done so, in terms of crushing the enemies of the church, by
exposing them, and by supporting the faithful remnant in our day. The other thing that comes into my mind about
this is that I think I read somewhere in MHFM materials about the word
"gnaw" or "chew" in reference to what Jesus said about
those who would eat His Body and Blood in the Eucharist, ( I read this
somewhere that the word Our Lord used was "gnaw" or "chew"
.) Isn't it an odd contrast to those who would worthily ingest His precious
body and blood versus those who would do everything in their and hell's power
to make the Most Blessed Sacrament rare or nonexistent on the earth? …
Subject: conundrum
Dear Most Holy Family,
Since my conversion to traditional Catholicism 7 months ago I have tried to
convert my wife who even though attended a traditional mass isn't ready to
leave the novus order. My biggest problem now is that my wife has decided 3
kids is enough, in 2 months times she will have given birth to our 3rd child,
she is 40 yrs old. She wants me to get snipped and I told her no, her response
is if I don' I better stay away from her sexually. While I'd rather do that
instead of mortally sinning by doing the procedure, if we don't have sexual
relations isn't that sinning anyways since we won't be producing children? What
options do I have if she insists she doesn't want more children? Thanks for all your work.
MHFM: Thanks for the interest. Your wife is a disgrace. It’s interesting that while she clearly has
no regard for Catholic teaching – even a
teaching the Vatican II sect would claim to uphold: e.g., that male or female
sterilization is forbidden – she still insists on showing up at the Novus
Ordo “church.” Isn’t it amazing that
people feel obliged to show up at a “Catholic” church, even though they have no
problem rejecting basic Catholic teaching?
That’s another clear example of how for most (including most
traditionalists), “Catholicism” is defined by showing up at a building and/or
by community – not true, interior, day-to-day fidelity to God and the
faith. Presenting themselves at a church
building offers a false salve to their consciences – a misleading feeling that
they are fulfilling the minimum requirement to God when they are not. How they deceive themselves…
That being said, the course of
action you should follow is very clear.
You should not approach your wife.
She is sinning by her choice, since the decision to abstain was not made
mutually between husband and wife and for a proper reason. You are not committing any sin by staying
away from her. Since she’s a heretic,
you should not pray with her. Also, you
should not allow her to take your children to the Novus Ordo. Her activity would also be grounds for
Dear Brothers:
I am glad that SP notified us of the article on Rudy Eugene and
voodoo. That horrific incident is a physical manifestation of what Satan has
been able to do spiritually to the Church and thus the world. And what a
simile: gnawing like Rats. It is also useful to remember that after the Last
Judgment and the Resurrection of the Dead, when all men's bodies have been
rejoined to their souls, activities such as face chewing will be a common past
time in Hell (except that time will never pass, and such horrors will be
eternal). These horrors should make people run for the Rosary,
but so many people are so blind -- even these previews of hell can't sway them.
And speaking of previews of hell, it is sad to think that the Catholic
Church's once beautiful religious orders (which have done so much for the
eternal welfare of souls and produced such beautiful Saints like Therese and
Bernadette) are almost all gone in these Last Days. Now what the world has is a
Legion of Hags who have the audacity to mock God and the Blessed Virgin Mary by
calling themselves "nuns". And what a sickening farce Satan produces
when he makes it appear as if the Vatican is opposed
to this wolf pack! Yet, more sickening still are the Vatican II adherents
("traditional" or otherwise) who are so willfully blind, they can't
even recognize a chewed up face when they see one. Isn't it interesting, too,
how these women promoting degeneracy always call their conferences
"leadership" conferences. Perhaps they do that to honor their
leader, Satan, while deceiving others who are not quite as
Lee Ann
The Beasts
Dear MHFM,
It is quite revealing how you
describe, "The Rat," Ratzinger as being the second beast in The Apocalypse
series. On reading, "The Apocalypse," Chapter 16v13-14-"And I
saw from the mouth of the dragon, and from the mouth of the beast, and from the
mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs." Upon seeing
several pictures of antipope JPII, with his vivid facial expressions, he
clearly seems to look like a frog. It's unmistakable if you look closely at
this strange face. Like it says, "...they are the spirits of devils
working signs..." Great work MHFM!
Dear Brothers,
In answer to Co... about why we pray
to the Blessed Virgin Mary. I just finished re-reading the SECRET OF THE ROSARY
by ST.LOUIS DE MONFORT for the umpteenth time!!
I LOVE this book! Co.. must read this as does everyone else, because every time
I read it I find something more in it! There is so much to absorb and
understand! Our Lady has saved so many souls who are on the brink of hell! This is why there is so much chaos and
problems in the world because we do not pray to Our Lady. She has helped defeat
so many Muslims, ie.Batttle of Lepanto, and more as are described in this book!
… Another favorite of mine of Our
God Bless you and your work.
Dear Brothers,
The official SSPX news service, DICI, claims it is "prejudging" to
comment on the union of the SSPX with Rome before the actual document is in
their hands. It's more of the same
"you can't judge heresy," which is heresy itself. The fact is that all the documents necessary
to make such a judgment have already been issued, and they consist of the
infallible pronouncements of true popes who defined dogma and condemned heresy.
It never ceases to amaze me at how they manage to dodge the issue of the
necessity to condemn heresy. They even invent new words so as to avoid it. Yet
the truth won't just disappear.
The fact that the
SSPX priests and bishops are heretics and schismatics is clearly evident even
by their desire to be united with the Vatican II sect and its antichrist
antipopes. They mock the necessity of belonging to the Catholic Church for
salvation, and hold to the sacrament denying heresies of "baptism of
desire," "baptism of blood," and "invincible
ignorance." They prove themselves unworthy of heaven because they have no
love, fear or faith in the Most Holy Trinity, and Jesus Christ, God Incarnate,
and they pander to man as if he were the Most High. Then they persecute true
Catholics. What an outrage!!!
God Bless,
Chris White
SSPX deal with Rome
Dear Brother Peter and Brother
I would be very interested in your views on the big story of an impending deal
between the SSPX and Rome. I find this an important issue as it reveals many
things about the current state of the SSPX, which is hopelessly divided between
authoritarian compromisers with Rome led by Bishop Fellay, who allow no
openness or debate in the Society on such an important matter, and those who
oppose any deal led by Bishop Williamson. Those who oppose a deal are being
characterized as sedevacantists by the Fellayites. If only this were true, but
on the contrary opponents of a deal with Rome reject sedevacantism and adopt
the same recognise but resist strategy of Archbishop Lefebvre. However, the damage done to the
traditionalist movement of a deal between the SSPX and Rome would be immense as
it would seem the last bastion of organised resistance to Vatican II has
fallen. The only good thing about this I think is that the battle lines will be
more clearly drawn and more and more Catholics who resist Vatican II will be
forced to seriously consider sedevacantism. But the confused theology of the
SSPX, together with its authoritarian structure, is really preventing a clear
and effective rebellion against the treachery of its leadership. Your observations
and views on this crisis in the SSPX would be much appreciated.
Yours in Christ
MHFM: Thanks for the interest. One thing: we do not believe the SSPX
represents the last bastion of organized resistance to Vatican II. They represent one heretical group’s
organized compromise and semi-resistance to parts of Vatican II. The last bastion of organized resistance to
Vatican II is a description that applies to the true uncompromising Catholics
in our day, who work to expose the heresies of Vatican II and the Counter
Church in a truly faithful and consistent fashion. We hope to comment on the SSPX’s potential
deal with the apostate antipope soon.
Subject: The Cumulative Phenomenon
Dear MHFM,
I think the ratio between persons who are same-gender attraction oriented
versus those who are not, is much higher in government than in the general
population. This phenomenon has been reported all over the globe. Additionally,
the ratio of persons sympathetic to same-gender attraction oriented lifestyles
versus those that are not, is still higher in government compared to the
general public. A sorting process has occurred that facilitates the
accumulation of certain kinds of persons in government that will defend the
interests of the internationalists: communists, socialists, freemasons, and a
multitude of other affiliated bodies who share with them their chief opinions,
are so united by a community of purpose for the complete overthrow of that
order which the Christian teaching has wrought - as Pope Leo XIII warned of in
his encyclical Humanum Genus of April 20th, 1884. Demonic forces are definitely
responsible for this turn of events, including the furtherance of an intrinsic
evil that not even the Russians tolerate parades for.
“Jehovah’s Witnesses”
Sloth and Bad Will
Dear Brothers:
I have come to the conclusion that the rise of the cult called the
"Jehovah's Witnesses" may be one of the many punishments God
has permitted in the period of Apostasy which began in the latter part of the
19th century. This sect was one of the bizarre movements (and perhaps the
largest) that arose in America after 1860, which I believe was the period
referred to by Our Lady of La Salette. While all false religions (including all
forms of fake Christianity) are based on lies, the lies of the Jehovah's Witnesses
is like a gusher right out of the abyss.
They lie about their founder and his successors (which is a matter
of historical record). They lie about the times the sect falsely prophesied the
day of Armageddon, and then had to revise their prophesy
when it didn't occur (also a matter of record). They lie about the doctrines
which they claim to believe in. They lie when posing as students of the Bible,
since they know nothing of the Bible and never have the slightest interest in
any Biblical material that is offered to them. While pretending to believe in
Jesus, they lie about Him, His words and about the Church He founded. And, if
you should attempt to give them a few facts and to talk to them for more than a
minute or two, they will probably start misquoting you and, thus, are lying
about that, as well. Astounding. It's like they have a compulsion to
lie, and the sheer magnitude of their lies is like a barricade that prevents any
truth at all from getting in.
I suspect that a lot of these people are ex-Catholics (or rather,
people from so-called "Catholic" settings) who never knew the
Catholic faith, and never bothered to learn it. I seem to
recall hearing that this cult does not permit its adherents to look at other
material (lest they should find out the truth). I don't know if that is true,
but one thing is for certain: if they go along with that directive, it is as
much a result of their own spiritual and intellectual sloth -- which is
probably what got many of them caught in the first place. Not to mention that
these cults save them from having to worry about those troublesome things like sin,
judgment and the need for repentance (others will have to worry
about that). The Jehovah Witnesses -- and all others like them who reek of bad
will -- are precious to Satan, and he keeps giving these faithless people
plenty of snake oil with which to soothe their deadened consciences.
Lee Ann
Subject: Voodoo
Dear Brothers,
Concerning the Miami man who chewed up another
man's face; his girlfriend suggests that he may have been under a voodoo curse.
Although there is no conclusive evidence at this point to suggest so, it is
still a very real possibility. I can attest to that from my lifelong knowledge
of the voodoo aspect of Haiti. My mother was born and raised in Haiti and she
says that such incidents are not unheard of in Haiti among voodoo
practitioners. They basically worship the Devil so it's not surprising that the
Devil could inspire someone to commit such a horrific act. One does not
necessarily have to be heavily involved in voodoo, but to even associate with
voodoo people presents an occasion of sin and leaves one's soul open to
reception of demons. Whether or not this is the case with the Miami man is not
clear at this point.
Here is a link to an article :
MHFM: There’s no doubt he was possessed.
Subject: Extent of evil influences
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
The elites at the top are themselves sodomites and in fact, they will be
gathering at the Bohemian Grove this summer solstice in July as usual. A
disgusted President Richard Nixon, in now released White House tape recordings,
is overheard criticizing the Bohemian Club gathering which he attended as one
of the most filthy sodomite affairs he had ever witnessed. This elite secret
society group is consumed by sodomite imagery. Having forsaken the Lord Jesus
Christ and having voluntarily forsaken the eternal gifts and exceptional joy
and happiness tendered through Him and made available by His Grace, they are
given over to a reprobate sense and to fleshly depravity. Liberally minded
persons inundate society, and even Liberals who are not themselves sodomites,
nevertheless tend to support such activity. The inhuman vice of the elites know
no bounds while consumed in their hedonism. Since sodomites are possessed by
the demon of Lust; possessed persons that are coordinated can do much in making
way for their evils.
The US Appeals Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act provisions
regarding federal benefits, tax filing; the first step toward forcing "gay
marriage" on entire country. On Thursday, May 31, the Defense of Marriage
Act (DOMA) was again "struck down" by a unanimous decision of the
three-judge US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston -- supporting
the original decision handed down in July, 2010. The suit was filed in Boston
in 2010 by several sodomite couples with the assistance of the state-supported
sodomite legal group Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders. The original
decision in July, 2012… was upheld by the US Appeals Court.
The US Appeals Court's decision thus asserts that sodomist actitivity and
sodomite "unions" are legitimate and unassailable from a moral or
other standpoint. And from that assertion, sodomite "unions" and God
ordained marriage are morally and legally interchangeable. And sodomites are
simply a minority group whose rights are illegally being denied by the federal
government. This is all the sodomite groups needed to move forward. The
sodomite movement knows it cannot accomplish its goals through the ballot box
(they've lost 32 state elections in a row)…
Dear Brothers,
… Why exactly do Catholics pray to The Virgin Mary? I was having a conversation
with a stranger about the issue over the internet and they told me that
Catholicism is one of the biggest deceptions that exists. They said that
confession isn't Biblical and that praying to Mary or the saints is idolatry. I
just need something good to reply to her, because I couldn't answer it myself.
Thanks if you're willing to answer my questions.
MHFM: The stranger is wrong.
This section from our book, The
Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, covers your question
about Mary: The Bible
teaches Mary's Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Bodily Assumption
and more [PDF]. There are also
sections on confession and praying to saints.
Martial Arts
Dear Brothers,
I would like to clarify things again… In this quote of Pope Leo XIII "Pope
Leo XIII, Pastoralis Officii (#1), Sept. 12, 1891: “Clearly, divine law, both
that which is known by the light of reason and that which is revealed in Sacred
Scripture, strictly forbids anyone, outside of public cause, to kill or wound a
man unless compelled to do so in self-defense.”
He said so in the last sentence that if a man is compelled to do so in
self defense then does that mean that it is acceptable to practice martial arts
as a means of self defense? I would agree with you if you say no because most
of these martial arts are rooted in Shintoism and budhism.
Sincerely and God speed,
MHFM: It would not be forbidden to
know or practice martial arts maneuvers, as long as they are divorced from any
spiritual elements. However, we would
not recommend spending significant time doing so, unless it’s your recreational
or exercise activity.
MHFM: This is from our News &
Commentary section: Conversion Therapy California Ban: Bill
To Ban Gay Reparative Therapy Passes Senate This is a total outrage! It shows that the Devil is moving at
breakneck speed to push total acceptance
of homosexuality in every facet of society.
At this pace, biblical opposition to homosexuality will soon be
illegal. It’s remarkable how much
influence the homosexuals have when we consider that, while the evil influences
that cause homosexuality are obviously more prevalent today, homosexuals are
still in the great minority. Their
profound sway in the world at this time – the world which is an enemy of God
(James 4:4) – can only be ascribed to demonic forces.
Sex-selective abortion
sex selection abortion
Today's hot issue with the phony conservatives is the discovery
that Planned Parenthood Clinics don't care if a woman chooses to abort her baby
because it is a girl, not a boy. O'Reilly declares "that's what they do in
China!". Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees! Here we've
been slaughtering babies for any reason what so ever, for some 40 years, as it
is a sacred "privacy right" to murder your child; the illegality of
large sodas in NY, lest you get too fat, notwithstanding. But kill your baby
just because she is a girl? O the humanity!
It is truly a "Twilight Zone" like phenomenon, the whole
debate. I suppose the smarts among the "prolifers" think that this
argument, though logically imperfect, is a cunning tactic which will force
people to look afresh at the whole abortion issue. But the double edged sword
of moral compromise cuts just as easily the other way, because the essential
premise of their argument doesn't attack the intrinsic evil of murder, but
rather tries to make the central evil one of sex discrimination, which in fact
IS NOT intrinsically evil. It is rather sensible and just to make distinctions
between men and women in many regards. So in the long run, this illogical
argument will be turned against justice, (perhaps used to justify say women in
combat) no babies will be saved, and moral illiteracy and confusion will
increase. It just keeps getting dumber
and dumber. I am ever amazed by it.
Bill Mulligan
Subject: Oscar with the
"deist" friend
Dear MHFM:
Oscar wrote to you
about his "deist" friend and said the following:
"I have a friend
who somewhat believes in a God, but doesn't believe in any religion as
the correct one (by 'somewhat believes in God' I mean that this person
is sort of a deist, that there is a God but that there is no one true
path to Him)."
Oscar should question
his friend in detail as to how he came to the conclusions that "no
religion is the correct one" and how there is "no one true path"
to Him. It is very important for Oscar to point out to his friend that it is
completely irresponsible, illogical and unwise to arrive at such
"conclusions" without careful and exhaustive research and analysis.
The reason being that if his friend is wrong (which he is) then the
consequences are eternal.
Oscar should point
out that his friend (like most people) has spent much more time on trivial (and
relatively trivial) pursuits and past times… than he has investigating the
truth about religion. In all likelihood, Oscar's friend is just parroting what
his friends, family or schools have "taught" him, and he has not
given any real thought to what he is saying.
If Oscar's friend has
half a brain or an ounce of good will, he will realize the idiocy of believing
such things without at least doing his homework first, and then act
Dear Brothers,
As Todd had commented on the towers, I thought
I'd follow-up with the fact that the word "pillar" is mentioned in
the bible 32 times and the word "pillars" is mentioned 76 times. The
NY city twin towers were made more famous for years to come, after they fell
into the ground as they became non-visible to the eye. The wake-up call sent
out that day, was heard around the world and acknowledged by only a few as a
warning of the end times. It's possible the incident was allowed to bring
attention to the real pillars that are unseen in this evil world, and that
being Christ, His Church and the other pillars that hold up the Church as
mentioned in "The Book of Destiny" below.
"The word "pillar" might allude
to various things in the Old testament but is used in a purely allegorical
sense in the New. The apostles are pillars (Gal II.9); the Church itself is a
pillar (1 Tim. III. 15). St. Clement employs the same metaphor (Clem. V.) when
writing of the "greatest and most righteous pillars"' which seem to
be SS. Peter and Paul. The pillar is built into the church and remains an
irremovable and integral part of the building giving it stability and beauty.
If anyone is made a pillar in the Church, he will remain there as long as the
Church stands. With His own hand, Christ will inscribe on each pillar in His
Temple the name of God, the name of the New Jerusalem and His own new
name." (The Book of Destiny, Rev. Herman Bernard Kramer, p.102)
May God continue to protect you and bless your
Tom Miles
If I could give a quick response to V's email, it seems V is
unsure about the truth because MHFM, is in a minority position compared to the
rest of the world.
Matthew 7:14 How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that
leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!
Luke 13:23-24 And a certain man said to him: Lord, are they few
that are saved? But he said to them: Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for
many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.
Saint Anselm: “If thou wouldst be certain of being in the number
of the elect, strive to be one of the few, not of the many. And if
thou wouldst be quite sure of thy salvation, strive to be among the
fewest of the few… Do not follow the great majority of mankind, but
follow those who enter upon the narrow way, who renounce the world, who give
themselves to prayer, and who never relax their efforts by day or by night,
that they may attain everlasting blessedness.” (Fr. Martin Von Cochem, The
Four Last Things, p. 221.)
1 Peter 3:20 Which had been some time incredulous, when they waited for the
patience of God in the days of Noe, when the ark was a building: wherein
a few, that is, eight souls, were saved by water.
The Truth is never found with the majority, otherwise they would
not be going to hell.
MHFM: “Thou shalt not follow the
multitude to do evil: neither shalt thou
yield in judgment, to the opinion of the most part, to stray from the truth.”
(Exodus 23:2)
St. Augustine
(c. 413): “Therefore, because you have been made members of Christ I must warn
you; for I fear dangers for you, and not
alone from those who are pagans, not alone from the Jews, and not so much from
the heretics as from bad Catholics.
Choose from among the people of God those you would imitate. For
if you wish to imitate the multitude, you shall not then be among the few who
shall enter in by the narrow way.”
Dear MHFM,
I was just thinking how Christ is the center of all history and everything
reflects Him and His one true church. Tragically the comparisons today are
mainly in the evils of the world. You know how we have not had a real Pope since
Pius XII. Isn't it strange how around the same time and continuing until now we
haven't really had a truly elected president in this secular government either.
Kennedy was basically our last real president and he warned us in a famous and
rare last speech that there were dark forces and secret societies that were
really controlling our government now and then a week later he was
assassinated. I don't and I definitely don't think that you think that was a
coincidence. He was definitely the last independently minded president and some
of the presidents that came after him were also not really elected which is a
proven fact about the W Bush "presidency". Every one after Kennedy
was either instated by Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission or totally controlled
or both. It just goes to show as you've pointed out in your… research that when
Our Lord's one true church loses the influence it had it’s not long before all
other secular governments become the hellish police states that they have
become. Because the one true Catholic Church has always been the only force in
the world that was keeping the world from turning into the cesspool it is now.
What a terrible time in world history this is! THESE ARE THE DARK AGES!!!
God Bless,
Nathan Barton
MHFM: This is a very interesting short speech by JFK on the
conspiracy and secret societies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhZk8ronces Considering this, it’s not at all surprising
that he was killed.
Dear MHFM,
I have friend who somewhat believes in a God, but doesn't believe in any
religion as the correct one (by 'somewhat believes in God' I mean that this
person is sort of a deist, that there is a God but that there is no one true
path to Him). This person doesn"t believe in an afterlife either. This person believes in science and in
evolution. This person also believes all
the hoaxes and lies that the freemasons release such as the 9/11 hoax, the
"death" of Bin Laden, etc.
I was wondering: How can I convert this person? I want to try to convert him to
the Traditional Catholic Faith, but I don't know where to begin since he comes
from a family that doesn't practice any religion.
What should I do? Any advice would be really helpful.
Thank you for your time,
MHFM: You could show him the videos
that we have disproving evolution, and demonstrating miraculous aspects of the
faith (Creation and Miracles; Information
Proves God; Miraculous Image of Guadalupe; etc.). You could also show him the video
documentaries about 9/11: to hopefully make him realize that he has been
deceived. If he rejects that information
(and we have a number of videos relevant to the aforementioned issues), then
he’s of bad will. To soften his heart,
you could also try to get him to pray the Our Father and the Hail Mary. The video, Rock-n-Roll Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution (available from our
store), is also good for complete pagans to see. It should convince a person that the Devil
exists and is active. But you can only
lead a horse to water; you can’t make him drink.
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
… The Most Holy Rosary faithfully recited is a treasure trove and source of
immense graces.
P.S. A Russian news article admits that the Our Lord Jesus Christ died in 33
A.D. according to the scientific evidence. This is just a bit more proof of
Russia converting from its former ways of actively persecuting the Catholic
Thank you for the
response. I admit that I am currently living in sin and need to repent. I am
exploring these topics to gain an understanding of the faith, why Jesus died
for our sins and all the evidence supporting the Catholic faith. As a recently
graduated law student, I feel compelled to consider both sides of arguments.
This is the approach I took with the position of the Sedevacantists. Although
you hold a "minority position" I listened with an open-mind and
heart. It is an incredibly persuasive position. As you say, the truth is
Thank You,
MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting
quote about Ephesus, and perhaps why St. Paul spent so much time there.
“The city held a strategic location of inestimable
importance. In terms of both land and
sea routes, Ephesus was key. This is why
the emperor’s college of messengers was based in this city. Ephesus was the communications hub for almost
every part of Asia. This may help
explain why Paul spent nearly three years there, as he was in the communication
business in a major way. It also may
explain Revelation 1-2, which lists seven churches all on the main road out of
Ephesus… Ephesus’s religious-tourist trade [involved] the world-famous temple
of Artemis [or Temple of Diana]... That temple was one of the seven wonders of
the ancient world… The importance of Ephesus for the Pauline mission should not
be underestimated. It turns out to be
the last place where he spent the longest time working, and indeed, it was the
last place where he worked at length as a free man.” (Ben Witherington, New Testament History, pp. 280-281.)
Subject: NFP Video
Dear Brothers,
Great job on the new NFP video. You succinctly
addressed many points that I’ve been trying to intelligently verbalize for
quite some time. I’ll be passing this video on. NFP is certainly diabolical and
the fact that people have to resort to mental gymnastics to justify and defend
it only points to their ill will. I have never seen an apology for nfp that
wasn’t rife with emotionalism, e.g. how it enables spouses to fully give
themselves to each other (whatever that nonsense means) and appeals to women’s
“health issues”.
Great job and God bless you both,
Subject: Children
Dear MHFM:
As usual, great job on the NFP video. Since I have not been involved in the
N.O. pseudo-church for all these years, I was not aware that NFP was promoted
by it! Anyone with a modicum of sense knows and can see that if one avoids
children, this is birth control. Having grown up in Mexico, I have known of the
rhythm method and people have always called it for what it is, a contraceptive,
albeit a chemical-free one.
Before my conversion to the true faith as a result of your analyses and
explanation of what happened in the late 50s and early 60s, I practiced the
rhythm method sporadically before marriage, and have now added it to my long
list of sins against God for which I fervently wish to pray, though I know I
come short....
In Christ and his Immaculate Mother Mary forever,
Video Posted
MHFM: This is a new video.
NFP: A Birth Control Deception [video]
This video covers Natural Family
Planning. This is an issue of
extraordinary importance, since almost all people in the world use either
artificial contraception or NFP. A lot of
new material is covered in this video: quotes from the fathers of the Church,
answers to objections, interesting video clips, and much more. Important issues are dealt with from
beginning to end, and some of the most interesting parts come in the last 20-30
minutes. Thus, we strongly recommend
that people watch this video all the way through.
Your NFP video is one of your best. It was important for you to
distinguish between the infallible document of Pius XI and the fallible speech
given by Pius XII. While many women correctly state they do not want to take
chemical contraceptives, they miss the point that as married people, they must
be open to children.
My wife has a rare neurological disorder which causes her to walk
poorly and have trouble taking care of our 18 month old. Before our son was born,
we did not worry about having a baby or not for nine years of marriage. My wife
(please pray for her conversion) wanted to practice a version of NFP. I told
her I could not support it. "God does not give you something (or children)
you can't handle." I told her this and told her I believe it. Very few
people actually believe that even though people say it… she dropped her NFP
position and we conceived our second child… and is due in November. While we
are anxious about many things, I will put my trust in God that He wants us to
have this second baby and will give us what we need to raise him-her well.
My wife's divorced and remarried step-mother found out about our
new child and she said with her bad will "That is interesting"
Clearly, she (an Episcopal) lacks the faith. People who practice NFP violate
the First Commandment (along with the Sixth and the Fifth) as they think they
are gods and decide when and if they will have children. Anyone who wants to
marry (especially as a real Catholic) should be required to watch this video.
Also, I was born 10 months after my parents were married. Thank
God my parents are not the NFP people in the video. I would have been an
inconvenience to them and would never have existed, nor my son and the child on
the way. This video is a tune up for those with the true faith in God.
Hello brothers,
My name is Sergio, I'm 23 and I've only recently been awakened to my catholic
faith… After coming to the realization of the truth by your help which I thank
God abundantly for. I wanted to ask, I have fallin in love with a fellow
catholic and we both are as devotioned to God and our True Catholic teachings
as we can be, but I wanted to know, when is one considered ready for matrimony?
How does one know it is God’s will to get married and procreate, I believe it
to be God’s hand who has brought us both together during such a time of
darkness and deception. Any helpful advice or supplicational prayer would be
appreciated. May God continue to strengthen you and your fight for the bringing
of truth.
MHFM: Thanks for the interest. To be considered ready for matrimony, the two
people would have to first and foremost hold the true Catholic faith and the
correct positions on the core issues in our day. That includes rejecting and not supporting
the many heretical positions, groups and individuals out there. Second, the two should have a prayer life,
including the Rosary, which they intend to continue after they marry. Third, they would have to possess a basic understanding
of the obligations of marriage. That’s
essentially a recognition and understanding that all forms of birth control
(including NFP) are forbidden. You
probably realize that fact. You should
also pray to God and Our Lady, asking that you fulfill God’s will in your life,
and that you know whether you should pursue marriage. If you do so sincerely and with faith, you
will get a feeling about the way God wants you to go in your life. Three Hail Marys for specific intentions is
very effective. Finally, you should have
the ability to support yourself, your wife and a future family before entering
Dear Brothers,
What do I do now? Where is there a
church that has the true service? I am at a loss. I live in a small town we have
2 Catholic Churches and I have attended both of them. They both have the new
mass. When I ask the priest when will they have a Latin Mass, they didn't seem
to have an answer.
I am very happy that I found you on
the internet. I am learning so much.
Sincerely yours,
Rita Johnson
MHFM: Thanks for the interest. You would have to get out of the New
Mass. It’s invalid and must not be
attended. This video covers that matter:
Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is
committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church
There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”), rejects NFP,
won’t support any heretical priests, etc.
That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession
today?. People
should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent,
which can be accessed from the aforementioned file. Once a person is convinced on all relevant
matters, we can help that person with possible locations for receiving
sacraments. However, the options for receiving true sacraments in our
day are becoming more and more limited as a result of the extent of the
apostasy. We also recommend people to pray
the Rosary each day, all 15 decades if possible.
Brother Peter and Brother Michael,
First, I would like to thank you for your incredible depth and
array of films available on Youtube. They are very informative and ring true with
me. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic school through highschool…
Much of your criticism of the current Catholic church and views on
the infiltration of Freemasons/Anti-popes/Satanic worship is eye-opening. It is
difficult to counter. Yet, I am open-minded enough to admit my ignorance and
review your evidence fully. It is persuasive…
Vincent Vitatoe
MHFM: We are glad you are considering the information. It’s important to distinguish between the post-Vatican
II structure, which is not the Catholic Church, and the true Catholic Church –
which consists of the remnant of true traditional Catholics who maintain the
faith. Thus, criticism of the former
entity is not criticism of the Catholic Church.
I came across your
website and have been raised catholic but have strayed away from the faith
because I was aware of the dogmas that are going on.....but I still have total
faith. Is there a church or monastery in my area that is not affiliated with
the vatican 2... a branch like yourselves..... Thank You-...........my name is
MHFM: Thanks for the interest.
No, the churches and monasteries in your area are heretical and accept
Vatican II. The apostasy is widespread,
as you will see as you continue to look at the material on the website.
Subject: Apologies to Onan
Dear MHFM:
Any "Catholic" who claims
that NFP is morally acceptable would have to agree that Onan (Genesis 38) would not have been struck dead had he simply
practiced NFP instead of "Onanism". They would also have to concede that Onan was a victim of scientifically-ignorant times. For if only
the science of 4000 years ago had been "advanced" enough, then Onan would have had the "morally acceptable" NFP method available to him. (Sorry Onan, and every other person who died before 1900 A.D. or so.)
I think this "Onan-challenge" is an interesting honesty test for NFP-proponents. The inevitable "squirming" and
logic-bending that is required to justify this untenable position is a real
bad-will indicator.
Ironically, modern NFP is statistically more effective at preventing conception
than "Onanism", thus Onan was actually "more open to life" than NFP-practitioners are.
Subject: Cycle Beads
As I sat listening to Brother Peter's… presentation on the satanic
behavior of NFP and thinking about all the other presentations that Brother's
Michael and Peter have made, it came to my mind the promises made to St.
Benedict and I am amazed at seeing the promises being put into action.
Promises made to St. Benedict regarding the destiny of his
Benedictine order and that of its friends and enemies:
1) His order will continue to exist to the End of the World.
2) It will, at the End of the World, in the final battle, render great services
to the holy Church and confirm many in the faith. . . . .
I wanted to bring out a point on a visional {picture} that Brother
Peter used a number of times throughout the presentation and that was the cycle
beads that are used in NFP. I don't think it's by chance, their idea of using
beads to chart this evil behavior and in fact I believe it represents the
antithesis of the Rosary, as we know the Rosary represents Life itself, that
being the story of Salvation {Incarnation, Life, Death, Resurrection of Jesus
Christ}. The cycle beads represent the prevention of new life and the
destruction of the souls of the husband and the wife and the corruption of
their family {death}.
The soldiers of the reign of the antichrist actually tell you it
is satanic, if you look at the picture carefully the two hands held together
side by side, holding the beads in a circular shape in the palms of the hands,
you see the satanic peace symbol, the vertical beam of the upside down broken
cross is created by bringing the hands together side by side and the two lower
joints in the pinky fingers show the inverted broken cross beam.
I agree with Tom Miles statement in his email "I truly
believe the short reign of peace for the world promised by Our Lady of Fatima
ended on 9/11/01 when the twin towers fell". It made me think of St.
Don Bosco's dream, The Two Pillars of a Safe Harbor in Life, the one
Pillar which represents Jesus in the Eucharist, which is the taller Pillar and
the other Pillar represents Our Lady, this Pillar is a little shorter. With
the twin towers, tower 1 was 1368 ft. tall and tower 2 was 1362
ft. tall, was this satan's symbolic attempt to destroy the Two Pillars of a
Safe Harbor in Life, I believe so!...
Subject: NFP Video
Dear Brothers:
Your NFP video is another outstanding work about which people have
been sending in some insightful comments. I will only add that the
double-minded NFP position of "a child is a blessing, yes, but it's
not really a blessing unless and until we way so" reminded me of that
other double-minded position often articulated by the SSPX and other false
Catholics: "There is no salvation outside of the Church -- yes, that's
true -- but it is certain that people outside of the Church can be
saved." And my hair almost stood on end when I heard the NFP promoters
compare the use of this birth control to Christ's sacrifice on the Cross! It
doesn't get more evil than that. Thank you for this important and revealing
video; it is yet another eye-opening glimpse into that den of iniquity that is
the Vatican II church.
Lee Ann
Subject: NFP Primary
Dear MHFM, Great video for all men to watch. Obviously, the
primary end with NFP is birth control and self satisfaction. When one of the
couples talks about giving to themselves more fully because of NFP, I felt a
little more disgusted than with the other NFP promoters comments. That's like a
tight little circle of self and partner idolizing. It fits well with the
religion of man. Another disturbing
twisting of the primary is the "men" in these videos. You can clearly
see who the primary or leader of the "family" is. The men look like
sheep and the women look like wolves, it's bizarre. The whole thing is so
twisted, it's hard to know where to start!
Thank you MHFM, Ave Maria
… great video about NFP. hope this will save souls, and put a stop
to this evil practice…
IN ST JOSEPH. from mark v
Subject: NFP video
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the intensely interesting video refuting the diabolical deception
of NFP. The proponents of this doctrine of death constantly refute themselves
out of their own mouth because they know that what they are doing is wrong and
is against the natural law. They openly lie and contradict themselves over and
over again. Thank you also for the clear explanation about the Magisterial
teaching against NFP, as well as the non-Magisterial sources that heretics cite
to try and justify the mortal sin of NFP. NFP is one of the SSPX and other
false traditionalist groups' heresies, and the consequences are plain to see;
They end up putting nature above God, and their own will and desire above God's
Most Holy Will. Their false triune god is man, the devil and them self. It is
not surprising then that they cannot conceive of the fact that they are
following antichrist antipopes, since they prevent the conception of natural
life by means of NFP, as well as the conception of supernatural life by means
of the heresy of "baptism of desire." NFP is like "invincible
ignorance" where they deliberately ignore the truth so as to prevent life,
while kidding themselves that they are pro-life. It is a total frustration of
God's will and of natural processes, so it is not hard to see why it is deserving
of eternal hell because their decision to prevent life, and to prevent another
soul from beholding God in Heaven in the Eternal Beatific Vision of the Holy
Trinity, is infinite and eternal in malice. It is outrageous that the NFP
practitioners liken their sin to Jesus Christ dying on the cross, as if their
sin were some kind of heroic sacrifice… The last clip shows that it is all
about money for them, since they say that every month they ask themselves,
"do we have enough money or don't we have the money?...Are we
comfortable?" NFP is all about self-will, self-intention and self-desire,
as is Satanism viz. Aleister Crowley's Gnostic "Thelema," meaning
"will, desire, intention." If it were up to the NFP heretics, the
Word of God would never have Incarnated, Suffered or been Crucified, since that
involved doing God the Father's will rather than His own human will (though
Christ had two wills, since He had two natures and two nativities).
Matthew 26:39 - "And going a little further, he fell upon his face, praying,
and saying: My Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me. Nevertheless
not as I will, but as thou wilt."
Matthew 7:21 - "Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter
into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is
in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven."
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
Thank you for the new video setting forth the teaching of Christianity on the detestable
practice of limiting babies. As Catholics, we have always been the perennial
defenders of the defenseless, the oppressed, and champion of the innocent and
weakest in society. The beasts of lust just phase out babies that were meant to
be. This is a Satanic act. In the infinite evil of abortion, babies are killed
after having had an existence however short; but in the euphemistically called
"natural" family planning, the babies don't even have a chance at
life. It has eternal and infinite, unspeakable, inexpressible, beyond
description, and immeasurably mind boggling consequences. In their inhuman,
perverse, and false love, they don't realize Matrimony is the Office of
Motherhood, and it is to sin against it to believe and do these things (NFP).
It goes to show that these mortal sinners who are not trying to come out of
mortal sin are completely cold to the love of neighbor; their hearts are so
cold, have grown so cold that it doesn't even phase them at all, when they
heartlessly and methodically avoid babies. They decide not to have babies,
arbitrarily; babies that were meant to come according to the Order and
Providence of God. As you said "having strayed from God's Faith and having
resisted His Will, they have become blind to the depths of Satan and how the
enemy of mankind deceives.” …
Hebrews 13:4 “May marriage be honorable
in every way, and may the marriage bed be immaculate. For God will judge
fornicators and adulterers.”
Ephesians 5:12 “For the things that are done by them in
secret are shameful, even to mention.”
There is also the so called "theology of the body" in the Vatican II
sect, which is the deification of human love - the worship of the self - a
custom so frequent among the pagans (the non-Catholics). It reminded me how on
EWTN, Novus Ordites so casually use the word that Pope Pius XI called
'disgusting', while expressing and justifying their indecent intentions.
Amazing video on NFP…
Showed NFP to be nothing but sinful birth control. Answered all my technical
questions on the issue. Bottom line, NFP users have no trust in God.
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Thank you for the excellent video on the so-called Natural Family Planning. You
have proved beyond any reasonable doubt that this method is mortally sinful. I
would like to add a few comments. First, the term "Natural Family
Planning" is forged by the Devil so that it tacitly suggests that the
method is "natural" and therefore could not be in opposition to God's
will. While we should respect the nature as God's creation and the proof of His
omnipotence and beauty, we should never forget that the creation is not equal
to God and that the nature could never be a valid substitution for God. To
equalize nature and God constitutes paganism, atheism, pantheism and many more
"isms" we can see in this dark world. That is why the pagans,
atheists and the adherents of every false religion have no problem with
accepting NFP. If there are some adherents of NFP and purported followers of
God's will, who do not yet completely despise honesty, I would like to ask them
if they deeply in their hearts think that their beloved method NFP could
rightfully be named as "Family Planning by God". Second, by using the
weakness of the last Pope, Pio XII, the Devil succeeded to put the label
"Catholic" on the NFP. The function of this hidden and yet visible
label is to deceive the Catholics, so that they could falsely think that the
method is approved by God.
Third, while we are not forbidden to
have some plans and desires, we must not be forgetful about the fact that our
desires and plans should be in accordance to God's will. We do not have the
right to desire and plan anything in opposition to God's will. The word
"planning" in NFP tacitly suggests that we do have that right, since
the notion of planning is inseparably connected with the notion of family--the
notion instituted by God's design through the sacrament of marriage.
As you've pointed out in your video, the infallible test by which we can see
that the matter comes from the Devil are the inherent contradictions. The
"Catholic" couples using the NFP say that they are open to life, to
God's will, and yet they are doing something to impede the very will. They
admit that the pregnancy is a blessing, and yet they are doing something to
avoid the very same blessing. That's incredible and amazing. Who would try to
avoid God's blessing? The answer to this rhetorical question is obvious.
Dearest Mother of God and St. Joseph, guard the MHFM against all their enemies,
and pray for all true Catholics.
Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia
I just finished watching the new video refuting
NFP. It is a wonderful, wonderful video! The Church's teaching is laid out very
clearly, and all the horrible objections are crushed by the undeniable truth.
Although the video was excellent, I became sick to my stomach while watching it
because the clips showing couples justifying NFP was like nasty stinking vomit
spewing right out of hell. It was so obviously evil, yet the people were acting
as if NFP was heaven sent… I am shocked at the lack of willingness to see and
stand for the truth while they claim to be Catholic. I know that God creates
everything with perfect order…
What is reasonable about doing something which
deliberately frustrates good fruit from growing? The answer is: Nothing! That
would be like a farmer who buys fertile land and also buys the right seed to
sow in his field, but then refuses to plant the seed in the soil, yet still
considers himself a good farmer who looks forward to a rich harvest… How can it
be love since the intention to avoid children is clearly selfish? In NFP, a
couple is willing to distrust God and deprive life of the opportunity to even
begin, yet they will call this love? What falsity! What hypocrisy! Even the
atheists are more honest than those "Catholics" who accept and
promote NFP. Atheists do not hide NFP behind false terms and theology. They
call it what it is--PURE BIRTH CONTROL. What sad times we live in. Still, as
Christ promised, the light of God is still burning brightly in some places.
Thank you so much for your video. Hopefully, some people using NFP will open
their eyes, stop lying to themselves, repent, and begin to truly trust in God
and His plan.
God bless MHFM,
I'd like to commend you on your recent video
"NFP: A birth control deception". Thank-you for taking the time to
put together a well-thought out and professional video on such a modern
deception. Amazing how modernism had taken off after the message of Our Lady of
La Salette in the mid-1800's and the last three valid Popes. Possibly the 100
years (1864-1964) promised to Satan in order to take over… as overheard by Pope
Leo XIII and mentioned in his pray to Saint Michael concerning the great
Apostasy in Rome. Although the last three valid Popes carried the name of Pope
Pius (X, XI, and XII), the strong teachings of Pope Pius XI against NFP and
other matters had become so watered down by 1959, especially by Pope Pius XII,
that the gates of hell were opened for the great revolution of the spiritually
bankrupted modern Vatican II counter-church. I truly believe the short reign of
peace for the world promised by Our Lady of Fatima ended on 9/11/01 when the
twin towers fell, as can be seen by the massive global tyranny that has evolved
within the governments, banks and false Christian sects that includes the
Vatican II church.
May God continue to Bless your works,
Tom Miles
NFP: A Birth Control Deception - YouTube wow, thanks so much
for exposing the… hypocrisy of NFP users--and the TOTAL blasphemy of them having
the gall to compare themselves to....Christ?.. makes me ill......No, this IS
the worship of MAN! WHAT a darkened generation... the final deception? Great
job MHFM
Subject: Re: NFP: A Birth Control
My… auntie thinks NFP is fine and
dandy. She also believes that Ratzinger is a true Pope, though. :(
I love your vids! Please keep them coming!!
Subject: BC / AD & BCE / CE
Dear brothers,
As I was reading the message about the world and
its calendar and how we have Pope Gregory XIII and The Church to thank for it
and how for many centuries we have been using the BC & AD terminology. We
all know why it is that we use these terms BC & AD it refers to the central
event in all the history of the universe, the birth of God the Son Almighty
himself as a lowly human. In recent years you have had secularists using (and
trying to force on the world) that BCE & CE stuff in order to attempt to
erase Christ from every facet of life so the pagans (everybody outside the
Catholic Church) don't feel bad about being idolaters and followers of Satan.
Well, I have to ask them exactly what makes them still make this year’s date
2012? What exactly happened around 2,012 years ago that they are commemorating?
Nothing!...that's what. Therefore since they are commemorating nothing the BCE
/ CE dating then makes no sense, I guess it was just picked at
"random". I also recommend whenever anyone asks what BCE or CE means
to tell them it means BEFORE THE CHRISTIAN ERA & THE CHRISTIAN ERA. In this
way these heathens can be made to realize that they can never escape Christ in
this world or the next no matter how hard they try to ignore or deny him or
what they try to change.
Subject: BBC Report
Dear Brothers,
Here’s a hilarious report from the
BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-18207323. It shows how the roots of so-called “anti-semitism” cannot
even now be discussed in British schools. According to Michael Gove, the
British Education Secretary, “anti-semitism”, however defined, is so utterly
irrational that it defies any attempt at academic analysis. And to encourage
students to discuss it in an exam is “bizarre” and “insensitive”! It shouldn’t
come as any surprise that Michael Gove is a self-confessed zionist and “friend
of Israel”.
Clearly, AQA should go on the
offensive here, not the defensive. They should question Gove’s suitability for
his post in view of his manifest deference to Jewish lobby groups and his
patently hypocritical arguments. Once an education minister starts abusing his
office in this ridiculous, anti-intellectual, totalitarian manner, it’s time
for him to go!
I shall definitely be discussing
this issue with my students next week!
Timothy Johnson
Dear MHFM,
The world fails to appreciate and depends on the legacy of Pope Gregory XIII
and his calendar which is still in force today. It is also called the
'Christian Calendar' and was put into force by his Papal Bull “Inter
gravissimas pastoralis officii nostri curas” ("Among the most serious
duties of our pastoral office…") on February 24, 1582 and introduced the
dating clauses Anno Incarnationis Dominicae (In the Year of the Incarnation of
Our Lord) and ‘Anno à Natiuitate Domini nostri Iesu Christi’ (“In the year from
the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ”). It introduced 12 months and the
correct dates and days, etc.
The creation and use of the Gregorian Calendar is because of the inaccuracy of
the Julian System. Due to the discrepancies, the Julian calendar (introduced by
Julius Caesar 46 B.C.) was inaccurate and over 11 minutes forward.
Consequently, due to the obvious astronomical errors, 10 days had to be
dropped, the number of leap years reduced, and great engagements and
calculations were made to ensure discrepancies never appear.
Our units of temporal measurement, from seconds on up to months,
are so complicated, asymmetrical and intricate that the world had to turn to
the Church, so as to make a coherent accurate reckoning of units, possible. The
Church readily demonstrated its credentials and competence in matters dedicated
to and concerning the measurement of history and time, for the Our Lord Jesus
Christ is the God of history as it were, and everything revolves around Him and
centered upon Him nicely. So modern “science” realizes that to be
astronomically practical, it must readily embrace the correct calendar – the
Christian Calendar.
The Gregorian Calendar is the predominant international standard
today. It is the internationally accepted civil calendar that was first adopted
in 1582. It is also called ‘the civil calendar’ and ‘the Western Calendar.’
This is the calendar accepted by science. That the Church has a proper
understanding of astronomy, is readily obvious, that even the so called self
proclaimed ‘doctors’ of modern “science “today are in obeisance to it and rely
on it greatly. Christianity knows things better, and sets in motion, as it
were, through the Our Lord Jesus Christ, the procurement of benefits for
mankind at large, that even the sounder part of the enemies of Christianity
admit this. It seems that the Popes named Gregory have left permanent marks
upon Christianity and the entire world.
So right now it is ‘In the Year of the Incarnation of Our Lord 2012’
Carbon Tax
Carbon Tax
Australian businesses will be fined for making errors in judgment relating to
the Satanic Carbon Tax:
"The carbon tax – what the ACCC says you can and can’t do:
* A hair salon displays a new price list from July 1 saying all services will
increase by 10 per cent due to the carbon price. It is aware input costs have
risen such as rent, wages and cost of products. It estimates electricity costs
will rise by about 4 per cent because of the carbon price.
ACCC Verdict: the salon would be overstating the impact of the carbon price
and its claim is misleading." (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/dont-serve-carbon-lies/story-fn7x8me2-1226366243071)
This does not mean that Australians cannot criticize the Carbon Tax, as some
dishonest journalists have said (e.g.
but rather that if businesses advertise or tell their customers inaccurate
information they will be fined. It basically means that if the businesses
mention the Carbon Tax at all in their advertizing, then the wrath of the
"Almighty-Government-God" will strike them down! The problem of
course is that the whole tax is misleading, inaccurate and an error in judgment
- a New World Order scam - yet the government doesn't get fined or held
accountable because at the end of the day, Australia is still run by Britain.
They could only get away with it in Australia because we are so geographically
isolated. It proves that the Illuminati are nothing more than cowardly
Pope St. Pius V, Regnans in Excelsis, Excommunicating Elizabeth I of England:
"3. We, seeing impieties and crimes multiplied one upon another the
persecution of the faithful and afflictions of religion daily growing more
severe under the guidance and by the activity of the said Elizabeth - and
recognizing that her mind is so fixed and set that she has not only despised
the pious prayers and admonitions with which Catholic princes have tried to
cure and convert her but has not even permitted the nuncios sent to her in this
matter by this See to cross into England, are compelled by necessity to take up
against her the weapons of justice, though we cannot forbear to regret that we
should be forced to turn, upon one whose ancestors have so well deserved of the
Christian community. Therefore, resting upon the authority of Him whose
pleasure it was to place us (though unequal to such a burden) upon this supreme
justice-seat, we do out of the fullness of our apostolic power declare the
foresaid Elizabeth to be a heretic and favourer of heretics, and her adherents
in the matters aforesaid to have incurred the sentence of excommunication and
to be cut off from the unity of the body of Christ."
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear Brothers:
If the reins of government in what appears to be the Catholic
Church have been allowed by God to fall into the hands of Satan, I guess we
should not be surprised that the governments of the world are also in the hands
of Satan. "Because all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her
fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with
her." (Apoc. 18:3)
In the Protestant revolt against God, men desired to throw off the
sweet yoke of Christ and His Church in the name of that false
"freedom" which, centuries later, would give rise to Antichrist John
Paul II and the Vatican II sect. All of the sound principles and doctrines that
were taught by the true popes for centuries (which had the power to rightly
order all aspects of both individual and national life) have been gradually
discarded to the point where now, every last principle of morality and civility
seems to be gone. The State has indeed been separated from the Church, and, as
a result, mankind has become totally depraved and degraded. But no real
surprise there: it's exactly what the true Catholic popes have always warned
would happen when Man puts himself in the place of God by imagining that he
(and not Christ) is the way, the truth and the life… this Antichrist Doctrine
was explicitly taught by John Paul 2 who denied Christ in every way possible,
and yet people calling themselves "Catholic" accept him as the
legitimate Vicar of Christ. Can there be anything in the world that is worse
than to be in union with Antichrist?
Lee Ann
Subject: Abortion
Reading Andrew's email and the Catholic quote of the day made me
think of God's Mercy in regard to these aborted babies going to hell but not
being tortured by fire but by other type of punishments. The very fact that
God demands that you must be baptized, to be a member or inside the Catholic
Church, the structure set up by Jesus Christ, if this is not done, it’s a
simple fact that one dies outside of Salvation. One might ask, how could God
allow this to happen to a baby, human beings born into this world are, by
nature, children of Wrath {child of Adam}. Also God sees all things
past, present and the future, all things before Him at once, so God sees the
bad end that these babies would have made if they were allowed to live their
life on earth, otherwise how could it be possible that God would make a
statement like this found in Matthew 7:13-14, Matthew 22:14, Luke 10:2, Luke
13:23 etc. So by the very fact that they would have made a bad end, they
weren't chosen to be baptized and even those that are baptized, many
don't make it because they choose the allurements of the world,
instead of God.
Ephesians 2:3 In which also we all conversed in time past, in the desires of
our flesh, fulfilling the will of the flesh and of our thoughts, and
were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest:
John 3:5 Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a
man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the
kingdom of God.
John 3:7 Wonder not, that I said to thee, you must be
born again.
Matthew 3:16 And Jesus being baptized, forthwith came
out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him: and he saw
the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him.
Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, Sess. 8, Exultate Deo,
1439: "Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds
the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of
Christ and of the body of the Church. And since death entered the
universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born of water and the Spirit, we
cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5]. The
matter of this sacrament is real and natural water."
Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas (# 15), Dec. 11, 1925 (to all patriarchs, primates,
archbishops, and bishops): "Indeed this kingdom is presented in the
Gospels as such, into which men prepare to enter by doing penance; moreover, they
cannot enter it except through faith and baptism, which, although an external
rite, yet signifies and effects an interior regeneration." {child
of God}
It needs to also be said when it comes to
abortion, that it is demonically inspired, instituted and supported by Satan
and all the legions of Hell. It is Satanic to the core in its foundation and
continuation and I have heard it said before from the lips of videotaped
Satanists that there are abortion "doctors" who are Satanists who
perform abortions because they see it as a way to offer human sacrifices to
Satan legally and perpetually to curry his favor more than any other of his
followers and get paid for it to boot.
It has also been said by them that they will
intentionally get themselves impregnated for the express and specific reason of
having an abortion so they are able to make a human sacrifice to Satan and have
it be legal. That's right… they get themselves intentionally pregnant with the
full predetermined intention of killing the child in a legal human sacrifice
ritual, that their government or businesses insurance will pay for.
MHFM: The URL for our E-Exchanges
page (this page) has changed from http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/E-Exchanges.html
to http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/E-Exchanges.php
Those who go to the previous URL should
be automatically forwarded; but we recommend updating any bookmarks or
favorites of this page to the new URL.
Bad-willed heretic
Dear Brothers,
The bad-willed heretic who wrote in doesn't appear believe in the dogma, outside
the Catholic Church there is not salvation. It is typical of supporters of the
Vatican II Antipopes to get that wrong, since that's what the whole Last Days
apostasy is about. It should be clear to anyone with the faculty of reason that
the Catholic Church on Earth is a type of Heaven, in contrast to the world
which is a type of Hell. If one does not hold to the same truths as does Heaven
(dogmas), and if one does not avoid sin and stay holy like the Saints in
Heaven, then one will go to Hell. Yet in the Vatican II sect, there are no such
boundaries between Heaven and Hell, sin and grace, God and the Devil. In the
Vatican II sect it is one gigantic soup of "order from chaos" (viz.
"evolution" science fiction/heresy). And since MHFM is the only place
that has really stood up for the dogmas, outside the Catholic Church there is
no salvation, and the absolute necessity of water baptism (against the heresies
of "baptism of desire/blood" and "invincible ignorance"),
without compromising in other ways, those outside the Catholic Church, but who
want to be seen as inside, rage against you and your works like the gates of
hell that they are. What it boils down to is the Deicide of Jesus Christ.
Antipope Benedict XVI evidently thinks it is necessary to continuously kill
Jesus Christ over and over again, so that He can rise from death over and over
again, in some kind of macabre Masonic "order from chaos" cycle or
drama. Such is impossible of course because though Christ died in His human
nature, and rose from death with the same human nature, He never suffered or
died in His divine nature because God cannot suffer or die. Of course, we still
call it Deicide, since Christ is one Person, just as we call the Blessed Virgin
Mary, the Mother of God. Every time Benedict XVI goes and commits heresy schism
or apostasy, he attempts to kill Jesus Christ again, which is impossible, for
Jesus Christ can never die again.
Osee 13:14 - "I will deliver them out of the hand of death. I will redeem
them from death: O death, I will be thy death; O hell, I will be thy bite:
comfort is hidden from my eyes."
John 11:25,26 - "Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the life:
he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live: And every one that
liveth, and believeth in me, shall not die for ever. Believest thou
Romans 6:8-12 - "Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall
live also together with Christ: Knowing that Christ rising again from the
dead, dieth now no more, death shall no more have dominion over him.
For in that he died to sin, he died once; but in that he liveth, he liveth unto
God: So do you also reckon, that you are dead to sin, but alive unto God, in
Christ Jesus our Lord. Let no sin therefore reign in your mortal body, so as to
obey the lusts thereof."
God Bless,
Chris White
Bad will
… I really do understand what you guys are
trying to do, but our Lord said Himself that there will always be tares along
with the wheat in the Church (Matt 13:30). Even today's Mass reading about
Paul's final announcement to the Church at Ephesus where he said to the
congregation there that "savage wolves will come in not sparing the
flock", "and men coming forward perveting the truth to draw disciples
after them". But he never said to set up your own church (a la Luther et
al). The popes have said and done extremely foolish and hideous things--no
doubt. But like St. Paul said in 1 Thess. 5:21 I will "test everything and
hold fast to what is good", what, in essence, you guys do. I have even
left religious orders because of the ridiculousness I found in them (even one's
that offer the latin mass!!!!!). The Lord Jesus knows my heart and by His power
(and ONLY that ) He is holding His only true Church together…. Peace
MHFM: You are unfortunately a heretic. If you had any faith, which you don't, you
would realize that Benedict XVI has set up his own Church and that he doesn't
even believe in the Papacy. He has also
agreed with the Lutherans on Justification.
It’s an outrage that you presume to quote the Lord Jesus Christ, as you
simultaneously defend heretics who teach that Christ is unnecessary. You obviously reject the Catholic dogma that
heretics are automatically expelled from the Church.
You are deceived. You
cannot recognize the Catholic Church in our day – and that the Vatican II
Church does not represent it – simply because you don’t believe in the
traditional teaching of the Church.
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
To be possessed can mean that Satan has gained mastery over the
will so devastatingly that sinfulness passes beyond ordinary depravity in the
world, and its cause must be sought in a power above the order of nature. To be
possessed can mean that Satan has beclouded the intellect, so that the light of
faith cannot illuminate it. To be possessed can mean that Satan has befuddled a
person’s reason. What can properly describe the prerequisite condition in a man
that decides to sell the organs of infants after their infanticide? What is
even more madness, is that experimentation on slain infants is not only
unnecessary, but it doesn’t help alleviate any condition whatsoever anyways
(not that it would make it moral, but it just goes to show there is a darkness
enveloping and underlying this abomination)…
I remember seeing a presentation by a former abortionist that
committed more than 75,000 infanticides; of a real time ultra sound video
showing a 12 week old baby girl in 1978, who was getting aborted. Before the
infanticide occurred, the former abortionist began explaining the ultra sound
footage, and the baby girl was actually sucking her thumb and moving in the
womb, and when the abortionist’s suction tube tried getting the baby, the baby
girl began moving violently and tried dodging the suction tube. Her heart raced
from 140 beats per minute, to 200. Her mouth was actually open crying, and
finally when the baby girl’s limbs were grabbed she let out a silent scream and
the mouth could be seen wide open in agony, while she was ripped. Then the
infanticide practitioner crushed the baby girls’ head with forceps. To further
dehumanize the baby, instead of the head of the baby being called a head, it is
instead called “number 1” -”the abortionist crushes number 1.” Infanticides and
their accompaniment markets and experimentations are Satanic Rituals, there to
venerate and pay homage to Satan. These rituals are unspeakable and
unimaginable abominations…
Heretical priest
I am soooooooo unexplainably disgusted right now. In fact, I don't
even know if I can eat.
… St. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Catholic church in St.
Catharines, Ontario. This is the church where I had an unfriendly conversation
with this priest a few weeks back. He relayed a personal opinion that
denounced Brother Peter and Brother Michael Dimond to be OUTSIDE THE CATHOLIC
… this Father Bohdan Choly … began discussing the conversation we
had a few weeks back (one week?). He asserted that he had discussed this Baptism
of Desire refutation with a few elder priests and that he needs to know how
obstinate I am in denying the Catholic Faith. (cant' remember his exact
wording). Next, he begins slandering all views in opposition to Baptism of
Desire, claiming that Baptism of Desire has always been taught by the Catholic
… Next, he just continued uttering filth
Next, he began ridiculing that I'm ............ unto like a
Next, he began glorifying himself ....., chirping that he's
studies theology for 7 years (?)
Next, he spat that 'the Brothers' are most likely guilty of
I then asked him to state something specific that he found fault
with. His response? THE ENTIRE BOOK IS A
MISTAKE !!!! (referring to 'Outside the Catholic Church .....')… Next, he SPEWED
Wow !!!!!!!!!... Next, being quite aghast, I asked him to repeat
this contention. He repeated it. Next, I told him that I would be quoting him.
His eyes kinda shifted and he added that the Catholic church ......... in the
17th Century .......... allowed people to be baptized by SAND .......... in
exceptional circumstances !!!!!! I was
completely appalled and, after rebuking him .... nearly fainted in disgust…
MHFM: There are many horrible
heretics out there. The heretic you
mention (who should be avoided) does not understand or believe in the dogma
Outside the Church There is No Salvation, and what he said about baptism in
sand is heretical.
Subject: Thoughts
I watched your video on "death
and the journey into hell". Based on the video it almost seems like one
little false move by whomever and you will be damned. We'll never be perfect.
We are all sinners until death. Based on how this world is now, I can see the
thought of more going to hell then heaven. I've broken every commandment. I'm
trying to stay away from sin but I still find myself suffering with the same
sins. I pray to Jesus and Mary all the time. I pray the rosary and many other
prayers. I try to make a point of doing goods acts in the name of Jesus whether
great or small. This video made me feel as though no matter what I do I will be
damned. Jesus be with you and your family.
MHFM: You say that it’s as if one
false move will send you to Hell. A
mortal sin is not a false move; it’s a willful commission of an act that’s
gravely offensive to God. You clearly
have a desire to justify mortally sinful activity, and your problem is that you
won’t exercise your will and resist sin.
You claim that you pray; yet you persist in grave sins. There are two reasons for this: 1) you don’t
pray with true faith and sincerity; and 2) you don’t have the first degree of
humility: a fear of God that compels one to avoid mortal sin. Hence, your problem is pride. You think God’s law is a joke – not serious
enough to warrant a change in your lifestyle – and you are mistaken.
Benedict (c. 520): “The first degree of humility, then, is that a man always have
the fear of God before his eyes, shunning all forgetfulness and that he be ever
mindful of all that God hath commanded, that he always considereth in his mind
how those who despise God will burn in hell for their sins, and that life
everlasting is prepared for those who fear God.”
Subject: Islam
Dear Brothers,
I was just looking at your recent
article you linked to about Islamic persecution of "Christians" and
the one about the Imam talking about Muslim men allowed to have up to 4 wives
and as many concubines as they want. I had studied Islam a lot and hear about
all these stories going on. Sadly, this is what that evil religion actually
teaches. It actually teaches violence against non-Muslims. The true popes were
right to call it an "abominable sect". Yet, Benedict XVI has the
audacity to say that this is a great religion. How can anyone doubt that
Benedict XVI is an antipope? He praises one of the most evil false religions in
the world. Granted, all false religions are evil. But none have expressed their
evil quite so much as Islam. How can this be a religion of peace? Or how can it
be a noble or good religion, as Benedict XVI thinks? This just proves, beyond a
doubt, that Benedict XVI is definitely an antichrist and a total apostate
God bless,
Wesley Brittain
Subject: Doug with the bad-willed
Dear MHFM:
Doug with the
bad-willed cousins mentioned this in his e-mail:
"I actually had
not recommended to my cousins that they pray the Lord's Prayer or the Hail Mary
every night, so I tried to do that today at school. He responded with
hostility and annoyance."
A significant reason
that atheists are so angry, hateful and spewing is that they are internally
conflicted. Their mind is trying to rationalize that God does not exist in
direct opposition to what they actually know in their heart (soul) that indeed
He does.
If Doug's cousin
"truly" believed that God did not exist then he would not have
reacted with hostility or annoyance, but rather he should have been amused at
the idea of praying and willingly consented, since he "knows for
sure" that they are just a bunch of "meaningless" words. Doug
should point out to his cousin that his refusal and resistance to recite a
bunch of "meaningless" words indicates that in his heart (soul) he
actually knows/fears that God actually does exist.
Hopefully, if Doug
can prevail here by goading his cousin to put his money where his mouth is, by
saying these prayers (just "meaningless words" after all), the Lord will
open his eyes and mind to the truth. It probably won't be an instantaneous
change but saying these prayers (even just once) will weigh heavy on his soul
and mind and "torment" him. It may also be just enough to allow his
guardian angel to start more actively prodding him to wake up.
… This will hopefully be my last email about my cousins, there's
just one more thing I have to resolve before I stop spending my time on them
for good.
I actually had not recommended to my cousins that they pray the
Lord's Prayer or the Hail Mary every night, so I tried to do that today at
school. He responded with hostility and annoyance. He then asked me to prove to
him that he is not GOD. I asked him what he meant by this, and he said that I
can’t disprove or prove to him that he is God, and therefore trying to prove
God is trying to prove a negative. I tried to rebuttals with some common
philosophical and theological arguments, but he then said my logic was
"ridiculous." There was no point in bring up Catholic dogma or
miracles like Our Lady of Guadalupe, I had already tried to use these. Now of
course the only man who was God was Jesus Christ, but is there any way to prove
to him that he is not God?
Sincerely in Our Lady,
MHFM: You could ask your cousin to tell you, off the top of his
head, how much rainfall Brazil gets in a year, and how many deer there are in
North Dakota. When he is unable to do
so, explain to him that he just proved he is not God; for God is omniscient
(all-knowing) and your cousin is not.
The existence of God can be proven; but after you say a few final
words to your cousin, you shouldn’t spend more time with him. He is of extreme bad will.
Creation and Miracles, Past and Present (full length)
Proves God [video]
I esteem your fight for the truth.
Can you tell me where I stand if I attend the Novus Ordo mass, but totally see
where you're coming from?
MHFM: You will not be saved if you
continue to go to the Novus Ordo.
Dear MHFM,
I wanted to say how truly there is a war on for everyone's soul these days, but
especially true traditional Catholics, and I don't think the battle's ever been
more constant or brutal. I totally agree… that pretty much the whole world is
possessed and servants of satan. I actually think they're given missions each
your… helpful video
on King Solomon and his fall from grace… some wisdom I gleaned from the Solomon
video is how he was originally a very good man and one of the best that ever
lived and was taken down by his addiction to lust. His kingdom which once was a
perfect model and tribute to Our Lord's infinite reign became a total
bastardization of its original purpose and became the center of the worship of
man. Incredible how he was getting 666 talents of gold every day I think it
was. It makes me compare to the counterfeit demonic bride that everyone thinks
is the "Catholic" church today. The big difference is that Benny is
like an anti-solomon from the bowels of Hell that was rotten to the core from the
beginning and never had a period of goodness like Solomon. It’s amazing how
everything in the OT mirrors and prophetically foreshadows this awful time.
He's bathed in custom cologne, has thousand dollar shoes, He's a spiritual
business man from Hell who was born for one mission and one mission only, to
destroy as many souls in the last battle as possible…. I mean it just makes me
sick how by now anyone can consider this negative mirror image to be the
Immaculate Bride of Christ. Does anyone even care? The Vatican, once the wise
governing body of Christ's one true church is nothing but an unbelievably giant
money laundering and soul killing operation. We True Catholics should all spend
a little time meditating on the horror of the level of wrath Our Lord must
perpetually be having for these minions...
Nathan Barton
Dear MHFM,
What do you think of people diagnosed with the so called bi -polar disorder?
Are they possessed?
MHFM: Those who have mental problems have spiritual problems. If they convert to the true faith and pray
the full Rosary each day, their problems should be solved.
Subject: Atheist friend
Dear Brothers,
I have an acquaintance who is currently an atheist,
at least that's what he claims. But I've shown him your video on Creation and
miracles, as well as the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas and he said
that his eyes are a lot more open than before and he liked your video. I even
suggested that he pray the rosary, and from what he told me, he said he did
pray it and it made him feel better. Now, he's still not converted yet. But it
seems like he has an open heart to the truth. I'm emailing you to ask if you
and all the members of your monastery can keep him in your prayers, for his
conversion. His name is Anthony. Thank you. :-)
God bless,
Wesley Brittain
BBC News -
Italian earthquake: Centuries of history destroyed My father's family
Tomasi came from a tiny town called Minti outside Torino------so while this
grieves me deeply I also see how the hand of GOD acts in every place on earth to
show that HE is in control of all and since virtually every single person not
only in Italy but throughout the entire earth has rejected, abandoned and
betrayed HIM in these times....well, it is most certainly within HIS mighty
capability to let something like this occur...human "pride" is
MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting
quote about Philip’s conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch, recorded in Acts
stress in the eunuch story is on God leading Philip to the eunuch and providentially
arranging for the eunuch to be reading a text of Isaiah conducive to evangelism
about Jesus – Isaiah 53. The emphasis on
the man being an Ethiopian makes it very likely that he was black. Indeed, Ethiopians in antiquity were
proverbially thought to be the darkest people on earth. We should stress that there is no evidence
from antiquity of widespread prejudice against a particular group of people
simply because of their skin color, or a combination of their skin color and
distinctive ethnic features (e.g., hair, facial features). On that score, Luke lived in a different
world from ours.” (Ben Witherington, New
Testament History, p. 193.)
Subject: Organic Food Co-op
Dear MHFM,
Is it sinful to enter an "Orthodox" Catholic church, when a person
goes there for an organic food pickup? Every week where I am at there is an
organic food Co-op and they arrange for all the pickups to be received at an
"Orthodox" parish
MHFM: No, it’s not.
However, if you have not done so, we recommend that you give them a copy
of the book, The Bible Proves the
Teachings of the Catholic Church.
Subject: Correct me if I'm wrong?
I was under the
impression that: 1) The Fatima requirement was for Russia to be consecrated to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary IN UNION WITH (ALL) THE BISHOPS (don't think this was
ever attempted).....I wonder if John XXIII was supposed to accomplish this and
his Masonic doctrine of Man had taken precedence instead and he had VATII?...
Mrs. A
MHFM: Your question is addressed in detail in the article. That’s why people interested in this issue
need to put out some effort and READ THE
The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of
Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy
We will quote a short paragraph from the article which answers
your question; but to see all of the facts that support and fill out this
position, one has to read the whole article.
But didn’t Our Lady promise that Russia would be consecrated
in union with all the Bishops of the world? No! This is a key point. Our Lady requested that Russia be
consecrated in union with all the Bishops of the world, but on July 13 she only
promised that “In the end my Immaculate
Heart will triumph. The Holy Father
will consecrate Russia to me, and it will be converted and a certain
period of peace will be granted to the world.” Notice that Our Lady didn’t
promise: “The Holy Father and all the Bishops will consecrate Russia to me…”
Further, heaven revealed that the actual fulfillment of the consecration of
Russia would not be fully in accord with heaven’s original wishes; for
instance, it would be “late” (more on this in a bit).
Subject: death
Brother Michael and
Brother Peter,
After the recent death of my non-Catholic grandmother I have had pondering
thoughts. I am the only Catholic in my family and understand that I am not to
attend any non-Catholic services including funerals. When it is my parents'
time to leave this world what are the guidelines for what you can and cannot do
in terms of preparing their funerals, etc.? Are you allowed to carry through
with their requests for what they want said or done at the funeral? As a
Catholic do you have to find someone else to try to do this work in place of
yourself? I would really appreciate your input on this subject.
May God continue to bless you both,
Jodi P.
MHFM: It’s sad to have a family member die outside the faith. Unfortunately, it’s a reality that basically
every Catholic must face. When pondering
this sobering reality, the overriding consideration should be that each person
ultimately chooses his or her own fate.
Each person ultimately searches out and follows after what he or she
really wants and really values. Thus, those who die outside the Church did so
because they didn’t want God and they didn’t want the truth. They wanted to go their own way, and that’s
what they did.
A Catholic should not fulfill any kind of funeral requests made by
a non-Catholic family member. A Catholic
must not be involved with a non-Catholic funeral. The only thing one may do with a deceased
non-Catholic family member is have that person buried. However, it must not be a Catholic/religious
Australia, Anglicans
Subject: Anglicans
Dear Brothers,
Another agreement is being made here in Australia between the Vatican II sect
and the Anglican schismatics: "Bathurst will become the sixth diocese in
Australia to formalise the relationship between its Anglican and Catholic
churches when Bishops Richard Hurford and Bishop Michael McKenna sign a
covenant of friendship next week, reports the Western Advocate."
(http://www.cathnews.com.au/article.aspx?aeid=31363) They refuse to condemn the
Protestant heretics, and so end up in communion with them. It is outrageous.
What schismatics! It shows again that they have absolutely no faith in Catholic
dogmas, such as the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church for
salvation, or in the Papacy and Papal Infallibility.
Matthew 16:18- "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock
I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against
2 Thessalonians - "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the
traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle."
God Bless,
Chris White
New Jersey Man Has $20k Stolen From Him by Tennessee Police - YouTube
When I listen to this man (whose job it is to uphold the law) justifying
the practice of stealing money from people, I am reminded of one of the little
episodes which is described in MHFM's book on Padre Pio.
It's where Satan goes into Padre Pio's confessional disguised as a
man, confesses every disgusting sin imaginable, and then justifies those
sins. And the ability and skill of the devil in justifying these sins
was enough to take even a man like Padre Pio aback. Makes one wonder if the
devil wasn't giving Padre Pio a sneak preview of things to come. Once
upon a time, evil things had to be hidden, but no more. Now, everything evil is
openly called good. It's like the world is possessed.
Also wanted to add that Bill Mulligan brought out an interesting point
about efforts being made by many in Russia to oppose abortion. I doubt you will
find much about that in the Gruner or SSPX propaganda on Fatima.
Lee Ann
Dear MHFM,
Isn't it somewhat ironic
that the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ were jewish and converted to
Christendom, and millions of willing jews throughout salvation history
converted, as well as other races converting throughout the world, and the
second vatican council 1962-65 condemns Catholics from evangelizing jews to
convert, or any other religion? Calling Catholics who do so, anti-semitic and
proselytizers in the negative. That's nearly two millenia fighting for
Catholicism in its true form. What's wrong with this VII production?
Subject: Russian Facts
In response to the writer (Paul) who seemed to be questioning your
well documented position that the Fatima promises concerning Russia have been
fulfilled (Russia has undergone a kind of "conversion"), a couple of
facts: 1) Paul points to the income tax as a Russian "error". The
income tax system in the US was established under Woodrow Wilson in 1913, four
years before Fatima and the Russian Revolution. So this point seems to be just
wrong factually, as well as of questionable relevance. 2) While Russia (after
the communist takeover) was the first modern country legalize abortion (1920),
modern day Russia has passed many anti-abortion laws in the last couple of
years and the Russian President's wife is actually a pro-life activist. Seems
like a sort of "conversion" to me...
In the last couple of decades (since the fall of the Eastern
Block) it seems hard to argue that the US isn't the nation most responsible for
spreading error throughout the world on behalf of zionism and its proxies.
Bill Mulligan
King David
another archaeological dig in support of Biblical accounts
Dear MHFM,
You may have already seen this but
in case you hadn’t – I thought you would be interested in it…
… May our Most Blessed Mother
protect you all always!!
Pax Christi,
Melanie O’Keefe
Print version of Papacy audio presentation
Dear Brother Peter Dimond,
I am most impressed with your talk on
defending the efficacy of the Papacy as supported in Scriptures. This is a very
powerful and convincing presentation that must be made accessible in all media
formats, including print and video. I would be most appreciative if you made
the transcript available as a link or included in some book that is for sale or
provided among what donations may help cost-defray. The item is titled this:
The Bible Teaches that Jesus made St. Peter the First Pope (http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/audio/papacy.mp3), from your website: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/papacy_mainpage.php
Thank you… for your service to Christ and His Church. Jesus be praised, to the
Father's glory, as the Holy Spirit guides us to do God's Will. Blessed Mother
Virgin Mary, and all the Saints, pray for us. -- Stan Rocko
MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail. In our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, you will
find a section called “The Bible Teaches that Jesus Made St. Peter the First Pope.” It deals in print with the biblical proof for
the Papacy.
Consecration, B-16
Subject: Consecration of Russia
About the consecration of Russia:
Let me first say that I wish to ask this question for
clarification. When Our lady of Fatima said, "“Russia will spread its errors throughout the world."
We can still see Russia spreading its errors such as abortion and income tax.
Two ideas that originated in Russia and unfortunately are still being spread
today. Can it be that when Pius XII consecrated the russian people, he failed
to specifically consecrate Russia as a nation rather than its people. Also, I
do not know if he had all of the other bishops consecrate Russia with him?
Benedict is not the Pope, I can clearly understand this, but unfortunately many
people fail to recognize or even begin to question this. Would it be possible
the Blessed Virgin manifest herself to him. Turns his heart good, say Alphonse
Ratisbonne style, and then proceeds to consecrate Russia properly. In a
comparison to the likes of Darth Vader, who was truly evil (V2) but then
ultimately destroys the "Empire" and Mary's Immaculate heart
If anything at all please respond about
the Pius XII consecration.
MHFM: First, the consecration of
Russia matter – and the precise question you ask – is addressed in detail in
this article: The Whole Truth about the
Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy
By the
way, with each day that goes by, the position we expressed on this issue years
ago is proving itself true. Does it look
like a consecration of Russia is in our future?
No, that’s because it was accomplished in the past. (Our article was also the first and only
explanation of how the consecration of Russia was performed before Vatican II,
and how all the relevant information is consistent with that conclusion).
Second, you ask about Antipope
Benedict XVI converting. We’re always
puzzled when people focus on the possible conversion of the most wicked men in
the world. You are talking about one of
the most evil men in all of history,
who was placed in the current position because he’s a reprobate and he’s
fulfilling a precise role for Satan at the end of time.
People should not be focusing on
whether there is any ounce of goodness in devilish men who are trying to smash
Our Lord’s Church to pieces. They are
not only trying to destroy the Church; they are doing it in the most insidious
way: under the guise of protecting and leading her. Antipope Benedict XVI’s conversion is FAR
LESS LIKELY than Planned Parenthood’s entire company shutting down tomorrow and
going exclusively into pro-life causes.
People should be focused combatting, rejecting and exposing these
antichrists for what they are: men who are wicked to the core.
Pope Gregory
XVI (1840): “This is surely the time when the Christian battle line should
smash the devil as he rages all over the world…” (Probe Nostis #15)
In your Judas quote which is inspiring
towards God's truth, I'm sure Luther, Montini, Wojtyla, and Ratzinger had/have
identical expressions of deception. Those expressions never change, much like
the saying, "Birds of a feather, flock together." Antichrists to the
MHFM: Mark 14:44- “And he that betrayed him, had given them a
sign, saying: Whomsoever I shall kiss, that is he; lay hold on him, and lead
him away carefully.”
This is a somewhat interesting quote
about the incomprehensible insincerity and phoniness exhibited by Judas when
betraying the Lord of all creation.
“A kiss was a normal form of
greeting between disciple and teacher, a token of real friendship. Judas says, ‘The one I kiss should be grabbed
and led away securely.’ The intensive verb used in v. 45 [Mark 14],
kataphileo, means ‘to kiss with every
show of affection,’ thus making the betrayal even worse. It is striking that after the betrayal by the
kiss, Judas completely disappears into the night, never to appear again in
Mark’s narrative.” (Ben Witherington, New
Testament History, p. 167.)
We mention this aspect of the
betrayal in the second half of this video: The
Agony of Jesus in the Garden [video].
I saw this in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and today I passed by this Jewish
Museum and the neon sign out front was advertising this exhibit
Subject: “Imposter” Sr. Lucia
Thanks for the very interesting discussion on Sr. Lucy. It's not
so hard to believe that Sr. Lucy lived to be 98 years old. I know several
people that have done so, but more importantly it may be that she was really
told that she would live to see the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, or the
chastisement that would follow if The Blessed Virgins commands were not heeded.
To say she would stay "a short time longer", could imply that it was
possible for the commands to be met in a timely manner (they were not) so Sr.
Lucy stayed, but under house arrest….
MHFM: The fact that few people live
that long is not the reason one must conclude there was an impostor. The evidence is overwhelming in a variety of areas: 1) the changes in
appearance; 2) her blatant contradictions to the real Sr. Lucia and the message
of Fatima; 3) her blatant heresies; 4) how a traditional view of Fatima, the
true Third Secret and Fatima’s fulfillment cannot be maintained without
rejecting the post-Vatican II “Lucia” (for
she clearly and without any doubt confirmed the phony Third Secret and the
Vatican’s interpretation of it); 5) the clear need to silence and in fact
eliminate the real Sr. Lucia before 1960 and after the Fuentes interview; and
more. Only a dishonest person would
reject all of the proof and still believe that the post-Vatican II “Sr. Lucia”
was the real one. The point about Our
Lady saying to the girl Lucia, “you will remain a little longer,” is just one
more small piece of evidence that fits well with the true and proper
conclusion: there is no way the post-Vatican II “Lucia” was the real Sr. Lucia.
The Impostor Sr. Lucia
- 1/3 - When and Why
The Impostor Sr. Lucia
- 2/3 - The Proof and Her Contradictions
The Impostor Sr. Lucia
- 3/3 - Her Heresies
Subject: Pacquiao
Dear Brothers,
Manny Pacquiao's comments apologising to gays about offending them because he
condemned homosexual marriage are sure to spell doom for his boxing career. It
won't be surprising to read headlines about him losing some boxing matches
Romans 1: 25-27 - "Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped
and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women
have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in
like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in
their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and
receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error."
God Bless,
Chris White
Impostor Sr. Lucia
Subject: The Impostor Sr. Lucia
Dear MHFM:
Around the 1:49 mark of your video "The Third Secret of
Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World " (as found on
YouTube), you make the strong case for the statistical improbability against
Sister Lucia (born 1907) living to the age of 98 years old (dying in 2005). I
refer your attention to EWTN's website about Fatima, specifically this link:
At the June 13, 1917 apparition, the following conversation takes
place between Our Lady and Lucia:
Lucia: "Will you take us to heaven?"
Our Lady: "Yes, I shall take Jacinta and Francisco soon, but
you will remain a little longer, since Jesus wishes you to make me known
and loved on earth. He wishes also for you to establish devotion in the world
to my Immaculate Heart."
I find Our Lady's choice of words here extremely
interesting. It would seem unimaginable that Our Lady meant by the phrase
"a little longer" as a period of 88 years (1917-2007). Even by
today's standards, 88 years is considered a very long life.
… I would say that this very well might be Our Lady's way of
indicating that Lucia would definitely not live a full life (e.g. 70 years),
and certainly not an extraordinary long life (i.e. 98 years). If so, then it
would also seem that this was mentioned as a prophecy/warning against the
impostor Sister Lucia and against all those who vouch for her. Furthermore, the
fact that the impostor Sister Lucia was allowed to live to the year 2005, may
have been an act of Divine intervention to make it clear that her apparent
longevity was completely irreconcilable with Our Lady's words to Lucia that she
would "remain (living) a little longer."
"To teach in
order to lead others to faith is the task of every preacher and of each
believer." —Thomas Aquinas
You have done the work, your material is interesting, and true. Every single
person is capable of spreading it. The debates have been on your side, the
quotes, teachings, and actions are all on your side. People need only legs,
fingers, or a mouth to spread the truth. Though holiness is the goal (be ye
holy), it is also a process, a process that involves the spreading of the
faith. No matter who you are, or where you stand spiritually; at this very
moment, you are capable of spreading the faith. You are capable of great
things, and though not yet holy, you are capable of beginning the process.
Pray for me.
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for high-lighting the truth about the Genesis creation account. It is
extremely important to believe in the miraculous creation of the universe by
the Holy Trinity, and that He alone is the Creator of all things visible and
invisible. There are many graces that are lost simply because people refuse to
believe that everything was created in seven (or six, more accurately) days.
Antipope Benedict XVI probably thinks it is merely symbolic, as would countless
other false traditionalists and heretics. It is especially relevant today since
modernist heretics abound, and modernism is founded on the heresy of evolution…
God Bless,
Chris White
Subject: Externals and Slogans
Dear Brothers:
As Kevin points out, anyone should be able to recognize
that there is something apocalyptically wrong with the Vatican II church
(because there is simply too much evidence). In fact, any person claiming to be
Catholic (or even Protestant) if he were of good will, would be willing to examine
the claims of sedevacantism, especially when he is reminded that there have
been anti-popes before in history. The Vatican II sect is silent on the
promotion of gay marriage, just as it is silent on all the public pro-abortion
politicians claiming to be Catholic. ( In fact, it often praises them.) If the
anti-popes can tolerate Pelosi, why wouldn't they tolerate Obama? And it
doesn't take a theologian to question what "conservative" and
"traditional" rags like The Wanderer have been reporting for
decades. One example: the story about Fran Ferder and her male associate (a
nun & priest combo) traveling throughout the dioceses promoting homosexuality
among religious. According to the Wanderer, did the Vatican investigate
them? Sure, and it only took the Vatican eight years to conduct their
study and tell them to stop -- but allowed the program to continue anyway. And
the people writing for, selling, and reading these rags don't see a problem in
Where is the outrage? Why do these supposed Catholics feel no
compelling need to try to get to the bottom of this -- or be determined to die
trying? Most people have no faith at all and couldn't care less, and the
punishment seems to be that over time their blindness gets worse and worse. And
as for those who might be inclined to stop and wonder what is going on
and why, well, Satan has people like Corapi, Salza, Fellay and all the other
Anti-Missionaries to assure them that all is well and that they
can all go back to sleep… these double-talkers, as Vladimir and MHFM have
pointed out, will just keep those mind-deadening slogans going --
because false Christianity is all about externals and slogans.. For the
individual as well as for the nation, it's either Christ and His true Catholic
Church or it's Satan --and mankind has opted for Satan.
Lee Ann
It is nearly official. Some people, do not support you, not
because you they do not think that you follow The Truth, but simply because you
are not "nice." Never mind the years of reading documents and
creating presentations to expose the antipopes... never mind the fact that your
material is their reason for getting away from the invalid New Mass, and
rejecting the complete antichrists in Rome... thanks for all of this, but you
are not "nice." What a joke. Let me tell you about "nice"
people (not that you need me too). Nanci Pelosi is "nice," Obama is
"nice," I am sure that the politicians in China and Europe are also
very "nice." We then have a dividing line, as in, all of these MASS
MURDERERS of the innocent unborn are "nice people." Niceness has
become the ultimate, Cardinal, and ONLY "virtue" necessary in today's
antichrist world. "Niceness" is one reason for this apostasy in the
first place, as in, that is the only "virtue" on display in the
Vatican II sect.
Except that, "NICENESS IS NOT A VIRTUE!" And "nice" is also
not synonymous with love. I say "thank you" and "your
welcome" and I give a little fake laugh, and a little smile, because these
things bring about the results that I want. People act positively towards me if
I am nice. This, however, is NOT LOVE, this is clever…
Dear Brothers,
I was recently debating a woman on sola scriptura. I showed her
all of the facts on how the Canon of Scripture was given to us by the Catholic
Church, why the bible proves the Church's teachings on Our Lady, the Eucharist,
confession to a priest, etc...but she still believes "Romanism" is a
"false gospel." It just goes to show what bad will these Protestants
Sincerely in Our Lady,
MHFM: Yes, you really see it in
encounters with them.
Subject: Revolt
Dear Brothers,
The state of the present world situation as
discussed by Mark V and the other responder will never be a "Democracy of
truth" as we know it. We're living in a time as never seen in history
where the great revolt has occurred and the "man of sin" sits in the
house of both the secular and the visible counter-church. There is no visible
good in the world that is standing up for the truth (except MHFM) as we watch
this game between the V-II, the SSPX and other false Christians battle it out
in what would appear to be a boxing match between rivaling gang members.
This great deception and web of lies is becoming
so obvious as seen by the current events in the world. Lost souls are buying
into this garbage of the Vatican II, and these phony politicians because it all
fits "so nicely" in this evil world as if they were trying on custom
tailored clothing. Its as if the insane asylums have closed their doors and are
not allowing anymore crazies in, as seen with the e-exchanges from Dr.. (Not)
and (Deceived and bad willed).
Thessalonians 2:3-4; Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come
a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that
is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God,
shewing himself as if he were God.
God Bless Your Works,
Tom Miles
Ring of Fire
Solar Eclipse 2012: 'Ring Of Fire' Set To Appear May 20
Dear Brothers:
It has been said that the story of Creation and the real history
of the world is also taught through the phenomena of nature. I don't doubt that
that's true, even if modern man has become too carnal to see it.
What a story Heaven told to the Aztecs via the garments which Our
Lady wore in her miraculous image of Guadalupe!
Can't help but wonder: Does the phenomenon of the "ring of
fire" in the eclipse of the sun reflect the Faithful Remnant in these
endtimes when the true Catholic Church, which brings the Son's light to the
world, is in eclipse? And is it the ring of fire which all of us
(who wish to be a part of that Remnant) must be in the darkness of this
Great Apostasy? God Bless Most Holy Family Monastery for showing us the way.
Lee Ann
Today 2 LatterDay/Mormon
young men came to my door. I told them that I was a Traditional Catholic. One
man said 'how is that working for you?' So I told him That Christ founded my
church and all Protestants 'protested' against the Catholic church He founded.
I tried to give them your book, "The Bible Proves the Teachings of the
Catholic Church" and he said he didn't want it. (That happened before with
the Mormons, they will never accept other literature) I said that his 'church?'
was founded by a man- he said Smith was a prophet. I told him he was a
Freemason. I asked him if he knew about Freemasons and he said no. So I told
him to look it up because they worship the devil. I think that kind of scared
him, I hope, because then they left in a hurry. It is so sad they are so
blinded by the devil. God bless you in
your wonderful work!
MHFM: One should also tell them that they cannot be saved as
Mormons, but only as Catholics.
Subject: Silence of Vatican on
Obama Gay Marriage Announcement
Just wanted to pass this along. I
was reading news story on Obama recent Gay "marriage" announcement
and it stated Vatican is silent on issue.
It suddenly occurred to me that this
all by itself - absent of everything else - is a simple yet absolute
condemnation of the Vatican II sect. The “President” of the United States –
“leader” of free world – makes a public announcement such as this and the
vatican is silent?
What a scandal. A true Pontiff would
be all over this…
MHFM: That’s a good point.
Dear Brothers in Christ,
The reader who wrote: "I can tell you it is not the will of the Father to
be judging the Pope" is an obvious liar, and very probably an adherent of
the V2 sect. While the statement in itself is accurate, it is as deceiving as any
other statement coming from the Devil's mouth. First, how does he/she know that
it is not up to the faithful to judge the Pope? Well, it is a dogma. It is one
of the many dogmas of The Catholic Church rejected by the "Pope"
he/she is referring to. Second, the apostate reader obviously doesn't like to
quote Christ's words about false Christs, who will be appearing at the end
times and will deceive many. How the faithful is supposed to judge who is a
false Christ if he/she is not supposed to judge who is false Pope? The apostate
reader obviously claims that it doesn't matter what the "Pope"
teaches, and this claim is just the consequence of the apostates' conviction
that it doesn't matter what Jesus Christ has taught. They, the abominable V2 sect
adherents, just have their "Pope" and nothing else matters to them.
Third, the abominable V2 sectarians have completely taken over the communistic
method of "managing the masses". The Devil's servant Lenin had
supposedly said: "We will win masses by slogans". And they, the
bolsheviks, have won the masses and killed millions in gulags and all other
places in the world. Likewise, the V2 sectarians have picked up some slogans,
such as "do not judge", "God is love", "Pope is not to
be judged", and that's all they want to know, that is, they want to think
they know what all of these slogans mean. In their gibberish "faith"
there is no place for the dogmas of The Catholic Church and the true obedience
to God and to the true popes. They have their "evolving dogmas", just
like the bolshevik murderer Stalin, who has rejected the dialectic dogma of
"negation of the negation" and replaced it with some other
"dialectic law". That's because it had crossed his criminal mind that
someone could think that he, Stalin, who himself is a negation, could also be
negated. The abominable V2 sect, in devilish communion with all other false
religions of the world, is a negation of the true faith.
Our Most blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for all true Catholics in the
Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia
Yes, and the meaning of the principle, “No one can judge the First See or the
Pope,” is that a pope (who is the supreme judge in the Church) cannot be
subjected to a canonical trial. It also
means that his authoritative acts (official decrees) cannot be judged. It does not mean that a true pope cannot be
criticized, in regard things he does in a non-magisterial capacity; and of
course the Vatican II impostors aren’t true popes at all but non-Catholic
heretics and antipopes.
On this matter it’s very interesting
to reconsider how this principle, “No one can judge the First See,” is
ironically crucial to proving the position that heretical “popes” lose their
offices (ipso facto) without any
declaration or judgment by a man.
Some defenders of the Vatican II antipopes, who reluctantly acknowledge
a few problems with the antipopes’ volumes of heretical teaching (it’s amazing,
isn’t it?), assert that a trial or formal decree would have to precede the
rejection of a heretical “pope”; for the average person cannot “judge,” they
say. This is not only completely wrong;
but ironically, in wrongly asserting that the principle “No one can judge the
pope” requires that a trial or decree (from a council or bishops or cardinals)
precede the rejection of a heretical “pope,” they are violating the very
principle they cite. They are calling for a judgment of “the
pope” while simultaneously arguing that he cannot be judged.
In the process they are
demonstrating the truth that heretical “popes” MUST lose their offices
automatically, without any declaration, trial or formal judgment (which is
Catholic teaching); for no one could render the judgment or subject the pope to
a trial. This was covered in detail in
our article, John Salza Has No Idea What He's Talking About [article]. It shows
how one heretic, in advancing false arguments in a futile attempt to defend the
antipope, fell into a complete and
embarrassing denial of the principle: “No one can judge the First See.” The article shows that defenders of Antipope
Benedict XVI are not only wrong, but they have no idea what they are talking
about. Each principle they cite points
us directly back to the falsity of their position. They throw out arguments and quotes that
sound good and successfully deceive the typical reader, but serve to destroy
their own conclusions when carefully scrutinized. Here’s one important section of the
article. We cite this because it shows
how defenders of the antipope misuse Catholic principles, and how the proper
understanding of every Catholic principle is ALWAYS consistent with the true
position: that a heretic such as Benedict XVI CANNOT be considered a true pope,
and must be considered an antipope.
… we have three layers of contradictions laid by Salza’s
erroneous writing on the sedevacantist issue: 1) contradictions within the
first article; 2) contradictions within the second article; and 3)
contradictions between what he said in the first article and what he said in
the second article. Let’s consider #3 right now: contradictions between his
first article and his second article.
In Salza’s first article, he argued that the key error of the
sedevacantists is failing to recognize a distinction. He distinguished between
1) the fact that a heretic ceases to be a member of the Church and vacates his
office without declaration; and 2) the fact that Catholics supposedly cannot know who is a heretic “until the
Church tells us.” The left column reflects his first article, and the right
column his second. Notice (in the left column) that he applied his false
argument, that we need the Church’s judgment to consider someone a heretic, to
all professing Catholics and to clerics in general, not only to a pope.
Then notice (in the right column) how he changes his position
and even lies about having ever taught it.
First Article: “Sedevacantists
correctly maintain that Divine Law expels a formal heretic from the Church
without further declaration… However,
the same Code of Canon Law also determines how we know
a cleric has publicly defected from the Faith and lost his office
as a result of the defection: The Church tells us. Thus,
ecclesiastical law follows Our Lord’s directive: “tell it to the church; and if
he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a
tax collector” (Mt 18:17). While the person in Matthew 18 was publicly
suspected of a transgression, Jesus
tells us to treat him as excommunicated only after the Church judges the
matter. “… St. Paul is not
giving every Catholic the authority to make a formal and binding
determination of another Catholic’s
orthodoxy.” |
Article, p. 5: “Ability to Recognize a Formal Heretic: Catholics are able to recognize a formal
heretic without a declaration from the Church. See canon 188.4 and Cum Ex
Apostolatus. While Dimond and I agree with this statement, Dimond (as you will see) repeatedly
claims that I don’t believe Catholics can recognize a formal heretic, and
that is simply not true (I have never held such an error). This is a
deliberate or negligent mischaracterization of my position.” |
In his first article (left column), he clearly teaches that a
declaration from the Church is necessary to consider someone a heretic; and he
argues that this principle applies to “a cleric” (not just a pope) and even to
“another Catholic’s orthodoxy.” That means that he was applying his false
principle to all who professed to be Catholics. He was arguing that you cannot
consider any “Catholic” a heretic until “the Church tells us.” In my article (John Salza’s Arguments Against Sedevacantism
Crushed) I completely refuted his false argument, and that’s why Salza
abandoned it in his second. He now argues (right column) that you can recognize
a professing “Catholic” as a heretic without a declaration from the Church, and
he even dishonestly says he never taught otherwise.
Anyone can see that Salza’s statement is false and dishonest. He
clearly taught that Catholics cannot recognize another “Catholic” as a heretic
“until the Church tells us.” The fact that Salza is changing his position
(again) and lying about it should make it clear to anyone that his position is
false and indefensible.
PP. 5-6-
Salza’s new position is that
while Catholics can recognize some people as formal heretics without the
Church’s declaration, in the case of
a pope a declaration is always required. This opens up a whole new can
of worms for his position because the canons he consistently cites and misuses
don’t specify that they apply exclusively to a pope. Even more importantly, in
making his false argument that a claimant to the papal office must be declared
a heretic before anyone could consider him one, Salza violates the dogmatic
principle that a pope and the First See cannot be judged. As I will
show, there are literally dozens of errors, lies and contradictions in Salza’s
second article, but this error might be the most important.
The principle that a pope and the First See cannot be judged is
bound up with Catholic teaching on the primacy. It was articulated from the
earliest days of the Church. Essentially, it means that since the pope is the
leader of the Church with universal primacy and jurisdiction, no cleric, bishop
or Catholic can depose the pope or SUBJECT THE POPE TO A CANONICAL TRIAL. While
a pope can summon a lower cleric (such as a bishop, cardinal or priest) to a
trial for heresy, no one can do the same
to a pope; for there is no authority on Earth higher than a reigning pope.
Pope St. Nicholas, epistle (8), Proposueramus quidem, 865: “… Neither by Augustus, nor by all the
clergy, nor by religious, not by the people will the judge be judged… ‘The first seat will not be judged by
anyone.’” (Denz. 330)
Pope St. Leo IX, In terra
pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 11: “By passing judgment on the great See, concerning which it is not
permitted any man to pass judgment, you have received anathema from all the
Fathers of the venerable Councils…” (Denz. 352)
Pope St. Leo IX, In terra
pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 32: “… As the hinge while remaining immoveable opens and closes the door, so
Peter and his successors have free judgment over all the Church, since no one
should remove their status because ‘the highest See is judged by no one.’” (Denz.
Canon 1556,
1917 Code of Canon Law, On trials in
general: “The First See is judged by no one.”
Nevertheless, throughout his second article, John Salza argues
that the pope not only can be judged to be a heretic by an official declaration,
but that such a declaration (and a preceding trial) are necessary for a
Catholic to consider the pope a heretic!
John Salza, Second Article, p. 7: “Second, even if
the pope were subject to canon 2200 and thus his formal heresy were presumed (which
is not true), the pope would still be
entitled to rebut the presumption in a canonical trial…”
John Salza, Second Article,
p. 6: “Even if there were evidence of
malice or disregarded warnings, the
pope would be entitled to rebut such evidence as a matter of due process.
That is why Dimond fixates on a Catholic’s ability to recognize heresy without
the intervention of the Church (because he wants to personally judge the
heresy) and also why he ignores or
dismisses the canon law that requires declaratory sentences for heresy
(again, because he wants to personally judge the heresy).”
He teaches that there must be a
process and examination of the pope. He even says that the pope would be
entitled to rebut such evidence in a trial. All of this reveals his flawed
theology, and his heretical understanding of the issue. The pope cannot be subjected to a trial or examination, nor can he be
deposed by a declaration from any cleric, bishop, body of bishops or even a
council. In fact, the notion that a council could judge or depose a pope is
the heresy of Conciliarism; yet many non-sedevacantists argue that a council
must handle the matter. (A non-sedevacantist on YouTube, whose user name begins
with “September,” made a similar false argument. Like Salza, he also refused
our debate challenge.) That’s why the loss of papal office, and the ability of
Catholics to recognize it, must happen WITHOUT ANY DECLARATION; for no one can
judge the pope. Any Catholic, on the other hand, can recognize that a manifest
heretic is not a pope.
Here are some more quotes in which
Salza promotes his primary heresy on this matter: that a pope can be judged,
subjected to a trial, and deposed.
The sheer number of times that Salza
promotes his fundamental heresy is alarming. His entire argument revolves
around this heretical position, which he vomits forth page after page. When
reading his repeated utterances of heresy on this matter, which serve to
demonstrate that his position is false and his understanding of canon law
fatally flawed, keep the pure Catholic truth on this matter firmly in mind:
since no authority on Earth or in the Church could officially judge a reigning
pope or subject him to a canonical trial or depose him, a claimant to the
Papacy who demonstrates manifest heresy must be considered to have lost the
SENTENCE OF HERESY). For that reason, one is not judging a pope when one
recognizes that Benedict XVI (an obvious heretic) isn’t a Catholic. Rather, one
is simply acknowledging that a manifest heretic, who has publicly defected from
the faith, is outside the Church and, as a result, devoid of any Catholic authority.
Second Article, p. 7: “Second, even
if the pope were subject to canon 2200 and thus his formal heresy were
presumed (which is not true), the pope
would still be entitled to rebut the presumption in a canonical trial…” John Salza,
Second Article, p. 10: “… in Peter
Dimond’s world, the pope is presumed guilty until proven innocent (actually, Dimond would not even give the pope a
chance to prove himself innocent in a canonical trial!” John, that’s because a pope cannot
be subjected to a canonical trial. John Salza,
Second Article, p. 10: “Further, the pope, above all men, would have the
right to rebut any evidence that he is intentionally departing from the
Catholic Faith as a matter of justice and due process. Again, that goes
without saying.” John Salza,
Second Article, p. 10: “Even if the
popes were not ignorant of Church teaching (a fact that would have to be established in a canonical trial)…” John Salza,
Second Article, p. 15: “The Dimond
brothers can compile all the heterodox quotes of the conciliar popes that they wish and “adjudicate” them on their
website as if they are the Magisterium… When
it is a question of evidence which can deprive one of an ecclesiastical
office, an ecclesiastical authority must resolve the question.” Here Salza clearly articulates the
condemned heresy that an “ecclesiastical authority” can deprive (at least de facto) a pope of office. John Salza,
Second Article, p. 18: “A condemnatory sentence for
heresy is declared only after a
canonical trial, and canon 2223.4 requires a condemnatory sentence to
be declared if it is for the common good of the Church (in the case of a claimant to the papacy whose heresy has
not yet been proven to be morally imputable).” John Salza,
Second Article, p. 20: “Hence, the only way Dimond can strip the pope of
his office is through the canonical procedures that he, quite wrongly,
says do not apply.” No one can strip the pope of his
office. This is staggeringly false theology. John Salza, Second
Article, p. 6: “Even if there
were evidence of malice or disregarded warnings, the pope would be entitled to rebut such evidence as a matter of due
process. That is why Dimond fixates on a Catholic’s ability to
recognize heresy without the intervention of the Church (because he wants to
personally judge the heresy) and also why he ignores or dismisses the canon law that requires declaratory
sentences for heresy (again, because he wants to personally judge the
heresy).” |
CONDEMNING TRIALS, DECREES AND JUDGMENTS AGAINST A POPE Pope St. Nicholas, epistle (8), Proposueramus quidem, 865: “… Neither by Augustus, nor by all the
clergy, nor by religious, not by the people will the judge be judged… ‘The first seat will not be judged by
anyone.’” Canon 1556,
1917 Code of Canon Law, On trials in general: “The First See
is judged by no one.” Pope St. Leo IX, In
terra pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 11: “By passing judgment on the great See, concerning which it is not
permitted any man to pass judgment, you have received anathema from all the
Fathers of the venerable Councils…” Pope St. Leo IX, In
terra pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 32: “… As the hinge while remaining immoveable opens and closes the door,
so Peter and his successors have free judgment over all the Church, since no
one should remove their status because ‘the highest See is judged by no
one.’” Pope St. Nicholas, epistle (8), Proposueramus quidem, 865: “… Neither by Augustus, nor by all the
clergy, nor by religious, not by the people will the judge be judged… ‘The first seat will not be judged by
anyone.’” Canon 1556,
1917 Code of Canon Law, On trials in general: “The First See
is judged by no one.” Pope St. Leo IX, In
terra pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 11: “By passing judgment on the great See, concerning which it is not
permitted any man to pass judgment, you have received anathema from all the
Fathers of the venerable Councils…” Pope St. Leo IX, In
terra pax hominibus, Sept. 2, 1053, Chap. 32: “… As the hinge while remaining immoveable opens and closes the door,
so Peter and his successors have free judgment over all the Church, since no
one should remove their status because ‘the highest See is judged by no
one.’” Pope St. Nicholas, epistle (8), Proposueramus quidem, 865: “… Neither by Augustus, nor by all the
clergy, nor by religious, not by the people will the judge be judged… ‘The first seat will not be judged by
anyone.’” |
We’ve uncovered the fatal flaw of
Salza’s second article. His false theology leads him to the dead end that a
declaration, preceded by a canonical trial, would have to be rendered against
the pope. He argues that only after such a trial and declaration can Catholics
remove their submission to him.
In Salza’s heretical world, we could
have the following ridiculous scenario. Evidence of heresy is produced against
a claimant to the papal office in Rome. The cardinals, some of the bishops or a
council call for a trial against the pope. In response, the pope (to use
Salza’s words) tries “to rebut the presumption in a canonical trial.”
John Salza, Second Article, p. 7: “Second, even if
the pope were subject to canon 2200 and thus his formal heresy were presumed
(which is not true), the pope would still
be entitled to rebut the presumption in a canonical trial…”
During the trial, the pope vigorously
maintains his innocence, and he even issues a decree on the matter.
Nevertheless, the finding of the trial is that the pope is guilty. Catholics
are therefore forced to remove their obedience from the pope, as a result of
this declaration against him. Hence, the declaration serves as a deposition.
Moreover, they are forced to reject the pope’s own authoritative decree
which proclaimed his innocence. Hence, they pass judgment on the judgment
of the Apostolic See! Of course, all of this is heretical and clearly
contradicts Vatican I.
Vatican I,
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ, Sess. 4, Chap. 3: “And since the
Roman Pontiff is at the head of the universal Church by the divine right of
apostolic primacy, We teach and declare also that he is the supreme judge of
the faithful [cf. n.1500 ], and that in all cases pertaining to ecclesiastical
examination recourse can be had to his judgment [cf. n. 466 ]; moreover, that the judgment of the Apostolic See, whose
authority is not surpassed, is to be disclaimed by no one, nor is anyone permitted to pass judgment on
its judgment [cf. n.330 ff.]. Therefore, they stray from the straight path of truth who affirm that it is
permitted to appeal from the judgments of the Roman Pontiffs to an ecumenical Council, as to an
authority higher than the Roman Pontiff.”
Since he’s a proven liar, Salza will
probably either change his position on this matter (now that we’ve refuted it)
or flat out deny that he taught the heresy that a pope can be subjected to canonical
trial (despite the proof above). Denying that he taught it won’t get him
anywhere, however, for his heretical position (that a pope can and must be judged, subjected to
a trial and even de facto deposed by
a declaration) is the core of his argument. It’s mentioned throughout his
heretical article. That having been established, let’s return to the beginning
of his article and consider more of his errors, lies, and contradictions.
completely exposing Salza
Subject: True
Dear MHFM,
In reply to mark v, I also wanted to say and supplement that a true democracy
is only one that is Catholic, wherein the Church is married to the state in perfect
harmony. Pope St. Pius X, Notre Apostolique, August 15, 1910: "..for there
is no true civilization without a moral civilization, and no true moral
civilization without the true Religion.." A true democracy defends the
rights of the Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Rights of Holy mother the Church, and
the rights of the people. Pope St. Pius X "There is only one human dignity
and that is Catholic dignity." When intrinsic evils such as infanticide
and sodomite so called unions are called and made lawful, and the family is
getting wiped out systematically, it can be understood that we live in a
barbarian form of what I would even hesitate to call normal society. It is
barbarianism; this is the reign of darkness.
… the political
system or situation is so horrible right now in this country. We are no longer
a true democracy, we have become an oligarchy, that is where a few elite
control and rule over us. They handpick who is going to rule over us. The American people have lost control over
their own country. A true democracy is where the people decide who will rule
over them. Thank you very much for your patience. From Mark v
I find your channel
very interesting, and unique, Sir.
I am thankful to see that some Catholics still believe in the Creation account
of Genesis, and are faithful to what Scripture teaches about early world
I am not a Catholic, but have run into many Catholics who dismiss Genesis as
myth, and who sadly believe that the god of Islam made the heavens and the earth.....
Thank you for your unique channel, and videos, Sir.
In Christ ~ Grace
MHFM: Thanks for the interest.
One of the biggest problems today is that most modern “Catholics” do not
possess faith in the biblical creation account, and they are open to such fairy
tales as evolution. This ruins
supernatural belief in Christ and His dogmas.
While it’s good that you accept the truth about the creation account,
it’s necessary to become a Catholic.
Only Catholicism is true Christianity, and there is no salvation outside
of it. Please see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the
Catholic Church.
Deceived and bad-willed
We will see who the
one is who is deceived!! Sorry I don't plan on seeing you in the future. I'm
reminded of the scripture that says not all those who say Lord, Lord will enter
the kingdom of heaven but those who do the will of my father. I can tell you it
is not the will of the Father to be judging the Pope. That will be the Lords
Job. Your pride wants to judge him but it will be your downfall!
MHFM: You are so clueless as a result of bad will. The information is there for you to see that
your antipope doesn’t believe in Jesus or the Gospel, not to mention the
Council of Trent, Vatican I or the Papacy.
Yet, you ignore and despise it all.
You are a reprobate. We are not
judging a pope, but an anti-Catholic apostate.
You are not defending a pope, but an invalid non-Catholic heretic; but
you don’t care about truth or facts.
The Catholic Teaching that a heretic
cannot be a valid pope [PDF file]
I know you have heard
this time and time again. Your disobedient. You are NOT Catholic because of
your disobedience. My question to you is, if sede's are "legit"
catholics, why are you all so insidious? Tricking proper catholics at every
venue? You know you all do this. Check yourselves and your shady ways.
MHFM: No, you know nothing about obedience; you know nothing about
the Papacy; you know nothing about the Magisterium. You only understand lies and savor the cult
of man. True Catholic principles, rooted
in the office of the Papacy, are meaningless to you.
Mr. White is correct on Fellay. I
have heard upper SSPX clergy speak and have heard them say; for B16, it is a
doctrinal misunderstanding or confusion of the faith that he suffers from. What
was sad is everyone listening seemed to accept it. Obviously, Ratzinger CANNOT not know what he
is doing is heretical. Also, they, the SSPX clergy refuse to use the word
heretical when speaking about Ratzinger. I hope… a split is coming and inside
this group are clergy that wish to pursue the true Catholic Faith.
Subject: The Rosary Article
Dear MHFM, Apocalypse 12-17:
"And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the
rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of
Jesus Christ." Clearly we see who the antichrist was, and is. The boldness
of JPII, antichrist, to detract from the power of the Mother of God, and the
sheeple of satan follow along in step. The modern church has no sense of
respect for the heavenly, no longer. Sad, much like the dry feeling Lot must
have felt when he saw the salt figure of his wife on his journey to Segor.
Good evening. My
search for Catholic truth always starts with my Lord, but was greatly
accelerated earlier this year by your dvds, books, and website. Shock, anger,
and sadness at what happened to my beloved church while I wasn't paying
attention. Actually I have noticed a lot of things but chose to ignore it, or
maybe suppress it. Like ignoring the check engine light as we keep driving
along. Being 67 years old I came of age before Vatican 11 so I should know
better. I wasn't smart enough to be even a "material heretic". I just
went along with the program. NO more!... I realized by your instruction that we
are not to contribute or support this novus ordo sect in anyway…
Dear MHFM,
The communist menace shall be
extinguished by Catholic invincibility, the bane of the communists. In a
compendium of the work by Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, a communist Jew and the chief
of the secret police under Stalin, the Catholic Church is called “that terrible
monster the Roman Catholic Church still dominates mental healing throughout the
Christian world and their well schooled priests are always at work to turn the
public their way.” This communist manual also laid stress on foaming hatred
against the Catholic Church through left wing pressure groups and propaganda to
bring it into a state of odium before the masses. They also stressed ridding
mental health institutions of the Priests, and admitted the efficacy of Priests
healing the insane. The communists admitted that their control of mental health
centers cannot and hasn’t helped people at all, but in fact turns out more
insane people who were otherwise healthy going in. They admitted that they
turned out massive death casualties in these institutions and that this should
be kept a secret…
Martha Lyles: What the Fire Spared: On Mary and Motherhood
Dear Brothers:
I'm really glad you included this article which demonstrates that
false signs and wonders come in all shapes and sizes. The woman writing the
article starts out by saying: "The rosary is a perfect prayer and its
mysteries are a cradle of comfort". Then she immediately adds: "
What an enduring gift from John Paul II one decade ago: the Mysteries of
Light that completed the story." Wow. Isn't it slick how this
article pretends to be giving glory to Our Lady but is actually promoting the
Antichrist. According to this woman, the Rosary as it was given to St. Dominic
by Our Lady was incomplete, and Our Lady was obviously mistaken
in calling the rosary her Angelic Psalter. In fact, everyone got
it wrong, including all of the Catholic saints and popes who, over all these
centuries, have promoted the Rosary with its three sets of mysteries.
The real point of this woman's article is that, in knowing the complete
way that the Rosary should be prayed, JP2 was greater than Our Lady
(or, at the very least greater than every other saint), as he was the one who
brought the rosary to its perfection. (Little wonder why they are already
referring to JP2 as "the Great"). This woman's article will no doubt
be a BIG hit with the rest of the sickening Novus Ordo crowd who enjoy being
dupes of Satan because they have no more love and esteem for Our Lady than they
do for her Divine Son.
Lee Ann
Dear Brothers,
Two letters between the SSPX hierarchy have been leaked, and I got a copy of
them. They reveal that the SSPX supporters are being deliberately deceived. For
example, in the letter from Bp. Fellay to the three other bishops, he wrote:
"Well, the Pope has let us know that his concern to settle our affair for
the good of the Church was at the very heart of his pontificate, and that he
also knew that it would be easier both for him and for ourselves to leave
things as they presently stand." Antipope Benedict XVI wants the SSPX
to remain schismatics, obviously because he is a schismatics himself, e.g.
praying with the Angilcans, "Orthodox," etc. The three bishops say
that "a doctrinal agreement is impossible with current Rome," yet
they still hold Rome to be the Catholic Church rather than heretics,
schismatics, apostates and the Whore of Babylon: "Of course, on the two
sides of current division between the Conciliar Church and the FSSPX many
wish that Catholic unity be restored. Honor to those on both sides. But
reality governs everything, and all these sincere desires must yield to
the reality that since Vatican II the official authorities of the Church
have deviated from the Catholic truth, and today they are shown to be quite
determined to always remain faithful to the Conciliar doctrines and practices.
The Roman discussions, the “doctrinal preamble” and Assisi III are clear
examples of this." They say "reality governs everything," as if
God were merely human consciousness. What blasphemy!!! They are all schismatics
in the SSPX hierarchy because they imagine that the Church can be divided,
which is impossible: Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum: "But when we consider
what was actually done we find that Jesus Christ did not, in point of fact,
institute a Church to embrace several communities similar in nature, but in
themselves distinct, and lacking those bonds which render the Church unique
and indivisible after that manner in which in the symbol of our faith we
profess: "I believe in one Church." "The Church in respect of
its unity belongs to the category of things indivisible by nature, though
heretics try to divide it into many parts...We say, therefore, that the
Catholic Church is unique in its essence, in its doctrine, in its origin, and
in its excellence...Furthermore, the eminence of the Church arises from its
unity, as the principle of its constitution - a unity surpassing all else, and
having nothing like unto it or equal to it" (S. Clemens Alexandrinus,
Stronmatum lib. viii., c. 17)." Fellay also says that the Superior General
is the "principle of unity" in the SSPX, not the Papacy: "Our
venerable founder [Lefebvre] gave to the Society bishops a task and precise
duties. He made clear that the principle of unity in our Society is the
Superior General." That contradicts Vatican I: Pope Pius IX, Vatican
I: "In order, then, that the episcopal office should be one and undivided
and that, by the union of the clergy, the whole multitude of believers should
be held together in the unity of faith and communion, he set blessed Peter over
the rest of the apostles and instituted in him the permanent principle of both
unities and their visible foundation." Fellay also questions whether the
three bishops even hold Benedict XVI to be "pope": "Reading your
letter one seriously wonders if you still believe that the visible Church
with its seat in Rome is truly the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a
Church horribly disfigured for sure from head to foot, but a Church which
nevertheless still has for its head Our Lord Jesus Christ. One has the
impression that you are so scandalised that you no longer accept that that could
still be true. Is Benedict XVI still the legitimate pope for you? If
he is, can Jesus Christ still speak through his mouth?" I guess
for Bp. Fellay who has absolutely no faith in what Jesus Christ revealed, but
who worships man, then heresy is not much of a big deal, as if burning in fire
forever were merely a teaching used to control the masses. What an apostate and
antichrist!!! Also, Fellay is utterly blind to the fact that the Devil speaks
through Benedict XVI's mouth, obviously because he himself is a mouthpiece of
Satan!!! Fellay then mocks the necessity to condemn heresy: "Depth: within
the Society, we are in the process of making the Council's errors into
super-heresies, as though it is becoming absolute evil, worse than anything, in
the same way that Liberals have dogmatised this pastoral council. The evils
are already dramatic enough so that one not need to exaggerate them any
further." Bp. Fellay proves himself an utterly faithless coward, liar
and heretic. He has absolutely no faith in the Papacy and Papal infallibility,
for he calls nothing heresy, and nothing dogma. He resorts to the vain
philosophy of "realism" rather than to divine revelation. Bp. Fellay
is a mouthpiece of Satan and does not have the grace of the Catholic faith. The
SSPX could be about to split! However, all their bishops are heretics,
schismatics and apostates, mainly because they refuse to condemn anyone as
heretics. They think heretics can be members of the Catholic Church, which is
heresy, modernism and liberalism itself. It goes back to their acceptance of
the heresies of "baptism of desire," "baptism of blood,"
and "invincible ignorance." Outside the Catholic Church and
Trinitarian water baptism there is absolutely no salvation.
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear Brothers,
What are we to think
of Maria Valtorta and her writings. It does have a supernatural feel to it, but
having made it this far I am skeptical of much. Below I have included the information
and where you can find about 1,000 pages of free samplings of her writings…. I
found it amongst SSPX websites and affiliates. Thanks! And may the Almighty
keep you standing strong and bearing witness to the True Church!
Erick Vega
MHFM: Her writings are false and
should be avoided.
Dear Sirs:
Let me introduce myself, I am
Charles Hawthorne, a 59 year old male that lives in Beaumont, Texas. I was not
raised in the confines of a church but was allowed to seek God on any level
that I saw fit. In order for me to profess that I believe in the ways of any
certain church, and therefore trust them to correctly develop my mortal soul, I
must be genuinely convinced that the teachings of that church does accurately
reflect Gods true wishes. I have
attended churches of many different denominations and yet have not found any
that I would not feel hypocritical by saying that I believe in any particular
churches ways.
Can you help me establish the truth
to some important religious concerns? What
happened to the fourth commandment, "Remember the Sabbath and keep it
Holy" ? Was this written in stone by the finger of God and handed to Moses
on the tablets of the Ten Commandments? Which day did he command us to
remember? (It was the only day that He blessed after He created the Heavens and
Earth and everything in them) Who changed the Holy Day of Worship from the
seventh day of the week to the first day? Why was this done? Who were they
trying to align with? Who said, "Had She not such great power, She would
not have been able to change the Holy Day of Worship from the seventh day
(Saturday) of the week to the first day (Sunday) of the week? Did Jesus say,
"I came not to change , but rather to enforce" ? Who said , "Not
one jot or tittle shall be changed for as long as the Heavens and Earth shall
continue to exist?... Who believes that any man has the power to forgive you of
sin, and once you are forgiven, "even God in Heaven above is powerless to
reverse that forgiving"?
You must have access to vast amounts
of religious knowledge, I only know what I have found on my own. Will you tell
me the truth or just something to justify these actions? God knows the truth. I
seek truth inspired directions. Can you, or will you help me find God's word?
I appreciate your help,
Charles Hawthorne
MHFM: The first article you should
see is this: Is Saturday or Sunday the
Holy Day according to the Bible? This article deals with your
concerns on the Sabbath. It refutes the
view of Seventh-Day Adventists and Seventh-Day Baptists who believe that the
day specifically dedicated to God, rest and worship is Saturday not Sunday. Many
of your other questions are addressed in our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and in our
section refuting Protestantism. We
recommend that you obtain the book.
Confession is taught in the
Bible. In expressing your concerns about
Catholic teaching on forgiveness, you do not accurately describe the Church’s
position. The Church does not teach that
men are able to forgive sins independently of God. You imply that the Church’s priests and God
have two independent apostolates of forgiveness, and that while one is
sometimes activated the other is not.
No, God gave power and authority to men to forgive sins on His behalf and in His name (John
20:23). Hence, if God does not deem a
man worthy of forgiveness – for example, if a man has no intention of amending
his ways when he confesses a grave sin – then the priest is also unable to
forgive the sinner in confession.
That’s why St. Paul, who was made a
priest and bishop in the Church, says that the ministers of the Church are ministers of God’s reconciliation
2 Corinthians 5:18-20- “God, who
hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation… Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though
God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to
If you prayed the Hail Mary and the
Our Father, you would get the graces to see the truth of the Catholic faith.
MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting
quote to contradict evil skeptics, who attempt to undermine the truth of the
Gospel with myths and baseless comparisons to paganism.
“A commonly heard argument says that
the story of Jesus’ birth is simply a variant of the myths of origins told
about figures in the Greco-Roman world, such as the stories about
Augustus. The truth, however, is that
none of the pagan stories are about a virginal conception, a notion that lends
itself to the accusation of the child being illegitimate. The pagan stories are usually about some kind
of act of hieros gamos – a divine
being descends to earth in the guise of a man, mating with a human woman. But this is not at all what Matthew or Luke
suggests happened in the case of Mary, which is about miraculous conception
without any form of intercourse and without the aid of any male figure, divine
or otherwise.” (Ben Witherington, New
Testament History, p. 68.)
Dear Mhfm,
The part of Ireland I live in is very close to St Bridget's well. She baptised
many people here and also cured people from various illnesses. I recently found
out that unbaptized infants are actually buried underneath the grass at the
well because the judge refused to put them in a church grave yard. I think this
is a good example that Christians down through history always held you had to
be water baptized to be a member of the Church.
As far as "baptism" of desire goes how could members of other
religions possibly merit that if it did exist (which it doesn't) if infants
can't. Nearly everyone who believes in bod/bob says it can apply to jews,
muslims etc.
… a youtube user… messaged me something one time along the lines of
"you’re from Ireland and I know catholics and protestants have a dispute
in your country which is probably the reason you don't believe in baptism of
desire since you want them to go to hell".
That was not his exact quote but trust me he said something to that effect. Now
of course I don't want anyone going to hell but I firmly believe they will if
they don't convert. But isn't that totally evil he basically said protestants
who hate catholics could get a baptism of desire. Baptism of desire destroys
everything to do with faith.
Looking forward to your new video. I love listening to your old radio programs.
Would you consider possibly doing one on youtube sometime? I know you’re
extremely busy however.
God Bless
Thank you for helping me realize
what has happened to the Catholic Church. I believe I was guided by the Holy
Ghost to your website and truthful information. Keep up the excellent/hard
work. Now, I need to speak out about it but it’s been hard for people to
believe the truth. Pray for me and I will pray for your monastery as well. May
God bless.
Subject: The Notorious Apostate
Dear MHFM,
Luther founded the false religion of Protestantism in Germany.
Adam founded the illuminati sect in Germany. It makes sense the Antipope hails
from there, to carry on the torch of the most destructive movements in human
memory. He is a Bavarian with extensive illuministic and rabid heretical
trappings. It is also beginning to make sense that one of the biggest hoaxes in
human history is intimately tied to this place, namely, the Zionist advertised
fantasy of mass gassing campaigns allegedly carried out in WWII by the National
Socialist Party of Germany. It even imprisons deniers of the ardent beliefs of
the gas chamber cult.
There has been a new religion, which professing friendship with the
world, and sowing hatred against God’s dogmas, is being steered by the
non-Catholic sect led by Antipope Benedict XVI, the apostate successor of the
rabid AntiChrist himself John Paul II the Apostate. This new religionism
emanating from the Robber Council of Vatican II gave birth to all the bastard
sacraments, bastard priests, bastard doctrines, bastard seminaries, bastard
churches, and bastard hierarchy that is so well known to us today for its
emptiness and dedication to apotheosis – the worship of man.
In the 600+ page work and expose’ that you put together on the
Vatican II post conciliar new religion, when you mentioned the historicity of
Our Lord and the Scriptures were being attacked in Vatican II colleges, I
myself must point out that this is a very big problem. In trying to convert a
member of a false religion that went to such a college, he told me the
Franciscan “monks” came to teach the “religion” class and they attacked not
only the historicity of the Scriptures, but also the historicity of the writers
of the Gospels viciously. It almost makes me think such persons were direct
infiltrators, but then again people who are aware of the activities of the
exploding apostate and continue to consider him to be a staunch Catholic,
believe in nothing and can truly be called atheists.The apostate VII sect
teaches nothing of the history of the Church, nor anything of the Church
Fathers; any semblance of this will only be found in “conservative” wing VII
publications and avenues that are connected with the invalid… Mass. On a
personal note, I had never heard of mortal sin in my life before, until I was
16; I had some interest in the faith and was in a habit of picking up booklets
left out on the table, at a VII church. When I read the little that I found out
on mortal sin, I was horrified of having never heard or being taught such a
thing in my life. I also had never heard of the prohibition about not eating
meat on Fridays….
Dear Brothers
A very, very strange thing has occurred in that I found your website quite by
accident, but I am convinced God was guiding my typing fingers. Previously I
have been a follower of Lucian Pulvermacher ("Pope Pius XIII") and
before that, David Bawden ("Pope Michael"). Truly, your site has opened
my eyes. Now at last I see where salvation lies after so many years of
wandering among dangerous false shepherds…
Subject: Nebraska Coach
I hope you reach out to the Nebraska assistant coach, Ron Brown,
who was so outspoken (and whose story you linked) about homosexuality. I
understand that he is almost certainly a "protestant", and a material
heretic, but at the same time, it takes an extraordinary amount of courage
nowadays for someone with a prestigious, probably lucrative position (Nebraska
is a Big 10 school) to be so forthcoming and plain spoken nowadays. Surely to
speak against homosexuality in public, in that environment is the ultimate
heresy against the modern, false ethos. It signifies grace and goodwill. He is
probably in for a hard time in the secular world. He may be open to the
complete Truth. I hope so.
Bill Mulligan
MHFM: First, a Protestant who
rejects the Catholic faith is not a “material heretic.” He is a formal heretic, which means a true
heretic. A “material heretic” is not
even a heretic: he is a member of the Catholic Church, an erring Catholic. That man is not a “material heretic.” In fact, he believes in sola fide (faith alone) and sola
scriptura (scripture alone).
Second, while it’s good that he has
spoken some truth about homosexuality, that’s not an indication of overall good
will. Many people of bad will defend
some truths with courage: think of the false Catholics who protest abortion, or
the false traditionalists who are outspoken about some truth of the faith; yet
those same people refuse to submit to what Christ revealed on salvation, and
refuse to reject the anti-Christ apostasy of the Vatican II antipopes. Your conclusions are liberal and inconsistent
with Catholic teaching.
We do agree with you that he should
be contacted with the information, and there’s a chance he might respond.
Subject: on Protestantism
Dear brothers,
As I was reading your e-exchanges section as I do every day
(and as I've mentioned before in a previous message, I do that more than once a
day) I noticed the two people one named Clark and one name LeeAnn who I have
seen in this section before talking about Protestantism. As I was reading what
they had to say I felt as though I should ad in my own two cents worth of
commentary about Protestantism, I deal with them on a daily basis after all my
state is 98.5% Protestant the other 1% is ‘Catholic’ and that last .5% is
Eastern Orthodox. Firstly I have to say that anyone who deals with a Protestant
needs to bring up to them the one thing that I do, and it usually makes them
fuming flaming, cussing, spitting mad.
When it comes to their false belief concerning faith alone
just ask them "Since all you have to do is believe in Jesus and you're a
"Christian", you are "saved" and going to heaven, since
Satan himself believes in Jesus therefore he is a "Christian" also
right? And I guess at the end of time he's going to heaven since he believes in
Jesus." And when they tell you no, ask them "Well, why not?"
As we all know Satan has counterfeited elements of Christ's
church in advance in the centuries before the rise of THE CHURCH and the
religion that HE himself established for the benefit and salvation of all
mankind. He did this with Zoroastrianism by having them have so called holy
water and a priesthood and the use of bells and candles and altars and incense,
etc. Satan did this with a lot of religions he founded he even knew enough of
Christ's life story in advance to counterfeit those certain elements and spread
them out and place them into the stories of these pagan "gods" such
as Horus etc., he even went so far as to abominate the truth with Islam that
there is one true God. Now why would he
not counterfeit Christianity?...
Dear MHFM,
I had a few things I wanted to share during my encounters in
trying to convert 2 different kinds of people. I evangelized to an atheist
organization and communicated to an atheist woman working there (she is the
president of that organization). When I brought up ‘No Salvation Outside the
Catholic Church’, she immediately rejected my counsel and said the head of the
“Catholic Church” in Australia recently said even the atheists can go to heaven
(she must be referring to “Cardinal” George Pell) she even enthusiastically
said that eternal hell isn’t such a worry after all. She then wanted evidence
of the one True God and His Religion. I brought out the miraculous
characteristics of the Holy Shroud of Turin and also Padre Pio’s astounding
gifts from God. I brought out so much evidence that she couldn’t refute
anything. I mentioned Gemma Di Giorgio being born blind as a result of not
having pupils, and Padre Pio restoring her sight, even without her pupils, and
that this is anatomically and scientifically impossible. I also said that
doctors since her youth have examined her and declared her condition
inexplicable. Even though this is the sort of evidence she asked for, she told
me to please stop and that I made absurd assertions…
Note: … working on a major video on
an important topic… hope to have it finished somewhat soon.
My Greetings Brothers in Faith,
I can clearly recall the deep feeling of loss when Vat II
was "explained to me". Here as a young man who was schooled by the
BVM's… Altar Boy at 12… being told "All this is going away--thank
God". I knew something was wrong, was criticized for speaking out, and
felt left out. I always looked forward to Midnight Mass at Christmas, the
majesty of the Gregorian Chants, the feeling of joy, and happiness. The last
time I attended a Midnight Mass I thought I was attending a folk music
festival, how sad I was. Today I still pray… And stand by what I believe and
professed at my confirmation using the words of the Nicene Creed. Thank You for
your service to God, and holding true to what some still hold dear.
Dominus Vobiscum,
William Witt
MHFM: Thanks for the interest. We hope you see the rest of the information
which covers how one must not attend any of the New Masses, and that the
Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church.
Dear brothers,
My name is Doug and I'm a sixteen year old Traditional Catholic
who holds the sedevacantist position. However, I have two cousins who are both
militant atheistic secularists, and i'm concerned about what the fate of their
souls will be. They attend pro-abortion and pro same-sex "marriage"
rallies often, hate the Catholic faith, etc. I've tried to give them
sacramentals, such as the Miraculous Medal, the Green Scapular, and a Saint
Benedict crucifix, but they refuse to accept them. I've even showed them some
of your material, such as your videos on Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Exorcism of
Emily Rose, Information Proves God, and Creation and Miracles, but even after
watching them, they still refuse to believe in the Catholic Faith. Besides praying
the Rosary for them, is there anything else I can do to bring them to the
Sincerely in Our Lady,
MHFM: Perhaps you tried this
already, but you could recommend that they pray the Hail Mary or the Our
Father. If they say no, then you definitely
should not spend more time on them. As
you know, most people are of bad will.
If they don’t respond to the grace God is giving them, there’s nothing
you can do. You tried to help them (we
assume you told them they will go to Hell unless they convert), and now you
should move on.
The SSPX is asking their supporters to pray a Novena for Bp. Fellay and
antipope Benedict XVI: "The intention of this novena will be that the Holy
Ghost may give the graces of light and strength to the Holy Father, Benedict
XVI, and to the Superior General of the Society, Bishop Fellay." They
could pray Novenas forever and it wouldn't make the slightest improvement to
Benedict XVI because he is the False Prophet and an antichrist. Also, The heretic,
schismatic and apostate Bp. Fellay blasphemes the Holy Ghost too by his
heresies and desire to get in with Rome. It's another big fake show of the
Vatican II sect. They will do anything to deny Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity
and the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church and of water baptism for
salvation. Sickening and outrageous apostates!!!
Matthew 12:32 - "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man,
it shall be forgiven him: but he that shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it shall
not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come."
John 1:1-5 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were
made by him: and without him was made nothing that was made. In him was
life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness,
and the darkness did not comprehend it."
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear Brothers:
In reply to Clark's email, MHFM makes the really important point
(which we should always keep in mind) that the protestant is an anti-christ
who rejects Christ and His word. As MHFM has shown, the Bible declares that the
anti-christ is he who denies or dissolves Christ. While JP2 did this explicitly
and formally when he sat in the Temple of God, every heresy in some way
destroys the truth about Who Christ is. The "Jesus" whom protestants
claim to worship is a false Christ. Their "Christ" did not reveal a
religion. He did not found a Church or establish the Papacy. He did not fulfill
the old form of worship and provide the new. His words are not truth and can be
ignored and denied. He did not tell men what they must do to be saved: the
protestant tells men what they need to do to be saved. In their
hideous cult of pride which is, as Clark has pointed out, nothing more than a
hatred of the Catholic faith, they put man in the place of God by insisting
that everything God has done, man can do better. Scripture has told us that
there was to be one Antichrist but also many little anti-christs over the
course of history. Likewise, although there would be only one counterfeit
"Catholic" Church and religion at the end of time, it too was to be
preceded by many false sects of perdition calling themselves "Christian
churches". The endtimes counterfeit "church" with its heretical
religion is God's punishment of the world for the sins of the world, including
the horrible, world-destroying sin of heresy.
In their utter blindness, these people cannot see that heresy
was the cause of the fall of Satan: he thought he knew better than God, and
preferring his own will to God's, will get to command for all eternity those
men who will have followed his example. The "new truth", as the
Antichrist JP2 put it, is simply the old lie.
Lee Ann
Critical dismantling of heretic pillars
Dear MHFM,
It seems that the up and coming self-appointed leaders of the
Protestant community and daily springing denominations feel the need to
establish their intellectual and “theological” bona fides of Protestant
“legitimacy” by engaging the greater part of their time in stirring their
congregations in polemics towards what they perceive to be Catholicity; after
throwing in a few straw men and many other misconceptions against the Catholic
Faith, it would almost seem that the newly springing denominations exist and
find this as their only purpose. Instead of arguing and criticizing their
parent denomination from which they broke, they align their deadly emotions
towards Catholicity.. it would seem that basically all the denominations have
an inherent characteristic of unifying and attacking the Church through lies
and half-truths, rather than attacking their fellow Protestant parent
denomination's doctrines, because that’s where their sympathies lie.
Protestantism is ever a prey of party disputes, dissensions…
rivalries… denominations… in the Protestant false religion… each disagree with
the other on the most fundamental points of doctrine. They cannot agree and
keep dividing and subdividing by the year. Their only similarity appears to be
their opposition to the Catholic Church. Today the divisions and subdivisions
of Protestantism are too well known to need comment.
Another illogicality of Protestantism lies in an absence of a
continuity of Apostolic Succession. The 16th century Protestant
outbreak was never commissioned by the Apostles. Their self-appointed
“ministers” cannot trace their lineage back to the time of the Apostles.
Protestant revolters simply sent themselves upon whim and rebellion against Our
Lord. They abandoned the exegetic patrimony of the Church; and shunned the
unanimous consent of the Fathers.
… Clark
MHFM: Yes, it’s difficult to describe the righteous indignation
one has in hearing a Protestant talk about Scripture and the idea that
Catholicism contradicts it. It’s an
outrage to hear a Protestant talk about the Bible, as if he is on the side of
the word of God and the Catholic is lost, when he (the Protestant) is
actually an anti-Christ heretic who rejects Christ and His word.
Subject: Farm Worker parable
This is a parable that Jesus told. It applies to the Vatican 2
false church:
21:33-40 - "Now listen to another story. There was once a man, a land-owner,
who planted a vineyard, fenced it round, dug out a hole for the wine-press and
built a watch-tower. Then he let it out to farm-workers and went abroad. When
the vintage-time approached he sent his servants to the farm-workers to receive
his share of the proceeds. But they took the servants, beat up one, killed
another, and drove off a third with stones. Then he sent some more servants, a
larger party than the first, but they treated them in just the same way.
Finally he sent his own son, thinking, 'They will respect my son.' Yet when the
farm-workers saw the son they said to each other, 'This fellow is the future
owner. Come on, let's kill him and we shall get everything that he would have
had!' So they took him, threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. Now when
the owner of the vineyard returns, what will he do to those farm-workers?"
The V2 are actually worse, for they were not "let" the farm by the
land owner (God). Instead, they usurped the role of the rightful farm workers
and took it upon themselves to farm without permission and steal...
Dear Brothers,
Last night at work I was having lunch with an acquaintance.
She is an employee who works on another floor. She befriended me and I think she
may be romantically interested in me. She brought her food from home to share
with me. She is a Seventh Day Adventist. While eating lunch she asked me what I
normally bring to work to eat. I told her sometimes I make ham and cheese
sandwiches. She gave me such a ridiculous response. She claims the Bible says
anyone who eats pig will not go to Heaven. I replied that only Catholics will
go to Heaven. She then proceeded to criticize Catholics with the usual
Protestant rhetoric, that we worship idols (images and statues of saints and
Mary), etc. I thought of giving her a copy of your book, The Bible Proves
the Teachings of the Catholic Church. However she does not read English
very well. Her native language is French and Haitian creole. I doubt if you
have any of your books available in French but is there a possibility in the
future you could work on that just like you have your website in Spanish? I'm a
Haitian-American and can communicate with her in her native tongue. It's a
shame that during this Great Apostasy so many of them have apostatized from the
true faith and have founded their own heretical sects or joined another. I know
of numerous examples. Haiti was once 95% Catholic but I read somewhere recently
that it has dropped to about 80%, if my memory serves me well. Of course this
is Novus Ordo but the point is that many of them have rejected Catholicism
MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail. A fellow Catholic has translated some of the
materials into French. The YouTube
channel is:
The website is: http://www.la-foi.fr/index.aspx
MHFM: There is a traditional
Catholic, who is looking for a single traditional Catholic person (who is in
agreement with the positions of MHFM), who could help with some office-type
work. If someone is interested in this,
e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com with your name, state and telephone number. A person who does not have internet access
could also leave a message. E-mail is
preferable, however.
Found out
Dear Brothers,
I'm an 18 year old male and found out when I was about 16 about
the Vatican II church and have since then abjured from it and all past heresy.
My only dilemma now is that I have social anxiety, depression and general
anxiety and it keeps me from preaching my faith and living out a true catholic
MHFM: Thanks for the interest. We believe that if you pray the full Rosary
each day; make a good general confession of any un-confessed mortal sins to a
valid priest; live the life of grace; and ask for special assistance to
overcome your anxiety, then it will pass.
… Jesus tells us in John 6:54,"Whoever eats
my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life"(The New American Bible,
Fireside Bible Publishers). It seems like the Eucharist is just as important as
Baptism in order to receive eternal life or am i missing something?
Thank you and God Bless
MHFM: There is a
necessity to receive the Eucharist: for all who hear the command and can
fulfill it. However, it is not
absolutely necessary in the way that water baptism is absolutely necessary for
every man. This is discussed in section
22 of our salvation book.
writers have tried to refute a literal interpretation of John 3:5 by appealing
to the words of Our Lord in John 6:54: “Amen, amen I say to you: Except you
eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life
in you.” They argue that the language in this verse is the same as in John
3:5, and yet the Church doesn’t take Jn. 6:54 literally – for infants don’t
need to receive the Eucharist to be saved. But the argument falters because the
proponents of this argument have missed a crucial difference in the wording of
these two verses.
6:54- “Amen, amen I say to you: EXCEPT YOU eat the flesh of the Son of
man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you.”
John 3:5-
“Amen, amen I say to thee, UNLESS A MAN be born again of water and the
Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”
Our Lord
Jesus Christ, when speaking on the necessity of receiving the Eucharist in John
6:54, does not say: “unless a man eat the flesh of the Son of man…” He
says: “Except you…” His words, therefore, are clearly intended for the
people to whom He was speaking, not every man. Since the people to whom He was
speaking could eventually receive the Eucharist, they had to in order to be
saved. This applies to all who can receive the Eucharist, that is, all who hear
that command and can fulfill it, which is what the Church teaches. But in John
3:5, Our Lord unequivocally speaks of every man. This is why the Catholic
Church’s magisterial teaching, in every single instance it has dealt
with John 3:5, has taken it as it is written.
difference in the wording of these two verses actually shows the supernatural
inspiration of the Bible and the absolute necessity of water baptism for every
Dalai Lama
No surprise if the "Dalai Lama" is a mason---in fact I
think it would be a bit more of a surprise if he were NOT one! Since "the
whole world is seated in wickedness"............however, the "Dalai
Lama" is slimier than most. I remember one day I was sitting at my desk in
my college house studying when I happened to glance out the window and there he
was, the "Dalai Lama" came slithering through our campus en route to
some "talk" that day on campus...........what a slimy critter, and he
doesn't seem to age much either which is a bit odd. He is just like a serpent,
yuck. How deluded so many are!
I have been contemplating a lot about the unspeakable scene at
Golgotha, the Crucifixion of Jesus, gesmas and Dismas, imagine the Tree of Life
in the Midst and the reprobate on the left and the elect on the right… while
Jesus is in utter pain and misery because of Dismas' sins {and mine}, Jesus
doesn't even consider His own unimaginable pain, He turns to Dismas… Jesus
provided everything for Dismas, the Grace of repentance {to acknowledge and say
I'm truly sorry}, the Grace of Penance {Dismas', death on the cross}, unto
MHFM: We should point out that many
people wrongly bring up the Good Thief as an example against the necessity of
water baptism, when he is not, as this video covers: The Good Thief, the Old
Testament Saints, and the Necessity of Baptism [video]
I enjoy reading your writings which brings me back in time when
the nuns talked the same way regarding salvation. Mortal sin for missing Mass
on Sunday, mortal sin for eating meat on Friday's etc. Salvation is found in
the Catholic church & everyone else is a heretic. The message I am
concerned with is your position with the most recent Pope's. I find it hard to
believe, that these traveling Pope's who visit other countries, can afford to
be candid with your positions that would be very offensive to other believer's.
They are giving a message within a very delicate way to avoid hatred, that will
cause many Catholics to lose their lives, in many of these countries. You can't
make friends by telling them that they are going to HELL.
I was told that the Holy Spirit works within the church & when
the conclave of cardinals reach a decision, white smoke indicates that through
the working of the Holy Spirit, a Pope is selected. Are you concerned that you
may be guilty of the most serious sin in scripture, which is the sin against
the Spirit?
John Paul….
MHFM: A Catholic has an obligation
to tell the truth wherever he may be.
Martyrs shed their blood rather than deny one article of the faith; yet
you are proposing that it’s somehow justified to praise false religions in the
hope that their leaders will deal more leniently with Catholics? That’s contrary to the faith. Moreover, the notion that the Vatican II
antipopes are simply praising false religions in order to make friends or be
polite is not reality. They praise false
religions from within the comfort of the Vatican. They enshrine their heretical teaching on
non-Catholics within official documents.
They willingly take part in syncretic gatherings that have been
condemned by the Church. They believe
and promote the heretical idea that Christ and the Church are not
necessary. They are apostates. That’s simply a fact.
You say that you cannot make friends
by telling people they will go to Hell.
Yes, you can. Jesus told everyone
in the world that unless they believe in Him they will go to Hell (Mk. 16:16);
and He also said that those who listened to His commands are His friends: “You
are my friends, if you do the things that I command you” (John
15:14). A true friend tells his neighbor
the truth. He doesn’t hide it from
him. He doesn’t tell him he’s going to
Heaven if, in fact, he’s going to Hell.
Finally, you are wrong about the
conclave. The Church teaches that a
heretic cannot be validly elected pope, since a heretic is not a member of the
Catholic Church. The mere fact that an
election has occurred does not mean a valid occupant of the papal throne has
been chosen, as Church history and Catholic teaching prove. That’s covered in detail on our website and
in our videos.
Dear Brothers,
I thought you may like to see this to add to
your Benedict XVI's recent heresies file. It seems as he has recently said that
states have the duty to promote their cultural heritage as well as their
"religious" heritage. Hmm, someone should tell him that the
Mohammedans are already taking his advice and have been for years in advance
and are promoting their false "god" Satan/Allah across the face of
the earth as well as their warped "culture", both of which are one
and the same and indivisible from one another. Does he not already know that
entire countries are de-baptizing themselves, turning against Christ, turning atheist
and if they do believe in a "religion" anymore or leave for one it is
nowadays usually Mohammedanism which is taking over the world that they leave
for? Is he really this stupid? "Promote your religion people" well
they are and there is a reason why Mohammed has been the #1 boys name in both
France and Belgium for the last 10 years and why northern Europe is overun with
these lowlife devil worshippers and their sick wife beating, daughter killing,
child molesting, deranged and murderous false "faith". These Mohammedans
are building mosques (temples to Satan) at an alarming rate while Catholic
churches are closing even quicker and the Mohammedans are buying up closed down
Catholic churches and converting them into temples dedicated to the coming of
the Anti-Christ where they worship their true "god" Mohammed. It is
utterly sickening that the places where in some cases for centuries GOD
almighty himself has been worshipped and adored and glorified is now being even
more defiled and abominated than ever before and this punk is in essence
promoting this agenda and these acts by these very words. I remember reading
one particular prophecy that stated every place where GOD has been despised
(worshipped falsely or where a false religion has had its ceremonies) will be left
in ruins…
Saint Montfort's End-Time Prophecy
Dear Brothers,
Lee Ann's email is quite interesting. I too believe that God reserved him for
our times. Saint Louis de Montfort was deeply devoted to our Lady, and his
writings continue to profoundly impact the lives of Christians. You may be
interested in the following quote:
St. Louis de Montfort's End-Time Prophecy:
"Mary has produced, together with the Holy Ghost, the greatest thing which
has been or ever will be - a God-Man; and she will consequently produce the
greatest saints that there will be in the end of time. The formation and
education of the great saints who shall come at the end of the world are
reserved for her. For it is only that singular and miraculous Virgin who
can produce, in union with the Holy Ghost, singular and extraordinary things.
All the rich among the people, to make use of an expression of the Holy
Ghost (Ps. 44:13) according to the explanation of St. Bernard - all the rich
among the people shall supplicate her face from age to age, and particularly at
the end of the world; that is to say, the greatest saints, the souls richest in
graces and virtues, shall be the most assiduous in praying to our Blessed Lady,
and in having her always present as their perfect model for imitation and their
powerful aid for help.
Holy Mary is especially necessary to the great saints of the latter times. I
have said that this would come to pass, particularly at the end of the world
and indeed presently, because the Most High with His holy Mother has to form
for Himself great saints who shall surpass most of the other saints in sanctity
as much as the other cedars of Lebanon outgrow the little shrubs...
These great souls, full of grace and zeal, shall be chosen to match themselves
against the enemies of God, who shall rage on all sides; and they shall be
singularly devout to our Blessed Lady, illuminated by her light, strengthened
with her nourishment, led by her spirit, supported by her arm and sheltered
under her protection, so that they shall fight with one hand and build with the
other. With the one hand they shall fight, overthrow and crush the heretics
with their heresies, the schismatics with their schisms, the idolators with
their idolatries and the sinners with their impieties. With the other hand they
shall build (Esd. 4:7) the temple of the true Solomon and the mystical city of
God, that is to say, the most holy Virgin, called by the Fathers the
"Temple of Solomon" and the "City of God." By their words
and their examples they shall draw the whole world to true devotion to Mary.
This shall bring upon them many enemies, but shall also bring many victories
and much glory for God alone. This is what God revealed to St. Vincent Ferrer,
the great apostle of his age...
This is what the Holy Ghost seems to have prophesied in the fifty-eighth Psalm:
"And they shall know that God will rule Jacob and all the ends of the
earth: they shall return at evening and suffer hunger like dogs and shall go
round about the city" (Ps. 58:14-15). This city which men shall find at
the end of the world to convert themselves in, and to saitsfy the hunger they
have for justice, is the most holy Virgin, who is called by the Holy Ghost the
"City of God" (Ps. 86:3).
One can see how necessary it is that we should always have true devotion to
Mary. In lieu of the entire visible Church structure in these last days, the
Rosary has fulfilled the function of teacher, priest, confessor, etc.
Sincerely in Christ,
I am so confused! I came across your videos by accident a couple
of weeks ago and have been going through them. I have known something is wrong
in the church for a long time. And have been from pillar to post. I'm an Opus
Dei Catholic, the mother of 4 young children (one who's name is Fulton, after
Fulton Sheen, the video that brought me to you) and married to a good catholic
man. I don't want to go to hell, I don't want to lead my children to hell. I
have done some research… Should we stay at the Archdiocese of Boston
latin Mass and not receive the sacraments? Or stay at home? Any advice would
help, PLEASE! Thank you and God Bless.
MHFM: Thanks for the interest.
As you can see from the material, to be a true Catholic you need to
completely reject the Vatican II sect and the New Mass. Opus Dei is a heretical group that accepts
Vatican II, the New Mass and the Vatican II Counter Church. The Vatican II Church is not the Catholic
Church. One must have no part with
it. Also, you should not go to the Latin
Mass in the Boston Archdiocese because many of the priests who offer it are
invalid and it is offered in churches where they also have a New Mass.
Before receiving sacraments, one must reach the point where one is
committed never to attend the New Mass again, believes in Outside the Church
There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire”), rejects NFP,
won’t support any heretical priests, etc.
That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?
People should also make the traditional profession of faith from the
Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file. Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters,
we can help that person with possible locations for receiving sacraments. We also recommend people to pray the Rosary
each day, all 15 decades if possible.
I have e-mailed you several times in the past. I thought I had converted to the Catholic
Faith. You are saying that the church I go to is not a valid church… I do
believe in the teachings. I have spent a lot of time doing study on the
different denominations and found the catholic faith to be as close to the
bible teachings. I came into the church on april 24 2011. Then what you are
saying is that I may not be catholic at all. You know my whole desire was to be
saved by christ and to follow him…
Mike Childers
MHFM: Thanks for the interest.
The material on our website and in our videos demonstrates that the
post-Vatican II Church is not the real Catholic Church. The New Mass is not a valid Mass. Please see our video on that issue: Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid
We can help you with how to become Catholic, and where to receive
sacraments, once you are convinced on the issues. You should pray the Rosary each day, 15 decades
if possible. You say that the Catholic
faith is "close" to the Bible's teaching. No, the Catholic faith is perfectly
consistent with the Bible's teaching. It
doesn't seem as if you are fully convinced of that yet. Once must be convinced to have the true
faith. You should see our book, The
Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and stop going to the
New Mass.
you so much f/ the "What Really Happened to the Catholic Church"
e-mail! Dk who gave you my e-mail address, but glad they did. I'm keeping it,
and sharing it, as well, because it contains practically everything a Catholic
should know. To some, it will be a real eye-opener; to others, like me, it's a
been distressed f/ years… Really, the pain is indescribable, like that of an
abandoned orphan! How older Catholics can accept, w/o a
complaint, this phony religion Vatican II dumped on us is more than I'll ever
understand! For them, I pray my Rosary daily…
wish I could see a "light at the end of the tunnel", but things just
seem to get worse. Instead of trying to fix the problem, Benedict XVI obsesses
about his designer fragrances, shoes, clothing, etc., and doesn't seem to mind
if the media announces it to the world! Such vanity fr/ the man who's supposed
to be the "Vicar of Christ on Earth"!!!
can only conclude that God is allowing this insanity to continue because He's
about to return very soon. When it happens, I pray that those of us who've
suffered through, and fought against, this hypocrisy will hear, "Well
done, good and faithful servants!" Please
include my family and me in your prayers, and keep me on your mailing list. God
bless you!
Human Sacrifice
Subject: 'Conclusive'
evidence of human sacrifice found in Mexico - Telegraph
Horrifying! We used to collect obsidian knives from Teotihuacan
when we were kids growing up in Mexico. It could be said we may have had blood
on our hands.
Subject: Saints for our times
Dear Brothers:
Just a thought I found interesting and wanted to pass along. St. Louis de Montfort was not canonized until
1947 by Pope Pius XII. It's almost as if God was reserving him especially for
our times, inasmuch as his sanctity was certainly already recognized in his day
(he died in 1716). In the little bio on him which is presented at the beginning
of True Devotion to Mary it says: "At the saint's beatification
investigation, many witnesses testified that during his life they had heard
struggles between him and the devil, including the sound of fist blows and the
swish of whips." (The devil's retaliation against St. Louis for all the
souls the saint was bringing to Jesus through Mary. Reminds us of Padre Pio.)
In looking through the Raccolta for a prayer to St. Louis, I
didn't see one to him but something else did catch my attention. Prayer # 500
is a Novena prayer to St. Francis Xavier, who lived around the time the
Protestant revolt was beginning. I noticed that this prayer is a bit different
from others in the Raccolta, in that it actually indicates the point at which
one should ask for his or her specific spiritual or temporal
favor. Like the others, it too is indulgenced, and is dated 1904. Since I
have decided to use this prayer, I thought I would refresh my memory on the
life of St. Francis Xavier. It seems that Pope St. Pius X declared St. Francis
Xavier to be the heavenly patron for the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith and its work. Pope St. Pius X (amazingly) believed it
was possible that the Antichrist was already living on earth in his day, and
told us how we were to recognize him. It would seem that if Pope St. Pius X had
such confidence in St. Francis, then St. Francis Xavier would continue to be a
powerful patron for those who propagate the true faith today.
What's ironic and disturbing about this, of course, is the fact
that St. Francis Xavier, the modern apostle to the Indies, dedicated his life
to bringing to the Japanese and others the true Catholic faith, and we
can only imagine the never-ending risks, hardships and tribulations he had to
endure. Yet, the mis-named Society of St. Pius X promotes the heresy of
"baptism of desire", as did Lefebvre, and this heresy especially
renders the work of St. Francis Xavier (like the deaths of the martrys)
unnecessary, if not downright foolish.
Lee Ann
Dear Brothers,
Kr says "all your talk of heresy is very clearly a brand new heresy in
itself." Isn't it fascinating how adept at distortions and lies heretics
like Kr are. Since when has the Church declared that it is heresy to talk about
heresy? NEVER, and it never will, no matter how much heretics ask us to because
Jesus Christ promised that the gates of hell, which are heretics, will NEVER
overcome His Church, which is the Catholic Church only. Also, Kr needs to
realize that according to her Vatican II antipopes, there is no such thing as
heresy, and therefore she is disobeying the very "Papal authority"
she claims to hold to. Kr sounds like a false traditionalist who, under the
appearance of being generous and noble, is actually being a faithless apostate…
God Bless,
Chris White
Brothers Michael and Peter,
... continue fighting for the True
Faith. Thanks for everything and I want to let you know that I have woken up so
much and still growing due to your travails.
Trinidad, West Indies
I ask you to please stop your website and videos. I realize that
you are doing all of this in a good mindset, but all your talk of heresy is
very clearly a brand new heresy in itself. You are taking things out of
context, you are putting words in peoples mouths, and you are exploding on tiny
things. You are denying bishops and very blatantly the holy Fathers of our
Church. And worse yet you are doing it through a very unholy way. I am so
disappointed to see this kind of thing coming from people who call themselves
brothers. Please stop. I will pray for you.
MHFM: Right, that’s why you don’t give any specific examples. If you did, it would be demonstrated that you
are wrong and that your accusation is baseless.
You are just another bad-willed liar consumed by hatred of the truth and
with nothing to substantiate your claims.
MHFM: This is a somewhat interesting
quote about St. Luke, the author of Luke’s Gospel and the Acts of the
Apostles. It concerns what is recorded
in Acts 26:26 (Paul’s words to Agrippa), and how it favors the historical validity
of Luke’s writing. We read that Paul
told Agrippa about Christ’s fulfillment of prophecy, His Resurrection,
etc. Luke informs us that Paul said
these things were not “done in a corner.”
“One thing that definitely
distinguishes modern historiography from almost all forms of ancient
historiography is that the ancients did not hesitate to include the divine or
the supernatural in their narratives of historical events. Yet
notice that Luke, unlike some ancient writers, does not discourse about the fabulous
in a way that makes it immune to historical scrutiny. He insists that the miraculous deeds and
divine interventions recorded in his account were not ‘done in a corner’ and
that various eyewitnesses could be consulted about these matters. This contrasts with the ancient writers who
wrote about ‘supernatural’ events on remote islands or faraway countries,
locations that none of their readers could possibly check to find out if the
account was veracious.” (Ben Witherington, New Testament History, p. 26.)
Olympic Games
Nuclear attack at London 2012 Olympic games
Dear mhfm,
I read a while back that one of your readers believes it's possible that the
elite will stage a false flag "terror" attack at the olympic games. I
know anyone can take their own opinion on it however I am convinced they will
stage a nuclear attack. I read some things recently that point in that
direction. I really hope I’m wrong but I think you would be interested in
sharing this with your readers.
The olympic stadium is actually built on an area that was previously an
experimental nuclear reactor. Anyone can look that up to do their own research.
Also if this was to happen they would blame Iran. Now when I see what the media
keeps saying about the US, Israel and Iran things like the war is ready to
happen then it's postponed. Imagine out of nowhere this nuclear attack happens
it'll be the green light to attack Iran and world war III will begin.
You have pointed out in the past that certain shows on television warned about
9/11. They showed a plane controlled by remote control heading for the wtc.
Other tv shows did this too. These are controlled by the illuminati to
brainwash the people. What is amazing is that British tv shows actually portray
a nuclear attack in London. Again people can search these things in their spare
Here is a quote from the Rockefeller foundation in a report entitled
"Scenarios for the future of technology and international
development" "no one was prepared for a world in which large scale catastrophes
would occur with breathtaking frequency. The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the
'doom decade' for good reason the 2012 olympic bombing which killed
That quote is from 2010. It doesn't make sense unless a bomb attack occurs.
People think he said "13,000" for the illuminati since 13 is very
important to satanists.
Oh and by the way ZION is in the olympic logo and the London Mayor unveiled a
sculpture of ZION.
There are other reasons too that people can find. I know it's not the most
important issue however it will be a terrible evil act if it is carried out. I
hope to God and Our Lady that I am completely wrong. But based on evidence and
history I think it's quite possible it will happen.
God Bless
Dear Brothers,
I'm and SO sick of all the excuses put forth for "homosexuality". All
this talk about it's this person’s fault or that person’s fault for molested
children or teens. ENOUGH..! GOD SAYS IT
IS AN ABOMINATION UNTO HIM PERIOD...! Well, sorry… HELL is real, satan is real
and GOD RULES!!! God Bless you both and
Our Most Holy Mother Mary protect you always.
… When someone uses the name of God outside of the one true faith,
it is offensive… This is the fruit of religious liberty. Of the many names of
blasphemy, surely religious liberty is of the highest degree. Thus, lady
liberty is the whore [see wikipedia, liberty (goddess)]. Saint Timothy pray for
Richard Spinnenweber
Music Industry
Subject: Music Industry
I thought your video on rock n roll sorcery was great. This video
on the same subject with newer artists was excellent! I think many people would
never let anyone they cared about listen to the radio again...very well done.
God bless MHFM,
MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail.
Perhaps you are referring to a video we carry called: Rock-N-Roll
Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution. It’s extremely powerful.
… I think it won’t matter who wins this election in november. all
the moral evils of this country will continue with these false naturalists on
the left and right. the unborn will continue to be killed under the cover of
law. the godlessness of our nation will continue. the future chastisement from god
will be an thermo - nuclear exchange which will be the start of an third world
war. ww 3. thank you and God bless IN HER MOST SORROWFUL AND IMMACULATE HEART
from mark vasquez
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
My name is Francisco and I first wanted to thank you for your
amazing effort in saving so many souls and showing them the truth. Because of
your faith and effort I myself found the truth through your website... May God
bless you.
SSPX leading souls astray
A few thoughts just came to me with
regard to the SSPX.
As an organization and for the vast
majority of their members, they are heretics and schismatics. As your excellent
materials on this website clearly prove, the SSPX are heretics for several
reasons, but as regards their specific heresies which pertain to the validity
of the “popes” since 1958, they also undermine in many souls the very concept
of the Papacy and the due respect and obedience we must have for the Popes.
By picking and choosing when to
follow and when not to follow the teachings of the (Anti)Popes and their Rome
since 1958, the SSPX also (probably intentionally and devilishly) portray a
false image of what it means to be Catholic – which is to obey the infallible
magisterium without compromise… The holy Catholic Faith is not alone based on
traditional externals, and not even on the true Mass (alone), as so many in the
SSPX would have us believe. A true Catholics first and foremost obeys the Popes
and has the utmost respect for the Papacy.
Who are the SSPX to decide when B16
is right or when B16 is wrong (or his 4 predecessors), as long as they
acknowledge these guys as (their) “Popes”? Apart from being schismatics in
doing so, they also mislead countless souls into falsely thinking that respect
and obedience for the (true) Popes and their teachings is not of the uttermost
importance after all...
By this false method (of picking and
choosing), why don’t the SSPX just decide for themselves what they like or don’t
like in every (true) Pope’s teachings?
But alas, are they not their own
little man-made "magisterium" with regard to one of the most
important Dogmas, by denying that there is No Salvation Outside the Catholic
The very thought of these heretics
and schismatics makes me vomit.
MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail. We should emphasize that when one says that
the SSPX should not regard the Vatican II antipopes as “popes” yet disagree with
their teaching, it’s in reference to the authoritative teaching of the
antipopes (such as Vatican II), which would qualify as magisterial if they were
true popes (which they are not). A
Catholic could disagree with something promoted by a pope if it is not
magisterial. This is especially true if
it contradicts a previous magisterial teaching.
However, the SSPX’s position involves rejecting the authoritative
teaching of the men they regard as popes; refusing communion with the hierarchy
they regard as Catholic – the very “hierarchy” they demand others (e.g.,
sedevacantists) to recognize; accepting heretics as leaders in the Church;
holding that the Catholic Church has officially erred, including in
canonizations; holding that the Catholic Church has become modernist and in
fact a Counter Church; etc. ad nauseam.
Their position, as you mention, is definitely heretical and schismatic
in a number of ways; and their obstinate inconsistency should make any Catholic
Dear Brothers,
The Freemason who attacked you in the e-exchanges is totally Satanic. First,
many of the greatest Saints lived in a cave or a remote place at some time in
their lives, so his attempt to make Catholics look like "primitive
cavemen" is absurd. He says, "I don't understand why you bash the
Freemasons so badly. Everything about the Freemasons is found in the
Bible." That kind of deceptive reasoning is why the Catholic Church has
always condemned Freemasons. He evidently doesn't want to accept that the Devil
also quoted scripture: Matthew 6:6,7 - "And [the Devil] said to him: If
thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written: That he hath
given his angels charge over thee, and in their hands shall they bear thee up,
lest perhaps thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said to him: It is
written again: Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." He then says,
"It's not safe to talk about things you know nothing about." That's
hypocritical because the whole point and essence of Freemasonry, rooted in the
Kabbalah, is the worship of "nothing" - the "Ein Soph."
It's also false and misleading because salvation is by the Catholic faith (and
works), not mere "knowledge." He also appears to be on the lower
levels where they deliberately conceal the higher "mysteries" of
"sin for salvation." It also shows his dishonesty in that he does not
make the distinction between the Vatican II sect and the real Catholic Church.
It is something I've observed among many people who even claim to expose
conspiracies, and who have had YEARS to see your work - they still call the
Whore of Babylon the Catholic Church. It is outrageous! And as for child
molestation, he better get used to that if he's going to follow the religion of
Masonry which is based on the Talmud (and/or Islam). The only one
"throwing manure" is Timothy Ashley, and the only "god" he
fears is Lucifer, Satan the Devil, the father of lies. It proves again that
only the grace of the Catholic faith frees one from darkness, sin and death.
Outside the Catholic Church and water baptism there is absolutely no salvation.
2 Corinthians 4:4 - "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds
of unbelievers, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the
image of God, should not shine unto them."
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear MHFM,
I thought I heard it all...but I was wrong. Was visiting my sister
in another state, and her daughter (my niece), was visiting as well. My niece
attended Loyola University in New Orleans...and graduated a few years ago. We
started discussing the V2 false church...which she refused to believe is
false...and then told me that I need to "get with it, times have
changed"...that if Jesus were here on earth now, He'd be smoking a joint
with her and all her friends. I don't think I ever heard anything so disgusting
come out of someone's mouth. I've learned from experience ( with my family
anyhow) that because of the nature of the human condition no one likes to be
pushed into a conclusion that they are unwilling to reach. Getting through to
them is unachievable. All I can hope for is to plant a seed and then to water
it with my prayers for them. Oh' Rarest Queen of the May..."how dark
without you our journey would be".
Subject: amazing ‘bishop’ heresy
Hello Brothers
… this amazing act of public apostasy by
this "cardinal" of the Vatican II sect, it is a scandal!!!
It´s obvious that Ratzinger probably holds the same views as this man is
probably not going to be punished in any way.
God bless your apostolate
“Fr.” Beck
Hello MHFM,
I think this "priest", who goes by the
name "Father Edward Beck", may be gay. Take a look at this video of
him defending homosexuals in the priesthood…
MHFM: Observing him, and listening
to his strenuous effort to justify homosexuals in the “priesthood,” causes one
to conclude that he’s probably gay.
That’s not to mention his truly
jaw-dropping apostasy. It’s not an
accident that he’s the “priest” featured on ABC. That’s the image of the “priesthood” they
don’t mind projecting and the theological content they don’t mind
In the matter of the «Dalai Lama,» etc.
Brothers Michael and Peter Dimond:
Further to the matter of the «Catholic» «Bishop» (small case perhaps),
reference to the «Dalai Lama,» as «your holiness," I wish to inform you
that, while this person was in Montreal, last week, sharing the stage with
motion picture pagan, Richard Gere, I saw the two exchange what appeared to be
a Masonic handgrip. The image was not clear, the video had been shot at an
angle, and appeared to have been either edited, or the cameraman "cut
away," after several seconds. Nonetheless, it did appear to be a Masonic
Sincerely Yours,
David A. Kyne, bac., (hon)., maitrise,
Montreal, Quebec
Where do you people live.....in a cave? I don't
understand why you bash the Freemasons so badly. Everything about the
Freemasons is found in the Bible. I know this because I am a Freemason and have
been for the past 18 years. It's not safe to talk about things you know nothing
about...and you can't take the word of a "former" Freemason who was
ran away from the fraternity for violating the rules or for being less than a
decent moral person, or wherever else you're getting your information. Your
church organization has been found to harbor more "effeminate" types
in the form of child molesters than any public school system known to man, and
most especially any other religious organization in this country. So you may
want to refrain from throwing manure if you're living in the barn.
Timothy Ashley,
God fearing Freemason
MHFM: No, you are not
correct. You should watch this video: Abortion, Rock Music
and Freemasonry Exposed [video]
I think it’s interesting that Benedict XVI's parents' names are Mary
and Joseph. I don't think that happened by accident. He is the AntiChrist
successor so it makes sense that there is sort of a Satanic inversion, of the
Life of Jesus Christ and His parents; After all he just finished celebrating a
"Day of Judaism", which is a celebration of a false religion that
positively thoroughly rejects Christianity… I think Benedict XVI is trying to
send a Sacrilegious and Blasphemous message to the Lord Jesus Christ, by
celebrating the false religion… False Prophet Benedict XVI the beast 666's
guilt of Judaizing and consistently apostatizing in public cannot be expressed.
He is a huge scandal, when I try to bring others to the Faith.
Familienemsse mit dem Osterhasen - YouTube
Dear Brothers:
I'm not certain whether or not I ever saw a bunny or devil
speaking at the false "mass"; nevertheless these videos brought me
right back to my Novus Ordo days. How angry God must be with our world for
its mockery of Him, His Beloved Son, and the Mass which is a mystical
re-Presentation of Our Lord's Sacrifice on Calvary. The horrors taking
place in the false Vatican II church should make us tremble from head to toe.
It's true, we often focus on the sheep being led astray by
these false priests, but the Novus Ordo "church" would not be in
business were in not for the MONEY that these indifferent people give to them week
after week, month after month. All of this money given to rob people
of the faith, support heretical and evil "priests", and continue
blasphemies such as we see in the attached. None of that money is ever used for
the teaching of the true Catholic faith, for the eternal salvation of souls, or
for the glory of God.
Donal emailed to ask if there is a MHFM representative or presence
in Ireland. Like the rest of us, he will soon come to understand that the true
Church is in eclipse, just as Our Lady of La Salette said it would be. That
means that, in order to have a "presence" in the US or
anywhere else in the world, MHFM must continually spend massive amounts of
money on advertising to keep a true Catholic presence out there. This
means they need many donations week after week, month after month
to reach souls like mine, yours, and Donal's.
To answer Kathryn and Michael, yes, I know it's shocking but the
actual quote from the boys was: "Michael??? But he's the bad one!"
God help these children, and God help us. Who will reach people with the true
faith if we do not?
As most of us have come to realize, it is very difficult to reach
as many individuals as we would like with the truth. (Certainly, we can reach
some but not as many as we would like.) It seems to me that the easiest and
most effective way to reach large numbers of people is by generously and
regularly supporting MHFM. And I would remind others (just as I remind myself) that
to accomplish these efforts, MHFM needs significant amounts of money,
because that's precisely what is required to plan or commit to such advertising
endeavors. Isn't it heartbreaking (and sickening) to think of the massive
amounts of money that are given even to organizations which, while claiming to
be traditional Catholics, do not tell people the truth about the faith or the
truth about the times we are living in? It is also important for each of us to
remember that supporting the spread of Catholicism is an obligation on
every person's part, and repentance for having once supported and promoted
heretical things (even if we did so inadvertently) should prompt us to even greater
gratitude and generosity. We are most fortunate to have found MHFM who teaches
the true Catholic faith whole and inviolate, just as we are obliged to hold it
for salvation. And we must remember that to whom much is given -- much will be
expected from in return.
May She who is the Mother of Mercy and Our Life, Our Sweetness and
Our Hope, help us as we help MHFM in rounding up for Our Lord and Our Lady as
many souls as possible throughout the world.
Lee Ann
Hi Brother Peter,
I just recently watched a video blog you posted about one year ago, regarding
Kobe Bryant, his gay-slur apology and the ensuing bitter disappointment the LA
Lakers suffered in the playoffs. Then, you pointed out the example of the San
Diego Padres. Well, I have another MAJOR example that suddenly came to mind
while I was watching the aforementioned video.
Brian Burke, the General Manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey club, was
hired by the club with great acclaim as the man who would turn their
organization around, based on his rags-to-riches turnaround of two other NHL
hockey clubs, the Vancouver Canucks and the Anaheim Ducks. When he came to
Toronto, fans were excited because he had a reputation of making winners out of
formerly weak teams. However, I believe it was during his first season,
possibly his second at the helm, that his son Brendan, an aspiring hockey GM,
came out publicly as being a homosexual. So, not only was this fact mentioned
all over the Canadian hockey mad media, but soon after his father Brian made
statements in support of his son, but then even further supporting homosexual
"rights" and homosexual "marriage". The Maple Leafs
organization and the NHL have went on to make commercials supporting the
homosexual "rights". Well, shortly after (within a few months)
Brendan Burke was killed in a horrible car crash. His father, Brian, has been a
major disappointment, and has failed to accomplish anything significant with
the hockey club in his 3 and a half years, in fact the team has had some of its
worst seasons in franchise history under him (which is nearly 100 years old).
This past season, the team started out extremely hot, then had one of the worst
collapses by any team ever in the second half of the season, and once again
finished second last in their conference. Now, fans are questioning Burke's
abilities, and many are asking for him to be fired.....
I am really interested in buying and
reading your book, 'The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church'. I am
very interested in the Bible and I want to believe what it really teaches. Do you have a representative in Europe (eg
Ireland/UK)…?... Do you have any supporters over here on 'the island of saints
and scholars'?
MHFM: Thanks for the interest. You can obtain a copy from our online
store. It has the information on how to order.
Subject: astral projection, and its corruptive
It is inspiring to see your vigorous stance against heresy and the
church of Satan (Vatican 2) and i
pray you continue to help save souls through the intersession of Saint Benedict and the Sorrowful Immaculate Virgin Mary, Well done on the latest video. Astral
projection, aka out of body experiences,
is something that has corrupted my sister, even though this is not a surprise
seeing that she’s worldly; but
apparently these experiences are
growing steadily worse, apparently she leaps out from her body without knowing
it (caused by habitual sinning). I warned her a while ago when she first
mentioned it, that it was condemned by Holy Mother Church on the grounds of “it
separates one from the protection
of the Holy Trinity.” In essence it is
my opinion that this would leave the soul vulnerable to demonic entities
therefore the results would be either demonic possession,
the soul being sucked out of the body and into hell meaning dying in their
sleep, or the soul being sucked out of the body and a demon taking control of
the body, while the human soul is dragged to hell. Obviously this is a bunch of
Superstitious nonsense, but maybe it would be helpful to do a video on this
subject, then maybe I could finally convince her of this grievous error, then I could get her
to start saying the Rosary, then she could become a part of the solution
instead of being the opposite. I find it interesting that her professor in the
University, (this is what she told me) knew about her out of body experiences, obviously this is a
demonic trick, and a mother of one of her friends encourages her to
communicate with the demon, and they have the nerve to call themselves
Catholics… there are barely a handful of True Catholics left in the U.P. There
was a Reason New Orleans was washed away, Catholics abandoning tradition and
praying to the devil through voodoo My mouth obviously hung in disgust when I
heard those disgusting
phrases. She also mentioned something
about seeing guardian angels when they do this and that they say things to them
which is complete and utter heretical nonsense, any idiot can realize that
demons are skillful in music and illusions both of which coincide with the
other (appearing as an angel of light, but in actuality
they are fearsome enemies, so fearsome
crafty and cunning an adversary, that without the assistance of God (the Holy Trinity) through Jesus in
Mary Mankind would have surely been lost a long time ago. There are unfortunately many corrupted
by these false signs/wonders performed by the devil and his pack of reprobate
A Slave
of Jesus in Mary,
Roy J.
Subject: Power of Definitions: Catholics vs Masonic
Church of Rome
Hello Brothers,
I wonder if you have considered in
calling anyone who obstinately belongs to the Novus Ordo as simply Masons or
Freemasons. Although it is obvious that most are not enrolled at the local
Lodge, the Vatican as it stands today holds in most respects the same faith or
philosophy. As you have explained in
your materials, many of the Roman clergy are Freemasons, Juan XXIII who was the
usurper and started the Second Vatican Council was a Freemason, Annibale
Bugnini the primary architect of the New Mass was a Freemason, the decrees and
doctrines of Vatican II Council and Anti-popes promote the faith of
indifference of religion is Freemasonry, the church buildings resemble
Freemason lodges with their tables, presiding chairs, etc. in other words the
evidence, as you have demonstrated, is there if anyone wants to refute that
they are not involved with Freemasonry.
The reason I propose this is because I
have noticed that in the powers of politics, mass social influence, marketing
etc. labeling is extremely powerful. Those that have the perception of owning a
label are successful. Therefore I think possession and application of
definition is crucial…
Remember for example, how the infidel
heretics were able to apply this marketing concept effectively to Fr. Feeney
and true catholics by calling them Feeneyites. Giving them the perception of
villainous outcasts. On the other hand, heresy I think was easier to eliminate
during the times of the Arian Infiltration Crisis by defining the heretics as
Arians and those that held the dogmas of the Holy Church as simply Catholics.
Therefore it is not only important to
denounce someone a heretic, who departs from the doctrines and faith of the
Holy Church, but also more importantly the type of heretic. By defining obstinate Vatican II heretics as
Masons, an effective, efficient and valid label is created that gets directly to
root of the problem, which is the Masonic infiltration… Exposure and attention
to the invalidness of the Vatican II Council, with its doctrines and Anti-popes
which control the externals such as the mass, rites infrastructures etc, I
think, is then easier to achieve.
Take care,
In Jesus and Mary
MHFM: It would not be fair or accurate
to identify all who obstinately adhere to the Vatican II sect as
Freemasons. There is a difference
between being a heretic and being a member of the Freemasonic Lodge. Both are on the road to Hell; but not all
heretics are members of that secret society, one that requires evil oaths,
etc. Thus, to identify a regular heretic
as a Freemason is to accuse him of sins for which he is not guilty. If you could call any obstinate adherent of
the Vatican II sect a Freemason, then you could also call that person a Muslim;
for the Vatican II sect esteems Islam.
But that would not be accurate.
It’s true that the New Mass was created
by a Freemason, that the new churches and worship correspond to Freemasonry in
certain ways, and that some of the most prominent Vatican II revolutionaries
were and are Freemasons. Thus, in speaking more broadly about the post-Vatican II orientation, we think it’s
acceptable to say that many members of the Vatican II sect are following a
Freemasonic program (in their worship, their acceptance of syncretism, and
their man-centered religion); but, strictly speaking, one cannot say they are
“Freemasons” because that generally carries the meaning of formal members of
the Lodge.
Subject: St. Michael prayer/Soldier of Christ
Dear Brothers, Just when you think you
have heard everything, I was reading your emails, the one from LeeAnn, About
St. Michael's prayer.! Did she mean that the boys were saying that St. Michael
was 'the bad one'?? How can they say that? Explains why the NO church got rid
of the St. Michael prayer! Poor Pope Leo XIII who tried SO hard to keep the
devil at bay with this prayer! It is SO BEAUTIFUL!
This reminded me of an incident when my
brother's son made his confirmation years ago, and the 'teachers'? were making
fun of 'the soldiers of Christ', as we were taught long ago. They said
something like 'long ago people who made confirmation said they were 'soldiers
of Christ' ha, ha ha'. And they don't have to pick a saint's name anymore
either. So what is the point of the NO church's confirmation?? And bishops
don't have to do it anymore, any 'priest' can do it!
We 'old' SOLDIERS OF CHRIST, as I was
taught, really do have to fight for Our Lord now. I thought that being a
'soldier of Christ' was a very reverend thing and I was proud to be one! Still
am!! We really have to pray more and
more. God bless you
Subject: "Day of Judaism" article
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the article exposing antipope Benedict XVI's apostasy with the
Jews, Buddhists and Hindus. What outrageous sacrilege for the Vatican II sect
to have a "Day of Judaism" and to congratulate Buddhists and Hindus
on their "feast days." In any religion, the god that is worshipped
requires some kind of sacrifice, usually blood. In the true religion, the Lord
Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh, suffered and died so that we
(Catholics) can be united to God, only in the Catholic Church, by means of the
Catholic faith and sacraments. The true Catholic Mass is the fulfilled
sacrifice of the Old Law, and which has replaced the Old Law because only
Christ's sacrifice on the Cross could merit eternal life, and lay the
foundations thereof in water baptism. Outside the Catholic Church there is no
salvation, and there is only enmity with God outside the Catholic Church, who
in His Charity still draws people to Him by means of grace, but does not
justify anyone without them being cleansed by the sacrificial blood of His
only-begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Catholic sacraments, beginning
with water baptism. Therefore, the sacrifices of non-Catholic religions are an
offense to God and an abomination because they are offered to demons, the very
same angels who fell in their rebellion by trying to usurp the Throne of the
Almighty: Proverbs 21:27 - "The sacrifices of the wicked are abominable,
because they are offered of wickedness." Wisdom 12: 3-7 - "For those
ancient inhabitants of thy holy land, whom thou didst abhor, Because they did
works hateful to thee by their sorceries, and wicked sacrifices...." The
Jews reject the one sacrifice of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, in favor
of their own murderous sacrifices, and so they are worse than the Pagans whom
God drove from the land of Israel, because the Jews have knowledge of the Old
Law, even though it is now revoked and invalid. The Buddhists and Hindus, by
their demonic chanting and deceptions draw down the fiery wrath of the Lord
because their incense and prayers are offered to the Devil and hell. Look at
all the children that are killed by their own parents in the Hindu country of
India, and the Buddhist country of China!!... The Vatican II sect is so foul
and disgusting that only in eternity will we fully understand the malice of its
apostasies and sins. Benedict XVI is like Judas, who with sweet and
soft-sounding words, like a kiss, betrays the Lord Jesus Christ to His eternal
enemies. What an outrage!!! How can anyone say Benedict XVI is a pope and not a
heretic after seeing his praise of false religions and their adherents? It is
too outrageous for words. Thank you for the article.
Isaias (Isaiah) 5:20 - "Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil:
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet,
and sweet for bitter."
God Bless,
Chris White
New Video
This is a new video. The e-mail below,
among others, prompted this video response.
Concerning victims of sexual abuse [video]
Has the church lost its salts savor? Only to be trodden underfoot by men? I am
a victim of the church and I find myself a whole lot scared of the church, I
was a sex victim, but they told me to get lost.
This is a new article concerning a recent heresy of the Vatican and Antipope
Benedict XVI.
I have been looking into your web-page at www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com with uttermost
interest. What is revealed here is totally new, and must be very important for
true believers…
Yours Sincerely,
Mr.Robin Kirkhus,
the Alex Jones show on Friday, a cop called in about the May 18th -21 NATO
summit in Chicago. Some 7000+ foreign
dignitaries and their security details will be in attendance. He says he knows for a fact the cops have
been receiving Haz Mat training. Also
that there has been an arrangement made for the burial of at least a million in
state. And indeed the evacuation plans are in place. He mentioned a nuke plant about 90 miles, I
think south of the area. Also a friend
of mine that lives in Mississippi said she’s seen large trucks with HAZMAT
written on them on the Interstates.
we shall see.
Hi Brothers Dimond
When I read Lee Ann's letter concerning 'Catholic' schools, this quote elicited
from me an involuntary " *what* !?"
At one point in my despair, when I suggested that we stop and all say the prayer
to St. Michael, two of the boys said to me with great consternation: "But
he's the bad one!".
I simply can't believe I read that. It's still getting worse, and when one has
thought that he's "seen it all"...
If children in 'Catholic' school are so ignorant, what chance do many, many
others in the world have (to find the Truth), when the name
"Catholic" has been co-opted by the Antichurch ?
The situation is so bad… because the Apocalypse is being fulfilled...
-Michael D.S.
I noticed someone wrote in talking about the early Church. I was planning on
speaking to some Protestants about the Catholic Church. My goal was to get them
to read your book on The Bible Proves the Catholic Faith. When Jesus
resurrected and was still here on Earth for 40 days until he ascended into
Heaven I assumed he was teaching the truths that are to be believed by the
faithful (the deposit of faith) and instructing the Apostles on the structure
of the Church…
Nothing less
than the best
MHFM: This is somewhat interesting: “The U.S. military has deployed several
F-22s, the nation's most advanced fighter
jets, to an allied base less than 200 miles from Iran.” Nothing less than the best of America’s
equipment is deployed when the concerns of Israel are at stake. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/04/27/us-deploys-f-22s-to-base-near-iran/print#ixzz1tXtcLqBk
New US Stealth
Fighters Now at Iran's Back Door – “America's most
sophisticated stealth jet fighters have been quietly deployed to an allied
base less than 200 miles from Iran's mainland…”
Your recent video explaining to victims
of sexual abuse what their own responsibilities are for their recovery was
excellent. This really needs to be heard by all who have been affected by abuse
and I am sad to say that I have never heard it being told like it is until
listening to your video; but I am happy to say that for all who do hear it will
set them on the right direction in their search for peace of soul. The truth brings freedom.
God Bless,
Dear Dimond Brothers,
Nearly every time David Barton gets on Beck's show, or where ever, he makes a
Point to LIE about the Catholic Church and its origin in Rome. The other day he
told the world how The State told the Catholic Church what to believe and what
to do. If possible, could you put up a few facts about how the Church was
around about 200 years or so before Constantine... There seems to be a huge
hole in the history of most Americans here, on purpose no doubt… It always
seems so Anti-Catholic and distorts the Church in a bad way.
Thank you, so much. Sounds like the crowning of The Antichrist is gaining
speed...in Chicago?? Yesterday's radio news blurb.
Carol D.
MHFM: Distorting the facts of the early
Church is a way of life for many Protestants.
The man is an outrageous liar. To
cite just a few facts: all the ancient sources place St. Peter’s martyrdom in
Rome; St. Ignatius wrote of the Catholic Church more than a century before
Constantine; and St. Irenaeus (well before Constantine) identified the Church
as having its primary authority in Rome, as a result of the special succession.
his Letter to the Smryneans, 8, 2,
dated approximately 107 A.D., St. Ignatius writes: “Wherever the bishop appears
let the congregation be present; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.”
Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 3,
Chap. 3, Approx. 180: “Since, however,
it would be very tedious in such a volume as this, to reckon up the successions
of all the Churches, we do put to confusion all those who… assemble in
unauthorized meetings; [we do this, I say] by indicating that tradition derived
from the apostles, of the very great, the very ancient, and universally known
Church founded and organized at Rome by the two most glorious apostles, Peter
and Paul; as also [by pointing] out the faith preached to men, which comes down
to our time by means of the successions of the bishops. For it
is a matter of necessity that every Church should agree with this Church [i.e.
of Rome], on account of its preeminent authority, that is, the faithful
everywhere... ”
St. Ignatius also wrote about the
Church of Rome’s primacy and its link with St. Peter. Obviously many other facts could be
mentioned. Our audios on the early
Papacy (in our “Refuting Protestantism” section) are relevant to this
issue. Link: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/papacy_mainpage.php
Demurrer Against the Heretics, 36, 1,
200 A.D.: “If you come across into Asia, you have Ephesus. But if
you are near to Italy, you have Rome, whence also our authority derives. How happy is that Church, on which the
Apostles poured out their whole doctrine along with their blood, where Peter endured a passion like that of
the Lord…”
Thank you for the video on victims of sexual abuse. I have met a few people who
said they were abused, and most of them were just as you described - obsessed
with the event/s. It didn't matter to them what the Catholic Church actually
teaches in contrast to the Vatican II sect. The only thing that seemed to
matter to them was the fact that they had been humiliated so grossly, and they
were evidently going to blame God rather than sinful man and the Devil. It
seems that God allows evil to persist so as to try the good, and as a means of
giving Providential signs of His predestination, since those few who would
recover from the abuse would be given special graces, whereas those who don't
recover clearly reject God's grace, which is all-powerful, rather than breaking
free from any guilt associated with the event. Also, the mainstream media has
an obsessive focus on sins of the flesh, as if it were possible to even be
"saved by sin." It is more bad fruits of the Vatican II
apostasy. Your video should go a long
way to helping people. Praying the Rosary would also help them to recover.
God Bless,
Chris White
“Catholic” schools
Subject: No Modesty/No chastity
Dear Brothers:
Since I listened to your video this
morning, I've been thinking about the quote re modesty being the
safeguard of chastity (can't remember the quote exactly). Many years ago (while
I was still in the Novus Ordo) I was asked to teach a CCD class one Sunday
which was about an hour and a half long and made up of about ten 8th and 9th
graders. It was the end of the school year, and the class was normally given by
the "pastor" who was to be away for the weekend. It was the end of
the year, and In just a couple of weeks these children were to receive
I learned very quickly that these
children (who had attended this parish class now for almost a school year) knew
absolutely nothing about the Catholic faith (even though some of them
also attended "Catholic" schools). These children were shocked out of
their minds when I told them that the Catholic Church was the true Church
founded by Jesus; they had never heard such a thing. (And then I was shocked
out of my mind when I asked them questions and heard their answers.) Even
though I didn't yet fully know the Catholic faith myself, it horrified me to
realize that these children had not been taught anything, and that their time for
being "catechized" in a formal sense was coming to an end. They were
nice kids, and I felt so sorry for them as I recognized even then that the CCD
was a pile of garbage, and that these and all the children there were being
robbed of the faith. At one point in my despair, when I suggested that we stop
and all say the prayer to St. Michael, two of the boys said to me with great
consternation: "But he's the bad one!". And as if all of that
weren't bad enough, I was given a copy of a little monthly CCD periodical that
was given to each of the 10 or so CCD teachers at that parish. An article on
its front page encouraged teachers to explore shamanism with the
To make a long and horrible story
short, I happened to use the word modesty that day,
and the children asked me what that was! None of the children knew what that
word meant. I have to believe that one of the reasons children get dragged into
sins against chastity is because they know nothing about (and certainly never
practice) modesty. And almost no one will teach them modesty, because almost no
one dresses modestly or practices modesty in any other respect. Certainly the
world promotes every manner of immorality, and people calling themselves
"Catholic" participate in it and, at the very least, tolerate it and
certainly never condemn it. That's why modesty in dress or behavior has no
place in the Counterfeit Church and one will never hear a word there of exercising
custody over one's eyes or other senses, of avoiding the near occasions
of sin, or of avoiding impure thoughts. Everything about the Vatican
II Sect is one horrendous, demonic farce - and only a liar would say
Lee Ann
so many people are being "fooled" by externals… It is as if people were
floating down a stream, a stream that leads to a hundred foot waterfall, and on
the shore there are these people with signs that read: "Keep on going! You
are almost there!" It is like seeing a man walking in the desert, and you
see that he is walking on the wrong path, and that this path will surly lead to
his death. But yet, you think to yourself: "What business is it of mine?
Let God save the man, if He wills it." Everyone walks around today with
the external smile. The external laugh. If they can't achieve the external
naturally, they will achieve it medically. Becoming in the truest sense of the
term a "sounding brass". The people have the external pleasant
smells, and cloths... all dressed up, but where are they going? Hasn't this
experiment already played out? How many more times do people have to run down
the same buffalo jump that we call impurity? Generation after generation are
lying dead at the bottom of this cliff, and yet no one even looks up to see
where they are going, or even who it is that is driving this herd instinct. In
today's world it is as if people have given up all memory, all past experience,
in order to worship an unknown future….
Great audio about sexual abuse
victims. Who can any longer doubt that
we are near the end of the world? Thank you and God bless in her Immaculate
from mark v
your opinion
Brother Dimond,
husband and I have been watching your videos for over a year and have been
convinced after looking into what you've said about the latest popes etc, that
you are correct.
being said, I just watched a series… [on] the history of the devil, man and the
church etc. It was very interesting but then it came to the catholic church
part… and it began about the church and why the roman catholic church is evil.
Normally I would have just shut it off but after hearing the whole series I
felt (if what they were saying was fact) the catholic church maybe is not what
i've spent my life believing it was. I'm
REALLY hoping you will (or someone you trust in your order) respond to me and
possibly listen to this message and tell me not to worry. I'm not using birth
control (4 babies in 5yrs) and homeschooling my children with the saints and
catechism etc. I just feel so lost right now and there are very few people I
trust... you are one of them. I know you
are busy but I BEG you, for my soul and the soul of my growing family... help
The Catholic faith is the one true faith, the only biblical faith. Please see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church. Also, please consult the videos and audios on
our website that cover the early history of the Church.
anti-Catholic videos you mention are filled with misinformation and lies. However, it’s pretty clear what happened to
you. It frequently happens that when
people open their minds to attacks on
Jesus and God (for example, by reading books written by atheists or
evolutionists) or attacks on the Church (for example, by looking at books or
videos produced by anti-Catholic Protestants), God will pull His grace from them
and allow their faith to be attacked.
Unless people are strong in the faith and consulting those materials for
the purpose of refuting them, it can be very dangerous for people to listen to
or read those materials. It’s like
considering the Devil’s viewpoint on things, to see if there’s merit to
it. It can be offensive to God, and
therefore God might let that person’s faith be assaulted; for the Devil speaks
through the producers of those materials.
That’s why most people should not consult those materials.
can tell you without any doubt that the Catholic faith is the only true faith,
outside of which there is no salvation.
However, you will not receive the conviction of faith from other people. You need to pray, especially the Rosary, for the
grace of the true faith.
Set off
This youtube channel may very well have been the force which compelled me to
set off toward become a Catholic…
You have very inspiring and compelling videos, and I appreciate all your hard
work (I know God appreciates it more). May the peace of our savior Jesus Christ
be with you, and may I have the fortitude to say that to people who don't
already understand that!!!
New Video
This is a new video.
St. Gregory Nazianzen rejected
"Baptism of Desire" [video]
video also contains some interesting and important considerations on the First
Council of Constantinople, St. Gregory's statement on infant baptism and more.
… God
knows ALL things, and He wants us to be water baptized-period! Give satan an
opening, doubt, and like they say, "All Hell breaks loose!" Thank you
MHFM for giving us the knowledge and solid truth from God by way of St. Gregory
on Nazianzen and other great fathers of the Church!
Dear Brothers:
Reading all of the interesting comments
about whole truth/partial truth reminded me of the endless lies that the slime
of the Vatican 2 Lowerarchy has foisted on the sheeple who blindly follow or
recognize them. Two of those lies are: that Protestantism is based on the
Bible; and that other "religions" have pieces of the truth (like
parts of a pie, as they like to explain it).
No, what all these false religions have are Stolen Goods, and
what they are guilty of is the greatest Grand Theft. Truth is the
intellectual property of God. False "religions" misappropriate some
of those truths, not to give glory to the one true God, but merely to advance themselves
and their false religions. Makes me think of your video on why JP2 was the
Antichrist, in which you showed that this Christ-despiser told all men to
"appropriate" (misapply to themselves) the riches of Christ
which are uniquely and exclusively His. Misappropriation and Misapplication
are fancy words for theft, and that's what the adherents of all false
religions do.
Isn't it funny how men can understand
the right of the intellectual property of men -- and demand that it be
respected -- yet, in their pride, they are incapable of applying the same
principle to God?
Lee Ann
Benedict XVI's
recent heresy on the Anglican "faithful" - YouTube There is some research out there stating that the roots of
the word "abomination" in the Greek language are derived from the
Greek words meaning --- "gasses emitted from the human body as the result
of the digestive process"----so without being too gross or graphic I would
just say that if this is so, the use of the word "vapors" in this
video is doubly appropriate. It would also remind one of the atmosphere or
spirit of the world being "noxious and pestilential" which indeed it
is. None of these things are pleasing to God in Heaven and He deserves so much
more from us.
I was just thinking about what a moron
that guy was who called the monastery about a year ago. At the end of the
conversation, he asked if there were people who thought that… [you] were not
correct, and… [you] answered, "There are millions of people around the
world who think we're not correct." And he said, "Uh, well then I
agree with them! Bye!"
It shows just how plain stupid some
heretics can be and the degree of stupidity of some of their arguments. By that
logic, a guy could argue with another guy that God exists. Guy # 2 could ask
are there people who think that he doesn't exist? And Guy #1 could say: There
are many people around the world who believe that God does not exist. And Guy
#2 could say, "Well I agree with them! Bye!”…
Subject: In reference to last week's mention of the
Alex Jones fake "Christian" topic...
Dear MHFM,
Just wanted to mention the fact that when that clip of him sub-consciously
outing his obvious lack of the one true faith. When I first listened to that
almost a year ago I too heard him say the mysterious and erroneous "not"
a fake mainline Christian. However, after nearly a year more of daily praying a
full rosary when I listen to it now I clearly hear what you've heard all this
time. And I mean it is crystal clear there is no mistaking it; he says I'm a
mainline fake Christian. This just proves the cleansing effect of the rosary
for a formerly extremely wicked sinner which I was. I obviously still had more
remnants from past iniquity that had to be exposed and removed by the absolute
necessity of the rosary.
Brothers Peter and Michael!
Can You please advise what should i do after believing as You have shown in
Your videos, that because heretic is not a catholic and only a catholic can be
a Pope thus we have no Pope since 1958. The prophecy of our Blessed Mother from
La Salette has been fulfilled: "The Rome will lose the faith and will
become a seat of Anti-Christ".
Where can I go for Holy Confession and Holy Communion?, after realising
also that FSSPX preaches heresy in "Bombs of 2nd Vatican Council" on
page 9 by Fr Schmidberger who repeats after Abp Lefebvre against Syllabus of
Pius IX.
Yours faithfully, Simon
Thanks for the interest. You should pray
the Rosary each day, 15 decades if possible.
Before receiving sacraments, one must
reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again,
believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no
“baptism of desire”), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc. That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?. People should also make the
traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be
accessed from the aforementioned file.
Once a person is convinced on all relevant matters, we can help that
person with possible locations for receiving sacraments.
Subject: Megan, Colleen
Dear Brothers,
Megan asks whether saying that the Catholic Church is the only true religion
means that there is no truth in other religions. That's true, there is no truth
in other religions, because religion pertains to spiritual things, and so even
if a religion believes in one true thing, it invalidates it by its false
teachings, because he who recedes in the least degree from any point in the
Magisterium loses all faith (Pope Leo XIII). This is not to say that the
natural law is not evident to non-Catholics, and that some religions observe
some parts of the natural law, but what is good or true in the absolute sense
pertains only to God: Luke 18:19 - "And Jesus said to him: Why dost thou
call me good? None is good but God alone." St. Paul warned that one
cannot drink of the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils, proving that one
cannot mix teachings, for he does not mean only sacraments, since he later
speaks of the fact that darkness has no fellowship with light: 1 Corinthians
10:21 - "You cannot drink the chalice of the Lord, and the chalice of
devils: you cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of
devils." 2 Corinthians 6:14,15 - "Bear not the yoke with unbelievers.
For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath
light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part
hath the faithful with the unbeliever?" Also, God is the very Substance of
the Truth, showing that if one were to say there is truth in other religions,
then one would have to say that God is in other religions, which is heresy.
John 14:6 - "Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the
life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me." One cannot be justified or
sanctified in non-Catholic religions because only the Catholic Church has the
faith and sacraments that impart the grace of justification (starting with
water baptism), and that strengthen the soul so as to enable it to do the
supernaturally good works that are necessary in order to merit eternal life in
Heaven. There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church and there is no truth
in non-Catholic religions, contrary to what the Vatican II heretics and their
apostate antipopes believe and teach.
Colleen Rotter is the "bi-polar" one since she evidently claims to be
Catholic, yet thinks men who teach salvation outside the Catholic Church can be
popes. What a heretic! Her statement, "I was in utter disbelief by the
whole thing," seems to echo through time because heretics like her don't
believe in anything of what the Church actually teaches. Also her
statement, "Wait 'till I show this to my fellow Catholics," seems to
imply that as soon as other "Catholics" find out about MHFM, then
someone's going to get in big trouble like naughty little school boys. It is
all backwards for Colleen. The fact that she accepts John Paul II the
Antichrist proves that following the V-2 antipopes obstinately, after having
seeing the evidence against them, turns one into a monster, beast, apostate and
antichrist as well. "Bi-polar" is a fashionable term for demonic
possession. Yet Colleen probably doesn't even think the Devil is real. Unless
she converts, she will find out when it is too late, in hell. It's sad, yet
justice is served for rejecting so great a good as God and the true faith for
so long.
Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9),
June 29, 1896:“The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown
by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside
Catholic communion, and alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least
degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium.”
God Bless,
Chris White
I ran across your website… What in the
world kind of website is this?? It's almost bi-polar. You either support the
Church or RIP it. I was in utter disbelief by the whole thing. I would like a
reply. Wait 'till I show this to my fellow Catholics. Pope John Paul
11?????? Colleen Rotter.. Colo.
MHFM: No, you need to understand
Catholic teaching. Adherence to the
Catholic faith requires an acceptance of the traditional magisterial teachings
of the Church. Those teachings inform us
that heretics cannot be accepted as Catholics, and that heretics cannot be
valid popes. The post-Vatican II
structure is not the Catholic Church. It
rejects many Catholic teachings, and the men who imposed it were not true
popes. Familiarize yourself with the
facts; for at this time you don’t recognize the meaning of fidelity to the
Church or the Papacy.
The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a
valid pope [PDF file]
The Great Apostasy and a Counterfeit
Church predicted in the New Testament and in Catholic Prophecy
Benedict XVI (The Heresies of
Benedict XVI File) [link to section]
John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be
pope 1978-2005) [link to section]
[By the way, this e-mail is an example of how
woefully uninformed the typical adherent of the Counter Church is on Catholic
teaching. For most of them, cheering for
the man dressed up in robes in Rome is what constitutes fidelity to the faith
and the Magisterium.]
One true
…my name is megan. i am a 14 year old
from Connecticut… i have found some very interesting videos on your channel that
i have enjoyed watching. which can be quite confusing to others as i am very
confused in the whole aspect of religion and in finding one that truly suits
me. i'm sure my babbling is quite annoying and unnecessary, so i'll stop
beating around the bush.
with all do respect, i was wondering
how you can say that your religion is "the one true religion"? when i
hear that i take that as it being said that no other religion has any truth in
it at all. i hear that as it being said that Judiasm, Christianity, Paganism,
Hindu, all the hundreds of religions that have millions of faithful believers,
are nothing but a bunch of lies. you included this email so people could
contact you with any questions / comments.
i thought i would utilize the opportunity to find the answers to
questions i have asked for eleven years now. i hope you will be able to take
the time to respond. i look forward to any response.
MHFM: We’re glad to hear that you have
some interest in the most important matters.
In short, Jesus Christ proved that He was true God and true man by His
life, miracles, fulfillment of prophecy, and resurrection. History demonstrates that He fulfilled
prophecies made before His birth in an astounding and specific way. He was the true God incarnate and He revealed
the Holy Trinity to men. He founded a
Church. Scripture and Tradition prove
that that one Church He founded is the Catholic Church. See our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church. God gives people of good will the grace to
believe these facts without any doubt.
The other religions you mention are
filled with obvious falsehoods, inconsistencies, myths and contradictions.
are other videos which are important to consider, but here are a few videos we
recommend for you. Also, you should
pray. If you are honest and you pray for
the grace of the true faith, God will respond.
You should begin to pray the Our Father and the Hail Mary.
Creation and
Miracles, Past and Present
The Real Reason
that Jesus is the Light of the World
Dear Most holy Family Monastery,
I've been calling a bunch of abortion clinics in and out of state telling the
people, that there is absolutely No Salvation Outside of the Catholic church
and giving them your website. I also told them of the moral evil it is to kill
children. I talked to the phone with a certain woman and she asked me why the
killing was wrong. I told her it is because the babies do not enter Heaven
because they were not baptized. She then told me she doesn't do the killing
even though she works at the abortion center. I asked her, her religion, she
said she was Baptist and that she was formerly "Catholic" but changed
her religion because "they" had no answers for her sister that died.
I told her that most churches that call themselves Catholic are not Catholic at
all and that this is the first time she's speaking to a Catholic. I gave her
your website many times and told her it is a moral evil to work there and that
I cared about her soul. She said she works there because she has no other place
to go that pays the same like they do…
I am following the steps to convert for those who have
received baptism. Steps 1 and 2 I understand. For step 3, do I make the
profession to someone or in private? to one person or to many?...
In this situation, one may make the profession of faith privately without
anyone in attendance.
Dimond Brothers,
is a shame that so many people are like Sou, which unfortunately includes my
Mother. If they were to read the bible they would not say that Benedict is a
pope. The bible clearly states that 2 Corinthians 6:14 - "Bear not the
yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or
what fellowship hath light with darkness?"
those who do not believe in Jesus worship a false God, yet Benedict calls them
our brothers and says we believe in the same God. They do not believe in Jesus
as the Son of God so how can they be our brothers?
if a lot of people who visit your website would read what the bible says they
would not be so hostile towards the work you are doing. No one needs to twist
Benedict’s or John Paul II's words, they stand on their own as a testimony
against what Jesus clearly taught in the bible. Just like if they read the
bible, they would know that protestants and the like do not go to heaven, yet
many take the bible out of context to prove their point. I have a friend who is
homosexual and who insists that God is not against this life style. Yet the
bible clearly states that this life style is wrong.
My first bible was the King James Version. Even that one proves the Catholic
faith. That’s where I found that [they] changed the words that Christ used
during the first Eucharist. I think that just reading the bible can prove a lot
of points about how the Vatican II church is the whore of babylon and a false
church. Not the Catholic Church just the new version of it.
don’t know about anyone else but to me John Paul II and Benedict have an evil
appearance, not in the physical sense and just something subtle that you can
see appear…
website had helped me find more things to prove what I have always felt. I hope
people will take the time to research and check what is on your website and to
ask you questions about your point.
Dear MHFM,
Thought you should know that your movement is spreading, which you're probably
aware of anyway. I've had the habit of telling quite a few people I come in
contact about your website and charitably urging them to go there. One way this
has been happening is whenever I get a call from a business or call one myself,
right before the business conversation is over I usually say something like
this: " There's an extremely important website that I would like to tell
you about that you should go to as soon as you get off work, do you have a pen
and paper?" Then I give them your web address. Well I did that today when
I called my local cable company to check up on what appeared to be the
disappearance of our C-span channels and when I told the operator he informed
me that some lady a couple of weeks ago had given him your web address over the
phone. I emphasized the obvious intercession of providence in his situation and
said he really must visit it. Unfortunately, the woman he was talking about
happened to be looking for some "Catholic" channel that was a subsidiary
of ewtn. Now she might have just been looking for it to keep up with the evils
of the Counterfeit whore and all its abominations, so I won't totally jump to
conclusions, but at least she knows of your apostolate and if she still has any
ties to the false prophet and his W.O.B. hopefully soon she will totally
divorce herself from it and save her soul.
Also, on another topic, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your recent
video on St. Gregory Nazianzen's refutation of B.O.D. It was absolutely
edifying to the highest degree... Lastly, I greatly appreciated your absolutely
uncompromising… denunciation of the scum in robes who preach this profanest of
profane heresies to all the v2 dupes out there and publish these hellish rags
and try to make a name for themselves in the world as some great
"theologians" when they are anything but. Hopefully they and their
willingly mind-controlled ilk will wake up in time and save their souls, but we
know that most likely won't happen. Keep up the good work…
Nathan Barton
Dear Brothers,
That's a brilliant and very interesting video on St. Gregory Nazianzen and his
rejection of "baptism of desire." Thank you. It was fascinating to
hear about his involvement in the First Council of Constantinople and the
addition of the line, "one baptism for the remission of sins" into
the Nicene Creed. It all goes to show how unholy the desires of the
"baptism of desire" heretics are, since they try to undermine the
foundation of salvation, and of the supernatural life of grace and
justification, by rejecting the waters of baptism. They reject everything Jesus
Christ did and suffered, as well as all the sacrifices of the Saints. They
reject the whole Catholic Church which is like Noah's Ark floating on the
waters of baptism. Also, an interesting scripture that refutes "baptism of
desire" is Hebrews 10:4: "For it is impossible that with
the blood of oxen and goats sin should be taken away." St. Paul
doesn't say it is not likely. He says it is impossible. It is impossible to be
saved or justified without water baptism. IMPOSSIBLE! There is no chance
someone could be supernaturally justified under the Old Law - impossibility.
Yet according to the "baptism of desire" heretics, sins could be
taken away with the blood of animals or without the blood of Jesus Christ. It
is similar to saying that someone can live normally without blood in their
veins, because the waters of baptism are one with the blood of Jesus Christ, as
well as with the Spirit of Sanctification, God the Holy Ghost. Not only do the
"baptism of desire" heretics reject the Holy Trinity in the form of
the sacrament of baptism, but also in the matter, since Creation is usually
attributed to God the Father (Water), the Crucifixion happened to God the Son
(Blood), and God the Holy Ghost is the Sanctifier (Spirit). It's not surprising
that the rejection of water baptism resulted in the Vatican II apostasy because
there is nothing in it that doesn't reject God in some way.
Matthew 28:19 - "Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
Ephesians 4:4-6 - "One body and one Spirit; as you are called in one hope
of your calling. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. One God and
Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all."
1 John 5:7,8 - "And there are three who give testimony in heaven, the
Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one. And
there are three that give testimony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and
the blood: and these three are one."
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear Brothers:
Your video on St. Gregory Nazianzen
brought to mind the thought that BOD, which seems to be a variant of the
"faith alone" heresy, is a demonically slick denial of who God
is. The blasphemous underpinning of BOD is that God does not know when
and where a man will be born, and what that man will be and do in his lifetime.
Nor does God know (or have any power over) when and where that man will die;
death catches God by surprise (just as it catches man by surprise). The
heretics' very notion of God is perverted and falsified, and God is put on the
same level as man -- or perhaps even a bit lower.
This reminds me of a response a member
of the Vatican II "church" made to me recently, to the effect that
she is not really into all this Apocalyptic concern. Do
people imagine that God must consult with them first to get their
permission as to whether or not the events of the Apocalypse may now come to
pass as prophesied? And if those events are not to their liking (and something
they really don't care to live through), do they think that God must therefore postpone
the events of the Apocalypse until a later time? I think they do, and it's no
wonder; their very notion of God is perverted and falsified. This is the horror
of heresy, and why people end up with their own man-made "religions".
Lee Ann
Human respect
Subject: human respect
that dark cloud of human respect, has now become the bright shining light of
the Vatican II sect. No wonder why the absolute dogma, "Outside the
Catholic Church there is abolutely no salvation," has been struck down. Is
there any fear of the Lord today in the lexicon of the Vatican II, cheery,
feel-good, satanic church? How triumpant the satanists must feel? What a coup!
Subject: Sou
I am so sick and tired in hearing that
fowl, disgusting phase, "Because it is so obvious, I am not even going to
point out how you have taken his words out of context…"! I
guarantee if you asked this guy questions on the Catholic Faith, he would not have
a clue, he would be shown to be a member of the empty shell. He is just another
V ll poser.
Matthew 5:37 But let your speech be
yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil.
Pope Pius VI, condemning the Synod of Pistoia,
Bull “Auctorem fidei," August 28, 1794: “[The Ancient Doctors] knew the
capacity of innovators in the art of deception. In order not to shock the ears
of Catholics, they sought to hide the subtleties of their tortuous maneuvers by
the use of seemingly innocuous words such as would allow them to insinuate
error into souls in the most gentle manner. Once the truth had been
compromised, they could, by means of slight changes or additions in
phraseology, distort the confession of the faith which is necessary for our
salvation, and lead the faithful by subtle errors to their eternal damnation.
This manner of dissimulating and lying is vicious, regardless of the
circumstances under which it is used. For very good reasons it can never be
tolerated in a synod of which the principal glory consists above all in
teaching the truth with clarity and excluding all danger of error.
"Moreover, if all this is sinful, it cannot be excused in the way
that one sees it being done, under the erroneous pretext that the seemingly
shocking affirmations in one place are further developed along orthodox lines
in other places, and even in yet other places corrected; as if allowing for the
possibility of either affirming or denying the statement, or of leaving it up
the personal inclinations of the individual – such has always been the
fraudulent and daring method used by innovators to establish error. It allows
for both the possibility of promoting error and of excusing it.
"It is as if the innovators pretended that they always intended to present
the alternative passages, especially to those of simple faith who eventually
come to know only some part of the conclusions of such discussions which are
published in the common language for everyone's use. Or again, as if the same faithful
had the ability on examining such documents to judge such matters for
themselves without getting confused and avoiding all risk of error. It is a
most reprehensible technique for the insinuation of doctrinal errors and one
condemned long ago by our predecessor Saint Celestine who found it used in the
writings of Nestorius, Bishop of Constantinople, and which he exposed in order
to condemn it with the greatest possible severity. Once these texts were
examined carefully, the impostor was exposed and confounded, for he expressed
himself in a plethora of words, mixing true things with others that were
obscure; mixing at times one with the other in such a way that he was also able
to confess those things which were denied while at the same time possessing a
basis for denying those very sentences which he confessed.
"In order to expose such snares, something which becomes necessary with a
certain frequency in every century, no other method is required than the
Subject: Sou's email
Dear Brothers:
You can almost see the beam of
self-satisfaction. The proud Sou...all aglow with the thought
that he has "evangelized" and has defended "the pope"! What
a rush these blind people must get from their imagined sense of importance,
when all the while they are calling evil good, and good evil.
This person's ignorant email really drives home the horrifying fact that the
reason the world has antipopes and a counterfeit church to contend with, is
because people calling themselves "Catholic" love the lie,
just as Scripture says they would. Two thousand years ago men could not see
that they were fulfilling prophesy
to the letter; neither can they see it
Lee Ann
Sou says, "Because it is so obvious, I am not even going to point out how
you have taken his words out of context…" That kind of trick may work on
cowardly heretics such as supporters of the Vatican II sect, but not on
Catholics. It is necessary for even lay Catholics to condemn and reject heresy
and heretics, even if it means being punished by death, because the truth of
the Catholic faith is of eternal importance, whereas the feelings and opinions
of men are temporary. Heresy is not an ordinary lie, for liars are not
automatically excommunicated, whereas heretics are. Heresy contradicts revealed
truths from God Himself, and so nothing is more offensive to God than heresy.
Yet look at the false traditionalist SSPX who will call the Vatican II Beast
anything but heretics, schismatics or apostates, e.g. "liberals,"
"progressives," "modernists," etc. Also, the Vatican II
sect doesn't use the words heresy or heretic either, and so they don't think
anyone can be excommunicated for heresy, schism or apostasy. It is as if they
declared: "Anyone who calls someone a heretic, is a heretic, and anyone
who says someone is excommunicated, is automatically excommunicated." It
is absurd and diabolical. God is above man, and only Jesus Christ is God
Incarnate, yet according to the Vatican II sect, everyone is Jesus Christ. That
is Antichrist, the dissolving of Christ. Sou can't bring forth any evidence of
MHFM taking antipope Benedict XVI's words out of context, because MHFM doesn't.
Benedict XVI is an antichrist liar and heretic, and so are those who
obstinately follow him after seeing the evidence against him. Sou… What a
1 Corinthians 11:18,19 - "For first of all I hear that when you come
together in the church, there are schisms among you; and in part I believe it.
For there must be also heresies: that they also, who are approved, may be made manifest
among you."
God Bless,
Chris White
I've been calling around many novus ordo sympathetic institutions and the bad
will is just astounding. While talking on the phone people will hang up; when I
say I'd like to give them a website to visit, they refuse to be given the
website, which I was recommending, even when they know nothing about your
website, all because I pointed out the Antipopes acts of apostasy and their
heresies and also how it contradicts Church dogma. They all get very defensive
in their belief that members of false religions can be saved "if they are
sincere." Their bad will is so tremendous and mind-boggling that I'm
actually in so much shock. Some of them will say they are not interested in
discussing theology, others will say they don't have time to discuss and have
to go and yet they will talk to you for a long time trying to justify their
heresies. They are so clueless about Church teaching and say they go with
Vatican II and the current "pope" and will ask in a demeaning manner
"are you one of those Traditionalist Catholics." I reply I am a
Catholic and do follow the Magisterium of the popes, and when I reiterate that
Benedict XVI is not a pope, that's basically the last straw for them. I was also
calling Byzantine churches and it is just as if you have activated a nuclear
bomb and it is a taboo to these human respect infected phone people, to point
out that Benedict XVI is Antipope and that there is absolutely No Salvation
Outside the Church. I was able to finally talk to a Byzantine rite priest for a
while and he believed in Salvation Outside the Church, he brought up the
Galileo issue and female pope mythology, trying to justify Benedict XVI's
apostasy saying that its mere wickedness. Its strange how when I begin
conversations by saying "I have a question, do you believe that members of
false religions can be saved?" they enthusiastically try to justify their
belief and reply yes. They never say yes right away. When I bring out the
dogmas they say they cannot judge and its up to God. When I point out its
heresy to withhold belief from dogma, they say they have to go and don't even
wait for me to give them your website, when I say I'd like to give them a
critical website with all the info and citations. I also got shocked yesterday
in my mind, when I called a Byzantine church and talked to a woman who caught
the phone. She was very unfriendly and uninterested in Catholic matters. When
she asked why I had wanted to give her a website, I replied it was a spiritual
work of mercy and she said no and hang up. It really put things in their proper
perspective when I myself encountered this extreme bad will. When you mentioned
that you made phone calls to different novus ordo churches, you said people
just didn't care about the Faith. That is so true. They don't care and do not
have the basic level of interest in the Faith.
MHFM: Yes, the bad will is astounding. In regard to the heresies you heard from
those priests, that’s why almost all
priests today (even those offering traditional liturgies) are off-limits
for even receiving sacraments. However,
there are a few options for some people in certain areas (especially for
confession), as long as the priest meets certain conditions and people don’t
support him (since all the priests are heretics). Catholics would have to examine each one
individually to see if he meets the criteria for approaching for the sacraments
without supporting him: Where to go to Mass or confession today?.
Also, the questions that should be posed to them,
to see if they are options for receiving sacraments without supporting them,
are not primarily whether they believe in salvation for members of false
religions. Basically all the priests
believe that, and almost all of the priests in the decades before Vatican II
believed in that heresy. To determine if
they are so notorious that they must not even be approached for Communion, one
should rather ask them if they reject false ecumenism, believe that
non-Catholics should even be converted, etc.
That’s covered in the aforementioned file.
When people call those priests, the responses make
clear (once again) why Antipope Benedict XVI dressing up in robes and posing as
a pope is just a charade. Look at what
those who accept him believe. In regard
to the lack of interest you noticed, that is the dominant problem today. It goes hand in hand with the lack of
faith. It applies not only to the pagans
and the Novus Ordo crowd, but to the false traditionalists, who only care about
showing up at a Latin Mass and not about the substance of the faith. It’s one of the primary reasons Jesus
declared: “Enter
ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that
leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way
that leadeth to life: and few there are
that find it!” (Mt. 7:13-14).
Subject: No salvation
Dogma, "Absolutely no salvation outside the Catholic Church", is an
article of faith. Just like, "Mary was immaculately conceived". I, as
a Catholic, am required to believe them and anyone who complains can just be
quiet. Most V2er's, if they saw a billboard that said "Mary was
immaculately conceived", would not mind. They would say oh I guess and
move on. But if a billboard was put up that said "Absolutely no salvation
outside the Catholic Church". They would go nuts. It would be taken down so
fast, it would probably make the news. If directly quoting a dogma infuriates
you, you are not Catholic.
regard to your clarifications on Hell where you state that Hell is a just place
for sinners and this is logic according to me but at the same time a hard
reality to conceive.
grandchild Mariana who is eight years of age said something to me this weekend
that made me remember your teachings.
the age of three/four I taught her to pray the Rosary and when she was five she
could pray the Rosary on her own, she often asks me questions about the faith,
this weekend I was talking to her about… the good people going to heaven and
the bad going to Hell… then she looked at me and asked where did the people who
only had little sins go to and I told her they go to Purgatory and I explained
to her what Purgatory was.
very quickly said, yes grandmother people don’t love God because if they loved
God they would not sin. Well I just sat there looking at her and said yes that
is very true you are a very cleaver girl. This shows us that children are very
quick to understand basic truths but it seems so terribly difficult to make
grown up people accept such simple truths.
Fernanda da Silva
on you for twisting Papa Benedict's words for the purpose of supporting your
diabolical stand on the 265th successor of Peter. Because it is so obvious, I
am not even going to point out how you have taken his words out of context…
This was the first article of your argument against him that i read and i am
NOT going to read another one or anything else that your site has to say, and
pray that whoever else reads your propaganda will be shown by the Immaculate
Heart of Mary, for God the Father, in Christ Jesus, through The Holy Spirit,
how false you are.
forgive you.
in excelsis Deo
No, it’s not out of context, you liar.
The truth has been made available to you, but you reject it. You close your eyes to the mountain of irrefutable
evidence, and choose to blind yourself to reality.
New Video
This is a new video with some comments on this matter.
Benedict XVI's recent heresy on the
Anglican "faithful" [video]
Human Respect
Subject: Human respect is evil
Dear Brothers,
I've been thinking about the quote by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri you posted today
on your website: “The atmosphere of the world is noxious
and pestilential. Whosoever breathes it easily catches spiritual infection. Human respect, bad example, and evil
conversations are powerful incitements to earthly attachments and to estrangement
of the soul from God. Everyone knows that the damnation of numberless souls
is attributable to the occasions of sin so common in the world.”
This pernicious evil (human respect) reflects the sad state of so many
souls today, namely, the denial of Christ. "Human respect" is the
slogan of the masses during these end times; and even among the baptized, the
charity of many has grown cold. Here is a relevant quote by St. Augustine found
in one of his sermons:
"For the things that can be seen are temporary, while the things that
cannot be seen are eternal (2 Cor. 4:18). 'So I despise [the world's] gifts,'
said the faithful soul, 'because they're temporary, they're superfluous, they
rot, they fly away, they're full of dangers, full of temptations... So, my
brothers and sisters, let Christ never be denied... you sin for the
sake of your friend, and in order not to offend him, you deny Christ.
There's no persecutor raging, no plunderer despoiling, no torturer working on
you; simply in order not to displease your friend you deny your Lord. I
can see what your friend has deprived your of; show me what he'll give you.
What will he give? The very friendship by which you sin, by which you are
made into an enemy of God. This man wouldn't be a friend to you, if you
were one to yourself; but since you are your own enemy,
you think your enemy is your friend. What makes you your own enemy,
though? The fact that you love iniquity, "But whoever loves iniquity
hates his own soul" (Ps. 11:5). But Christ is not being denied to
please a perverse and godless friend; He's not being denied, but He's being
viciously attacked by the godless friend, accused by the godless friend, and not
being defended by the shamefaced believer; He's being abandoned, kept quiet
about, not being proclaimed.
The blasphemer's tongue is tearing Him to shreds, and there's no tongue
singing His praises. How many evil deeds are committed as if for the sake
of necessities, for food, for clothing, for health, for a friend? And
all these things being desired are in fact being lost. But if you make light of
these things in the present, God will give you them for eternity. Make light of
health, you will have immortality; make light of death, you will have life;
make light of honor, you will have a crown; make light of the friendship of
man, you will have the friendship of God. But there, where you have God as
your friend, you won't be without friendship of a neighbor...
See what we lose, if we love things here, and deny Christ! ...You deny
Christ, being afraid of spoiling your friendship with men; confess Christ,
and you will enjoy the friendship of the City of the Angels, the City of the
Patriarchs, the City of the Prophets, the City of the Apostles, the City of the
Martyrs, the City of all the good faithful. Christ Himself established it
forever (Pslam 48:8)."
Human respect is a vicious deception from Satan. Those who are not with Christ
are against Him (Lk. 11:23). There is no substitute for the charity of Christ.
What we should be doing for our neighbor is helping him to reach God.
"Contend for the truths sake even
to the death." (Sir. 4:25).
Sincerely In Christ,
the email you received from Colin...I to had a very unpleasant encounter with a
Vatican 2 priest… [he] said the Traditional Mass. Sent the priest an email. He got
back to me and stated that he says the Traditional Mass in a Protestant church
building. So when I wrote back I took the same route as Colin did. Informed him
to check out your web-site. He already knew of your ministry and informed me
that you, and your readers, (myself included) are the true apostates and
heretics. I have to say that Colin's confrontation, by way of email, was a lot
more polite than the one I clashed with. His remarks were down right malicious,
spiteful and disgusting. I must have hit a nerve somewhere. He was so offensive
and evil. There was just no way to get through to him. Such shameful neglect on
his part in not wanting to search out the truth of what is happening in the
false church today...pretending to know everything when in actuality he knows
nothing. Those who persist in denying the existence of The True Catholic
Church...of them Our Lord said: "Seeing they do not see and hearing they
not hear, neither do they understand....For the heart of this people has been
hardened, and with their ears they have been hard of hearing, and their eyes
they have closed; least at any time they see with their eyes, and hear with
their ears, and understand with their mind, and be converted and I heal them.
(Matt. 13: 13-15) Most Holy Mother Mary,
the Gate of Heaven, pray for us who have recourse to Thee,
Subject: Emails with MHFM link
can fully identify with Colin and his experiences when sending emails with MHFM
links to people. He is doing a great work.
too have been sending emails to people (mostly unknown to me and found via
Google etc.). Humanly speaking, it can be quite frustrating to deal with these
people (the tiny minority that reacts at all), but of course it is done solely
out of love of God and His true Catholic Faith.
soul counts and our time may be very limited in being able to let people know
the Truth… So with the help of Our Blessed Lady may we persevere in spreading
the Catholic Faith…
The problem with many Society of
Saint Pius X parishioners is that they have sooooooooooo much pride in the
Society that they neglect to discern their surroundings and critically 'think'.
They place all their eggs in one basket and expect a beautiful package that
will 'land them in Heaven'. In fact, so stubborn they are, that many won't even
CONTEMPLATE that they could be wrong. Yep, rather than focusing on Jesus Christ
and henceforth, unalterable Catholic Dogmas, they choose to believe the wisdom
of MAN and exalt their parish priest like he has the Keys to Heaven. In fact,
when I used to attend a Society of Saint Pius X parish, one Sunday (after Holy
Mass), I was in the basement and witnessed a flock of awe-stuck parishioners
hovering over the priest who was praising himself with stories of HIS good
deeds !!!! It was disgusting. This priest also, in another instance, asserted
that a cat was comparable to a carrot stick !!!! Furthermore, in confession he
told one parishioner to absolutely avoid the Fraternity of Saint Peter. HOWEVER, on the other hand, he also
instructed another parishioner that she could attend a NOVUS ORDO 'church' to
maintain peace with her ex-boyfriend (they had a kid together). AND YES, THESE
times I heard "Go ask FAther ....... Ask Father ....... Ask FAther ......
These Society of Saint Pius X vultures need to cease viewing this Society like
it is 'unto like' ...... a beautiful swan amidst an angry storm. If these
people dove in 'needed' research, they would understand the shocking truth.
They are being perilously deceived. It is gutting to realize this.
Baptism and
Vatican II
Subject: Baptism and Vatican II
I was wondering whether you could answer my doubt I have about my Baptism: I
was baptized in 1996 by a Vatican II "priest", who holds many
heresies such as salvation outside the church, and he said that he would never
deny anyone "communion" no matter how great their unrepented sins are
among others. I was wondering would my baptism have been valid?
Also, there's a friend of mine that is still in the Vatican II sect, and I want
to try to convert this person to the real Catholic Faith. Is there any advice you
could give me to try to convert this person?
Thank you for your time and thank you for all the information you have
available, it has helped me in so many ways. Your website actually brought me
to the real Catholic faith and out of the Vatican II sect.
God Bless,
Thanks for the e-mail. Even heretics can
validly baptize, provided they observe matter, form and the minimal
intention. Since you have some doubt,
however, a conditional baptism should be done.
The conditional form is in this file: The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those
leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's
Profession of Faith for Converts.
regard to your friend, we think you should 1) recommend the website and videos,
2) have him watch the entire DVD, The
Third Secret of Fatima, the Impostor Sr. Lucia, and the End of the World,
and 3) try to get him to pray the Rosary each day. One should also give him a synopsis of the
invalidity of the New Mass, the truth that heretics cannot be popes, a few of
Benedict XVI’s heresies, the fact that the Great Apostasy is prophesied,
wish to let you know that I heard on the news that the “Bishops” of the Vatican
II Sect here in Portugal are very worried... because 2 million Catholics have
left the Church during the course of these last 10 years, what a surprise....
and one "priest" was asked whether the "Eucharist should be
administered outside the Church premises and he replied that it is becoming
more and more out of use the administering of the “Eucharist” to the sick at
their place of residence, what more do we have to hear from these apostates.
da Silva
Thank you for the video, as it has
confirmed in my mind what has been going on. Keep up the good work as no one
else seems to be honest about what is going on.
Beverly Lockamy
Dear MHFM,
I recently was giving out your information via email to novus ordo
"priests," laypeople, and other "christians." It is quite
amazing the arrogance of these so called priests who claim to follow Christ who
was humbled and glorified to be Incarnate in the virgin womb of Mary, who was
born into poverty amongst animals and two of the most humbled humans, Mary and
Joseph. Christ always rebuked the Pharisees for being self-righteous, puffed
up, and proud about external qualities of their faith.
I had not planned on much of a response from any of the people I had sent
emails to, but here is an email that I thought would give more insight into the
sheep in wolves clothing (plus I probably could have responded a little
"By their fruits you shall know them."
Me: (First I sent an email giving the website name and some url's of your
"Fr.": And WHO are you, may I ask? I don't recognize this name.
Me: colin tuss, If you wish to save your soul you must belong to
the true catholic church. please just give a look at the info. thanks.
"Fr.": This is not identifying how you know me or my parish. Please
don't email me again. Thank you.
Me: Vatican II brought about the whore of babylon. One must believe in the
church he way it was prior to vatican 2. No salvation outside the catholic
church, please check out the info. It will not be a waste of time.
"Fr.": Oh, puhleeze...get a grip on reality. DO NOT EMAIL ME AGAIN. I
am reporting this as spam! You have made yourself above the Pope, the bishops
and the entire Church! Good Lord!
Me: The popes teach that if one become a heretic they are no longer catholic.
you will understand a little more if you actually humble yourself and visit vaticancatholic.com. oh and one should not use the Lord's name
in vain. I'm only trying to tell you this in good charity.
"Fr.": Your arrogance and self-righteousness are insufferable. Get yourself
to confession!
Me: It's very rude that you won't even take a little time out of your schedule
to look up this info. May I ask what sin I have committed to ask pardon for?
Our Lord said himself that when He returns that he will find almost no faith.
Vatican 2 was a departure from the infallible teachings of the Church in the
past. Council of Trent teaches that one must believe in the One, Holy,
Catholic, and Apostolic Church to be saved. From john 23 to benedict 16, they
have taught that people outside the church can be saved. It is heresy. Upon the
death of Padre Pio, He told one of his devoted followers to "hold fast to
the traditions of the church." Our Lady of La Salette said that "Rome
will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist." This is a very
dramatic message and a warning from the Blessed Virgin. I will not bother you
anymore, but please take a little time to look at mostholyfamilymonastery.com
"Fr.": Again your arrogance may be your downfall. Self-righteousness
is a horrible sin to have. Get to confession! And respect what I asked about 5
emails back -- to NOT email me anymore. You are making a fool of yourself. Some
humility, some maturity and a great deal of learning about the things you think
you know would serve you well in your life!!!!...
Sincerely Colin
Subject: Titanic & AntiCatholicism
Dear Brothers:
Thank you for posting the article on the
Titanic. When we consider all of the historical factors surrounding that event…
one can't help but see the Titanic as an image of the proud,
man-knows-better-than-God Revolt which was predicted by St. Paul and begun by
Martin Luther, and which is soon to reach its grande finale.
Protestantism (or whatever name one
wants to give to organized heresy/antiCatholicism) is the Sinking Ship.
Spiritually significant in itself, the Titanic also seems to have been a prophetic
figure of things to come. The other ship of heretics that is the Vatican II
Church is now sinking fast along with the antichrist world of which that
counterfeit catholic church is a part. The False Prophet's mission of damning
people (and increasing their guilt as much as possible), does indeed seem to be
coming to a close as the Rat ties up loose ends with the heretical SSPX. (It is
certainly ironic that these men arrogantly name themselves after the very same
Pope who reigned at the time of the other Titanic.) Now, as MHFM has pointed
out, only the "canonization" of Antichrist remains.
Lee Ann
The news about the possibility of the SSPX hooking up with the Vatican II sect
is outrageous. It proves that the SSPX priests are totally faithless apostates
and cowards who would betray Jesus Christ for $30. They really lost the plot and gave up the
fight. Sad. They won't be able to get away with the kind of criticism against
Vatican II like they used
to, even though they imagine they will. All they care about, just as you said
in the recent video about antipope Benedict XVI calling the Anglican
schismatics the "faithful," is vapor and cloth. All they want is a
man who claims to be pope and is in the Vatican. They don't care one iota for
the substance of the Catholic faith. They desire the truth, but are unwilling
to accept it. What an abomination. I guess it was inevitable though, given that
they hold the V-2 "ordinations" and "Mass"
to be valid. How many more souls will be lost now? It's too sad for words, and
it all goes back to the heresy of "baptism of desire."
Apocalypse 18:1-5 - "And after these things, I saw another angel come down
from heaven, having great power: and the earth was enlightened with his glory.
And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is
fallen; and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every unclean
spirit, and the hold of every unclean and
hateful bird: Because all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of
her fornication; and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with
her; and the merchants of the earth have been made rich by the power of her
delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my
people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her
plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord hath remembered
her iniquities."
God Bless,
Chris White
I believe God’s ultimate punishment on
a world that rejects his truth is to allow a phony counterfeit church which is
the vatican 2 sect or novus ordo sect full of notorious heretics and perverts…
from mark v
A fellow inmate loaned me a copy of
your booklet called "The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic
Church." I was amazed how it covers the topics of anti-catholicism. Can
you please send more information on how to order more of these booklets?... I
hope to hear from you soon!
Marcelo Cirilo
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
Thank you for all your materials and uncompromising
adherence to the Truth. I would never have realized my errors without your
ministry. Please accept this small donation so you may continue to reach
others. God bless and may the Blessed Mother protect us!
Julie Ann Culpon
Does not
I listen to Alex Jones sometimes. His
political analysis is interesting. The "Fake mainline Christian"
thing is an interesting video. I watched it a few times trying to hear the word
"NOT" as in "not a fake mainline christian". Alex does not
say "NOT". He just doesn't, how can one argue the obvious. Also Alex
is speaking clearly. That guy should say a rosary and listen to it again.
Brothers in Christ Michael and Peter Dimond,
I was
reading through the e-exchanges section as I do every day and saw a message
from Chris White and what he said about the Mormons I have to tell him...he is
completely right concerning the Mormons… Please watch this video to see just
how blasphemous, deranged and insane they truly are, this cult is truly
astounding. I mean aside from Joseph Smith reading his book out of a hat and
could not do it again when the pages were "lost" off of golden plates
no one ever saw, utilizing "seer" stones (again) things no one ever
saw. The Mormon cult was created because "God" and "Jesus"
appeared to him when he was trying to decide whether or not he should be a
Protestant (Satanist) or a Catholic (Christian). I don't know where to begin
theologically with that statement...God and Jesus. The very statement is
blasphemy in and of itself as it implies that the father is God but the Son
isn't. I hear it phrased like this all the time from the Protestant Satanists,
like on a daily basis down here in the south where I am. Anyway,
"God" and "Jesus" told him neither were right (and I assume
when it comes to Protestantism none of their hundreds of devil worshipping
cults at the time, had it right either) and that he should start his own
religion. Someone needs to point out to Protestant cultists and others that
this self-same thing has happened hundreds of times throughout the last five
centuries. One instance being Charles Taze Russell who created the Jehovah's
(Antichrist's) Witnesses. I think all who watch this video that the Mormons
have now suppressed will find it interesting to say the least, considering you
will find out in it that Joseph Smith is coming again to judge the living and
the dead and that much like how Mohammedanism has declared their true God
Mohammed to be the perfect man and greatest of all prophets, even above Jesus,
Mormonism has declared the same of Joseph Smith. It should be apparent by now
that these Satanic cults all of whose members are damned despite what they do,
have a lot in common. I have some personal experience when it comes to cults
based around the worship of a man because of my Catholic hating dad (who
married a Novus Ordo cultist in a civil ceremony despite still having a living
wife and the denying the Novus Ordite her right to practice her
"religion" and spent a good bit of time blaspheming the Catholic faith
to her face without so much as a word out of her. She has no problem with
anybody who's Protestant despite the fact they defriend her on Facebook when
they find out she's a "Catholic" then she wonders why and then goes
to their ceremonies. It shows just how truly stupid and treasonous most if not
all Novus Ordites are) who belongs to this one cult started as recently as 15
years ago. He was tossed out for several years and his "minister" or
should I say cult guru threw him out and my dad would go nowhere else stating
that he's not going anywhere where pastor Ken isn't, meaning that this guy is
his savior and God despite his screaming Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. They eventually
let him back in after a couple of years of his calling 15 times a day, I also
assume they needed some extra money for another Cadillac or boat. They are now
wanting to make him a minister in their "church" as well as a
"bishop" and make him a "doctor" of their cult by their
founder giving him a doctorates degree, I assume my dad read his counterfeit
"Bible" for 2 or 3 pages and then said he believed in
"Jesus" to get it, all this in addition to his guru declaring that
his name is now written down as a prophet in heaven alongside Elijah, Elisha,
and John the Baptist, etc. This place only exists in one place in the entire
earth and has about 50 members if that. Despite all this they also sit around
blessing or praying over tap water making it into "holy water"
through the power of that priesthood of all believers nonsense and then
blessing themselves with it and drinking it. It amazes me how the Protestants
are in all actuality Satanists yet they steal the title of Christian that they
have no right to from Catholics and then accuse us of being pagans and the
children of the devil and then keep stealing things from us and counterfeiting
others such as what I mentioned above. I think all who watch this video that
the Mormons have now suppressed will find it interesting to say the least.
Personally I would like to see MHFM do a video on Mormonism as well as a series
on all the different groups down through the centuries and how Protestantism
and its doctrines come from dead cults such as the Pelagians, etc., and how
they are these dead cults with their names changed.
bless you brothers,
video unmasking the evil prince in Rome, Antipope Benedict XVI. You shredded
his 9x12 portrait into multi-pieces with Roman Catholic truth…
Dear MHFM,
Just wanted to commend you for writing yet another superb article...this time
on a somewhat more obscure or better said, not so often discussed issue (do
animals go to Heaven?). I really learned a lot from it and the research you
have done was really eye-opening. It kind of puts a whole new perspective on
the issue when you really think about it like you did. While reading it, I also
remembered the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem on a donkey, just
a week before his Crucifixion and Resurrection. This symbolized the coming of
the Prince of Peace and fulfilled the prophecy from Zacharias 9:9 "Rejoice
greatly, O daughter of Sion, shout for joy, O daughter of Jerusalem: BEHOLD THY
KING will come to thee, the just and saviour: he is poor, and riding upon an
ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.". What a privilege to be
chosen among all of God's creatures to carry the Creator and Savior of the
World on your back, at one of the most important moments in Salvation history.
Once again, really well done and the article would, no doubt, make a really
great video as well.
on another issue:
On JWs, Mor(m)ons, polygamy and their anti- Christ, ridiculous, pagan
beliefs... I found a couple of short, informative and to some maybe shocking
videos (cartoons) exposing these false religions of Satan…
Thank you and God bless and protect
V. from Croatia
Subject: Vatican II "cardinal" debates
Hello, I thought you might find this
video interesting… a recent debate between the notorious atheist Richard
Dawkins and the V2 "archbishop" of Sydney, George Pell. Pell's
comments are full of amazing heresies: for example, at 41:40 he says that
atheism is "not an evil act" and that an atheist
"certainly" could go to heaven. He even claims that Saint Paul was an
agnostic! What dark times we live in...
best wishes, Jonas
MHFM: He fits right in with Antipope
Benedict XVI and his adherents.
Subject: the empty shell
Great video on the recent heresies of
Benedict XVI and who exactly constitutes the "faithful." Your stern
repeated references to "the empty shell" made me think of today's
homily at an SSPX chapel in Florida, where I am presently traveling. The priest
attempted to catalogue some of the more blatant heresies of the Vatican II
robber Council, but after a short while stopped himself, since "I am not
here to promote heresy." Oh really? When every one of your 500+ priests
worldwide, to a man, denies the dogmas Outside the Church there is no
Salvation, the absolute necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism for salvation,
and the absolute necessity of real and natural water for Baptism. And, you
persecute and socially black-ball anyone who tries to educate your dark minds
and shake your hard hearts! "Worship vapor and cloth!" What a description!
These false traditionalists pay far more homage to a stole or cope or a man's
hands than the sacred, revealed teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ, and thus, to
Christ the Lord himself! This priest truly fascinated me. He is either a
hopeless dupe, or he is in on the Great Deception in a most wicked, dark
manner. It's got to be one or the other. Anyone who wanted to know the Catholic
Church's position on the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God could find
it with certainty in a few short minutes. How much quicker would certainty be
achieved with regard to the salvation and Baptism dogmas mentioned above? They
have been solemnly repeated again and again throughout the centuries! Even your
reader Adam's dog knows that your materials contain the accurate handling of
sacred dogma, and rejoices accordingly, while these dogs forbid your materials
in their parishes as if they were poison.
Pope Innocent III, ex cathedra: "There is one universal Church of the
faithful, outside of which NO ONE AT ALL IS SAVED..."
God bless,
Joseph Ramirez
MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail. One thing: we think that almost none of the
SSPX priests are options for the sacraments, even when people don’t support
Subject: Your Alex Jones Post
Alex said he was not a, "FAKE
MAINLINE CHRISTIAN." I have recently been watching a lot of your content,
which I believe is very good. I am assuming that this is just a mistake you
made because of how fast Alex talks. Please listen to it again. Of course if
this was deliberate on your part, and you know what he really said, that would
make you a liar and not worth listening to. Thanks.
- Anthony Chiozza
Member of the Catholic Church
MHFM: No, you are obviously DEAF or a
liar. He said "I'm a Christian as
well; I'm a mainline fake Christian."
He wanted to say he’s not a mainline fake Christian, but that's not what
he said. It’s very clear. Listen to it again. One can clearly hear "I'm, I'm.” One does not hear the “OT” sound, as in
“not,” because that’s not what he said.
It’s quite clear, and only a person who lacks hearing ability or is a
liar would say otherwise. The Scriptures
do speak of people in spiritual blindness having their senses dulled. We did a section of a radio program breaking
this down and playing the clip numerous times.
People like you are so lacking in hearing ability or utterly dishonest
(we believe the latter) that you convince yourselves of what you did not
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8sFIlAMjbw&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL5AAD87B9ABAF8BCA [link to clip]
In fact, in this radio discussion we
talked about people like you, whose denial of reality reveals that they are
under the power of dark forces. At the
28-minute mark and the 33-minute mark we discuss people who say Alex said “not”
(when he definitely didn’t).
Skip to 28-minute mark to hear discussion of people who hear what's not
there in the Alex Jones clip
Brothers in Christ,
I completely share your view on the possibility that animals go to heaven. Since there are no Magisterial teaching, at
least not known to you, me or any other reader that wrote to you, we are left
to make our own opinions about that matter, in accordance to The Scripture, the
earthly lives of The Saints and our personal experiences. I would like to
emphasize a few facts: 1.) Every creature but man is unconditionally obedient
to God's will. The animalsand other creatures of natural life are innocent.
Only a human creature, with the exception of The Most Blessed Mother Mary, is
stained with the original sin.
all of the creation with the exception of the humans, does not need to be
redeemed. There is no eternal punishment for the innocent creatures. Since the animals are not created in the
image of God, they can be taken out of the existence completely, or they can be
preserved in the existence on the Heaven
once their lives on The Earth is finished.
Quite a number of The Saints regarded the animals with favor and
compassion. St. Francis of Assisi, St.
Anthony of Padua and others, called the animals and all other innocent creation
the brothers. For example, St. Francis is known for his canticle of the brother
Sun. All creation is singing to God, their Creator and Life-giver. The point is that St. Francis, who was and is
very well known for his love for the creation, was never rebuked nor condemned
by the Pope for his esteem for the pristine innocence of the animals, the Sun,
the wind, the water, etc. Neither was any other Saint rebuked for the same
As for my own experience, I can say that the animals definitively have the
ability of reasoning. By this I do not mean to say that the animals are as
intelligent as the human
beings or more, but that they certainly do not always follow their basic
instincts, that they are capable to feel the compassion toward any other being,
that they are capable to take action contrary to the instinct of self preservation,
if the action fulfills some higher goal.
When I was very little baby, I've found myself in front of a running
horse (who was running away from his
evil master who has beaten the horse). When the horse noticed me, he was unable
to avoid me completely or stop running. And so I fell under the horse's feet.
Somehow the horse managed to avoid to kick me with his leg, and he stopped
running as far as he could and he had
literally "frozen" himself on the spot. I wasn't injured at all. Not
even a scratch on my body.
God bless you and all other true Catholics.
Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia
I'm 24 and live in the Boston area. I
have attended Catholic schools my entire life, including the Catholic University
of America until I decided to transfer to Babson College where I recently
graduated from. I was very active in my local parish in high school and felt an
inclination to become a priest but got caught up with the world during my
college career. Seeing that there was no satisfaction to be had with my own
pursuits I have devoutly returned to the Catholic faith.
It's disheartening to believe the Truth
that I see on your website but it all makes perfect logical sense to me… Is the
diocesan priesthood still ok?
Thank You,
The diocesan “priesthood” is definitely not an option. They accept the antipope, the heresies of
Vatican II, the Counter Church, and they don’t even have a valid rite of
ordination. If you continue to look at
the information on that website, we think that you should see the facts on
those matters.
Hi Dimonds,
To confound the protestants:
The first Church and oldest Church ever
built was made by St. James the Apostle in Saragossa, Spain. Our Lady of the Pillar
chapel was set up by Saint
James the Apostle when he travelled to Spain. He
dedicated it to the Mother of God. The faith Christ founded was Catholic. And
Our Lady of the Pillar contains a miraculous Pillar with the statue of Our
Lady. This miracle was issued by God to help spread the faith in Spain. It is
also a promise from God, that the pillar and statue will remain till the end of
the world…
Dear Brothers,
That's an interesting article about Joseph Smith the founder of the Mormons having
30 wives. It proves that the Devil is real, and poses as the Mormon's
"angel" Moroni. Mormons also believe Jesus and Satan are
"brothers," which obviously contradicts scripture which says that
Christ is the only-begotten Son of God: John 1:14 - "And the Word was made
flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we saw his glory, the glory as it were of the
only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." The false prophets
are always wont to point out a light without telling us that their false light
is the Devil… they worship something they imagine to be both good and evil, and
both dark and light. Such a thing is impossible, for even in nature there is no
confusion between dark and light. They are opposite substances, not just
opposite colors. Only the Catholic faith arms a person with the necessary
balance and truth to effectively fight against the darkness, and to discern the
lie. Christ never abandoned the Catholic Church, though many Catholics
abandoned Him, and so there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.
Luke 9:26 - "For he that shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him
the Son of man shall be ashamed, when he shall come in his majesty, and that of
his Father, and of the holy angels."
2 Corinthians 6:14 - "Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what
participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with
2 Corinthians 11:14 - "And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth
himself into an angel of light."
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear Brothers:
Regarding the news report on the 73
year old woman who was running a major marijuana ring -- it seemed to me that
the news reporter said that this woman was "a retired DHS worker".
Now, unless that stands for something else that I am not aware of, doesn't that
mean Department of Homeland Security? On a regular basis we are hearing about
crimes being committed by people who have or have had some connection with the
DHS. Some security.
Lee Ann
New Article
This is a new article.
Animals go to Heaven? [article]
will be stored in the new section on our mainpage which lists Recent Featured Videos & Articles.
Subject: miracle with my dog
Dear Brother Dimond,
I appreciated your article on the issue
of animals and the possibility that they can continue to exist after their deaths.
I wanted to relate an experience I had with my dog (who died just 2 days ago)
several years ago when I first encountered your materials and began the long,
drawn-out process of converting to the true Faith. I had ordered your materials
online and when they came to my home, they sat on a table for quite some time
because of a hesitation I felt about reading them and potentially admitting to
myself that the beliefs I had been holding up to that point were erroneous. I
was certainly struggling with a lot of intellectual and spiritual pride. One
evening as I was sitting by these books, weeks after they came - ignoring them
completely - my dog came to me, sat down, put his head down on the books and
looked at me with an intensity I had never seen from him before. This must have
lasted for a minute, until I realized he was trying to get me to read these
materials. When I picked up "Outside the Catholic Church There is No
Salvation" he stood up and began wagging his tail intensely, and then sat
down next to me as I started reading it. This event had slipped my memory until
just the other day when he died and you published your article, and it made me
realize that God sent me this dog to help me overcome my pride and hesitation
and uncover the Truth he has revealed for all humans.
Most Holy Family Monastery,
In accordance with a promise made to St. Rita, I would like to recount a recent
story involving prayer.
I was out of work for several months, but eventually I received a phone call to
set up an interview. I resolved to pray not only the Holy Rosary for
assistance, but the Novena to St. Philomena, as well as daily prayers to St.
Cajetan (the patron of those seeking work) and St. Augustine (my patron saint
and patron of those in my field). I
should state here that these prayers were firstly for the sanctification of my
own soul - since I am a low sinner - secondly for the conversion of my wife,
and thirdly to receive this position, if it
was in accordance with God's will, to have the resources to protect and raise a
Catholic family. In this way I hoped to keep the importance of things in
As I began to pray more, I also discovered more about prayers to the saints. I
learned that St. Therese of Lisieux promised to "let fall a shower of
roses" to those who prayed to her in Heaven. I additionally discovered
that St. Rita was declared "The Advocate of the Impossible". So I resolved to pray to them as well, since
I required all the help that I could get.
After beginning my prayers to St. Rita and St. Therese, I received a call...
from another position that I had forgotten I had applied to. Within 24 hours, I
had an interview and a job offer. I was told by the person who hired me that
she had never hired anyone so quickly.
The next day I received a job offer from the first position: so in two
days I had two jobs, after being unemployed for months.
… My opinion is that so few people earnestly pray to the saints today in these
troubled times that the saints are eager as ever to answer prayers. I believe
this is especially the case with St. Philomena, perhaps the most powerful saint
after Our Blessed Mother. The Novus Ordo
has tried to hide this saint from view, even "eradicating" her feast
day, and so few people know about her. As a result, this "dear little
saint" has many, many more blessings to dispense than she is being asked
In Mary,
Subject: Worth Pondering
Dear Brothers:
I again watched your video "Touched
by the Antichrist" in which, as you pointed out, the caller proved so
well that she, like so many millions and millions of others, are drawn to the
person of JP2 -- and away from Jesus Christ and His true Church.
I was also thinking of another
important point which you made in the video "JP2 was the
Antichrist", and that is that, of all the people in history, there is
none that will have hated Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church more than the
Antichrist, the False Prophet B16 and the other Anti-popes who performed the
destructive preliminaries necessary for Antichrist to appear on the world
It is staggering to consider that all
persons who remain in the V2 church are in union with the greatest enemies of
Jesus Christ who will ever have lived. Just as all Jews, Protestants,
schismatics, pagans and atheists are also in union with these Beasts, since
they are not in union with the true Popes and true Church which was
established by Christ. But the false Catholics of the Counterfeit Church
deceive themselves by insisting they are "in union with the Pope".
Horrifying. This thought is almost too
hard to grab hold of but, yet, worth pondering often…
Lee Ann
Subject: Supernatural
Dear MHFM,
It seems the strange sounds began occurring since mid 2011 and are happening
all over the world. There are a variety of interesting sounds and booms. Some
of the noises sound like: a loud rumbling train, a thunderstorm or the slamming
of a heavy door, groaning noises, and in other instances the noises sound as
trumpets. This activity is definitely supernatural. There is also a shaking of
the ground that happens while the noises occur.
Subject: Pell
Dear Brothers,
The apostate "Cardinal" Pell's statements that Adam and Eve is just a
myth and that atheists can be saved unfortunately reflect the majority of Australian's
views. It is also interesting that he was almost chosen to have a top position
in the Vatican last year, but lost it due to former abuse allegations
It shows how heretics operate. For
example, Vatican II and its antipopes essentially "excommunicate" the
words heresy and heretic, and so they open the door to the gates of hell.
Protestants "excommunicate" any words pertaining to the Catholic
faith, such as "sacraments," "works," "Papacy,"
and so they have no basis for their religion. The Anglicans
"excommunicated" any words pertaining to the Papacy by deleting them
from all books and so their Church is a now a state institution. The Nestorians
"excommunicated" the word "Theotokos," i.e. "Mother of
God," and so rejected the Blessed Virgin Mary herself and introduced the
worship of man. The Arians "excommunicated" the word
"Consubstantial" and so rejected the entire Holy Trinity… It
demonstrates that, in essence, hell has always rejected the Word of God
Incarnate, for it cannot tolerate the Word of Truth. It will spin, distort,
distract and lie forever, if God allowed it, just so as to worship the creature
rather than the Creator. "Cardinal" Pell's statements indicate that
he has no concept of Original Sin, of the grace of immortality that they lost,
or of the value of Jesus Christ's Redemption on the Cross - nor of His
Resurrection. From there flows his rejection of the necessity of membership in
the Catholic Church and water baptism. For no one blasphemes that which they
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
… The dominant pagan school of thought
is the myth the universe originated from a cosmic burp. Dawkins wants to be
hopelessly paganistic - rejecting the One True God all because he wants to do
evil (particularly sins of the flesh), and does not want to obey Our Lord. The
pagans ascribe divine qualities to matter, stone, and creatures and creeping
things, and they adore these as mother, and worship these as father, and call
them gods. This is superstition.
Your article on the animals was tremendous. I've been waiting for it for a
while, because it was something you said you would address, and you did. You
wrote well on the beauties and care Lord Jesus Christ gave (and still gives) to
creatures. I enjoy your articles and have printed large amounts in order to
study deeply and equip myself against the heathen who claim to be Catholics. I
too am working on my own mental library.
I've been watching your videos on
youtube and have found them extremely informative. I'm a Catholic and began
researching about freemasonry in high school. It really put me a negative
picture in my head about how a lot of things are run and the history or lack of
history that we are taught in school. I've had the opportunity to attend some
sermons from the late Traditional Catholic Priest Father Gommar De Pauw…. Since
then I've recently started to attend church a lot more ( Vatican II ) and have
read many books written by current Pope Benedict. My main question is if the
Vatican II council is really not good so to speak or if many Traditional
Catholics are more of a loyal group that's educated in the history of the
church and less tolerant to change. I used to believe a lot that the Vatican II
was inferior but since reading so much of what the pope has wrote I can’t help
to change my mind thinking that he's a such a great thinker and faithful man.
I'm sure you get a lot of emails and questions I would just really like to talk
to someone about this and other subjects because I want to know the best course
of action of professing my faith and raising my 3 yr old daughter on the right
Thank you so much for your time,
William Cappella
MHFM: First, we’re glad that you came
across the information and have been looking into it. However, you really should spend some time
reading our section on Benedict XVI. You
should also consult the many videos we have which deal with him. He’s an utterly evil apostate, and one of the
worst heretics in Church history. That’s
not even to discuss his role in apocalyptic prophecy. Perhaps you’ve viewed some of our videos on
other subjects and not those that deal with his heresies? Benedict XVI denies the Gospel, the Papacy,
Jesus Christ, ecumenical councils, the necessity for Protestants to convert,
and more. Those are all facts. We’ve also had numerous debates which provide
a detailed look at some of his most significant heresies.
XVI (The Heresies of Benedict XVI File) [link to section]
In reading his books (and failing to recognize the many
heresies contained therein), it seems as if you have fallen prey to the false
prophet. That can happen to people who
do not have a foundational belief in the absolute necessity of Jesus Christ and
the Catholic faith for salvation. People
who deny that dogma have no anchor.
Consequently, they are vulnerable to accepting the idea that any
malicious heretic might possess noble intentions.
Fr. Gommar DePauw unfortunately did
not have the true faith. He denied the
salvation dogma and obstinately rejected the proof that the Vatican II
antipopes are not true popes. It sounds
as if you still attend the invalid New Mass.
One must avoid it under pain of grave sin. Removing yourself from it will free you from
some evil influences and will assist you in coming to a recognition of the
truth. It’s critical that you embrace
the truth on these issues; for the first condition of salvation is to hold the
rule of the true faith without compromise.
I’ve learned
a lot from you're website and videos, as far as the Pope being an impostor I
must ask if there is a true Pope that has been elected?
No, the Chair of St. Peter is vacant: The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a
valid pope [PDF file]
Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,
just finished reading your new article "Do Animals Go To Heaven?". It
was so… interesting that I immediately sent a link to my brother. Your gift for
bringing out the true spiritual truths of the Scriptures are again manifested
to the joy of your readers. Articles like this are appreciated, for it causes
us to remember God's true love for His creatures as well as His goodness and
that it is only people like yourselves, who fear God, that are capable of
writing about Him… God bless you for all you do for the spread of the Catholic
faith without which no man is possibly saved.
Subject: Your awesome article on animals going to heaven...
you, I almost cried.
are also known to react to the demonic world, as in homes where evil spirits
are wreaking havoc. Animals often sense them before anyone else.
Subject: From Jon in Beijing, China
I am
happy to be writing to you today… Your website and guidance has opened my eyes
to the obvious Truth. Especially after reading Brother Peter’s book, The
Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church…it can’t be any easier to
see. Wow, I was so blind. Thank you so much for all you have done to reach
people like myself. I can see my serious, grave errors. I know the True
Catholic Faith you have brought me is the faith Our Lord Jesus always wanted me
and all to have. It makes me rejoice to finally realize it. Now I can truly
follow the Lord and what He wants. Like Brother Peter said on your website…
truth is that for those who truly believe
in God, accept His full truth (the Catholic Faith), don’t compromise it and
want to do the right thing, it’s not hard to reach Heaven. As Christ said, “My
yoke is sweet and My burden
light” (Mt. 11:30). The reason that so few make it is not because it’s that
hard, but because they refuse to believe the simple and easy things He has
revealed, and do the simple and easy things He has commanded. Those who do what
God wants and believe what He says realize that they are much happier than they
were before.”
Our Lord’s True Church is such a gift. I will continue to spread
the information I have learned from you to as many people for as long as I am
alive. I will
direct anyone willing to hear the Truth to the guidance of Most Holy Family
Monastery as you are a beacon of hope and life. Now I realize you are probably
one of the few...in this last hour. Thank you so much for
actually helping to show me the Right way before it was too late. May the Lord
Jesus and the Most Holy Queen bless you…
Your Brother in Christ,
Jonathan Riordan
Subject: Great Article on Animals
Hi Brothers,
I really enjoyed your article, "Do Animals Go To Heaven."… I also
remember reading about Padre Pio commanding noisy birds in the monastery garden
to quiet down because, as he said to them, "Our Lord is speaking
now," and they obeyed immediately…
God bless you,
Thomas Reilly
New Article
you for posting the article on whether animals go to Heaven. Although not infallible,
I have often wondered about it. I currently own three dogs. One of them I've
had since she was 5 weeks old is now over 13 years old and displays symptoms of
old age. I always wonder if God will permit me to see my animals in Heaven,
assuming that I get there myself. As of late I have been praying to Saint
Francis of Assisi to give me some kind of enlightenment and hope on the
subject. Perhaps your article is the answer to my prayers. Thanks.
Apostate Pell
Subject: "Cardinal" Pell
Dear Brothers:
The first news article about the
Apostate Pell (claiming that the story of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from
paradise was all a myth) might get people to ask the obvious question: why then
did mankind need a Redeemer? In the second news article Pell himself (claiming
that those who reject Jesus Christ and His teachings can get to Heaven) answers
that very question: mankind didn't and doesn't need a Redeemer.
How can anyone doubt that the Apostasy
is here, that the cancer of revolt has resulted in a Counterfeit Church, and
that that cancer is terminal? The mission of true Catholic churchmen was to
help as much of mankind as possible obtain the fruits of Redemption, but the
mission of the Vatican II "Church" is to destroy the fruits of
Redemption by robbing as many as possible of the true Catholic faith.
Lee Ann
Subject: About your refreshing article on animals
and Heaven...
Dear MHFM,
I wanted to thank you for writing this wholesome and joyfully refreshing article.
I could very well relate to it because I've had many close times with some
amazing animals. One example was when I had just married my ex-wife and we were
living together in her parents' home. They had a family dog (Black Lab) named
flea. This dog totally amazed me and changed the way I look at animals forever.
They had a problem with mice in the kitchen and flea would always take some of
his food pellets and put it by their entry hole almost every day. There was one
time when her parents were talking about how they were going to try and kill
the mice; well flea overheard that and started to growl as a warning that they
better not touch them because they were his friends. He also used to protect
the groundhogs and squirrels in the backyard from the neighbors' cats that
would come in and try to hunt them. As you'll see soon they never forgot the
favor. Tragically though in Flea's eleventh year he got some rare form of
cancer and on his very last day when he was lying in the living room and about
to be euthanized, my ex-wife's father went and looked out the back sliding
glass door and saw a bunch of bunnies and groundhogs and squirrels all lined up
as if to pay their respects. I've never seen anything like it… They knew their
friend was leaving this life….
God Bless…
Nathan Barton
Recent Heresies
Bros. Michael and Peter Dimond,
Wow, is
all I can say in regard to Benedict XVI's recent heresies. His words of
"condolence" for the schismatic are almost unbelievably outrageous and
just prove what a totally wicked and conscious apostate the antipope is. It's
basically no wonder that the Novus Ordo outlets hardly ever publish such
shocking statements since they would evoke serious questions from any person
able to comprehend words. Thanks to you, brothers, I have come to a deeper
understanding of the Catholic faith and her teachings. In fact, I have learned
much more about the Catholic faith from reading your book Outside the
Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation, than from any thing the
Novus Ordo Church has ever put out. During my time there I couldn't find out
what a dogma was for the life of me! That all changed after studying your great
material. Considering what I now know concerning the terrible history of the Anglican
schism and revolt against Jesus Christ, Benedict XVI's recent heresies with
this sect further show him to be the antichrist he really is. May we all thank
the ever blessed Mother of God for giving us the grace to see the truth in
these dark times.
Dear Brothers:
Chapter 44 of your Truth book is an
outstanding analysis of the Whore of Babylon described in the Apocalypse. I
find myself referring to it often.
I was talking to someone about the many,
many Old Testament prophesies that were not only fulfilled in the Person of
Christ, but were also fulfilled by the chief priests and others involved in His
Crucifixion. And not just the prophesies in Isaiah, but those throughout the
Old Testament. The Jews of old knew from David about the betrayal of the
Messiah and the 30 pieces of silver, and they even knew from Daniel the year
that the Christ would be killed. Yet, in their blindness they could see none of
this at the time these prophesies were being fulfilled, just as they refuse to
see them today in retrospect (despite the claim that such people have
"good will" according to the heretics who promote "baptism of
desire" and other false, Christ-denying doctrines).
And what was true then is also true
regarding the Scriptural prophesies which refer to our times. St.
Paul told mankind that a Revolt will come before the end of the
world. And although he may not have given us a specific time frame, we can
certainly see -- and the Popes have explicitly called our attention to -- the
connection which exists between the protestant revolt and the revolt that was
to occur at the end of time. Luther and his followers were all once
"Catholics" who threw off the government and doctrines of the Church,
preferring a man-made government and doctrines that were easier for sinful men
to follow. And although everyone knows that absolutely nothing was
"reformed" by the degenerate Luther, notice how all still
deceitfully persist in calling it a "Reformation". If people were
truthful, they might emerge from their blindness and, remembering St. Paul's
words about a revolt, begin to put two and two together. Then they might also
begin to ask themselves: so where is Christendom? And why does the modern
Vatican 2 "Church" now embrace what the Catholic Church has
for two almost thousand centuries condemned?
Which brings us to Chapter 44, and its
clear exposition of the end-times Counterfeit Catholic church which is
prophesied in the Apocalypse, and which is really the extension of the
protestant revolt into once-Catholic realms. I know that you have covered much
of the material contained in this chapter in your different videos, but perhaps
you might consider doing a video on just this topic. I would never have been
able to see this false Church described in the Apocalypse if I had not read the
clear explanation of it which you present in your book…
Lee Ann
MHFM: Thanks for the e-mail. This video, which is a section from the
Fatima film, concerns that chapter and the Whore of Babylon: Why Rome is now the Whore of Babylon
Brothers in Christ,
was amazed by the technical details that you provided in your video attesting
to the authenticity of the Shroud of Jesus that can be viewed at the link below
you for doing this. The video was the means by which I became familiar with
you. I intend to view in detail the other aspects of your site as I am sure
there is much for me to learn from you.
up the wonderful work…
Best Regards, John
Dear mhfm,
… i once talked to this protestant about the necessity of water baptism &
the Church he said: "Jesus did not baptise, so it's not
important". Another abomination was
uttered on good friday: "let us pray, for the jews-that they grow faithful
to their covenant". so the jews should remain faithful to their covenant
of denying & killing Christ??! and yet someone'll claim to be catholic
after making such pronouncements? Thank
you for your work, May God help your apostolate & may the Lady of the
Rosary be with you
is a small park right by my house where I take my 18 month old son. He was
walking in the grass and I was sitting down on the ground watching him. There
is a Baptist "church" right by the park. A man about 60 comes to me
from the church and was "worried" about me. He thought I was
depressed or something. I told him I am here with my son. Then he tries to
proselytize me. I told him he needs to be Catholic and avoid mortal sin to be
saved... I also gave him your address. It is good you have the vaticancatholic
address since it is easier for people like that to remember. I hope he checks
it out…
It’s good to have extra copies of books or DVDs to give them.
New Heresies from Benedict XVI
MHFM: Below is a new article on recent heresies of Benedict
XVI. It will be stored permanently in
our Benedict XVI's Recent
Heresies file.
De Smet
Father De Smet
finished reading the book, The Life of Father De Smet. I found it to be
very informative as far as learning that the Indians were more sympathetic to
Catholic missionaries than to Protestant ones. I was unaware that so many
thousands of Indians were converted to the Catholic faith. One thing I learned
from the book which really surprised me was that Father De Smet was a mediator
between the Sioux Indians and the U.S. government. The Sioux Indians trusted
"The Black Robe"…
girlfriend and I were attending a traditional Latin Mass for Easter at an SSPX
parish (without supporting them) until when the priest made an announcement
before the homily that "Someone (my girlfriend and I) has been
distributing material from the Dimond Brothers." He told the parishioners
that you two are a dangerous group because you are sedevacantist and
"Feeneyite" and said that that position was condemned by the Church
and said that whoever is distributing the material should stop. Me and my
girlfriend left the parish soon after that announcement because we suspected
that that was a notorious heresy and that that priest should be avoided. Do you
think that the SSPX priest that I mentioned would be considered a notorious
heretic and should be avoided?
Yes, the priest should absolutely be avoided.
Almost 100% of the SSPX priests are imposing and/or notorious heretics
who should be completely avoided. With
perhaps a handful of exceptions across the world (if that), their group is not
an option, even when people do not support them (which would have to be a given
with all of these heretics.) The SSPX is
truly a disgusting fraternity. The people
who support them are faithless and do not care about the truth. The priests don’t believe in anything except
the externals in which they glory, and they understand nothing of the real
Catholic faith. The bad will of the
priests, as well as the people who support them, is appalling.
Brothers in Christ,
The reader JCrusader, who has doubts about The Lord's Day, should remember the
words of St. Paul that without The Resurrection there is no Faith at all:
"And if Christ be not risen again, then is our preaching vain, and your
faith is also vain." (1 Corinthians 15:15)
The obvious meaning of these words is that believing in The Old Law, without
believing in Christ, is VAIN. So is VAIN believing in sabath, in 10
commandments, if we do not believe that Christ is risen. Our Lord Jesus Christ,
"that sat on the throne, said: Behold, I make all things new",
certainly has the power to change the day of a week which is to be called the
Lord's day. Jcrusader, can you say
something such as: "no, the day of Christ's resurrection is not a holy day
of a week"? Can you ?
Christ certainly had the power to resurrect immediately after his death, or on
sabath, or on any other moment in time after his death, but He has chosen to
resurrect on the first day of a week. To say that Christ power does not extend
to the change of the holy day of a week is nothing but to deny Christ, to deny
the FIRST of the 10 commandments. There are many man-made, false, religions
whose adherents deny Christ and at the same time say that they observe the
Commandments. Well, they are liars. Their faith is VAIN. And so is your faith
vain if you do not completely reject the false religion you are adhered to now.
Dear Brothers Dimond, let our Risen Lord keep your strength on promoting The
True and Only Faith, through the intercession of The Most Blessed Mother Mary,
St. Joseph and all The Saints.
Vladimir from Zagreb, Croatia
Global Apostate
Global Apostate
Most Holy Family Monastery,
global apostate Benedict XVI… Thank you for exposing the heretical bent and
tendencies of this most ardent apostate at every turn… Words cannot fully
express the evil of heresy, and how it so solemnly rejects the Lord Jesus
Almost thou persuadest me to become a Catholic.
Brother's Peter and Michael Dimond, i first want to say that i feel extremely
blessed to have come across your videos on YouTube. I was once a Roman Catholic
but when i was a teenager i converted to Seventh day Adventism. I have since
always had doubts about Adventism but then again i also had similar douts about
the CURRENT catholic church. Everything that i have learned on your channel has
truly opened my eyes about many things and i must say i have even been moved to
tears because i believe most if not ALL of the things i have learned. I believe
that YOU hold the TRUE Catholic faith and that the Vatican 2 sect is exactly
that, a sect. The one and only point that has kept me in the Adventist church
is the sabbath because it is part of the 10 commandments wich i believe to be
the Law of God. So if u can convince me on that one point i would be fully
ready to embrace the TRUE Catholic faith as you do. So please shed siome light
on this point. Thank you and God richly bless you.
It’s great to hear that you are looking at the information and have the
interest. This article addresses the
issue you bring up:
Is Saturday or Sunday the Holy Day according to the Bible?
This article refutes the view of Seventh-Day Adventists and Seventh-Day
Baptists who believe that the day specifically dedicated to God, rest and
worship is Saturday not Sunday.
convinced, should follow The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those
leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's
Profession of Faith for Converts. You should also begin to pray the Rosary as
soon as possible. You will get
tremendous graces if you do so. How to
do so is here: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/rosary.pdf
Thank you for your apostolate and revealing the Truth
want to thank you for your apostolate, and the immense amount of material you
have researched and published on your web site and online store. I feel it is
by God’s grace that I was “led” to your web site to discover the truths about
the “true” Catholic faith, the faith of all time.
just four short weeks my wife and I have left our Novus Ordo church, used the
Profession of Faith from the Council of Trent to profess our beliefs in the one
true faith, found a properly ordained… priest to hear our confessions… pored
over your materials, watched hours of your videos, listened to hours of your
audio debates and discussions, read the Penny Catechism cover-to-cover. We pray
at least two mysteries of the Rosary each day (not the Luminous mysteries). We
have obtained prayers to saints from your web site and pray those as well.
We’re doing all we can to avoid heresy and denounce heresy when confronted with
it. We hold to all the teachings of the Church, and are studying your materials
to learn all of the key teachings of the Church we were never aware of.
we too went through many of the same emotions as other people who have relayed
their experiences to you in email and phone calls. For us it’s like those
stages of grief that you’ve heard about (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression,
and finally Acceptance). We’ve arrived at the acceptance stage and are ready to
start reaching out to all the people we love in our lives and pass on what we
know. The Lord came to me in a dream (twice) and told me “just tell them, and
let me do the rest.” I know that in charity we need to share what we know, show
our loved ones your DVDs and material so that they can see for themselves the events
that have transpired in the Church and that we are now living in the Great
Apostasy. We aren’t concerned about what people think of our adherence to the
true Catholic faith. This is about the truth, ours and their salvation, and not
about acceptance.
“there’s no turning back from here.” We are not the same people now, nor will
we ever be from here on out. We love Jesus and his blessed mother as we have
never loved them before. We hate heresy with all our hearts. We desire to live
in the full light of the truth and accept all of the teachings of Christ and
his church without exception. I fully expect many people will not accept the
truth and come into the “bosom” of the church before it’s too late. So much of
what I see in the world now makes sense in the context of living in the end
times as prophesied.
again for all that you have done to bring forth the teachings of the true
church, revealing the truths of the V2 sect, exposing the invalid popes,
debating those obstinate heretics who are ill-willed and wish to protect their
heretical positions, and providing your material at such a low cost so anyone
can obtain it to learn more. We come back to your web site regularly to check
for updates, and are sending links to your YouTube videos and web site to
people we know so they can start digesting the immense amount of material you
have assembled.
God continue to bless the monastery and its mission,
Van der Vieren
Good Friday
Video: The Agony
of Jesus Christ in the Garden
Video: The
Scourging of Jesus Christ
What about?
about when Jesus called Peter Satan. What about the faithful servant who
boasted all the good deeds he had done vs the servant who looked to the ground
and said I am a sinner. The Lord said the sinner would be in heaven before the
righteous man.
Jesus called St. Peter Satan because, at that time, Peter was opposing the
Lord’s will. That incident, by the way,
occurred before Jesus entrusted the
entire Church to St. Peter. St. Peter
was not yet pope when Jesus rebuked him.
It was after the Resurrection
that Jesus charged St. Peter with the entire flock, as recorded in John
Lord’s rebuke of St. Peter occurred before the Resurrection and shortly after Jesus promised that he would give Peter the keys to the
Kingdom of Heaven and build His Church upon him (Mt. 16:18-20). Hence, the timing of the rebuke, following
quickly on the heels of Jesus’ astounding announcement about Peter’s future
role, served as a reminder to everyone that even those destined for (or
entrusted with) the most important positions in Christ’s Kingdom (i.e., His
Church) are not immune from falling into sin.
A true pope can fall into sin, but God will not allow a true pope to
teach error on faith or morals in a binding fashion. The evidence for Catholic teaching on the
Papacy is simply irrefutable. Please
consult this section and our book, The
Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church.
regard to your second comment, you are wrongly conflating the observance of God’s
clearly revealed law with a boastful and prideful attitude. A person with such an attitude despises God’s
grace and his fellow man. He will not
get to Heaven with that attitude. On the
other hand, a sinner with a humble attitude who
turns from his or her sins and wants to observe God’s law can be saved; for
God will give that person the grace to come to the knowledge of the true faith
and change his or her life. The
denunciation of the boastful does not mean that there is no law to observe or
no sins to avoid. Faith alone is a
completely unbiblical heresy. The word
of God clearly teaches that a man’s actions, in addition to his faith, play a
role in determining whether he will be or is justified. It teaches that grave sins will send people
(including believers) to Hell. Please
consult the overwhelming biblical evidence:
Having searched for truth, i praise God
each day saying thank you that i found your site which has True Catholic
teaching.… I have enough seeing the hypocrisy and stupidity of these false traditionalists
who make me feel as if i could crush an apple with my hand…
Sincerely in Christ.
Rick Hoover sounds like he's itching for a debate. Interestingly, these
heretics never seem to be the ones who issue the challenge to debate, due to
their lack of certainty on the issues. They just run and hide or make excuses,
or just fail to respond when challenged to defend their errors. I wonder what
response would come forward if MHFM challenged Mr. Hoover to a debate on the sacred
office of the Papacy...
God bless,
Joseph Ramirez
on your video: Sedevacantism Debate - Dimond vs. Albrecht
wasn't sure about Sedevacantism before this debate.....but William got
re-affirmed to me the absurdities of the Vatican II theology. Br. Dimond
slaughtered the Vatican II religion in this debate.
Subject: “Baptism of Desire”
Dear Brother Peter,
I have just finished listening to your
debate with William Golle about 'Baptism of Desire'…
Mark 16:16 renders the Baptism of
Desire & of Blood Theories, in each of their many permutations, untenable.
If the faith and explicit desire for the sacrament of baptism which is had by
sincere catechumens and unbaptized martyrs sufficed for salvation, it could not
have been said that: "He who believes and is baptized will be
saved...", for faith alone would, in these exceptional cases, be enough
for justification. Inasmuch as the irreducible necessity of baptism is
explicitly subjoined to the necessity of having faith in order to receive
salvation, the notions of both 'baptism of blood' for unbaptized martyrs and
'baptism of desire' for catechumens who die before receiving baptism, are
precluded by Mark 16:16.
The novel theory that those who have
never heard of Christ and the Catholic Faith or actually reject these can be,
if they live sincere and ethical lives, saved via implicit desire for
baptism, asserts that a person who has neither the Christian faith nor
the baptismal character is eligible for salvation: the antithesis of
that which Mark 16:16 plainly declares!
Regarding the red-herring that
ex-cathedra dogmas ought to be interpreted in light of the so-called 'Living
Magisterium' (viz., the non-infallible & often ambiguous pronouncements of popes
and others) surely the opposite is the case! The ambiguous & non-infallible
requires interpretation in light of the clear & definitive dogmas of the
Church, not vice-versa! The idea that the Church's understanding of dogmas can
& should evolve is the quintessence of Modernism, the "synthesis of
all heresies," which was solemnly condemned by Pius X.
Moreover, the proposition that
ex-cathedra definitions, whose function is to clarify and make precise hitherto
unclear or imprecise points of faith, are somehow so cryptic as to be
incomprehensible, is tantamount to denying the objective cognitive content of
words. This view logically entails that no statement, however precise, enjoys
cognizable meaning! But if this were so, faith, in the sense of intellectual
assent to revealed truths, would not be possible at all.
Keep up the good work exposing this
heresy which, as you rightly say, was the catalyst of the entire Modernist
Best Regards,
Julian Renatus
… I've been thinking more about the 10
Commandments and Baptism of Desire/Blood. It's completely absurd to even
contemplate that one can be saved who prays to devils. If I'm not mistaken, the
10 Commandments are the only thing written BY THE HAND OF GOD !!!! Now, this
very fact should cause someone to 'wake up'. Furthermore, realizing that the 10
Commandments are in the ARK should make all Baptism of Desire 'Soldiers'
completely terrified ........, contemplating the truth that such a stone
(written on by God) is UNUTTERABLY SACRED. Simply put, the 10 Commandments are NOT
NEGOTIABLE. Baptism of Desire/Blood clearly affirms that one can negate
the Commandments to suite one's vile 'religion'. I can't imagine the eternal punishment
awaiting those who violently stampede upon God's Word that 'WAS' ........,
SINCE THE BEGINNING. These people need to WAKE UP ........., before they
forever bequeath Hell's toxic smile. Jesus Christ said continuously that if one
loves Him, thou shalt keep the Commandments. The problem is that these Baptism
of Desire people listen to the sulphuric wisdom of MAN ........, as opposed to
the Words of Eternal Truth. I know a few
people who almost converted. The problem? They listened to the witless
pride of their fellow parishioners, instead of the Divine Law written on their
Subject: Disconcerting humiliation
Dear MHFM,
It is disconcerting that the high court of the land has declared that all
entrants into jails (even for minor infractions, violations, and mere alleged
misdemeanors, like driving unbelted children, violating a leash law for dogs,
driving without a license, those arrested through mere suspicion or anonymous
phone calls, those arrested when warrants are issued (such as for perceived,
delayed, pay of traffic tickets), or activists and protesters arbitrarily
arrested on public property for their legitimate demonstrations, or those
innocent bystanders arrested for "trespassing" during a
demonstration, or those forgetting to drive without a license etc) shall be
subjected to dehumanizing trauma, treatment, and invasion of privacy; we are
subject to every degree of humiliation now.
Now the case. The man who had brought
the suit was arrested for not paying a fine (a traffic ticket) that he had in
fact paid. He was innocent and he had no criminal record. The privacy of his
person was then violated twice, at the 2 different jails he was sent to.
If those in control truly cared for safety, they'd realize (and they do) that
such dehumanizing prying acts are unneeded, since a hand held metal detector
can easily do the job. Modest pat downs are an improvement and more workable
than the astounding evil invasions of privacy that are now routine. Those in
control attempt to justify the unjustifiable based on the least likely of all
scenarios and they inflate and hype them. And why do they do so? They do so
because they are simply evil. Obviously, in view of their well documented role
in getting contraband to prisoners, all prison guards and jail guards
(according to their illogic) need to be quite thoroughly "searched"
each time they enter a corrections facility on the way into the building and on
the way out at the end of their shifts - to insure safety, security, and
Subject: arrogance
Dear MHFM,
when i checked in to your website today, just as I do daily, I found an
interesting link (among many others) to a jpost.com
(http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Article.aspx?id=264707) article about a possible
delay of the strike on Iran. What I found interesting in that link was not the
usual Zionist propaganda that is so prevalent nowadays in the Jewish-controlled
media, but the promotional poster that was plastered all around the text of the
article. They seem to be out in the open now, not even trying to hide or blur
the picture...just plane, in-your-face, "no one-can-touch-us"
arrogance. This level of arrogance is exhibited by all the characters,
institutions etc. throughout history who are about to fall/collapse. Here is
the link… http://www.jpost.com/LandedPages/NYCAbout.aspx. In reality, the promo
should be dubbed "Israel 2012 Fighting for the Zionist nightmare".
God bless and protect you…
V. from Croatia
Subject: Rick Hoover {PAPACY}
… here is the old testament proof and
the new testament proof for the Papacy and the new structure of salvation in
the new testament, in the old testament there also was a structure of salvation
{Chair of Moses, priesthood, sin offering, animal sacrifice}, so it would
be again in the new testament, the same thing but in a perfect and greater way.
{Papacy; Chair of Peter, priesthood, confession, Christ Sacrifice, The True
Lamb, Mass}.
The Bible is laid out this way {old
testament types} so that you could understand, believe and know that it will
happen again and thereby, DO EVERYTHING that Jesus tells you to
do in the new testament, not just believe and not do. It’s the
same with God's Miracles, its purpose is to help you to understand, believe and
act upon, what Jesus tells you To Do.
Definition of Believe: To
exercise belief in; to credit upon the authority or testimony of
another; to exercise belief or faith.
Isaias and
Matthew reveal the Office of Authority {Leadership, Chair}, Luke explains it,
and John confirms it! Go slow and try to understand every
word that Jesus is saying in these verses, I don't mean that in a demeaning way
either. Below is a great debate by Brother Peter against a protestant, on the
Papacy, try to understand, believe and then do what Jesus tells you to do.
Protestants are lost sheep, they have never had a True Leader, only a man named
martin luther, they wonder in confusion, that’s why they have so many
denominations of false belief/behavior structures {churches}. Yes, the earthly
shepherd {Papal Office} has been struck {usurped by the V ll sect} {great
deception} in these last days, but you have to maintain and hold the One True
Faith handed down from Jesus to the Chair of Peter. One Faith, not many.
{Reduced to a Remnant}
Isaiah 22:21-23… Matthew 16:16-19… Luke
22:24-32… John 21:15-18…
email from Mr. Hoover really hit home for me. I hear the same thing practically
every day from my son's wife..."all that is required for salvation is just
believing in the Lord Jesus Christ...and you will be saved". And now I
have my 7 year old grandson wanting to pray over me every time he sees me. It's
gotten to the point where I just don't want to be around them anymore. What is
wrong with these people??....why can't they just get it right for a change. God
is not divided. He revealed ONLY one religion. We either believe that religion,
or do not believe it. There is NO middle way. "He who is not with Me is
against Me" (Matt. 12: 30). In spite of corruption and persecution, forces
of error and evil, the Catholic Church has continued to live and carry out its
purpose, as its Founder promised. The indestructibility of the Church, as has
been proved by history, is alone enough to mark it as divine. How can you claim
that a religion established by man is as good as that founded by the Incarnate
God...answer me that Mr. Hoover?? God is just...He would not have threatened
condemnation to unbelievers unless He had furnished the means whereby they
could believe. His One True Holy Catholic Church is this means...and ALL men
must join it. One cannot have God as a Father...who has not the Catholic Church
as his Mother.
Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us who have recourse to Thee,
Dear Brothers,
Rick Hoover is a total heretic. He doesn't even believe in the Trinity, baptism
or the Christian Church - the Catholic Church only. If truth is found in Jesus
only, then what's the point of the Bible? Yet according to Protestants, the
Bible may as well be Jesus Christ Himself!!! Jesus never said "read
me," "open me" or "put me on your bookshelf." Jesus
said to follow Him - it's a doing kind of thing. Rick then
accuses the Catholic Church of "teaching heresy for centuries" yet he
doesn't cite any heresy, because he can't (because there isn't any). And what
has he got against the Blessed Virgin Mary? He says truth is only in Jesus, so
he presumably at least claims to believe Christ is God, so where's the honor to
Jesus' Mother - the Mother and Bearer of God, i.e. Theotokos? Also, the
Protestant Churches have only been around for about 500 years, so they are not
even from Jesus Christ, St. Peter or the Apostles - and if we compare the
number of Protestant cults and sects to the time the "Pros" have been
around, it works out at about one new religion popping up every week. That's
like not just going to a new Church every Sunday, but making a new
Church every Sunday! That's a pretty mean effort in anyone's book (no pun
intended). Also, according to Rick, the Christian Church survived on heresy for
1500 years? No, it's the other way around - the Protestant Churches are one
gigantic blob of heresies. For example: Justification by faith alone, Eternal
security, Bible only, Symbolic "sacraments," gay "pastors,"
etc. Also, the word Protestant means the same as Satanist because to Protest
means to oppose, which is what the Devil's name means. Anything else to
complain about, Rick?...
2 Peter 2:17-22 - "These are fountains without water, and clouds tossed
with whirlwinds, to whom the mist of darkness is reserved. For, speaking proud
words of vanity, they allure by the desires of fleshly riotousness, those who
for a little while escape, such as converse in error: Promising them liberty, whereas
they themselves are the slaves of corruption. For by whom a man is overcome, of
the same also he is the slave. For if, flying from the pollutions of the world,
through the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they be again
entangled in them and overcome: their latter state is become unto them worse
than the former. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of
justice, than after they have known it, to turn back from that holy commandment
which was delivered to them. For, that of the true proverb has happened to
them: The dog is returned to his vomit: and, The sow that was washed, to her
wallowing in the mire."
God Bless,
Chris White
E-Mail from the Anti-Catholic
Protestant revolters like Rick Hoover, anti-Catholicism is a mindless,
knee-jerk reaction. For these people, what they love to call their
"belief" is nothing but a manifestation of pride through which the
devil keeps them in a state of utter blindness. With their mouths they claim to
believe in Christ, while denying everything He said and did. (No small reminder
during this season of Lent of those who killed Christ all the while claiming to
be believers.) Never once do these Protestants who oppose Christ stop to
remember that - even as history proves - these people do not follow the
doctrines of Christ; they follow a degenerate and heretical priest named Luther
who claimed to have gotten his marching orders from Satan. And who were the
first Protestants that followed Luther? Fallen-away Catholics who were
delighted to follow a man that taught them they could sin and sin boldly, and
commit fornication and murder a thousand times a day. Such are the Protestants'
"fathers in the faith", and this is true regardless of which man-made
sect they choose to belong to. A false religion is a false religion no matter
what it names itself.
Dear Brothers,
I just wanted to comment on how many out there in the world now are demon
possessed no matter how "high" their position is… I totally agree
with the one reader who recently wrote in saying that it seems time is moving
much faster. I actually have noticed the same thing he has for a long time and
also thought it started in the year 2000… hardly anybody is going to make the
God Bless,
Nathan Barton
is found in Jesus alone, not the Catholic Church. Catholics have taught heresy
for centuries and your website only appears to continue the same old lies. How
can you possibly imagine that you will stand before God blameless when you have
cost millions of people their eternal souls?? There is absolutely no evidence
for the Papacy, Theotokos, and numerous other un-Biblical teachings of
Catholicism. "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ" and you will be
saved. Good day.
Rick Hoover
MHFM: Only a person who is thoroughly dishonest could proclaim
that there is no evidence for the Papacy, etc.
The evidence is absolutely overwhelming and completely irrefutable. See the section on our website refuting
Protestantism. You are a prime example
of why Protestants go to Hell forever: you are a total liar.
Dear Brothers,
I have been looking for any commentary from you on the recent changes to the
liturgy of the novus ordo, the prime one being the restitution of the word
"many" to replace "all" at the "consecration" of
the wine. Another is at the orate fratres, the reversion to "my sacrifice
and yours" instead of "our sacrifice". None of this changes the
invalidity, illegality and profanity of the "new mass" which has far
deeper issues right back to the invalidity of V2 episcopal and presbyteral
ordinations themselves.
I cannot help but think that the only reason for these changes after more than
40 years is to placate some of the disquiet within the "church" over
these issues which have been brought to the attention of people of good will by
folks such as MHFM.
Another current issue I have not seen mentioned on your site is the flurry of
activity between V2 and SSPX with these feverish attempts to come up with a
profession of faith or something to "heal the rift" between the two
sides. It seems that despite the failings of the SSPX that you have pointed out
well and consistently for a long time, they still represent a constant
irritation to the V2 "church" who would like nothing more than to
co-opt the SSPX so that it becomes nothing more than a once disobedient child
cowed into submission.
Penny for your thoughts...
First, we should point out that the world does not revolve around the
schismatic SSPX. In fact, if people
evaluated the SSPX based on the content of their positions, rather than on the
false sense of community they provide, which is the primary reason they
aggregate followers, the SSPX would have no relevance. We have an entire file on the SSPX’s many
heresies, and we have done numerous videos on their truly absurd positions.
Bishop Fellay, for instance, is relevant only because he’s in the
news. If he were considered in terms of
what he understands of the Catholic faith (nothing), or what meaningful
contribution he makes to its defense and propagation, he would be as relevant
as a typical Novus Ordo “bishop.”
have also commented in the past on the SSPX’s more recent shenanigans vis-à-vis
the apostate Vatican II hierarchy, but we plan to have specific comments soon
on the most recent developments. We
consider these to have some significance primarily in terms of the ultimate
goals of the antipope.
we have made numerous comments on the change in the New Mass from “all” to “many.” We covered why this does not remedy the
invalidity of the service, and how it plays into the larger scheme of the Great
Apostasy. The effort is simply a ruse to
reassure false conservatives that there is life in the heretical Counter Church
when there is none. It was a calculated
move on the Devil’s part at precisely the late stage of the Great Apostasy,
when almost all the priests are invalid and major heresies are almost
universally accepted. The execution of
this plan fits precisely with Benedict XVI’s role as false prophet, and his
desire to keep as many people as possible inside the false Church for the
“canonization” of the Beast, Antipope John Paul II.
The Society of St. Pius X [Link to Section]
Brother Dimond,
I see the Catholic church, it seems as if like the salt Jesus, talked about,
the church has lost its savor, and what is it to be salted with? And I see the
Chair of Peter, empty, I
74.9 years old, a convert of 52 years, also a victim of sex abuse, by a priest,
is the sex abuse in the church, the leaven that will bring down the church?
Respects Ken
The sex abuse problem is almost exclusively confined to the Vatican II sect, not
the real Catholic Church. The two must
be distinguished. These articles are
relevant in considering how the heresies of the Vatican II sect are the root
cause of its depravity and perversion.
The Idolatry of the Vatican II sect
is connected with its rampant homosexuality [PDF File]
The Seminaries of the Vatican II sect are unspeakable
cesspools of homosexuality and heresy [PDF File]
The Massive Sex Scandal among the Vatican II/Novus Ordo
"priests" [PDF File]
As a 74-year-old man, it’s crucial that you pray
the full Rosary each day, hold the full Catholic faith, and completely reject
the Vatican II sect and the New Mass. A
person should have also made this: The Council of Trent’s Profession of Faith for Converts.
Brother Michael and Brother Peter,
I cannot thank God and the Blessed Virgin Mary enough for enlightening me in
the mysteries of the Catholic Faith and for clarifying the current situation in
the Church through the charitable work you do, namely the teaching of the
Catholic Faith. I first became aware of your work in the spring of 2011 when
searching on youtube for more information about Sr. Lucia and the third secret
of Fatima. There was (and is) quite a bit coming from the Vatican that did not
make much sense to me and the “beatification” of JPII forced me to revisit
certain issues. Upon watching your full length video on Fatima, I immediately
knew there was something to what you were saying and that I could not simply
dismiss it. I knew that I had to seriously look into the issues you brought
forth. This played a significant role in my decision to quit my job as a high
school religion teacher at a “Catholic” high school. I’ve since gone through
many of your youtube videos and much of the information on your website. Now I
am convinced of that the recent papal claimants are antipopes, Vatican II was a
false council, and that water baptism is necessary for salvation.
I reject the new “mass,” the new “canon law,” the new “catechism” and all of
this sect’s novel, ambiguous, heretical teachings. On the one hand, the facts
about the nearly universal embrace of heresies and apostasy by so called
Catholics, and on the other hand, the truths of the Catholic Faith, demand that
I never take up my former profession as a high school religion teacher at a
heretical “Catholic” institution, which means nothing less than the end of my
career. So be it…
watched the video brother Peter did covering the mark of the beast. I was
surprised he left the verichip RFID theory out. This is already in most pets
and some people and it goes in the right hand. Also on the new HC bill set to
go into effect in 2013 on page 1007 there is mention of a national medical
registry with an implantable device. Lord God will help us.
MHFM: That’s because, as the video covers, we believe the
scriptural evidence clearly indicates
that the mark in the hand and forehead is spiritual. You should watch this part:
part covers what we believe is the other aspect of the fulfillment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTefBdhFSJs
New Video
This is a new video. It’s in response to
the e-mail below.
and thank you so much for the amazing videos. I have found Christ but struggle
with my faith in the face of the naysayers and seem to go back and forth. I
love the video "information proves God" What do i say to those who
say if the odds of life appearing out of nothing are improbable and… impossible
… then what are the odds that a life form like God could appear? Where did he
come from then?... Can you help me rectify this paradox?? Thank you and God
Bless. Michael Barsell
watched your video "Death And The Journey Into Hell" (great video by
the way) and I need to know something. I am NOT a catholic. I am in fact a
christian, but not a catholic. I am a christian of non-denominational(that
means I'm not Catholic, Baptist, etc., but am christian). Do I need to be a
catholic to get into Heaven? And if so, could you tell me where in the bible it
says so? I'll do whatever it takes. Thanks!
Yes, you must be a Catholic to go to Heaven.
That’s because only Catholics are Christians. Christ only founded one Church, and that’s
the Catholic Church. The biblical proof
for that is found in our book, The Bible
Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, and in the section of our
website called “Refuting Protestantism.”
Dear Brothers:
I can't help but notice (because it
happens with astounding consistency) that Novus Ordo individuals who have
no regard for truth almost always go out of their way to
demonstrate how "loving" they are. While the bad willed Protestant
heretic seems to delight in attacking Catholicism outright wherever it appears (or
wherever he thinks it appears), the novus ordo "catholic" often will
close his emails with "your sister/brother in Christ",
or some other profession of his peace and love. The
only "dogma" of Counterfeit Catholicism is this fraudulent notion of
"love"; one must, above all, be nice - pleasing to man (not
God) and accepting of all persons (regardless of whether such
individuals accept and obey God or reject Him). To these deluded people,
not being nice is the only sin. After all, didn't the Beatles tell us, All
You Need Is Love? and... Imagine there's No Heaven. The
phenomenon of the Beatles, by the way, was no coincidence. When they were first
introduced to the public, people were paid to faint, swoon and scream in
adoration, to make this group a successful (and useful) faith-destroying
influence on society. And it would appear that the Beatles have done a very
good job for their Master.
In a way, the false NO religion is the
worst form of Protestantism, because it is heresy with a happy face… The Vatican
II Anti-popes from John 23 onward have been singing the exact same tune
as the Beatles. They have all served Satan well.
Lee Ann
I really think we are close to the
END. ANTI- POPE benedict 16 does not
even mention the holy rosary when he visited cuba and mexico. What a spiritual sham; he is the false
prophet. I read one of your supporters named benedict e-mail to you. I would
add that protestants are not true christians. I also heard that anti- pope
benedict 16 recently approved the heretical neo-catechumenal way, a novus ordo
group. How can a true pope approve of something like that? Another proof that he is not a true pope.
Anyway keep up the good work that you are doing and God bless you.
From Mark v
It’s somewhat interesting that in his Letter
XXII to Eustochium (A.D. 384), St. Jerome says that “antichrist pretends to be Christ…”
Antipope John Paul II certainly fulfilled that:
Subject: Beatles
Dear Brothers,
Tim says "I am surprised that you called the Beatles evil. Yes they did
drugs, fornicated and said things that they later regretted..." I guess
selling one's soul to the Devil, as did John Lennon, does not constitute
"evil" in Tim's book. So what does it take? How about all the
anti-Christian antics of the Beatles. For example, Lennon said that they (the
Beatles) are "bigger than Jesus." I guess that would be funny for a
heretic, but those who actually believe that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate will
immediately recognize the diabolical in his statement. Their song
"Imagine" says "[imagine] no religion too." The Devil is
depicted in the Bible as having pipes in his body for music (Ezek. 28:13). The
pied piper is one symbol of Satan. One of the biggest problems people have is
that they take way too much pride in beauty, which is how the Devil fell (Ezek.
28:12-19, Isaias 14:12-15), and look how "beautiful" music can be -
it is dangerously beautiful. Anyone who has a shred of honesty will look
way beyond the official stories, that is, if they want to know the truth - and who
wouldn't? The truth protects one from danger, such as from eternal hell. Most
people have no idea how close to hell they walk all throughout their lives.
They continue in their own way, doing whatever they want, and imagining that so
long as they appear "normal," then nothing bad will happen to them.
God has made it very clear that he does not tolerate sin. And those who truly
love God will hate evil because God is all-holy. And God built only one Church
for salvation - the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which
there is no salvation. Tim sounds like a "baptism of desire" heretic
who relies on feelings before facts….
God Bless,
am surprised that you called the Beatles evil. Yes they did drugs, fornicated
and said things that they later regretted but when I look at the characters in
the bible I see men of God that did far worse. They are flawed human beings
like all of us but I don't know that they qualify as evil. Maybe we have a
different understanding of evil. Anyways I love your channel and the great
videos you have posted. Peace & Love
your friend, Tim.
No, the Beatles were evil and instruments of Satan. You really should see the video we offer, Rock & Roll Sorcerers of the New Age
Revolution. It demonstrates that
Satan used many of the most popular bands of the past few decades, including
the Beatles. Men of God in the Bible
were not worse than the Beatles. One
cannot be a man of God and engage in evil activity. If a man of God does fall into grave sin and
succumb to evil (as King David did), he ceases to be a man of God at that
time. He must repent and change before
he can once again be considered a man of God.
i just want to give a thought about… how illogical it is, how spiritually blind
they are who accept this heresy, if a man was justified by faith alone
or-"just believe & you'll be saved", then there is nothing to
live for, if one is already "saved", then why did God leave us here
on earth? to suffer?, i ask some protestants this question and they say:
"God leaves us here to enjoy the goods of this life, true christians
cannot & don’t suffer".
protestants claim to "love Jesus" (OFCOURSE NOT JESUS THE
CHRIST) while they have rejected HIS church & teachings! i have a
protestant neighbour who always sags his pant & dresses indecently (idol
worship according to St.Paul) & still opens his lips to say: "i love u
Jesus"... it’s really disgusting.
Thanks be to GOD for the catholic faith…
bless your apostolate.
are you to say that Michael Voris is sending people to hell? @ 17:21 in your
video about him you are supposably warning people about his false teachings.
How can you make such judgment? Such judgement is left to our blessed Lord
Jesus Christ. He is the judge of our salvation and we will give account to HIM.
Not you. I did not listen to all of your video and I understand that you have
valid points but it still leaves you no authority to make such a perverted
claim. To make such a claim would leave me to believe that I am going to hell
because I watch his videos, and I happen to be a faithful serving Catholic.
You have obviously embraced modernist heresy in a variety of ways. You believe that a Catholic may not even
denounce a heresy, let alone a
heretic. You assert that it’s beyond
one’s authority to warn another about a false teaching. That is a rejection of the Catholic faith. The very identification of a Catholic rule of
faith requires one to reject the contrary position. For instance, to profess belief in the
Eucharist requires one to identify as heresy the Protestant positions which
contradict Catholic teaching on the Real Presence. To be unable to reject the Protestant
teaching on the Eucharist as heresy is to be unable to profess belief in the
Catholic teaching on the Eucharist. It
is to be unable to distinguish belief in the Eucharist (the true position) from
disbelief in the Eucharist (the heretical position). Thus, your position that it’s “perverted” to
recognize and denounce a heresy or a false teaching means that you do not even
acknowledge an identifiable rule of faith.
Your statement is an outrageous heresy.
your position that a Catholic has no authority to judge or denounce a heretic is also a liberal perversion
of Catholic truth. Those who reject
Christ’s truth judge themselves unworthy of eternal life (Acts 13:46). Christians are called to make judgments (1
Cor. 6:2). Catholics not only have the
authority, but the obligation to reject and condemn heretics such as Voris;
for, by the very fact that they depart from Catholic teaching, they are
considered rejected and condemned. You
will go to Hell if you remain in the Vatican II Counter Church.
Eugene IV, Council of Florence,
Cantate Domino, Session 11, Feb. 4, 1442:
the Holy Roman Church condemns, reproves, anathematizes and declares to be
outside the Body of Christ, which is the Church, whoever holds opposing or
contrary views.”
Pelagius II, epistle (1) Quod ad
dilectionem, 585:
“If anyone, however,
either suggests or believes or presumes to teach contrary to this faith, let
him know that he is condemned and also anathematized according to the opinion of the
same Fathers.”
should watch the rest of the video. The
evidence speaks for itself. You need to
pray for the grace of faith in Christ.
You obviously don’t have a supernatural faith in Him, which roots a
person firmly in His dogmas, such as Outside the Church There is No Salvation
(which you obviously reject). Since you
lack that faith, you cannot separate good from evil. You should pray the Rosary each day and
convert to the Catholic faith.
The Corapi Mess
video. I have my problems with EWTN. But this guy was the one reason I used to
watch in earnest… But I knew a bit of his background, of Ferraris and cocaine
and high $$$ Hollywood gatherings and wild, wild women and thought to myself
"How does a middle aged man who was used to that lifestyle go from
basically being Sonny Crocket of Miami Vice, and go to being a kindly and
humble Catholic Priest with vows of chastity and poverty?" The answer was
simple. He didnt. Her kept the speedboats the Harleys probably the Ferrari and
didnt bother giving up the women! lol. I still think that Vow of Chastity has
no business in the 21st Century Catholic Church up to it's eyeballs in lawsuits
and criminal charges of sexual abuse of kids, but thats just me. So what
happened to the Lone Wolf Child, or whatever he goes by now?
In following the Vatican II Church, you have lost the Catholic faith and
embraced the presuppositions of the world.
The Vow of Chastity is as important and valid today as it was in the
ancient Church. This law for priests and
religious is rooted in Scripture (1 Cor. 7; Mt. 19:12). You need to pray the full Rosary each day,
get out of the invalid New Mass, and convert to the traditional Catholic faith.
though Corapi (a heretic) certainly didn’t do so, it’s possible for a person,
by the grace of God, to go from a debauched lifestyle to a saintly one. St. Augustine is an example. It’s also a sin to say “lol” in reference to
Corapi fornicating.
loved your presentation of information proves God. I have never believed in the
fairy tale of evolution. Science is great but God is greater.
Thanks for the interest. Real Science is
always consistent with God’s truth.
Most Holy Family Monastery,
wanted to say that the residents in Clintonville, Wisconsin are in fear again.
The sounds and booms returned even stronger and louder this past Tuesday night.
The police received many phone calls from worried residents. The City
Administrator and “officials” are lying yet again telling people these are
“earthquakes.” The people do not believe them and know they are being lied to.
What accounts for this? The City does not want to look stupid in front of the
residents, so in their profound bad will they downplay the occurrences. So they
have to create the impression that they are competent, and in no way do they
want their “prestigious” credibility and “reputable” status to be lessened in
the eyes of the people. They have to keep up their “elitist” attitude. I think
it’s obvious the City knows that these are not earthquakes. Then after
receiving the inadequate and deceitful answers from the “officials” the
residents, though knowing they’ve been lied to, will just continue on in their
pointless pursuits, after thinking that the mere voicing of their worries and
opinions at the City council will change anything. Nothing stops the Divine
Justice when it is active. Yea, the goodness of Divine Providence even allows
us to hear what is going on in the spirit world, so that we may amend.
man will and cannot control or stop the supernatural activities of Divine
Justice. Obviously, the local media tries to withhold the truth and control the
people with the lies. The mysterious activity of Divine Justice began to be
heard 2 Sundays ago, March 18 Sunday night and lasted for several nights before
suddenly stopping. Then the activity of Divine Justice commenced again, and it
was heard even louder, through the kindness of Divine Providence. The City’s
ridiculous lie is discredited…
Dear Brothers:
The remark by Antipope Ratzinger that
"today it is evident that Marxist theology in the way it was
conceived no longer corresponds to reality" is absolutely
astounding. He is not only saying that what we knew then as
"Communism" -- the demonic inversion of Christendom -- was a valid
and workable form of running the state. He is also directly implying that what
has changed and become the new reality is not communism, but simply a
particular form of communism.
Not only is this a direct assault on Fatima by the Satanic puppet
Ratzinger, it is a confirmation of MHFM's position that Scripture indicates
that the dragon (communism) would morph into a new beast. Who would ever have
imagined such a confirmation coming from the False Prophet himself?
Lee Ann
I think I know one reason why the SSPX doesn't
embrace sedevacantism. It's because about 99.9% of their supporters would go
over to the Fraternity of Saint Peter. It's about money for them, not the
truth. Bishop Fellay has just urged the SSPX
supporters to "redouble their fervor in prayer and their generosity in
making sacrifices during these Holy Days of Lent and in the weeks that will
follow the solemnity of Easter, that the Divine Will may be done, and it
alone..." He never urges them to
try to convert anyone to the Catholic faith, but when it comes to Rome, he
implies they should be willing to be martyrs. He also says that their Rosary
"Crusade" is indispensable for the Blessed Virgin Mary to
"obtain from her divine Son the lights necessary to know His will clearly
and to carry it out courageously." The leaders of the SSPX don't even know
what God's will is. It's easy: the salvation of souls: 1 Timothy 2:3,4 -
"For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, Who will
have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth." The
Vatican II sect teaches that Catholics should not try to convert people to the
Catholic faith. In other words, if the Vatican II sect's position is taken to
its logical conclusion, it would be mortally sinful, and possibly even
heretical to try to convert anyone to the Catholic faith - and if one were to
succeed in such an endeavor, then they would probably go to hell, according to
the apostates. So how or why do the SSPX cling to the Vatican II antipopes?
It's because they believe there is salvation outside of water baptism and the
Catholic Church. And so when their whole life's work is treated as offensive to
God, they shouldn't complain because they treat Jesus Christ's whole life's
work, suffering and sacrifice as if it were unnecessary - and that's why hell
is eternal, because God is eternal and uncreated. God's will is not an
incomprehensible mystery like the Trinity and the Incarnation, though it does
require one to be honest and to hold the Catholic faith, which the SSPX priests
do not have because they are "baptism of desire" heretics and Papacy
doubting schismatics. How pathetic.
James 4:8 - "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your
hands, ye sinners: and purify your hearts, ye double minded."
Apocalypse 21:8 - "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable,
and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars,
they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone,
which is the second death."
God Bless,
Chris White
What is the way to be saved? To have
eternal life? Is there only one way? Do I have to be part of the Catholic
church? What about Mary...does she have anything to do with my salvation?
Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life (John 14:6), and the only way to
follow Him is in the Catholic faith (the traditional Catholic faith). Regarding Mary, you should read this file and
our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings
of the Catholic Church.
The Bible teaches Mary's Immaculate Conception,
Perpetual Virginity, Bodily Assumption and more [PDF]
Subject: Matthew 24:22
Dear mhfm,
"And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved: but
for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened."
I was thinking about this for quite some time and have an opinion on it. I
wonder if any of your readers think the same? I feel that time is getting
faster. People around me who wouldn't base it on this verse say they feel as if
time is getting quicker. The weeks seem to be going by faster all the time.
Since the year 2000 time has gone so quick. What I’m getting at does anyone else
think that "days had been shortened..." might actually be God making
time go faster. I don't know how to explain that but nothing is impossible to
God. I really do feel as if things are speeding up.
Keep up the good work.
God Bless
The earthquake in Chile did shorten the day:
This is an interesting quote about how a Protestant historian admitted that the
efforts of Catholic missionaries to Christianize the New World far surpassed
what Protestants attempted. (And, of
course, a conversion to Protestantism is not a true conversion.)
as in Paraguay and other far-flung sections of the New World, these zealous and
self-sacrificing ambassadors of Christ met with astounding success in their
work of evangelizing the Indians.
Protestant historian Prescott, in the History
of the Conquest of Peru, calls our attention to the zeal for the spread of
Christianity that actuated even ruthless conquistadores
and to the unselfish character of the pioneer missionaries: ‘The effort to Christianize the heathen is an honorable characteristic
of the Spanish Conquest. The Puritan…
did comparatively little for the conversion of the Indian, content, it would
seem, with having secured to himself the inestimable privilege of worshipping
God in his own way. Other
adventurers who have occupied the New World have often had too little regard
for religion themselves to be very solicitous about spreading it among the
savages. But the Spanish missionary,
from first to last, has shown a keen interest in the spiritual welfare of the
natives. Under his auspices, churches on
a magnificent scale have been erected, schools for elementary instruction
founded, and every rational means taken to spread the knowledge of religious
truth, while he has carried his solitary mission into remote and almost
inaccessible regions…’” (quoted in J.C. Kearns, O.P., The Life of Blessed Martin De Porres, 1937, p. 11.)
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
In Communism the State is God. In
Statolatry the State is God. Therefore it can be said that Communism and
Statolatry are one and the same. So
this philosophy emerges where everything has to be tracked and micro-managed
like the nanny state – it is a [man is god] mentality. The State is the parent
and the only source of all competencies in all areas: health, education,
travel, home life, parenting, baby-sitting, agriculture, and “religion.” This
belief monopolizes everything (including children and their upbringing) into
the hands of the State. These [Statolatrist leaders] believe they transcend
good and evil, that they are beyond morality (which is amorality); you become
essentially a god living on the earth, walking – looking at human beings as
expendable. Through possession and receiving an ever increasing deeper
endowment thereof, they believe this creates a higher form of humanity, Homo
Noeticus the new man, who is far above human beings, and that the masses are
cattle – it’s a lack of compassion. They are like demi-gods, ruling and
worshipped by those feeding into the system. Statolatrist leaders are adherents
and promoters of the Human Potential Movement (HPM); which believes that within
man is a reservoir of potential to become divine, but that he needs to exercise
this potential to finally realize this reality. Of course, they are also
believers in evolution myth - that man is in a state of becoming, turning into
a god. Darwin and his fellow elites believed that only the wealthy are
continuing in their evolution and that the rest of humanity are dead-ends -
meaning that their evolution stopped. They believed that if you are wealthy,
you were genetically meant to be wealthy; and were meant to consume the substance
of the masses because they genetically deserved it, since their evolution
Pope Pius XI in his 1931 encyclical Non Abiamo Bisogno denounces that ‘pagan worship of the State, Statolatry; The
Statolatrist mentality asserts that the masses solely exist for the State, and
worshiping it and glorifying it is the supreme purpose of their existence at
the expense of all else, including personal thought and welfare; and that the
expansion of the power and influence of one's State (nation) is to be achieved,
if necessary, through aggressive war and colonial adventures (i.e. imperialism). It puts man in the place of God. It
is a divinization of the State. The Statolatrists mimic the Church in its
ritual and uses and incorporates the words used therein, and empties them of
their original meaning – in order to gain the wider following of the masses. Statolatry theology, rooted in a divinized State, must
reject the Christian claims of truth concerning God….
Dear Brothers:
I appreciate the quotes you've given us
from Josephus' history of the Jewish War. The destruction of Jerusalem and its
Temple some forty years after Christ, just as Jesus prophesied, provides so
many lessons to ponder. (This is one war about which they will never teach
children in history class, and no wonder.) After the Jews crucified Christ, the
Jews continued their prayers and Temple services to God right up until the time
of the Temple's destruction. But the purpose of their worship service had been
fulfilled by Christ and His Mass; the old prayers and worship services were no
longer valid and certainly brought them no blessings from God. And just as
Jesus had also warned, they were hoping for their political Messias to arrive
and bring about the triumph and worldly exaltation of the Jews, but the arrival
of false Christs on the scene just added to their bedlam and confusion. What is
also interesting is that the faithful Christians had to get out of
Jerusalem to save themselves, just as in our day the faithful must get out
of the New Jerusalem, Rome, to save themselves spiritually. It reminds us of
the words of Our Lord in the Apocalypse: "Go out from her, my people".
I also want to mention that I was browsing
through old emails and found a question which a reader asked about who the elect
were that Jesus refers to in Matthew 24: "Then if any man shall say to
you: Lo here is Christ, or there, do not believe them. For there shall arise
false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders,
insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect." MHFM responded
that the term the elect refers to those who will be saved, that it is not
possible for the elect to be deceived and that what Jesus is saying
"is that the deception will be so profound that it will touch upon areas
implicating or surrounding the true faithful. This fits precisely with a
Counter Church. The elect will see through the deception, but the deception
will occur in areas where the elect normally might be, or normally might
look." (Rome, bishops, apparitions, etc.)
This, to me, is a very, very important
response to consider. Those who do not believe will sometimes say to us:
"well, you once thought the SSPX was good, you once thought Gruner was
good, you once thought that such and such a priest was good, or that
apparition", etc. What they try to imply is that, since we were wrong
before, there must be something wrong with our judgment - and we must be wrong
again about sedevacantism. But it is these individuals who are wrong. As MHFM's
explanation points out, this foolish claim against sedevacantism is simply
another proof that we are in the Great Apostasy, because we were looking
in places, at people, at apostolates, etc. that should have
been true and faithful, but were not…
Lee Ann
Subject: Pilot has breakdown in mid-air--he is
news today about the airline pilot breaking down reminds me of the e-exchanged you
received a while back, when the airline stewardess brokedown. The person said
that it sounded like she was possessed by the devil. And so did this pilot! He
had to be possessed! The man who subdued him was huge, at least 250 lbs, plus
he had other men helping him, and the pilot broke the plastic handcuffs they
put on him. The main guy said he sat on him until the landing and he did know
how to subdue him because of his security training. What they really needed was
some HOLY WATER to sprinkle on the possessed pilot and see if he screamed that
it was burning him!... God bless your work.
I've been reading your website so I'm
quite new to the sedevacantist position. Recently my sister passed one of your
books to me and also a DVD which I've looked at. For the past few years I've
switched from attending the Novus Ordo sect mass to the Tridentine mass. I've
had bad instincts for some years about the NO Mass as I've been witness to some
unaceptable abuses. You'll know all of them I'm sure so I won't describe them.
Suffice to say it was as I was watching some 'liturgical dancing' it came into
my head 'surely this is not the mass the martyrs died for' and from there on I
became quite critical. I finally switched to the Tridentine…
Yours Sincerely
L Kavanagh
excuse my bad English, I'm from Romania. I'm nourishing my soul for the last 5
months with the articles and videos and the advices you post on your website
and I thank you for your good work. God's Grace may be upon you!
am from Romania and was baptized in the Orthodox Church but converted to
Catholicism back in 1991. I tried to that time to enter the franciscan order in
Austria and stayed 2 years in the order, first as a postulant after that as a novice.
However I never took the vows after and came out of the order because I
realized that I have had not the calling for the monastic life. I returned to
my country and since then I remained a layman. For the last 16 years I have
never been to confession nor took Communion. In the last 5 months i was trying
a few times to go to confession to different churches in my town but every time
something happened, holding me back. Temptation or providence? I don't know, I
only hope that our Holy Lady is trying to protect me. Do you have any advice
for me? I desperately need to confess and to reenter Communion…
you and God bless you,
It’s great to hear about your interest.
God definitely does not want you to attend the invalid New Mass. There might be some options for Holy
Communion in your area, but there might not be.
There should be an option for confession, even if it’s to an old priest
ordained before 1968 in the traditional rite.
That’s explained in this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today?. People should also pray the
Rosary and make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent,
which can be accessed from the aforementioned file. The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those
leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's
Profession of Faith for Converts
Before receiving sacraments, one must
reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again,
believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no
“baptism of desire”), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests,
Subject: ss - snake
Dear Brothers,
"SS" is totally Satanic - opposed to the truth and God. If it's
"blatantly hypocritical" to put down those who obstinately reject the
truth, then a) what gives ss the right to criticize you or anyone else, and b)
Why did God cast the Devil out of heaven? Jesus Christ cried in agony on the
cross just before He died, however His agony began in the garden before He was
betrayed by Judas with a kiss. According to ss, Judas was in the right because
he was the one who was "tactful" since he kissed Jesus, and it was
Jesus who said "Judas, dost thou betray the Son of man with a kiss?"
(Luke 22:48) The word "tactful" comes from a word "to
touch." In other words, it is the Word of Truth - not touch or feelings -
who is principally Jesus Christ Himself, that determines the requirements for
salvation, not any other man - for Christ is both God and man without confusion
or separation of His two natures. Yet according to ss, Christ is
"blatantly hypocritical" for putting people down into hell for
disagreeing with Him and His Church, the Catholic Church only. A person's point
of view is irrelevant if it does not correspond to reality (contrary to
antipope Benedict XVI's teachings), and the most simple and fundamental reality
is God Himself, since He is the Way, Truth and Life. It was John Paul II the
Antichrist who tried to subvert reality and God by putting man in the place of
Jesus Christ. It is ss who causes their own sin and pain to begin with because
they reject the most simple, easy and first requirement for salvation, namely,
to believe the revealed truths about Jesus Christ as taught by the Catholic
Church only and then be baptized (and do good works, etc.). What an outrageous
liar ss is! What a hissing snake ss is!!
Pope Pius IX, Vatican I: "This gift of truth and never-failing faith was
therefore divinely conferred on Peter and his successors in this see so that
they might discharge their exalted office for the salvation of all, and so that
the whole flock of Christ might be kept away by them from the poisonous food of
error and be nourished with the sustenance of heavenly doctrine. Thus the
tendency to schism is removed and the whole church is preserved in unity, and,
resting on its foundation, can stand firm against the gates of hell.
God Bless,
Chris White
say you follow Christ and his example of love but your willing to put down
others because they have a different viewpoint is blatantly hypocritical. No
wonder Christ cried in agony on the cross. People like you who cause the sin
and pain to begin with. I'm saddened by your tactlessness.
What are you talking about? Christ
Himself put down and condemned everyone who did not accept Him (Mk. 16:16), all
that He taught and the decrees of His Church (Mt. 18:17). Thus, by 1) claiming to follow Christ and
then 2) denying what Christ taught on the unacceptability of doctrines opposed
to His teaching you contradict Christ and show yourself to be a hypocrite. You do not follow Christ and you do not
deserve the title of Christian. You are
a faithless and liberal heretic.
brother in Christ thank you for promoting the truth about J.R. alias B. XVI.
and the heresy of the 2.VC.
from Croatia
baptism still valid in vatican II churches? I was baptized in 1986 in a post
vatican II catholic church.
I agree
with what you say about John Paul II and Benedict XVI being antipopes. Thank
you for your wisdom in the ways of the Lord God…
Anyone can validly baptize, provided they observe proper matter and form and
possess the minimal intention.
Therefore, baptism can be valid in the Vatican II churches. If there is some doubt about how it was
performed in a particular case, a conditional baptism should be done assuming
the person embraces all the positions on matters of faith. The form of conditional baptism is here:
u please do a video about the vocation of singleness or holy orders or
something like this. thanks for your good videos
It’s interesting to note that Antipope Benedict XVI recently said that
Communism is “no longer working” in Cuba.
Antipope says
Communism "no longer working" in Cuba
implication is that Communism worked and was acceptable at one time, just not
any longer. Benedict XVI: “Today it is evident that Marxist ideology in
the way it was conceived no longer corresponds to reality.” So Marxism did correspond to reality (and was
the proper choice) at one time? What an
apostate. This kind of statement is
typical of the Vatican II antipopes.
When they are not uttering bold, unambiguous heresies, they will often
say something with subtly wicked implications.
The majority of the people will ignore the implications, even though a
careful reading of the words leads you to a certain conclusion. They will ignore it on the basis that “the
pope” couldn’t possibly be implying that Marxism was acceptable at one time,
even though that’s exactly what his words do.
Apocalypse 6, 12:17.
Apocalypse chapter 6 verses 12-17 there is some evidence to say that this could
be a description of a nuclear war.
6, 12:17: "And I saw, when he had opened the sixth seal, and behold there
was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair: and the
whole moon became as blood: And the
stars from heaven fell upon the earth, as the fig tree casteth its
green figs when it is shaken by a great wind: And the heaven departed as a book
folded up: and every mountain, and the islands were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the
princes, and tribunes, and the rich, and the strong, and every bondman, and
every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of mountains:
And they say to the mountains and the rocks: Fall upon us, and hide us from the
face of him that sitteth upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb: For
the great day of their wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?"
in my opinion the "stars falling on earth" are nuclear missiles wich
fall down on the ground from high altitudes. In fact missiles when far away
look like stars (especially at night) due to the propulsion fire on the back.
So it seems that many tousands of nuclear missiles will be launched in the
final days. Moreover the people of the earth who hide themselves in the rocks
and mountains could mean that people will hide themselves in underground anti-atomic
Thank you for your hard work. We have
lots of Protestant family members who are convinced the teachings of the church
aren't biblical. I can't wait to send them a copy of The Bible Proves the
Teachings of the Catholic Church!! It was because of your writings that we are
a happy Traditional Catholic Family of 9 today!! God Bless you and Mary keep
The Inghams
Full Moon
Subject: Full Moon
I thought it was interesting that there
will be a full moon on Good Friday this year and the next time this will occur
again is in 2019. Some interesting dates that happened around or on the day of
a full moon: Jesus died on Good Friday the day of a full moon, antipope john
XXlll was elected on October 28, 1958, full moon the day before on October 27,
1958, antipope paul Vl instituted the false new mass on April 3, 1969 the day
of a full moon, antipope john paul ll {antichrist} was elected October 16, 1978
the day of a full moon.
With world war lll looming and the fifth seal having come to pass with the
assisi prayer day happening three times, would a full moon that will fall on
Good Friday, April 6, 2012 have any significance?
Catholic Church Today
Today is the first time I have seen or heard about your ministry regarding the
True Catholic Church. It confirms what I have been suspecting, but to a much
greater degree than I had ever imagined.
I was converted to Catholicism at the age of twelve and am now nearly 69 years
I finished high school in 1962 ...around the time of Vatican II… I have little
respect for the bland structures they call Catholic Churches these days. I
missed the sanctity of the altar area, the missing tabernacle, the confessional
as I knew it…
People begin to talk aloud and discuss the afternoons activities right there in
Church when the Mass is over. The din makes it impossible to remain for private
My soul aches to be right with God and with the Catholic Church… I DO believe
in the one Holy and Apostolic Church…
Susan Griffith
We are glad that you came across the information. The information on the site shows why the New
Mass is invalid and must not be attended, as well as how to embrace and
practice the traditional Catholic faith.
as you rightly put it in one of your audio programs, if someone does not
believe in the necessity of the CHURCH for salvation, then they cannot believe
in anything else. when i was a novus ordite, i was very "devoted", i
taught catechism at the age of 12, did the stations of the cross at that young
age, but something kept on bothering my mind- if all religions are the same
& we worship the same God, then why am i involved in such devotion &
all what-have-you? i gradually withdrew from the novus ordo when a friend of
mine came back from the seminary with stories of the scandals (i myself had
wanted to become a priest), i found your website about a yr ago (at the age of
17)..now i have accepted the traditional faith & hold dearly to extra
ecclesiam nulla salus (no b.o.d), i knew this is true for it is impossible for
GOD the rewarder of all good men to approve of all sects who profess false
teachings-pp. leo xii. thanks for your work!
Antipope Benedict in Mexico
have been listening to Aljazeera and Russian news about antipope Benedict's
trip to Mexico, Cuba… I also heard about this Santa Muerta- Saint of Death
which the Mexicans have gone back to worshipping who is a goddess of the
Aztecs! They honor this pagan goddess more than Our Lady.
on the one video, it shows how the Mexicans are not that thrilled with
Benedict, they LOVE JPII and literally worship him! There are more statues to
him than to Our Lady of Guadalupe! Shows how Vatican II has destroyed the
Catholic Faith in Mexico, let alone the rest of the world!
Benedict is NOT going to Visit Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine!! (I have been to
Mexico, and you CANNOT visit Mexico without visiting Our Lady of
Guadalupe!!! And Benedict is 'visiting'
Leon, because it is supposedly more Conservative!?? And in one report I heard that the
Pentecostals have really invaded Mexico and that also is part of the decline in
Catholicism there. How very sad! I feel
so sorry for Our Lady! She did so much good and now it is almost all gone!
Bringing back the pagan gods!!
Dear Brothers,
There has been more fighting in Syria recently, with about 38 people dead and
14,000 fleeing to Lebanon. It looks like it is Israeli/UN sparked since Kofi
Annan is speaking out trying to get them to install a UN styled NWO
At least 38 dead in violence across Syria, activists say -
"A Syrian helicopter pilot, who refused to obey orders to bomb the area of
Azaz in the city of Aleppo, targeted a Syrian security intelligence centre
instead before fleeing to Turkey, the Dubai-based broadcaster Al Arabiya
reported, quoting opposition sources. If confirmed, this would be the first
incident of its kind in the one-year unrest... In Beirut, the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) said in a report on Saturday that nearly
14,000 Syrian refugees had fled the crackdown in their country to Lebanon...
Annan's plan calls for an immediate end to violence, securing humanitarian
access and facilitating a Syrian-led political transition to a democratic,
plural political system."
It's sad that Antioch in Syria was the place where the Church first used the
words Christian and Catholic and that now it is falling apart. It was also a
place where the Arian heretics made some of their false "creeds" by
deliberately omitting the word "Consubstantial." Maybe because most
have lost the faith there, God is punishing them as being the place where WW3
God Bless,
Chris White
MHFM: There’s definitely a desire to extirpate the
significant regimes and threats in the area of Israel – in other words, to
remove all the weeds in Israel’s backyard.
New Video
This is a new video. It’s a response to
the e-mail below.
Response to SSPX supporter on
The Letter of the Law
been perusing your website for several months. I've been trying to get a fix on
your beliefs. I find your analyses startlingly precise, perhaps I should say
accurate [although I doubt it].
something keeps eating at me. It has taken me until now to discover the chink
in your armor. Search out what St. Paul says about CHARITY. I'm sure you will
find it. You're so CERTAIN of yourselves
you have overlooked both CHARITY & MERCY.
but I'll stick with the SSPX.
Non-Catholic Death
have a non-Catholic spouse that is not doing too well. Can I do anything
besides bury him when he dies?
No. Of course you should try to convert
him while he is alive; but if he dies unconverted, there is nothing else you
can do.
Subject: Strange booms and sounds
Dear MHFM,
There has been a large number of the populace, hearing the strange sounds and
noises and feeling them. The "authorities' are confounded, and resident
hearers of the sounds are, interestingly, skeptical about the answers given by
the "authorities" - that these are allegedly "earthquakes."
Even the masses know something is up. They know their local
"authorities" are lying to them. Something deeper is going on in their
The article that I've linked to says this: "The saga which has captured
national attention began on Sunday night, when police received a deluge of
reports about strange booming noises that were described as sounding like
underground fireworks, thunder, or someone slamming a heavy door."
The Divine Judgment is quite active. The booms and their accompaniment
unearthly sounds happen quite routinely across the states. Deep down in their
hearts the mass populace knew why those sounds occurred. They are hearing what
is happening to the condemned. Even in Judgment, Our Lord Jesus Christ is
merciful, because he lets the pagans hear something of what awaits in eternity.
Instead of going on their knees and praying to receive the True Catholic Faith,
they frantically call their local authorities. I went curled on the floor
(praying Hail Marys) yesterday trembling deeply after hearing and feeling the
most powerful thunder I've ever heard in my life. I also saw the mighty
lighting shortly before that great thunder… Thank you for the new videos on
Sodom and Gomorrah and the SSPX adherent. I learned deep truths therefrom which
really affected me…
agree with many of your conclusions re post vatican II apostasy and
heresy. I am not Catholic, but should I
ever become, would be you type. My Aunt
was Catholic, was dissaffected with after Vatican II, but was unaware of any
alternative. I am a scholar of the
Medieval period. Ret. US Army.
MHFM: We’re glad that you have some
interest. You should become a
Catholic. God exists.
Creation and Miracles, Past and Present
Jesus fulfilled prophecies and worked miracles
to prove that He was God; and Jesus founded the Catholic Church. See our book, The Bible Proves the
Teachings of the Catholic Church.
It's necessary for salvation to accept the one true faith.
was an excellent analogy by Lee Ann comparing Protestants to the insubordinate
employee. I often wonder how deep in Hell Protestants will end up unless they
convert and become Catholic. Lower than the Jews and Muslims perhaps? I'm
sickened by the blasphemies that I always hear uttered by the mouths of
Protestants. Perhaps all Protestants do not consider Catholicism to be true
Christianity. I say this because I have often heard them say things like,
"I'm not a Catholic, I'm a Christian". A Protestant once said to me,
"My parents used to be Catholic but then they became Christians". All
of these statements imply that Catholics are not true Christians. Woe to these
blasphemers who, on the Day of Judgement will think that The Lord will accept
them into Heaven but instead they will be cast into Hell. (Matthew 7: 21-23)
The various heretical sects are truly the Gates of Hell! Nothing has done more
harm to the Catholic Church than Protestantism which culminated in the Vatican
II apostasy. I feel like I'm all alone in the world and the only friends I have
are a couple of true traditional Catholics and of course Our Lord and His
you seen this?
only it were true! According to Mr. Beck (who converted to Mormonism to please
his new wife), Ratzinger is a "conservative", and under threat of
death for his conservatism. I'm reminded of a quote I saw recently attributed
to Mark Twain: "Those who don't read the news are uninformed, while those
who do are misinformed". These two categories must account for nearly
everyone nowadays. To know what Ratzinger really stands for, and then see him
lauded as a conservative champion, by a Mormon lover of Israel, is just
surreal. There are no words to describe the experience. The deception is so
total and so complete.
It fits with Benedict XVI’s role as second beast/false prophet. Is the World about to End?
Near Toronto
If there is a reader in the area of London, Ontario, Canada – not that far from
Toronto – who might be interested in helping with the baptism of a new convert,
please e-mail us at mhfm1@aol.com.
Brother Peter,
just moments ago heard both the arguments for & against vatican 2 and I am
feeling all kinds of emotions right now but most of all a feeling of dread and
deep sorrow for too many people right now. Literally looking out over my
balcony and reduced to tears, unable to stand on my own feet at what has
transpired since vatican 2. I am crying even as I write this feeling utter
despair not only for myself but the thousands of people in my city as I look
out over the horizon from the 7th floor of my apartment, nevermind the millions
of others in my country. I found myself praying like I have never before in my
life for mercy and for souls of the others who are destined for the eternal
fire - a feeling something I've never felt and cannot even begin to put into
words. It's indescribable fear but joy at the same time. I thank you very much
for your work and I thank the Lord for bringing me to you.
Well I just wanna comment on Judas since I've heard you talk about him a little
bit as i'n Mexico they say he's a saint and of course everybody knows he
betrayed Jesus. They have often told me if you have a difficult problem ask
Judas for help I'm confused I know it's veneration when you pray to the saints
but Judas the betrayer of Christ pray to him really ? by the way love your book
The Bible proves the teachings of the catholic church. Also I saw something on the news that was
very disturbing a young girl i'n Mexico said that she saw Jesus i'n anti pope
John Paul as Benedict the 16 th will be visiting on Friday comparing One To
another and how People feel Benedict seems disconnected to the Catholics of
It sounds like you are confusing Judas (the one who betrayed Christ) with St.
Jude Thaddeus (a great saint and apostle).
The names “Jude” and “Judas” both come from the same Greek name. It’s good to pray to St. Jude; a Catholic
must not pray to the condemned Judas.
interesting that you also came across another example of a person who “saw
Jesus” in Antipope John Paul II.
It truly is disgusting, dealing with
these people from the SSPX, it is so true, all they care about is the idea of a
club atmosphere {community}… right after Mass, they either go downstairs to
have breakfast or they go out for breakfast. I know this because in trying to
reach some of the people, they invited me to go out for breakfast, they don't
care about the faith at all, they are just like the groupies who follow bands.
I can guarantee this blind guy finally asked his blind SSPX priest for help
because the response is such a typical, dumb arrogant SSPX response. The
previous SSPX priest, would say the same things, it would infuriate me, as a
matter of fact, in an email he told me, Charity judges not, can you imagine.
I thought the one sentence was very
interesting, "I find your analyses startlingly precise, perhaps I
should say accurate [although I doubt it]" this proves he has a
demon because the devil will mix Truth with lies. There is something very
striking about these people, they never arrive at the Truth.
Psalms 30:19 Let deceitful lips be
made dumb. Which speak iniquity against the just, with pride and
Isaias (Isaiah) 56:10 His watchmen {SSPX
priests} are all blind, they are all ignorant: dumb dogs not
able to bark, seeing vain things, sleeping and loving dreams. {loving heresy}
Response to new SSPX video
I just
wanted to respond to the most recent video, actually my comments are addressing
the tone of speech or mannerisms of the Dimond brothers. The theme seems to pop
up now and again, in this case a SSPX guy accusing the Brothers of being
uncharitable. I think the accusers are
confusing uncharitable with seriousness. Brothers Micheal and Peter will never
be known as the warm and fuzzy jolly jokesters of the Catholic faith. The
Brothers tone always comes across as serious. This is a good thing, the topics
covered by them are quite serious. It is a serious web site they run.
As lay
people we rely on instruction and solid teaching from the clergy. In this age
we are surrounded by false prophets and false churches. We the people need
serious truthful instruction. In the
debate videos Brother Peter is calm, matter of fact, stays on point, and holds
fast to the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Subject: True Charity
Dear Brother Peter,
Your response to SSPX supporter Ken Harris on charity is absolutely true. It
becomes plain on whose side charity labors; to quote you: " A person with genuine faith and charity is
rooted in God alone. That person will genuinely detest evil. It follows that one of the qualities of the
love of God, which results in love of one's fellow man, is a severe hatred of
evil. A person who does not
truly hate evil does not love God, and cannot love his fellow man."
Mr. Harris reveals himself to be a liar at heart and, sadly, chooses to reject
God for the sake of following men.
The timing of your response to Mr. Harris could not have been better, thanks be
to God. Because of the relevance of the topic and the clarity in which you
present it [succinctly?], I took the liberty of quoting almost your entire
reply and sending it to various people I know who are displaying a lot of
ill-will for not attending a family gathering in which notorious heretics will
be present. Sadly, some of these people will almost certainly reject what you
have to say insofar as they are, like Mr. Harris, extremely bad-willed and
liars at heart.
Sincerely in Christ,
It is
Subject: Ken Harris
Dear Brothers,
That is a very charitable response to the schismatical SSPX supporter, Ken
Harris. Thank you for sharing it. It is Ken who has "overlooked both
CHARITY & MERCY" because he rejects the true teachings of God's
Church, the Catholic Church only, and God is charity (1 John 4:8). Man
is not charity. Truth is charity. (John 14:6) The lack of belief that many SSPX
supporters show is unbelievably pathetic. It is as if the SSPX were their false
"God." True Catholics aren't about trying to find a community or
banner to follow. We hold uncompromisingly to what the Catholic Church has
always taught, and we do what the Church says must be done for salvation, such
as condemn heretics when necessary. True popes have always remarked that
schismatics lack charity, and such lack of charity is a hallmark of the
schismatical SSPX supporters. What would they give up in order to go to heaven?
What sacrifices would they make? The fact that, more often than not, one is not
even permitted to discuss sedevacantistm at SSPX chapels, and/or call anyone a
heretic, shows their lack of charity, since when has it been charitable to
deprive Catholics of the spiritual wherewithal to combat the gates of hell,
such as the dogmas of the Catholic faith and the right to condemn heresy and
heretics? Never! It is like sending an army into battle without any armor or
weapons! The SSPX' position is extremely dangerous - it is hell-bound. Benedict
XVI is a heretic, schismatic and an apostate. Benedict XVI rejects all the
dogmas of the Papacy, and so do those who obstinately hold him to be a pope
rather than a heretic (after seeing the evidence). Ken shows the typically
distorted mental disposition of those who obstinately reject the true dogmas of
the Catholic faith in favor of living a more "comfortable" and
"peaceful" life. Yet where is the comfort in a sinful conscience and
a soul stained with mortal sin? There is no peace for the wicked, such as for
those who obstinately support the SSPX and/or agree with its schismatical and
false traditionalist positions. It is as if they think that the SSPX is the
Beatific Vision of the Holy Trinity in Heaven!!! They put man in the place of
God, which is antichrist.
Isaias 57:20,21 - "But the wicked are like the raging sea, which cannot
rest, and the waves thereof cast up dirt and mire. There is no peace to the
wicked, saith the Lord God."
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear Brothers:
Ken Harris' email - and MHFM's
insightful response to it - reveal that the "religion" held by the
SSPX is essentially Protestantism with Catholic Externals.
Because the SSPX and their members are following the opinions of men rather than
the truths revealed by God, there is no such thing to these individuals as
"dogmas" or "heresies". Notice that such words are
not even in their vocabulary. And isn't it ironic that they
pretend to be followers of Pope St. Pius X, when the saint's very own words
condemn them.
When I started going to the SSPX, I
really didn't know much about the Catholic faith. And by the time I left, I
still didn't know much about the Catholic faith. The one thing I learned there for
certain was this: it was very, very strange for an order of priests
like the SSPX, who claimed to be faithful, to be condemning
another priest like Fr. Feeney for attempting to evangelize America to the
Catholic faith in 1950. Very strange indeed.
I suppose that, in their blindness,
they must think that since 1950 America has become better by not becoming
Catholic. No doubt, in their minds, all America needs is a few more processions
of the SSPX and that will fix everything. And, no doubt, they expect the world
will become better when their so-called "pope" recognizes the
greatness of the SSPX and is set straight by them. Talk about insanity. But
what strikes me as the worst thing of all: the haughty "God Love You"
tone of Harris' email demonstrates that… the SSPX and their supporters despise
God's truth...
Lee Ann
Hi Brothers Dimond
Shawna points out that Antichrist JP2's "Luminous Mysteries" are
being said by quite a few people. The Antichurch has altered everything related
to the Faith through the 'Antipapacy', which does *not* guard Sacred Tradition…
Antipope John 23 buried the 3rd Secret of Fatima, when Our Lady requested that
it be revealed in 1960 at the latest (a true Pope, such as Siri, would have
revealed it, if he had reigned). This establishes 1958 as the beginning of the
-Michael D.S.
I've met soooooooo many people who pray
the Luminous Mystery. I tell them that Luminous Mystery did not come from
Mother Mary…
Buddists, Muslims, Jews ......., all
break the first commandments. EXACTLY HOW DO BAPTISM OF DESIRE ADVOCATES
defend this?!!!!! Basically, they believe that one who breaks God's
Commandments can rejoice in eternal salvation. This is ridiculous….
MHFM: It’s interesting that many people
are using the Luminous Mysteries, which are not part of the Rosary but were
added by Antipope John Paul II. It’s
another example of the influence of the Antichrist, John Paul II.
article on Greece's alternative economy is interesting for one it goes to show
the truth about what Bill Still discussed on his video is right on the money
and one believes there was a country also in Europe where they don't have money
but agreed to use an item as a legal tender and as payment for tax. I forgot
the name of the country though. What Bill Still and the Harvard Economist
thought of as a counter measure to the debt of America is now being implemented
in Greece. When one was in high school one was taught that because people
become more "sophisticated" that's why the paper money was invented
and in order not to be robbed during a journey, and the rise of banks came
after. But one highly doubted this theory because for me barter was already
stable and more importantly God has already given us a form of money: gold and
& God speed,
Dear MHFM,
My heart goes out to the mother of the
homosexual...and his refusal to accept the teachings of the True Catholic Faith.
Much of our society has embraced many perverted sexual practices that are an
absolute abomination to God. If we yield to the sins of the flesh it will lead
to our destruction...or lose of faith by trying to convince ourselves that
there is no God, no religion, in order to justify our wickedness, or to silence
our conscience. It is necessary that we serve God in the way He requires… How
many people are making up their own religion, and rejecting the Truth of the
Catholic Faith. I heard someone say once that "a soul is like a plant; it
needs to be watered continuously by the truths and practices of religion.
Unless it is nourished, it will sicken and perish." Why should Christ, and
after Him the Apostles, and after them a long line of Catholics, have suffered
so much and resisted persecution so firmly, if it were of no importance what a
man believed?? It is absurd to suppose that God does not care whether men
denounce His Son, or worship Him as God. Divine honor is to be paid to God
alone. God will punish idolatry...of any kind. The "Imitation of
Christ" says..."In all things look to the end, and how thou wilt
stand before the strict Judge, from Whom there is nothing hid; Who takes no
bribes, and receives no excuses, but will judge that which is just..." How
us True Catholics should realize more fully the many reasons we have for humbly
thanking Our Blessed Lord and Our Most Holy Mother Mary for the Priceless
blessings we have received without any claim or merit of our own...and make us
want to even more help spread our faith in The True Catholic Church. Your short
video on "Sodom and Gomorrah" was wonderful…
Dear Brothers,
If I may I would like to ask you a
question. Do you think that it might be
possible that a person who dies having never committed a mortal sin. Someone
who has obeyed the natural law, but for some reason was not baptised and
Catholic. Might such a person, potentially, receive baptism on the day of the
Resurrection and therefore be saved. Could this possibility exist since we will
all be resurrected and we will be in the company of many priests on that day.
Best regards
Peter Mackay
Your question is whether it’s possible for an unbaptized person above the age of
reason (a man in original sin) to live his life and then die without ever
having committed a mortal sin. The
answer is no. St. Thomas actually addresses this in his Summa Theologica.
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt.
I-II, Q. 89, A. 6: “I answer that, it is impossible for venial sin to be in
anyone with original sin alone, and without mortal sin. The reason for this is
because before a man comes to the age of discretion, the lack of years hinders
the use of reason and excuses him from mortal sin, wherefore, much more does it
excuse him from venial sin, if he does anything which is such generically. But
when he begins to have the use of reason, he is not entirely excused from the
guilt of venial or mortal sin. Now the first thing that occurs to a man to
think about then, is to deliberate about himself. And if he then direct himself
to the due end, he will, by means of grace, receive the remission of original
sin: whereas if he does not then direct himself to the due end, and as far as
he is capable of discretion at that particular age, he will sin mortally, for
through not doing that which is in his power to do. Accordingly thenceforward
there cannot be venial sin in him without mortal, until afterwards all sin
shall have been remitted to him through grace.”
he’s saying is that if a person directs himself to the due end, God will
eventually bring him to the faith (baptism), which will result in the remission
of his original sin. However, if a man
does not direct himself to the due end, he will eventually fall into mortal
sin. There is no one who can live in
original sin throughout his life and avoid mortal sin; for if he were directing
himself to avoid mortal sin, God would lead him to the faith and baptism by
which he would receive the remission of original sin.
the conclusion that someone can die without baptism and then be in the company
of the saints on the last day is barred by the Catholic teaching that all who
die outside the faith (and without water baptism) cannot be saved. God will not allow a person of good will to
depart life without the Sacrament of Baptism.
Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence,
“Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to
the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it
we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church. And since death
entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of
water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of
heaven’ [John 3:5]. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural
Augustine, Against Julian, Book 5,
Chap. 4: “Of the number of the elect and predestined, even those who have led
the very worst kind of life are led to repentance through the goodness of God…
Not one of them perishes, regardless of his age at death; never be it said that a man predestined to life would be permitted to
end his life without the sacrament of the Mediator [Baptism]. Because of these men, our Lord says:
‘This is the will of him who sent me, the Father, that I should lose nothing of
what he has given me.’”
New Video
This is a new video.
Josephus on Sodom and Gomorrah
I have ordered the Penny Catechism in
order to convert start to convert to traditional Catholic…. Thank you for your
help in learning the one true religion of God.
Dear Brothers:
… I am always looking for the right words
to convince family members and others of the truth of the Catholic faith, as
well as the truth about the times in which we are living. A recent discussion
with someone proved to be a useful opportunity in that regard. Someone relayed to me a story about an
insubordinate employee whose pride got the better of him and made him forget
who the boss (and owner of the business) was, and who the employee was. I
couldn't help but draw the (very imperfect but somewhat helpful) analogy of the
heretic before God.
Acting out of pride, an insubordinate
man challenged his boss's rightful authority. (There is no question of the boss
having done anything improper.) The subordinate wags his finger in the face of
his employer, as if he, the subordinate, were the man in charge. This employee
believes that things should not be run according to the employer's way, but
according to his way. In his ingratitude, the insubordinate man forgets
all of the benefits he personally has received from that employer -- as well as
the benefits which the employer's rules, policies and procedures have obtained
for all the employees -- by keeping the business intact and, thus, all
of them honestly and gainfully employed. The ungrateful man forgets about the
"good life" - the rightly ordered life (secularly speaking) that his
employment has brought about and has enabled him and his family to enjoy over
the years. He has also forgotten the various instances of un-obligatory
assistance and kindness which he has received from his employer during periods
of his or his family's illnesses, or at other times when that employee or his
family members were down on their luck.
Now, if such a man in such a case
remained obstinate or unrepentant in his insubordination, no one at all would
disagree that it would be just for such a man to be severed
from his employment. Why, then, do people not think that it would be just for God
to sever the man who is obstinately insubordinate to Him?
Every obstinate heretic (including
those who remain in and/or tolerate or excuse Protestantism) is an Insubordinate
Man who commits treason against God, who wags his finger in the face of
God while insisting that he, dust, will determine the rules of life, and of
life eternal.
The Insubordinate Man
imagines that he can tell God how things ought to be run, how God should
be worshipped, and that he (not the Creator) will make up the rules,
policies and regulations. The Insubordinate Man will determine
what is, and is not, sin. He will tell God who can and cannot get into Heaven;
and if he does not like the idea of Hell, well, like the god he imagines
himself to be, he can dismiss hell, too, with a simple act of his imagined
In his base ingratitude, this man
forgets about all the wonders, and marvels and graces that God has given him,
including life itself. And of course, he forgets all about his sinfulness which
God in His mercy stands ready to forgive -- if only that Insubordinate
Man would repent. And though it should be painfully obvious that, as a
consequence of sin, even life on earth has become utter disorder and
chaos, the arrogance and boldness of the Insubordinate Man causes him to
expect - actually demand - God's continued blessings on himself and his
What kind of pride is it that makes men
imagine that God -- whose Divine Son died on a Cross to redeem mankind -- must
tolerate insubordination and ingratitude from mere creatures? And
what kind of arrogant blindness causes a man to be unconcerned that he has
severed himself from the Catholic Church as it was founded by Christ almost
2,000 years ago?
Lee Ann
Dear Brothers,
Sean says "explain to me how the "post vatican II church" is not
the real Church," as if your material does not do that. He also puts
"post Vatican II church" in quotation marks, as if there were no
change or difference between the Vatican II sect and the real Catholic Church.
The Vatican II sect has false "dogmas," false "sacraments"
and a false "hierarchy." Its fruits are plain to see - pedophilia,
pro-abortion politicians, total apostasy and idolatry, homosexuality, divorce,
heresy, schism and apostasy, etc. Explain how the Vatican II sect is the
real Church. On every count it is a counterfeit.
Romans 1:25-27 - "Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped
and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women
have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in
like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in
their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and
receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error."
God Bless,
Bro's Michael& Peter,
My son who has battled cancer and now
has it on his heart (nothing can be done) has refused my attempts and God's to
accept the Catholic faith, saying he is ashamed of us for praying the rosary to
Mary. And ashamed that he prayed it for a while also. I then told him to stay
where he was and I would stay where I was. I haven't spoken to him since Nov.
of last year. Now two weeks ago my youngest son told me that he is Bi-sexual
and his roommate last year was his boyfriend. He had moved back home last Dec.
although for financial reasons still planned to room again with his friend this
Dec. I'm in shock, angry, did not see this coming at all. I told him I would
give him two months to move out if he planned on living as a gay, Between my
praying the rosary and crying, I have told him it’s a mortal sin. He cried the
day he told me. My heart is broken, When he leaves I feel I have no choice but
to disown him until he repents. Is this wrong of me? He understands my belief
in what the bible say's about it and would not ask me to accept this. My
neighbor (Novus Ordo) has a gay who has a partner with two small boys, and she
cannot rebuke him, often going to stay with them. My beautician (Novus Ordo)
has a son also gay came out two years ago and they are paying for his college
and says she cannot abandon him. I'm asking for your e-mailers true catholics
to please pray for my family(I have 4 sons) and ask Holy Mary to Please expose
the Lie to young people who say they or Homo, Bi, or otherwise deceived by
satan. This appears to be an epidemic… Your web site… is the only place we can
turn to for answers. God Bless and continue your ministry till he comes…
MHFM: It’s a sad story. Our video series (Rejecting the Lust and Impurity of Hell – available on our YouTube channel)
covers why more and more people are becoming homosexuals today. You should not allow your bisexual son to
live with you. That’s clearly the
position a Catholic must take.
Venial Sins
Venial Sins
it possible to completely avoid venial sins ? In my opinion it is quite
difficult especially for a working-man like me who lives in an environment with
tons of unavoidable bad and evil situations. Is it absolutely necessary to
confess venial sins or is prayer sufficient ?
There is not a strict obligation to confess venial sins.
St. Louis De Montfort (c. 1710): “Saint Augustine says that whenever we say
the Our Father devoutly our venial sins are forgiven.” (The Secret of the Rosary, p. 34)
Subject: A Noble Lie
Dear MHFM,
I just got done watching the documentary "A Noble Lie". I purchased
it on your recommendation, and just wanted to say as usual your recommendation
was right on the money. You're not just… right on religious issues, you're
also… right on secular issues of great importance. I was so sad when they
showed what happened to that… police officer. I just can't wait for justice to
come which you agree with me is very soon. Thanks once again for the
recommendation. Your work has forever changed my life.
God Bless,
Nathan Barton
there. My names sean im a seminarian from Australia. Could you please explain
to me how the "post vatican II church" is not the real Church.
That’s covered in detail on our website and in our videos. Please consult these sections of our website:
if you watch this entire video, you will get a clear picture of why the Vatican
II Church is not the real Catholic Church.
should be able to recognize that the Vatican II Church is not the real Catholic
Church by considering news items such as this one: the Vatican II sect and
Benedict XVI just declared that the schismatic Bishop Shenouda III is worthy of
Heaven and deserves a reward for his (schismatic) ministry. Publishing blatant heresies of this kind,
which contradict the teaching of all the popes, is standard operating procedure
in the Vatican II Counter Church.
“This Hoax” video NAILED IT
Hoax Effects Everyone, is great, I would just like to add to the reasoning of
the early declaration of winners is more or less a "programming" of
results, and this is particularly important now…
Paul II asking St. John the Baptist to "protect Islam", immediately
went through my mind when reading about the atrocities committed by Muslims
against Christians in the 16th Century. The following quote is describing a
desperate defence of Malta by the Catholics against the Muslim Turks who
outnumbered them: "It was the Vigil of St. John the Baptist,
an appropriate feast for what followed. The Turks, leaping over the crumbled
walls, like dark devils against the rising sun, fell on them [the Catholic
soldiers] with such fury that the chapter was ended. Not only did they kill and
chop to pieces all those who opposed them; they afterwards slaughtered the
prisoners with inhuman cruelty, and finished the celebration by plucking out
the hearts of the wounded, decapitating the leaders, and setting up their heads
on pikes over the walls they had so bravely defended." (William Thomas
Walsh, Phillip II, pp. 385-386)
Catholics eventually gained the victory through divine assistance, for a vision
was seen of Our Lord, St. John the Baptist, St. Paul, St. Peter, and St.
Francis aiding the side of Catholics, not the side of Islam. May
St. John the Baptist protect all true Catholics!
Going on
do check your site daily and am in disbelief of what is really going on - on
this earth... this war our country is in has been premeditated. It is
absolutely appalling when one actually sees, (as you have quoted the bible) - that
satan is the prince on this earth.
Subject: Evidence and Scenario
Dear Brothers,
One of the same men who omitted key evidence in the investigation into Princess
Diana's death, Lord Condon (the "Mishcon note" - the other man was
Sir David Veness, ex-UN Security Chief), is now the Senior Independent Director
of G4S, the security company for the 2012 London Olympics (starting July 27).
G4S plc is the same dodgy company that caused the death of Jimmy Mubenga in
detention. It has also been involved in a number of other "stuff
ups." Also, there are 100 tonnes of radioactive waste with 7,500 tonnes of
exempt waste buried 250m north of the Olympic Stadium. A bookmaker named
William Hill made it 5/1 that the stadium would be demolished after its use.
The architects of the stadium are called "Populous," and their slogan
is "we are populous," which is like saying "we are legion,"
which is Anonymous' (UN actually) slogan. Eerily, the bugdet for the Olympics
blew out to 11 billion Pounds - that's a number 11 with 9 zeros after it (get
it - 9/11). Another tidbit: they say that the Big Ben clocktower is leaning by
1/2 a meter. So what's the chance that they will blow up and/or demolish
something like they did on 9/11, and then blame it on "Al Qaeda" so
as to start WW3 with Iran? The evidence is pointing in that direction. Also,
given Condon's complicity in other crimes, would he turn a blind eye to an
assassination attempt on the Queen and Prince Charles so as to turn Prince
William into a war-mongering King of England (and whom they're trying to
convince Muslims that he's is a "reptillian Jesus-clone Dajjal" -
Antichrist)? The fact that the Olympics promotions are using an
"alien" motif also hints at a deception of some kind. Then there's
the logo that spells Zion and can be made into a snake shape. Evidently God is
allowing Britain to be a target because it has rejected the Catholic Church and
Papacy in favor of the Protestant Anglican schism. Harrowing!!!
God Bless,
I was reading Genesis 6 which preceded
the destruction of the world, where the sons of God were marrying and
fornicating with the daughters of men. The sons of God were
considered to be the descendants of Seth and Enos and the daughters of
men were considered to be the descendants of Cain. The daughters of men
{Cain's descendants} were libidinous effeminate males and
probably dominant females, which would be the effect and the punishment for
their idolatries and the sins they committed. The carnal apostasy that lead
to the destruction of the world. This is a bible proof for True Catholics not
to marry outside The One True Faith. {Ephesians 4:3-5}
Genesis 6:4-7 ...For after the sons
of God went in to the daughters of men, and they brought forth children,
these are the mighty men of old, men of renown. And God seeing that the
wickedness of men was great on the earth, and that all the thought of their
heart was bent upon evil at all times {impure thoughts and sins of the
flesh}, It repented him that he had made man on the earth. And being
touched inwardly with sorrow of heart, He said: I will destroy man, whom I
have created, from the face of the earth, from man even to beasts, from the
creeping thing even to the fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have
made them. {Mass animal die-offs that are happening now}
One could see that this is the old
testament equivalent to the new testament where the whole world abandons God
and the worship of God, to commit spiritual fornication {world wide apostasy}
with the zionist freemasonic vatican ll church, the amalgamation of the
world's false man-made religions, which seemingly resembles the
Catholic Church, with its false mass and sacraments {Mark 13:22}, one can see
all the sexual perversions that are brought about again as an effect and
punishment to the world, for its spiritual fornication with this vatican ll
sect, which will bring about again, very soon to come, the destruction {end} of
the world and the second coming of Jesus Christ. {Sins of the flesh are the
effect of faithlessness, apostasy} {Romans 1:26-27}
It is interesting to note that Adam and
Eve' first two son's {Cain and Abel} , represented good and evil, pointing to
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil and how Seth took the place of Abel.
Seth had a son whose name was Enos.
Genesis 4:25 Adam also knew his wife again: and she brought forth a son, and called
his name Seth, saying: God hath given me another seed, for Abel whom Cain slew.
Genesis 4:26 But to Seth also was
born a son, whom he called Enos; this man began to call upon the name of the
Subject: Sodomite Illogic
Dear MHFM,
The sodomites have decided to sue Scott Douglas Lively this past March 14, 2012
in U.S. Federal Court for 'crimes against humanity', all because this protestant
heretic made a few pro-family speeches in Uganda - in March 2009. It is a 47
page lawsuit and they are charging him for "violating the law of
nations" and they are utilizing a U.S. law dating back to the 1700s.
They'd been working and putting together this lawsuit since 2010 while
collaborating with Ugandan sodomites - so they say.
They are blaming him as responsible for the Ugandan Parliament's (by the way
unsuccessful) attempt at passing a bill outlawing sodomite abominations and of
assigning the death penalty to those engaging in sodomite activity. This has
been disputed by Ugandan government officials, and that Scott Lively's
conference and speeches never initiated the various actions by Ugandans against
the sodomites. They also say that the heretic's pro-family advocacy meetings
with "church" leaders and a government official in Uganda was
allegedly responsible for "attacks" against the sodomite inhabitants
in Uganda. They are also suing him as responsible for the January 2011 death of
a sodomite activist in Uganda, ignoring the fact that the sodomite activist's
boy lover prostitute confessed to violently beating him to death for refusing
to pay him money for their consensual abominations. The boy prostitute was
sentenced to 30 years in jail. The truth is, that the sodomite collective is
violent against itself and they blame others for it. Shortly after the lawsuit
was filed, over 100 costumed sodomites marched to Scott Lively's coffee house
at around the same time high school students are released from school, and
harassed the people there. They were screaming, intimidating people, chanting,
and beating drums.
The CCR sodomite organization is attempting to use an anti-torture law to
punish an American citizen for simply speaking at a conference he was invited
to. The sodomite controlled mainstream media are attacking Lively with false
accusations. Sodomites sit on the editorial boards of the mainstream media. So
they are always pushing their twisted logic under the cover of imagined
victim-hood. Even though the Bill of outlawing sodomite abominations never
passed in Uganda in 2009, the sodomite infected mainstream media made it seem
as if it did. These sodomites run the government and frequently go after
children. The sins against nature are legal in the military now, so men and
women cannot sue at all when assaulted by militant sodomites. It also helps
curb the already gigantic problem of assaults against nature in the military.
It happens all the time that, especially, delta forces soldiers go around and
shoot their wives and children, and set their houses on fire, upon returning,
and are found wiggling and foaming at the mouth on the ground. They also kidnap
people and commit immorality usually right before their suicides. Of course,
the sodomite media doesn't report this. The military has the highest suicide
rate. I remember a story my masonic uncle told me around 2003, of a friend that
he worked with that previously had a job of picking up the destroyed and
mutilated organs and body parts of dead and dying soldiers. He told me that his
friend stopped eating regular food, and only ate beans and drank milk, because
he felt like vomiting when attempting to eat other food and it brought back the
memories. These soldiers receive a deeper endowment of the evil spirit for
every wicked and cruel act they inflicteth, until at length they are taken over
by the demons and they leech onto their souls. In war, immorality and
atrocities are here at the maximum.
This is another somewhat interesting quote from Josephus, the first century
Jewish historian. He writes about the
1st century Jewish revolt against the Romans.
Various factions divided the Jewish resistance, producing squabbles and
internal division. Prior to the
destruction of the city by the Romans, the Jews committed some of the following
horrors and foul deeds.
people found Simon outside more terrifying than the Romans, and the Zealots
inside more savage than either: of these the Galilean contingent was preeminent
in the originality and audacity of their crimes. It was they who had put power in the hands of
John, and he from the pinnacle on which they had set him rewarded them by
leaving every man free to do as he liked.
Their passion for looting was
insatiable: they ransacked rich men’s houses, murdered men and violated women
for sport, and drank their spoils washed down with blood; through sheer boredom
they shamelessly gave themselves up to effeminate practices, adorning their
hair and putting on women’s clothes, steeping themselves in scent and painting
under their eyes to makes themselves attractive. They copied not merely the dress but also the
passions of women, and in their utter filthiness invented unlawful pleasures;
they wallowed in slime, turning the whole city into a brothel and polluting it
with the foulest practices.” (Josephus, The
Jewish War)
felt the need to write to you… because you have changed my life. I was brought up Roman Catholic, baptized,
first holy communion, etc... and at about the age of 16 I stopped going to
church. I am from a small town in
Pennsylvania… Honestly, the reason why I stopped going was because our priest
was the most BORING person I have ever came across. I didnt follow what he was
saying and at that time there were "sexual assaults" on the altar
watching everyone on your you tube videos, I can now understand what you mean
by "infiltrating the catholic church". I look forward to your videos, i enjoy them.
And they have given me a new perspective on life and death. I am not scared to die and I believe that
Jesus is waiting for me, when it is my time, he will call me. I am 36 years
old, mother of 3.
1992 I suffered a major car accident where my head went through the side
window, with severe brain trauma. I have relearned how to read and do basic
math problems, which was hard for someone 16 years of age, to start over with
knowing nothing.
guess my thankfulness to you, is i am so happy I found you. You make wonderful
sense of what is going on in the world. (our society is full of chaos and
disorder) which I am convinced satan has a large part in that. I do have a request though, in the video 'death
and voyage to hell" - I was wondering if you could make a video on one's
journey to heaven, what we need to do to get there, and so on… personally I
would love to see that.
that car accident i mentioned prior i was clinically dead for 42 minutes (… the
car behind me was an emt and had all of the medical equipment to supply my
brain with oxygen.) - I Don't remember anything, after the accident i was in a
coma for 2 months (with no memory.) … i didn't know about the music played
Thanks for the interest. Your story is
very interesting. The way to get to
Heaven is to 1) accept and practice the true Catholic faith; and 2) maintain
the state of grace by praying and avoiding mortal sin. We recommend the Rosary each day, 15 decades
if possible. The materials and
information on our website cover those issues.
The Steps to convert to the traditional Catholic faith and for those
leaving the New Mass - Baptism and Conditional Baptism - the Council of Trent's
Profession of Faith for Converts
According to defenders of JPII
was in a public bathroom Mediterranean restaurant. It smelled like someone had
been smoking pot in the handicap stall. I noticed all manner of vile, perverse,
disgusting things written on the walls of the stall. There were even upside
down crosses
with a permanent marker. According to defenders of Antichrist Antipope John
Paul II, the vandals must have had a devotion to St. Peter...
Dear Brothers:
There is a story out about how an Amish
guy by the name of Beachy has pled guilty to swindling his fellow Amish to the
tune of some $17 million dollars. Beachy apparently set himself up as an
investment banker and, according to the story, got the Amish to give him money
by promising to invest in no-risk government securities with a high return.
Instead, he actually invested in high risk junk which (he thought) would give
him an even higher return, and secure for himself a nice profit. Now all the
money is lost. But no problem. As they are wont to do, the Amish can now
impress the world by "forgiving" Beachy, and thus convince themselves
that they are pleasing in God's sight. They cannot see that, in reality, they
are "humble" before men, but proud before God.
In reading the story, I couldn't help
but think of Jacob Amman (the founder of the Amish cult) and of all the other
heresiarchs (in the line of Luther) who peddle fake Christianity. These men (or
women) tell people not to follow the Catholic faith revealed by Jesus Christ, but
to follow them instead. And amazingly, because their own pride has been
successfully inflated, these blind men listen and follow these heretics,
becoming heretics themselves. They do not realize that God and God alone can
reveal "religion", and in their bad will they are made to believe
that their
way (a man's way) can be superior to
Christ's way. These heretics (whose only creed is anti-Catholicism) love to
mock anything they think is Catholic. They cannot see that it is Satan who gets
the last laugh, and that his laugh is on them.
Beachy set himself up as a false
investment banker; Jacob Amman set himself up as a founder of a false church.
Beachy fleeced the Amish of their money; Amman fleeced them of eternal
salvation and, with every generation, continues to do so. And they are all for
And speaking of getting fleeced, one
would think that, by now, the SSPX would have figured out that they blaspheme
by giving to the Whore of Babylon the holy name of the Catholic Church. The SSPX and their followers are in a constant state of
blindness, since they also prefer the teachings of a man (Lefebvre) to the
teachings of the papacy which Christ founded and guaranteed. And like heretics
of all stripes, don't they love to imagine that they are pleasing to God.
When Benedict the False Prophet teaches
that pagans, Jews, Protestants and atheists are all brothers and sisters of the
members of the "ecumenical" Counterfeit Catholic Church, he's not
just whistlin' dixie. They are.
Lee Ann
Subject: recent events in the news
Dear Bro's. Peter and Michael.
Recently Apple computer announced a new I pod device termed the SIRI. In my
opinion using the name Siri is an in your face jibe or taunt towards true Roman
Catholics who know that Cardinal Siri was the duly elected Pope in 1958 not
johnny 23. The judaic freemason Pharisees like to flaunt that the gates of hell
have prevailed against Jesus Christ's true Church. The Remnant remain…
The email of HB… confirms my hunch about books in the
self-help section, of course this was already pointed out by Dr. James Wardner,
but nevertheless the additional information is superb. If one may add that a
teacher of mine in college urge us, her class, to read a book entitled
"The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene. At that time one was curious
about this so called "powers" and one was indoctrinated still in the
filth of VII so I searched for it and found it. The contents were as what HB
pointed out truly demonic. Like most of it insidiously attacked the Church or
tried to take malice out of adultery and there was one thing interesting about
that book it said that if you want to be rich, the subject is all about getting
rich monetarily, flesh, and many others, one way is to start your own religion
which when one read it made a conclusion as to why there were so many
protestant denominations nowadays. And lastly the book is centered in deception
and illusion, creating something that doesn't exist or simply creating a
Sincerely and God speed,
Holy Family Monastery…
I was at our Adoration Chapel and picked up a copy of your CD audio, "The
Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church and What Really Happened to
the Catholic Church, 7th edition. I am not sure if the CD is part of a series,
but this particular one talked about some exorcisms and some victims of satan's
My question: The speaker mentions that the Catholic Charismatic movement is not
of God. Might someone explain why this is believed to be so? This is the first
time I have heard this. Thank you, and have a blessed day.
This article explains why the Charismatic movement is not of God, but of the
EWTN and the Charismatic Movement [PDF File]
few paragraphs sum up why accessing “the spirit” in the Charismatic movement
leads to an evil spirit rather than the Holy Ghost.
believe that God allows the Devil to take people over in these Charismatic
services because by partaking in them
people are essentially saying that the sacraments of the Catholic Church, the
seven instituted by Jesus Christ, are not sufficient. They are professing that they need a new set
of man-made rites – rites outside the sacramental system – in order to really receive “the spirit.” By participation in such “rites,” they are
essentially participating in a new religion in order to gain access to “the
spirit” outside the means specifically set up by Christ. As a consequence, these Charismatic “rites”
become new “sacraments” of a false religion which give access to the evil, not
the Holy, spirit.
should be emphasized that the laying on of hands is given in the New Testament
as the matter of the Sacrament of Confirmation (e.g. Acts 8:17; Acts 19:6), a
sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ.
It’s ironic that in the new “Confirmation” of the Vatican II sect the
laying on of hands has been abolished; but Charismatics continue to use the
laying on of hands in their own services in order to transmit “the
spirit.” Since we know that their laying
on of hands in an attempt to transmit the “spirit” is not the Sacrament
of Confirmation (for even women and laymen do it), it is actually the
Counter Confirmation. It is a counter
sacrament which therefore gives access, once again, not to the Holy, but to the
evil spirit.
as a worthy recipient of the Sacrament of Confirmation receives a deeper
endowment of the Holy Ghost, the active participation in such new “rites” or
“sacraments” of the false Charismatic religion – by partaking in things such as
the laying on of hands – gives these unfortunate individuals a deep endowment
of the evil spirit. That’s precisely why, at many of these Charismatic meetings, the
participants actually find themselves oinking like pigs, barking like dogs, and
breaking out into outrageously uncontrollable laughter. These things, especially oinking like pigs
and barking like dogs, are indications of demonic possession.
Heresies from Benedict XVI
MHFM: This is a new article on some recent heresies
of Benedict XVI.
Benedict XVI’s Heresies with Protestants
during the “Week of Christian Unity”
It will be stored permanently in our Benedict XVI's Recent
Heresies file.
Subject: Trinity
I was reading the email from Tammy and as
always protestants will never understand the bible because they are outside the
Catholic Church and they have an aversion for the True Living Ark of the New
Covenant {Mary}, {Apocalypse 12:1}, which contains the Word of God {Jesus},
{John 1:1}.
Proof for the Trinity, even though the
word Trinity is not in the bible...
Genesis 1:26 And he said: Let us
{Trinity} make man to our image and likeness: and let him have
dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts,
and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 2:18 And the Lord God said: It is not good for man to be alone: let
us {Trinity} make him a help like unto himself.
Genesis 11:7 Come ye, therefore, let
us {Trinity} go down, and there confound their tongue, that they may not
understand one another's speech.
Exodus 3:15 And God said again to
Moses: Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel: The Lord God of your
fathers, the God of Abraham {The Father}, the God of Isaac {Jesus},
and the God of Jacob {Holy Ghost}, hath sent me to you: This is my
name for ever {The Blessed Holy Trinity}, and this is my memorial unto all
Dear Brothers,
Antipope Benedict XVI recently gave a "homily" on the prayers of the Blessed
Virgin Mary: http://www.zenit.org/article-34459?l=english It is such a
spiritually dead and dark speech. He never even mentions the fact that the
Virgin Mary was immaculately conceived, as if being totally sinless by a
special grace of God were something completely forgettable. However, the most
obvious indication to anyone who actually has some love for God and the
Catholic Church that he is not a Catholic, is that he doesn't mention the Most
Holy Rosary. OF ALL THE THINGS one should mention when discussing the Blessed
Virgin Mary, the Most Holy Rosary is surely the most simple, yet the most
powerful, and certainly the most necessary. The Rosary stamps out the fires of
heresy wherever they begin to sprout. The Rosary shines light into the deepest and
most secret and dirty caverns of the soul. The Rosary converts the hardest of
hearts and the most obstinate of sinners. The Rosary shatters the deceptions
and illusions of the Devil and heretics. The Rosary polishes and shines the
merits of a Catholic so that they are even more valuable. There simply isn't
anything the Most Holy Rosary cannot do. It is too wonderful and miraculous for
words. Therefore, how will antipope Benedict XVI explain himself before the
Judgment seat of Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother when his sins are
weighed in the balance. He will not be able to reply, and then he will be
pulled into hell faster than lightning. Sad, yet Just…
Luke 1:46-55 - "And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my
spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because he hath regarded the
humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call
me blessed. Because he that is mighty, hath done great things to me; and holy
is his name. And his mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that
fear him. He hath shewed might in his arm: he hath scattered the proud in the
conceit of their heart. He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath
exalted the humble. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he
hath sent empty away. He hath received Israel his servant, being mindful of his
mercy: As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever."
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear Brothers:
This article presents a good picture of
the strategies of Satan in these last days, as well as the true face of the
false Christians: Reform advocate says Catholic Church 'eroding,' calls for changes »
Naples Daily News
A member of the so-called "Voice
of the Faithful", who claims to be a "Catholic", gets invited in
(as usual) to a Presbyterian "church", to give a speech in which he
essentially complains that the Counterfeit Catholic Church is not liberal enough. In attendance at this guy's address, the article
informs us, are people from all "denominations" as well as
"Catholics". Once again proving that the only creed of all false
Christians (whether they call themselves Protestants or Novus Ordo
Catholics") is hatred for Christ's truth and love of the lie. And once
again demonstrating the truth of MHFM's comment, that Protestantism is a
faceless blob of baptized heretics.
When a man comes along to attack what
they think is the Catholic Church, notice how the heretics are all ears. Yet, if someone went to them to warn them that they do not
hold the faith Christ revealed - and which has been consistently taught by the
true Catholic Church up until 1958 and is necessary for salvation - these
heretics would not give them the time of day. They are too busy thirsting for
the lie.
And as for the Novus Ordo
"Catholics" in whose churches the Voice of the "Faithful"
crowd is not welcome, they are busy patting themselves on the back for having
kept out these "radicals", even though these radicals hold
essentially the same views as the men these fake Catholics call "popes".
And Satan throws another strike.
Lee Ann
referring to the Subject: Local VII Church I also wish to emphasize a similar
occurrence when the disappearance of Maddy or Madelein in the Algarve a few
years ago within a Vatican II… church.
and my husband were in the Algarve at the time of the investigation and because
we were not far from the location I asked my husband to take me to see the
whereabouts especially the frequently mentioned church in that vicinity where
Madelein´s parents frequented, yes, her parents were so friendly with the so
called Anglican “priest” who was permitted to take over and run this small
Catholic Church, according to the news he also “celebrated” the “Mass” there.
Anglican “Priest” was so acquainted with the couple that they were allowed to
keep the Church’s keys in their possession and feel free to go into the church
at any time they wished including at night to pray.
asked by the authorities of investigation the reason for the possession of the
Church’s keys their answer was that they felt the necessity to pray at
night. I did see the inside of the
Church, all this felt terribly strange, how sad it looked so badly treated that
I just could not stay for an instant and had to leave. This little Church is very near the sea and
according to the Authorities the back entrance or rather the Church runs on to
a falesia with the sea right under it.
wonder the occurrence of so much destruction especially to the true Catholic
faith, where can all this destruction come from? O yes from the new Vatican
Anti-Popes… they continue to pray “Glory to God in the Highest and on earth
peace to men whom his favor rest.” Instead of Glory to God in the Highest and
on earth peace to men of good will.
Thank you dear Brothers for all the hard work you do.
the love of the Sacred Family of Nazareth Jesus Mary and Joseph
da Silva
Subject: Antipope Benedict's new PERFUME
Evidently ABC thought this was very important news. This if nothing else should prove how worldly
he is! He cares nothing about souls!
Local VII Church
You definitely don't give heretics any breathing room. Thank you for
consistently going after the heretic Benedict XVI. I tend to think he is aware
of you and also the ewtn heretics. Speaking of heretics, a few days back I
heard "fr" Doug Barron on ewtn saying that all humanity is united by
the metaphysical energies. The word "energies" seems to be used
always in a pantheistic sense by the invalid seminarians and Vatican II
In early 2010 when I went to the local Vatican II sect church, the invalid head
priest at the end of "Mass" told the rest of the Vatican II
sectarians that there would be a new "priest" joining the church. He
related that the new "priest" had teenage children and was divorced
from his wife and thus pursued the invalid priesthood. When I exited the doors
there were pamphlets on the side table with pictures of the new
"priest" and information about him and his divorced wife and teenage
children. Then there was another incident maybe late 2009 or early 2010 in
which I talked with a Vatican II sectarian that was a social worker. She mentioned
many problematic things that I tried to correct cordially, but she ended the
conversation since I did not readily receive her liberalism. I was then
engaging in a conversation about perhaps why I objected against the new rite of
confirmation, then the social worker invited her liberalism into the
conversation that I was having with somebody else.
Anyway, she mentioned that there are many "priests" that were married
and are allowed to officiate as "priests." So it would seem that the
Vatican II sect allows men who are divorced and have children, to become
"priests." Also, in one of your radio programs, I think someone
mentioned that elderly women seem to be the dominate group serving at the
altar, and other functions. This is so very true at the Vatican II churches
I've been to. They seem to be more numerous and running things more than the
other women that are not elderly, do. Also, the altar girls outnumber the boys
and even in some cases, there are no altar boys. I remember the invalid head priest
making a passing reference to sororities and secret societies and about how he
wasn't allowed to show any hand signals he knew, because he could get in
trouble with them. I always thought something ominous was going on at the
council levels and board of that church. Maybe it is partly because open
non-Catholics and other members of the community are allowed to hold different
positions in the Vatican II church dioceses, even executive positions.
Subject: another reason why
Just another reason why we are going to
Family Wedding
Family Wedding
have a serious question to ask. My uncle is having a wedding this summer in
June. He invited me and my boyfriend to attend. My boyfriend said he wasn't
going to attend because my uncle is Novus Ordo and the marriage would be
witnessed by a Novus Ordo priest so it would be a non-Catholic wedding. And on
top of that, both of them were married beforehand and got a civil divorce so
it's most likely gonna be an invalid marriage to top it all off. Now I don't
want to attend the wedding either and I might not be able to… But they're also
having a reception after the wedding and I was thinking of maybe going to that
but my boyfriend said it's probably not a good idea to go to that either...
What should I do? What advice would you give me? Because I don't think it would
be easy to just come right out and say no just like it's nothing. I wish there
was an easy way out though. Thank you
in advance.
MHFM: It's very clear what you should
do. A Catholic must not go to the
wedding or the reception. If you find
yourself unable to tell your uncle that you cannot attend, then you are caving
to human respect. A Catholic must (at
least one time) try to convert his or her family members. There is also an obligation to admonish a
family member who plans on entering an invalid marriage.
Even if you’ve already tried to convert
your uncle – and that’s not clear – since you were specifically invited to the
false wedding and reception, you need to tell him that you cannot attend. You should give him the reasons: i.e., he
will be engaging in an invalid marriage; he attends a false Mass; and he is not
a true Catholic. You could inform him of
those reasons via e-mail or letter. That
might be an easier way for you to do it.
Subject: Organ Donors
Dear Bro Dimond,
There was an interesting article is
''The Wall Street Journal'' about organ donors and what doctors do to harvest
organs. By checking the box on your driver's license, people are giving up
their rights. It is very disturbing how one can be found to be somewhat
responsive but the doctors will still take your organs without you or your
family's consent. Very sick business making billions of dollars off the dead
and those almost dead.
Dimond brothers,
would like to express my profound gratitude for your apostolate and the
excellent information you provide on your website. Over two years ago I stopped
attending the Novus Ordo "mass", and, more recently, thanks in large
part to the material you make available, I have severed all ties with the Novus
Ordo religion altogether, including its false council and false popes. I am
aware of no other traditional Catholic site that provides information exposing
the forces of Antichrist as clearly and thoroughly as yours…
in Christ,
Altadena, CA
evening monks my name is David and I'm a traditionalist and I'm not saying what
my church because apparently you think it's right to expose popes bishops and
priests when you have no authority what's so ever no Absolute to speak of the
bishop of Rome and yes vatican II was a heretic council within the church but
it was devil who infiltrated the church like Paul the IV said the smoke of the
devil will enter the church and bother Michael diamond refers to local councils
which are not ecumenical councils with the roman pontiff but I say baptism of
desire is real there are saints that have not been baptized and died martyred
in the name of Christ for example the apostles they were never baptized and
also benedict the XVI is the pope the apocalypse it says that in the end we
would have an anti pope that would except the false messiah not popes after
vatican II are "anti" so yes god merciful and great does have mercy
on the ignorants because they do not recognize the truth and if that was the
case then christ death would have not been vain and fanatics and extremest like
you would only go to heaven
Your brother in Christ
Your e-mail is quite contradictory.
Frankly, it reflects the twisted nature of your false positions. It also reveals that you lack the clarity
that comes with a pure faith in Christ.
You say that we have no right to “expose popes, bishops and
priests.” You are actually referring to
antipopes and other heretical clerics of the Vatican II Church. You say that one has no right to expose them,
just before you say that Vatican II was a
heretical council. That’s not
consistent. If you submit to the
authority of Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, you must accept Vatican II
as a legitimate ecumenical council.
Since the men you (wrongly) consider to be popes promulgated Vatican II
as a binding ecumenical council, you must hold that it contained no errors in
its teaching on faith and morals. That’s
what this article proves.
by correctly stating that Vatican II was heretical you refute your e-mail. In addition, your contention that a Catholic
has no right to expose heretics if they purport to hold positions of authority
in the Church contradicts Catholic teaching and all of Catholic Tradition. It’s extremely evil and would leave the worst
heretics in the world unexposed. It’s
equivalent to teaching that pedophiles should not be condemned and exposed
because they purport to be priests.
confusion and inaccurate statements continue when you say that we cite local
councils, but not ecumenical councils.
You obviously have not looked carefully at the material. We cite copiously from ecumenical
councils. We do so to demonstrate that
“baptism of desire” is not consistent with the councils’ teaching. Your false statement that there are
unbaptized martyrs in Heaven is refuted in our salvation book. The Vatican II apostasy is the prophesied
final deception. The fact that you
reject Vatican II as heretical, yet simultaneously denounce criticism of the
men who imposed it, shows the depth of your blindness and bad will. The facts on the website and in the
information are persuasive for a person of good will; but unfortunately you
cannot be considered such at this time.
think that Benedict XVI is a Catholic. If
you can look at the proof on the website and maintain that he is a Catholic,
then you are nothing more than an apostate.
He doesn’t believe in the Bible, Jesus or the Papacy. He holds that Protestantism is not
heresy. Based on your obstinate assertions,
Benedict XVI is your brother in Antichrist and in unbelief. We hope that you reassess your positions,
look at the material, and come to the correct positions; for you will not be
saved clinging to heresies.
Benedict XVI wears the Star of David !!!
was an extraordinary video…
this pulls on one's own heartstrings, and even moves one to tears, that even
Ireland has allowed themselves to be consumed; by The Great Apostasy. Saint
Patrick, please continue to pray for us.
Byrne Spinnenweber
Subject: Response to Tammy
Dear Brothers:
There is a quote on Page 274/Volume 5
in the Liturgical Year which reminds us that the dogma or truth that there is
No Salvation Outside the Church is taught throughout the New Testament, just as
Our Lord Jesus Christ is taught on every page of the Old. This particular quote
reminds me of Protestants who, with their man made doctrines, often despise
especially the Sacrament of Confession to a priest and thus despise also the
words of Our Lord. Here is the quote regarding the necessity of the true
Catholic Church which was founded by Our Lord two thousand years ago; the quote
begins with the words of Jesus.
"...if a man hear
not the Church, let him be to thee as a heathen and publican. What is this Church? Men, to whom Jesus Christ said: 'He
that heareth you, heareth Me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth Me.' Men,
from whose lips comes to the world the truth, without which there is no
salvation: men, who alone on earth have power to reconcile the sinner with his
God, save him from the hell he has deserved, and open to him the gates of
heaven. Can we be surprised, after this, that our Saviour - who would have
these men to be His instruments, and as it were, the communication between
Himself and mankind - should treat as a heathen, as
one that has never received Baptism, him that refuses to acknowledge their
authority? There is no revealed truth, except through their teaching; there is
no salvation, except through the Sacraments which they administer; there is no
hoping in Christ Jesus, except where there is submission to the spiritual laws
which they promulgate."
Your excellent, two-part video on
Martin Luther might help Tammy understand that the Protestant movement (with
its false doctrines) did not come from Christ and did not exist until the 1500's,
when they were dreamed up by the heretic Luther. And it may help her to
understand that Protestantism is a protest or revolt against Christ and His Church which has swollen over the
centuries, engulfing all of what was once Christendom, and has finally become
the great and worldwide Apostasy that exists today…
Lee Ann
Dear Brothers,
It's really outrageous that Antipope Benedict XVI prayed with the Anglican
"Archbishop" of Canterbury… Needless to say, they didn't pray to
Jesus Christ, but to Satan. The whole Anglican schism is one of the biggest
frauds the Devil has invented. It has laid the groundwork for many of the
Protestant sects, and is the modern cradle of the Illuminati and a multitude of
Muslims. The Anglican Church is like a foretype of the Vatican II sect, because
just as King Henry VIII committed adultery, so does the Vatican II sect, only
where the Vatican II sect is the mother of Harlots, the Anglican Church is the
mother of Royal Whores. Is it any wonder then that Wales uses a dragon on its
flag? The dragon represents the Devil, not wisdom, power or light, and just as
in the myths, the dragon of the Anglican Church sends the world into a
spiritual hypnotic sleep. It is ironic that the Union Jack has the Papal Cross
used during the crusades on it, sometimes called St. George's cross. St. George
is usually depicted slaying a dragon and he was a Catholic, and thus obeyed the
Successor of St. Peter, a true Pope. Antipope Benedict XVI is like a dragon, or
an overgrown snake, and it's easy to prove when he both claims to be pope, but
prays with the Anglican false "bishops" and other Protestant heretics
who reject the Papacy. It proves again that outside the Catholic Church and
Trinitarian water baptism there is absolutely no salvation, because if one were
to follow the Vatican II sect and its antipopes, they would end up in hell forever.
God Bless,
Chris White
the chaos of today
As one
was watching videos that was in your news section one just realized something
that the confusion that is happening in the world today was like the confusion
during the building of the tower of Babel… God allowed the lies to abound
through the Great Apostasy in order to humble and punish mankind. One has made
this analogy upon seeing that interview of the head of the NBI where he states
that he doesn't know that trageting/killing American citizens on American soil
has been addressed and another clip which they played about Micheal Haden, head
of the CIA, adamantly denies that the 4th amendment of your constitution
doesn't state probable cause only unreasonable seizure, he says.
and God speed,
Vatican II
Thank you for showing us the Heresies of Vatican II
you so much for this very valuable information…
May GOD Bless you immensely as you continue to expose Satan's works within Vatican
In Christ our LORD,
Gabrielle Reinhard
My name is Tammy. I ask please if you do read this to please-PASS NO JUDGEMENT
ON ME. I subscribed to this channel for various reasons. A slight Background of
me is this: I was raised, independent , fundamental baptist. i always was
intrigued by the Catholic Church for resaons I DO NOT KNOW WHY..I read the KING
JAMES VERSION BIBLE. I almost went to a catholic church, but it was so against
the way i was raised, Isimple did not. All the negative media, etc,,..of the
catholic church turned me completely away..However, I must state this NOW. I AM
A FIRM BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST as the only way to salvation. I always give
MARY, his mother much credit as she bore my saviour. All my life and up to this
email is this: I am drawn to the Catholic religion because I believe MAN , MAN
HIMSELF(man, refers to the earthly man/woman biblically)--has DESTROYED THE
TRUE MEANING OF WHAT JESUS MEANS.Jesus, nor Mary in the King James or any
version I have read, PROCLAIM TO BE ANY KIND OF RELIGION??? My Bible never
says, " JESUS IS A CATHOLIC, A METHODIST, BAPTIST, etc., etc, etc,..He is
the Son Of GOD and his death on the Cross is the REASON FOR MY ABILITY TO BE
SAVED...Jesus camr for the whole world..--despite color, race, place,
etc...CHOICE,,..As in the Garden he gave MAN. WE FAILED ..WE chose to sin
mortally...But, through him,,,HIM,,we can be saved..
ENCOUNTERS where its undeniable that my Life has been afflicted by both seeing
the ANGELIC SIDE and the EVIL(SATAN) SIDE...Its as if BOTH are batttling over
my soul..But, i believe , as in the BOOK OF JOB, that GOD can allow satan to do
whatever he wants to me,,but he cannot have my soul..Thats where I really come
to your page...and asks ," HOW CAN A SAVED PERSON BE POSSESSED BY
SATAN???As your video of Anneliese states..Or did I mis-listen to the fact that
you said, She was NOT SAVED?? My point is this..i continue everyday feeling
satan, just as much as Jesus..This has happened since I was a child..I DO
BELIEVE I BROUGHT THIS POSSIBLY UPON MYSELF..as I may have invited Satan in????
ut Once we are saved, Jesus forgives and forgets..I suppose Satan,,does Not.
ANYONE BESIDES JESUS FOR FORGIVENESS??? we can tell people,,but a man,, a MAN
cannot forgive us?The PRIEST..He is NOT GOD!!
I hope this is read and fully understood---with no judgement on u or me...
again,,thank you,
Tammy, you really should see our book, The
Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church. It covers the biblical proof for Catholic
teachings on the Papacy, Mary, the Eucharist, Confession, and more. Important information in that regard can also
be found in the section of our website refuting Protestantism:
This is the section on the biblical proof for Catholic teachings on Mary:
You mention that Jesus did not call Himself “a Catholic” in the Bible. The fact that the term is not there is
irrelevant. Jesus did not call the
doctrine He taught about the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost "the
Trinity." But the substance of the
doctrine on the Triune God, which is referred to as “the Trinity,” was taught
by Jesus. In the same way, in the
ancient Church the term “Catholic” came to describe the one universal Church of
Christ. The fact that the one true
Christian faith is the Catholic faith is proven by the teaching of the Bible,
Tradition and history. For instance,
Jesus clearly founded the Church upon Peter (Mt. 16:18-20) and gave him
authority over the Church (Jn. 21:15-17).
That's where the Catholic teaching on the Papacy came from.
A possessed person is not saved. You are
having problems with demonic influence because you are outside the true
Christian faith. You need to research
this material and convert to the traditional Catholic faith. Otherwise, you will not be saved. You should also begin to pray the
Rosary. If you do, you will overcome the
demonic influence and have the grace to see the truth.
also ask why a person should confess sins to anyone besides Jesus for
forgiveness. The answer: Jesus
instituted confession and gave His Apostles (men) the power to forgive sins
(John 20:23). To deny that is to
contradict the clear teaching of the Bible, which is what Protestants do. You also repeatedly mention that you don’t
want to be judged. Many despise judgment
because they desire to justify sinful lifestyles, and shield themselves from
charitable admonitions. You are running
from the truth in that regard. All will
be judged for their works (Apoc. 20:12); all who believe not the truth and
consent to iniquity will be judged (2 Thess. 2:11); and Christians are called
to make judgments (1 Cor. 6:2).
Subject: Great site. All the info quite
I've been to site before. i knew what i
was reading and delving into was on the money. I've known for years. I guess i
did not want to see in print and on video what i knew to be so. I PURPOSEFULLY did not go to my local parish
yesterday for Sunday "Mass" for the first time in my life at 45 years
old. [… Arch. of Philadelphia]… I will continue with my "beads".
Begging Our Lady for Her help and Her intercession for the wretch that I am and
for all who seek Her help. May the Holy
and Blessed Trinity have Mercy on us,
Robert Paul Martin Carr, Junior
MHFM: We are glad that you got out of
the New Mass. It’s invalid and must not
be attended. As you continue to look at
the material, we think you will clearly see that the Vatican II Church is not
the Catholic Church.
Since the New Rite of Ordination is not
valid, that means that confessions of mortal sins made to priests ordained in
it must be made to a valid priest. That
should be done after one is fully convinced on all issues and has made a
profession of faith.
am listening to an past interview on Coast 2 Coast Radio. I wish to ask a
question re: a subject I have given great consideration, hoping for your
answer. I am a Christian, knowing Christ is our Savior who died on the cross
for the remission of our sins. In my
scripture studies, specifically the 10 Commandments, the 4th Commandments tells
us to remember to keep his the Sabbath. As I understand it, the Sabbath was
changed from Saturday to Sunday by the Catholic Church. I do not see in
scripture where God or Christ authorized this change. We are warned of the time
being changed, but to not be deceived. God tells us to "remember"
is your opinion or explanation on this subject?
In my open-heated search for the truth, in my desire to worship and
follow The Lord and Christ teachings in the right way. I have re-thought
keeping with tradition to have Sunday Sabbath, and to follow God's word thereby
keeping the Lord's Sabbath on "evening to evening" Friday/Saturday as
was the days of creation. This is the
truth the Holy Spirit has led me to do. What day do you recognize and keep as
the Lord's Sabbath.
With Warmest Regards,
Thanks for the interest, but your view on the Sabbath is not correct. The prerogatives of the Sabbath have been
transferred to Sunday. This article
explains it:
Is Saturday or Sunday the
Holy Day according to the Bible?
This article refutes the view of Seventh-Day Adventists and Seventh-Day
Baptists who believe that the day specifically dedicated to God, rest and
worship is Saturday not Sunday.
should see our book, The Bible Proves the
Teachings of the Catholic Church.
It’s necessary to accept and convert to the Catholic faith to be saved.
also recommend that you begin to pray the Rosary each day. Doing so will give you the graces to see and
believe the truth.
They are so concerned about the HHS mandate, which they should be, but they
don't defend the truths revealed by God. They use this scenario to further
their "religious" unity agenda. If only these so called bishops could
fight for the dogmas of the faith instead of spit on them every chance they
get. "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and
house will fall upon house."-words of Christ…
God bless,
This is a new video.
A Press Conference
that Needs to be Seen
Subject: Holy Relics Stolen in Ireland
I want to share with you and visitors of your website some information about
recent cases of sacrilege in Ireland.
The preserved heart of Dublin's patron Saint Laurence O'Toole has been stolen
from the city's Christ Church Cathedral. Previously some other relics has been
stolen from (former) churches.
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17249422
In Christus et Maria,
While of course it’s possible that the relic was stolen, there is another
possibility. It’s interesting to consider
that they don’t know who stole the relic, how he took the relic, or why he
allegedly passed over other valuables in the church. We believe that God might have decided to
miraculously remove the saint’s heart from the church as a result of the heresies,
abominations and sacrileges which occur in Dublin. Sometimes God will miraculously intervene to
remove holy things from any connection with that which is defiled. He might have done that in this case. It could have been a privilege He granted to that
saint, in response to the accelerating apostasy in Ireland, and a sign to the
people who remain in the Vatican II Church that the Catholic faith is not to be
found there.
also noteworthy that St. Laurence O’Toole was the Catholic bishop of Dublin in
the 12th century. His heart was thus a
sign not only of his saintly life, but of true Catholic episcopal authority in
Dublin. Its removal signifies the absence of true Catholic episcopal
authority in Dublin at this time (a vacant chair, in other words).
week ago, the preserved heart of the St. Lawrence O’Toole, patron saint of
Dublin and of this Putnam County parish, was stolen from a Dublin cathedral.
“Who would do such a thing?” asked Viktor
Shkreli, an usher at the church, as he welcomed parishioners to Sunday morning
Mass. “My hair stands up and my skin crawls when I hear such a thing. It’s
terrible. Who would do such a thing? Who? Why?”
The inexplicable
of an 800-year-old relic has received international attention. But the news has
hit home especially hard to many at the only New York parish named for O’Toole,
who was Dublin’s archbishop from 1162 until his death in 1180. He was canonized
in 1225.”
fact, St. Laurence was the first
Irish-born bishop of Dublin. He
therefore inaugurated a line of valid Irish-Catholic bishops in the city. The departure of his presence, if you will,
by the removal of his relic, might signify that there will never again be a
truly Irish-Catholic bishop of Dublin: what began with him has ended.
Subject: The judgment seat of Christ
Dear Brother Peter,
Your video A Press Conference that Needs to be Seen is a noteworthy video
primarily because of your analysis of those who "thirst for the lie."
That is where it all makes sense, the corruption in government; the corruption
in the media; the corruption in society - the lovers of the lie. The only
reason why lies and dishonesty abound is because liars abound. But Truth always
prevails, as long as God is God. Speaking of liars, this quote from your video
is extremely sobering: "When these people appear before the judgement
seat of Christ and are condemned to Hell, they will know that they lied,
that they suppressed the truth just to please people... and there will,
of course, be no excuse for them." Wisdom 1:11: "The mouth that
tells a lie kills the soul."
Sincerely in Christ,
Subject: JP2
Dear MHFM,
It's amazing, the relics of antipope jp2 have reached nigeria, his blood and
bones...the "canonisation" is another step forward…despite the evil
this apostate has done, they venerate him anyway…the LORD JESUS CHRIST is
really angry with the world… one of the things that hurts me the most is the
loss of the authentic priesthood & monasteries..
Lady on Plane
The news footage of the woman screaming
on the airplane... She sounded totally possessed to me. I have heard the screams
of the demonically possessed (thankfully only online or on television) and they
fit her to a T.
-Michael Rudnicki
you so much for continuing to share your readings and insights and studies, I
am thinking about the video "Information Proves God," where you cite
Stephen Meyer's DNA book. It was not only enlightening, but really enjoyable
learning the truth about what God has created. The video is extremely well done
and the comments you received were also interesting: Borel's Law and the Shroud
email responses…
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
Back in the 1920s when the cinema was becoming popular, the Devil was heavily
involved with immoral actors in their success. Actress Joan Crawford of the
1920s, while on the set, she always requested it to be cold and the air
conditioner to be used for this purpose. It was in this coldness, she said,
that she was enabled to easier summon and channel spirits or her "spirit
guides" during her performances. Then there was Rudolph Valentino who was
known by the nicknames "the great lover" and "the love
god." He and his 2nd "wife" actress Natacha Rambova were in
communication with demon spirits. She would hold a seance every night calling
forth help from the spirit world for her undertakings. Then pencil and paper in
hand, she would go in a trance and start writing. After her outpourings were
typed up, they were brought to the set the next day and given to the director.
The Valentinos were initiated into what is called 'automatic writing' in the
occult, when a pen in a person's hand will write out information from a spirit,
yet the person is in an altered state of consciousness and unable to fully know
the contents of the communication until it is completed. Rudolph Valentino died
aged 31 in 1926. He had said communication with the so-called dead confirms the
"truth" of evolution. Then there is Greta Garbo, active 1920s and 40s
on the screen, was known as "the immortal one." Her movie "The
Flesh and the Devil", began with the title card - "When the Devil
cannot reach us through the spirit, he creates a beautiful woman to tempt us
through the Flesh." She said she went to devil worshipers, those who
occupied themselves with the summoning of spirits, occultists, mind readers,
and that this lead her to astrology, occultism, and magic - and she heard their
voices in her head. She frequently contacted spirits and sought guidance from
them. She also searched for mediums, fortune tellers, card readers and anyone
else with extra sensory perception. This is why she was so dynamic on the
screen in her enticing portrayals of seduction, adultery, lust, murder, and
worship of eastern gods.
In the 1930s, there was Dietrich Melina who never took a script without
consulting her astrologers who had ties to Aleister Crowley. She depended on
the demons to guide her into performances such as "The Seven
Sinners", "Nights of Love", "Desire", "The Lady
is Willing", and "Touch of Evil." The occult guided her and she
wanted to initiate the youth into astrology, and even urged parents to do their
children's horoscopes. There was also actress Mae West, who was known by many
lascivious nicknames because of her screen plays. The demons provided her the
scripts and catapulted her to fame and broadcast through her their message to
the masses. She was very interested in extra sensory perception and psychic
phenomenon. She often held evenings of psychic readings and was in frequent
communication with the demon spirits and relied on them for direction and inspiration.
She attested to her psychic navigators as "the Forces"; popularized
by Star Wars films, "the Force" has long been held as the demonic
power and inspiration in occult circles. Multiple spirits would regularly
possess Mae and use her like a puppet. When no one had a script ready for her,
she was angry. To come up with a script she walked about the room calling
"Forces, forces, come to me and help me write a script." She began to
hear voices and images, as the plot was revealed to her. Mae would have
stenographers work with her around the clock, as she would lay in bed in a
trance-like state, dictating as the spirits entered. As she said. "You
see, its like this, dearie, I need an idea for a pitchur I want to do, so I
say, "Forces, Forces, I need some good dialogue for my new picture -
please help me out - so I call in a stenographer and dictate the whole thing at
once - I just open my mouth and it comes."
Then in the 1950s there was the sitcom "I Love Lucy" starring Lucille
Ball. Many had a problem with it because it centered around a manipulative
woman who was constantly lying to her husband and family and friends. Her lies
and deceptive behavior were clothed in humor. Satan was behind the theme she
presented. She had an experience in which a spirit (impersonating actress
Carole Lombard who died aged 33 in 1942) communicated to her to taking a chance
on television, and that it would guide her to the show "I Love Lucy".
in urging her, the spirit said to "Take a chance, honey."Lucille Ball
would contact demonic spirits and receive messages from them. She always
thanked her mediums for bringing in different spirit "teachers." She
enjoyed seances. Next influential person from the 1950s, Marilyn Monroe, who
helped push the envelope in mass immorality. She was a change agent to catapult
the nation into the free-love movement (promiscuity without consequences). She
attributed her ability to affect the public, to other entities that would
inhabit her and take her over. She was known for entering into deep trances
before each scene. One of Monroe's close personal psychics recalled how she
would "draw attention from the spirit world, asking for their
guidance." When she saw a camera, any camera, she lit up and was totally
different. The moment the shot was over, she all of a sudden fell back into her
ordinary dull self. The tortured Monroe said "Jekyll and Hyde..more than
two I'm so many people. They shock me sometimes. I wish it was just me!"
Marilyn Monroe compared herself and her work to that of a siren. In Greek
mythology a siren was a woman that would present herself as irresistibly
pleasing to the senses and lure men passing by to their deaths. It has been
said she had as many as a dozen abortions over the years. She was involved with
Satanist Anton Lavey for direction. She had an abortion at Cedars of Lebanon
hospital on the 20th of July 1962. She died August 5, 1962. She had unhealthy
levels of barbiturates in her bloodstream. It was overdose…
Then there is Oprah Winfrey, from 1984 to the present, who said in her books
and magazines that spirits were responsible for her success, and that she
communicates to them and lets them enter her body to inhabit her. She claims
these are spirits of the slaves and their children; and that they at times call
out to her while she jogs, and goes to them. Also, actor Denzel Washington says
he opens up and lets the spirits inhabit him and take him over during his
acting performances. Also, there is Keanu Reeves of the Matrix movies, of whom
the male director said he has many demons inside of him and that he taps into
that and utilizes it. He also said that Keanu is a very complex person. The
directors of the Matrix films, known as the Wachowskis, engage in automatic
writing and are extremely demonic. Many comedians, singers, and actors are
possessed. They just "let the chaos" or "the muse" take
them over. The "muse" is another word for demon.
This is a somewhat interesting quote from Josephus, the first century Jewish
historian. Josephus was intimately
familiar with the events that led up to the destruction of the Jewish Temple in
A.D. 70. Concerning the infighting that
preceded the destruction of the Temple, he writes:
“But I think God
sentenced this polluted city to destruction and willed that the Sanctuary
should be purged by fire, and so cut off those who clung to them and loved them
so dearly. Thus men who a little while
before had been clad in the sacred vestments, had conducted the worship
renowned through the world and had been revered by visitors from every land on
earth, were thrown out naked, to be devoured by dogs and wild beasts before all
eyes.” (Josephus, The Jewish War)
"The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights
confirmed that it is investigating allegations that Catholic University violated
the human rights of Muslim students by not allowing them to form a Muslim
student group and by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols for
their daily prayers".
Dear Bro. Dimond,
Thanks for your website and updates.
Especially for advising me of Medjugorje.
I was so “leery” too. Now I am certain it’s a hoax/scam…
New Evangelization
The Vatican II "Archbishop" of New York says that the "new
evangelization" is not about a doctrine. So, Catholic dogmas are obviously
not a high priority for the V-2 apostates.
http://www.zenit.org/article-34319?l=english - "3) Knowing that the new
evangelization is not about presenting a doctrine or belief-system, but
a Person, whose name is Jesus."
"Cardinal" Franc Rodé says the Church does not want uniformity, as if
unity and uniformity were different things.
http://www.zenit.org/article-34311?l=english - "The Church does not want
uniformity and she recognizes the different traditions, mentality,
spirituality, as well as, recently, the authenticity of certain elements of the
Anglican Communion."
In Papal Unity,
1 Timothy 4:13- “Till I come, attend unto reading, to exhortation, and to doctrine.”
Pius XII
Hi Dimond brothers,
I was watching a video of Dr. James
Wardner and he mentioned pius xii having lots of meetings with masons… It seems
like he knew "the walls" were closing in on him! He made sure he
canonized pope pius x and Gaspar De Buffalo as if he saw a battle ahead. One
documentary claimed he was withdrawn towards the end and having visions of
Jesus and Mary. The facts surrounding his death and how he wanted to be
embalmed was interesting. Then the demise of two of his selected cardinals
within days of his passing and his wicked looking housekeeper is more
interesting than any movie I've seen! I have not seen or heard this mentioned
in your material.
Any comments welcomed.
from Baltimore
MHFM: With
regard to Pius XII’s meetings with Freemasons, we believe there is an
explanation. As head of the Vatican City
State, Pius XII was meeting with high-level officials from the United States
and other governments. Since Freemasons
permeate the highest levels of the U.S. and other governments, they would
occupy important positions. If Pius XII
were to have a meeting with a diplomat from the United States, he would almost
definitely be meeting (even if he didn’t know it) with a member of the
Lodge. That’s the most reasonable
explanation for those meetings. That
being said, it’s crucial for traditional Catholics to realize that Pius XII
(while validly elected) was not a good pope but a horribly weak one. Even though the Great Apostasy began in
earnest with Vatican II and the creation of the Counter Church, its foundations
were laid before Vatican II, including by what occurred and was allowed during
his reign.
Dear Brothers,
Your video on Sheriff Joe Arpaio and follow-up remarks by Niall are quite
strong. In the original video of Joe Arpaio's press conference, you see all the
digital (film-less) cameras flashing away as if some movie star was getting out
of their limousine on the night of the academy awards. All an act as there is
no future intention of every having the mainstream media cover the story.
The lie (sin) becomes a drug after the introduction into the body. The overall
sensation lasts only a short while, before the craving of the drug (more lies)
is needed to bring the sinner back up to the previous elevated level of a dark
web of lies. The bigger liars are paid greatly for their contributions as
ministers of Lucifer in this modern world of lies that attempt to diminish the
light of the truth as seen in the following link: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-09/new-york-times-s-robinson-s-exit-package-tops-23-million.html...
God Bless,
Tom Miles
Most Holy Family Monastery,
It can be said that the internationalists are so intent on foisting their globalist
conception of the world upon the masses, that they tend to not even follow
their own rules of the nations that they are in. Their puppets are often guilty
of corruption and malfeasance of public office with impunity. There is a huge
giant unelected bureaucracy practically unaccountable to the public through
which they have the confidence to elude and avoid effective public scrutiny and
investigation. Because they tend to have more know-how and influence in their
area of bureaucracy, it is easy for them to arrange things and obfuscate them
to their liking - without the detection of the average citizen. The mainstream media is what I term as the
'fatuous sycophantic collective'. The internationalist goons and lip service
brigade (the mainstream media) no doubt has some of the highest concentrations
of the 'fatuous sycophant collective" of any one place, of all areas of
society. This collective also greatly permeates many other areas and sectors of
society and serve the internationalists… A sycophant can be termed as a servile
self-seeking puppet, and a fatuous person can be thought of as a mindless
carefree (free from anxiety and responsibility) kind of individual. At times a
sycophant and fatuous person are one and the same, and at other times they can
be 2 different individuals. These work hand in glove and constitute the
mainstream media…
That was a good video you did and thank you very much on pointing out the
Interesting email from Niall and it
should be noted that this quote was said by John Swinton (December 12, 1830-
December 15, 1901) sometime in the 1880's, which would tell you the power and
control that the freemasons fomented, at that time. Reading the email, it
immediately made me think of John F. Kennedy's speech on April 27, 1961 at the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, to the Press, TITLE: Address, "The President and
the Press," before the American Newspaper Publishers Association.
Interestingly enough, JFK's speech
followed on the heels of Eisenhower's departing speech on Jan. 17, 1961,
regarding the freemasonic military/industrial complex… On Jan. 20, 1961 after
Eisenhower's speech, JFK takes the Oath of Office of the Presidency of the
United States of America and then three months and seven days after taking the
Oath, on April 27, 1961, JFK gives his speech to the press, in New York City.
One could see the urgency of JFK's speech but eventually the press got a clear
message from the freemasons never to print the Truth or you will lose your job
at the very least or get killed like JFK or Andrew Breitbart. I wonder if there
is an ominous esoteric message to True Catholics, that being JFK was the only
baptized Catholic President, not that he behaved as a Catholic.
I believe this is the speech that
sealed JFK's death sentence because He was trying to expose the freemasonic
secret societies in America and the world.
There were freemasonic fingerprints all
over JFK's assassination, the date itself, the eleventh month and the twenty
second day, the numbers 9, 11, 13, 22, 33 are very important to them, he was
killed on {11} November 22, 196+3 at Dealey Plaza, on Elm
Street in Dallas, Texas, just south of the 33rd degree of latitude, the 33rd
Parallel. Dealey Plaza was named after, George Bannerman Dealey, a 33rd
degree freemason and the freemasonic obelisk (which has 13 segments) on
Dealey Plaza. The important positions of the warren commission were comprised
of freemasons. Just as an aside, I wonder if the movie, the nightmare on elm
street, got the idea for its name from this terrible event happening on elm
{Eisenhower speech}
{JFK speech}
{secret service vid}
you, your website has changed my life and I’m sure the lives of many others
too. Please pray for us, you are always in our prayers.
Honesty in the Media
watched your video “A Press Conference That Needs To Be Seen” and it fits
perfectly with the following quote from John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff
for the New York Times ("All the News That's Fit to Print") and one
of America's best loved newspaper journalists.
is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as
independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares
to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it
would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out
of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for
similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest
opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my
honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twentyfour hours my
occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the
truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon,
and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I
know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools
and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull
the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all
the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
I try to find comfort in the words Sister Lucia told Father Fuentes in a famous
1957 interview:
Father, the Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a
new efficacy to the recitation of the Holy Rosary. She has given this efficacy
to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is,
whether temporal or above all, spiritual, in the personal life of each one of
us, of our families, of the families of the world, or of the religious
communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations that cannot be solved
by the Rosary. There is no problem I tell you, no matter how difficult it is,
that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary,
we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will console Our Lord
and obtain the salvation of many souls."
Subject: Islamic cemetery in Bolzano
I read an article on the local newspaper of Bolzano: there is a confirmed
project to build an islamic cemetery in Bolzano. And the apostate Vatican II
"diocese" of Bolzano OPENLY
SUPPORTS the project. Unbelievable.
In googling a Catholic author today, I
"stumbled upon" your website--which I believe might have been the
guidance of the Holy Spirit.
For some time I've felt that something "smelled" in modern
Catholicism, and I have felt very uncomfortable as a modern (Novos Ordo)
Catholic. Even attending the occasional Latin Mass didn't seem to help.
However, I thought it was Catholicism itself that was the problem, so I was
ready to leave, and I began visiting Protestant churches.
But after looking through your treasure trove of information, I realized that
what I've found so repellant about Catholicism--and just plain wrong in
ways I couldn't quite define--is what is passing as "business as
usual" in the Catholic suburban parishes, with its modern Masses.
I grew up in the 1950's, probably one of the last wave of kids to receive a
pre-Vatican II religious formation. I have "survived" 40+ years of
liberalization, experimentation, "self-esteem" teaching, guitar
Masses with Sister Bobbie and Father Bud . . . and (most recently) a messy
& highly emotional program called Christ Renews His Parish, whose main
beneficiary seems to be the Kleenex corporation.
So I am very glad to have your website… I will be "visiting" your
website often and praise God that it is there and for leading me to it.
May all of you have a very blessed Lent.
a story of a brave and principled V-2 priest (Marcel Guarnizo). You may
want to try to contact him as he might be of sufficient good will and grace to
give a fair hearing of the evidence that you can provide. Especially now, since
he was just completely betrayed and humiliated by "his superiors" for
his 100% correct actions.
MHFM: He’s not brave. No
Novus Ordo “priest” is brave or principled.
It should be a given that Communion is refused to homosexuals. The fact that he did refuse the lesbian
“communion” only shows that he’s not as bad as the typical Novus Ordo
“priest.” That’s not saying much. He’s still heretical. Of course, we hope that he would look at the
information and come out of the Vatican II Church.
Dear Brothers,
It's interesting that the Devil uses music to deceive people. The Pied Piper is
shown capturing children by music. Rock musicians sell their souls for their
music as shown in the video you sell, Rock-n-Roll
Sorcerers of the New Age Revolution. In fact, the Bible specifically says that Satan was made with musical
instruments (pipes) embedded in his body. He fell by pride in his beauty:
Ezechiel 28:11-19 - "And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: Son of
man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyre: And say to him: Thus saith
the Lord God: Thou wast the seal of resemblance, full of wisdom, and perfect
in beauty. Thou wast in the pleasures of the paradise of God: every
precious stone was thy covering: the sardius, the topaz, and the jasper, the
chrysolite, and the onyx, and the beryl, the sapphire, and the carbuncle, and
the emerald: gold the work of thy beauty: and thy pipes were prepared in
the day that thou wast created. Thou a cherub stretched out, and
protecting, and I set thee in the holy mountain of God, thou hast walked in the
midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day of
thy creation, until iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of thy
merchandise, thy inner parts were filled with iniquity, and thou hast sinned:
and I cast thee out from the mountain of God, and destroyed thee, O covering
cherub, out of the midst of the stones of fire. And thy heart was lifted
up with thy beauty: thou hast lost thy wisdom in thy beauty, I have cast
thee to the ground: I have set thee before the face of kings, that they might
behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thy
iniquities, and by the iniquity of thy traffic: therefore I will bring
forth a fire from the midst of thee, to devour thee, and I will make thee
as ashes upon the earth in the sight of all that see thee. All that shall
see thee among the nations, shall be astonished at thee: thou art brought
to nothing, and thou shalt never be any more."
God Bless,
Chris White
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
Last year I saw some bewildering footage of the rebels in Libya just strutting
down the street with a great hubris, swagger, and audacity. While at it, they
were shooting and launching shoulder held rockets at city government buildings
indiscriminately. These might have had their minds blown through psychotropic
drugs. One glance at the crazed look in their eyes, and you know something big
is going on. The demonic force is rampant in them. The demons are in them. This
globalist manufactured dark-side army goes and attacks the real military and
the people of the nation they are in. It is a nihilist group in action. These
men need to do some heavy Lectio Divina to set things straight…
frightening… the filth that our young people are being taught. We must do sacrifices and pray to the Blessed
Virgin Mother for these sins and offenses to Our Lord to cease.
I also saw this video which shows that Cameron (who is no Christian) backs down
from admitting that homosexuality is a sin and this proves he is no Christian!
Thank you for the box of Padre Pio Books and all the work you do in the name of
Our Lord and Savior. I keep praying that
the truth reaches more people.
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